/* UIxPreferences.m - this file is part of SOGo * * Copyright (C) 2007 Inverse groupe conseil * * Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "UIxPreferences.h" #warning this class is not finished /* remaining: default event length default snooze length refresh calendar every X minutes workweek = from -> to identities */ @implementation UIxPreferences - (id) init { NSDictionary *locale; if ((self = [super init])) { item = nil; hours = nil; ASSIGN (user, [context activeUser]); ASSIGN (userDefaults, [user userDefaults]); ASSIGN (today, [NSCalendarDate date]); locale = [context valueForKey: @"locale"]; ASSIGN (daysOfWeek, [locale objectForKey: NSWeekDayNameArray]); } return self; } - (void) dealloc { [today release]; [item release]; [user release]; [userDefaults release]; [hours release]; [daysOfWeek release]; [super dealloc]; } - (void) setItem: (NSString *) newItem { ASSIGN (item, newItem); } - (NSString *) item { return item; } - (NSString *) inTheOffice { NSString *inTheOffice; inTheOffice = [userDefaults objectForKey: @"InTheOffice"]; return ((!inTheOffice || [inTheOffice boolValue]) ? @"YES" : @"NO"); } - (void) setInTheOffice: (NSString *) newValue { [userDefaults setObject: newValue forKey: @"InTheOffice"]; } - (void) setAutoReplyText: (NSString *) newAutoReplyText { [userDefaults setObject: newAutoReplyText forKey: @"AutoReplyText"]; } - (NSString *) autoReplyText { return [userDefaults objectForKey: @"AutoReplyText"]; } - (NSArray *) timeZonesList { return [NSTimeZone knownTimeZoneNames]; } - (NSString *) userTimeZone { return [[user timeZone] timeZoneName]; } - (void) setUserTimeZone: (NSString *) newUserTimeZone { [userDefaults setObject: newUserTimeZone forKey: @"TimeZone"]; } - (NSArray *) shortDateFormatsList { NSMutableArray *shortDateFormatsList = nil; NSString *key, *currentFormat; unsigned int nbr; BOOL done; shortDateFormatsList = [NSMutableArray array]; nbr = 0; done = NO; while (!done) { key = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"shortDateFmt_%d", nbr]; currentFormat = [self labelForKey: key]; if ([currentFormat length] > 0) { [shortDateFormatsList addObject: currentFormat]; nbr++; } else done = YES; } return shortDateFormatsList; } - (NSString *) itemShortDateFormatText { return [today descriptionWithCalendarFormat: item locale: [context valueForKey: @"locale"]]; } - (NSString *) userShortDateFormat { return [userDefaults objectForKey: @"ShortDateFormat"]; } - (void) setUserShortDateFormat: (NSString *) newFormat { [userDefaults setObject: newFormat forKey: @"ShortDateFormat"]; } - (NSArray *) longDateFormatsList { NSMutableArray *longDateFormatsList = nil; NSString *key, *currentFormat; unsigned int nbr; BOOL done; longDateFormatsList = [NSMutableArray array]; nbr = 0; done = NO; while (!done) { key = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"longDateFmt_%d", nbr]; currentFormat = [self labelForKey: key]; if ([currentFormat length] > 0) { [longDateFormatsList addObject: currentFormat]; nbr++; } else done = YES; } return longDateFormatsList; } - (NSString *) itemLongDateFormatText { return [today descriptionWithCalendarFormat: item locale: [context valueForKey: @"locale"]]; } - (NSString *) userLongDateFormat { return [userDefaults objectForKey: @"LongDateFormat"]; } - (void) setUserLongDateFormat: (NSString *) newFormat { [userDefaults setObject: newFormat forKey: @"LongDateFormat"]; } - (NSArray *) timeFormatsList { NSMutableArray *timeFormatsList = nil; NSString *key, *currentFormat; unsigned int nbr; BOOL done; timeFormatsList = [NSMutableArray array]; nbr = 0; done = NO; while (!done) { key = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"timeFmt_%d", nbr]; currentFormat = [self labelForKey: key]; if ([currentFormat length] > 0) { [timeFormatsList addObject: currentFormat]; nbr++; } else done = YES; } return timeFormatsList; } - (NSString *) itemTimeFormatText { return [today descriptionWithCalendarFormat: item locale: [context valueForKey: @"locale"]]; } - (NSString *) userTimeFormat { return [userDefaults objectForKey: @"TimeFormat"]; } - (void) setUserTimeFormat: (NSString *) newFormat { [userDefaults setObject: newFormat forKey: @"TimeFormat"]; } - (NSArray *) daysList { NSMutableArray *daysList; unsigned int currentDay; daysList = [NSMutableArray new]; [daysList autorelease]; for (currentDay = 0; currentDay < 7; currentDay++) [daysList addObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", currentDay]]; return daysList; } - (NSString *) itemWeekStartDay { return [daysOfWeek objectAtIndex: [item intValue]]; } - (NSString *) userWeekStartDay { return [userDefaults objectForKey: @"WeekStartDay"]; } - (void) setUserWeekStartDay: (NSString *) newDay { [userDefaults setObject: newDay forKey: @"WeekStartDay"]; } - (NSArray *) hoursList { unsigned int currentHour; if (!hours) { hours = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: 24]; for (currentHour = 0; currentHour < 24; currentHour++) [hours addObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%.2d:00", currentHour]]; } return hours; } - (NSString *) userDayStartTime { NSString *time; time = [userDefaults objectForKey: @"DayStartTime"]; if (!time) time = @"08:00"; return time; } - (void) setUserDayStartTime: (NSString *) newTime { [userDefaults setObject: newTime forKey: @"DayStartTime"]; } - (NSString *) userDayEndTime { NSString *time; time = [userDefaults objectForKey: @"DayEndTime"]; if (!time) time = @"18:00"; return time; } - (void) setUserDayEndTime: (NSString *) newTime { [userDefaults setObject: newTime forKey: @"DayEndTime"]; } - (NSArray *) firstWeekList { return [NSArray arrayWithObjects: SOGoWeekStartHideWeekNumbers, SOGoWeekStartJanuary1, SOGoWeekStartFirst4DayWeek, SOGoWeekStartFirstFullWeek, nil]; } - (NSString *) itemFirstWeekText { return [self labelForKey: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"firstWeekOfYear_%@", item]]; } - (NSString *) userFirstWeek { return [userDefaults objectForKey: @"FirstWeek"]; } - (void) setUserFirstWeek: (NSString *) newFirstWeek { [userDefaults setObject: newFirstWeek forKey: @"FirstWeek"]; } - (NSString *) reminderEnabled { NSString *reminderEnabled; reminderEnabled = [userDefaults objectForKey: @"ReminderEnabled"]; return ((!reminderEnabled || [reminderEnabled boolValue]) ? @"YES" : @"NO"); } - (void) setReminderEnabled: (NSString *) newValue { [userDefaults setObject: newValue forKey: @"ReminderEnabled"]; } - (NSString *) remindWithASound { NSString *remindWithASound; remindWithASound = [userDefaults objectForKey: @"RemindWithASound"]; return ((!remindWithASound || [remindWithASound boolValue]) ? @"YES" : @"NO"); } - (void) setRemindWithASound: (NSString *) newValue { [userDefaults setObject: newValue forKey: @"RemindWithASound"]; } - (NSArray *) reminderTimesList { return [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"0000", @"0005", @"0010", @"0015", @"0030", @"0100", @"0200", @"0400", @"0800", @"1200", @"2400", @"4800", nil]; } - (NSString *) itemReminderTimeText { return [self labelForKey: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"reminderTime_%@", item]]; } - (NSString *) userReminderTime { return [userDefaults objectForKey: @"ReminderTime"]; } - (void) setReminderTime: (NSString *) newTime { [userDefaults setObject: newTime forKey: @"ReminderTime"]; } - (id ) defaultAction { id results; WORequest *request; request = [context request]; if ([[request method] isEqualToString: @"POST"]) { [userDefaults synchronize]; results = [self jsCloseWithRefreshMethod: nil]; } else results = self; return results; } - (BOOL) shouldTakeValuesFromRequest: (WORequest *) request inContext: (WOContext*) context { return [[request method] isEqualToString: @"POST"]; } @end