/* this file is in UTF-8 format! */ "Contact" = "Kontakt"; "Address" = "Adresse"; "Other" = "Sonstiges"; "Name" = "Name"; "Internet" = "Internet"; "Phones" = "Telefon"; "Home" = "Privat"; "Work" = "Dienstlich"; "Address Books" = "Adressbücher"; "Addresses" = "Adresses"; "Update" = "Speichern"; "Cancel" = "Abbrechen"; "Common" = "Name"; "Contact editor" = "Éditer le contact"; "Contact viewer" = "Visualiser le contact"; "Email" = "E-Mail"; "Screen Name" = "Messenger-Name"; "Extended" = "Informations complémentaires"; "Fax" = "Fax"; "Firstname" = "Vorname"; "HomePhone" = "Privat"; "Lastname" = "Name"; "Location" = "Lieux"; "MobilePhone" = "Mobil"; "OfficePhone" = "Dienstlich"; "Organization" = "Organisation"; "Work Phone" = "Dienstlich"; "Phone" = "Telefon"; "Postal" = "Professionnelle"; "Save" = "Speichern"; "URL" = "Webseite"; "Unit" = "Abteilung"; "delete" = "Löschen"; "edit" = "Éditer"; "invalidemailwarn" = "Champ de l'email invalide, continuer quand même ?"; "new" = "Neu"; "htmlMailFormat_UNKNOWN" = "Unbekannt"; "htmlMailFormat_FALSE" = "Reintext"; "htmlMailFormat_TRUE" = "HTML"; "Name or Email" = "Name oder E-Mail"; "Personal Addressbook" = "Adresses personnelles"; "Search in Addressbook" = "Carnet d'adresses..."; "New Card" = "Neue Karte"; "New List" = "Neue Liste"; "Modify" = "Eigenschaften"; "Sharing..." = "Benutzerrechte..."; "Write" = "Verfassen"; "Delete" = "Löschen"; "Instant Message" = "Messenger"; "Add..." = "Hinzufügen..."; "Remove" = "Löschen"; "Preferred" = "Préféré"; "Card for %@" = "%@"; "Display:" = "Anzeigename:"; "Display Name:" = "Anzeigename:"; "Email:" = "E-Mail:"; "Additional Email:" = "Zusätzliche E-Mail:"; "Phone Number:" = "Telefon:"; "Prefers to receive messages formatted as:" = "Bevorzugt folgendes Nachrichten-Format:"; "Screen Name:" = "Messenger-Name:"; "First:" = "Vorname:"; "Last:" = "Name:"; "Nickname:" = "Spitzname:"; "Telephone" = "Telefon"; "Work:" = "Dienstlich:"; "Home:" = "Privat:"; "Fax:" = "Fax:"; "Mobile:" = "Mobil:"; "Pager:" = "Pager:"; "Title:" = "Titel:"; "Department:" = "Abteilung:"; "Organization:" = "Organisation:"; "Address:" = "Adresse:"; "City:" = "Stadt:"; "State_Province:" = "Bundesland:"; "ZIP_Postal Code:" = "PLZ:"; "Country:" = "Land:"; "Web Page:" = "Webseite:"; "Other Infos" = "Andere"; "Note:" = "Notizen:"; "Timezone:" = "Zeitzone:"; "Birthday:" = "Geburtsdatum:"; "Freebusy URL:" = "Free/Busy URL:"; "Add as..." = "Ajouter..."; "Recipient" = "Destinataire"; "Carbon Copy" = "Copie carbone"; "Blind Carbon Copy" = "C. carbone cachée"; "New Addressbook..." = "Neues Adressbuch..."; "Subscribe to an Addressbook..." = "Abonnieren..."; "Remove the selected Addressbook" = "Adressbuch löschen"; "Name of the Address Book" = "Adressbuch-Name"; "Are you sure you want to delete the selected address book?" = "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer le carnet d'adresses sélectionné ?"; "Address Book Name" = "Address Book Name"; "You cannot subscribe to a folder that you own!" = "Vous ne pouvez pas vous inscrire à un dossier qui vous appartient!"; "Unable to subscribe to that folder!" = "Impossible de vous inscrire à ce dossier!"; "Default Roles" = "Standard-Rollen"; "User rights for:" = "Benutzerrechte für:"; "This person can add cards to this addressbook." = "Diese Person kann neue Karten zu diesem Adressbuch hinzufügen."; "This person can edit the cards of this addressbook." = "Diese Person kann in diesem Adressbuch bestehende Karten verändern."; "This person can list the content of this addressbook." = "Diese Person kann die Liste der Karten dieses Adressbuches anzeigen."; "This person can read the cards of this addressbook." = "Diese Person kann Karten dieses Adressbuches anzeigen."; "This person can erase cards from this addressbook." = "Diese Person kann Karten aus diesem Adressbuch löschen";