#!/usr/bin/python include_dirs = [ "/usr/include" ] output = "-" import os import sys m_template = """/* %(filename)s (auto-generated) - this file is part of SOGo * * Copyright (C) 2011 Inverse inc. * * Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #import "%(h_filename)s" const NSUInteger MAPIStorePropertyGettersCount = %(nbr_getters)d; const NSUInteger MAPIStoreLastPropertyIdx = %(last_property)d; const NSUInteger MAPIStoreSupportedPropertiesCount = %(nbr_supported_properties)d; const enum MAPITAGS MAPIStoreSupportedProperties[] = { %(supported_properties)s }; static const uint16_t MAPIStorePropertyGettersIdx[] = { %(getters_idx)s }; static const SEL MAPIStorePropertyGetterSelectors[] = { %(getters)s }; #include "code-%(filename)s" """ h_template = """/* %(filename)s (auto-generated) - this file is part of SOGo * * Copyright (C) 2011 Inverse inc. * * Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef %(h_exclusion)s #define %(h_exclusion)s 1 #import #include #include #include #include extern const NSUInteger MAPIStorePropertyGettersCount; extern const NSUInteger MAPIStoreLastPropertyIdx; extern const NSUInteger MAPIStoreSupportedPropertiesCount; extern const enum MAPITAGS MAPIStoreSupportedProperties[]; #import "MAPIStoreObject.h" @interface MAPIStoreObject (MAPIStorePropertySelectors) %(prototypes)s @end #include "code-%(filename)s" #endif /* %(h_exclusion)s */ """ # hack: some properties have multiple and incompatible types. Sometimes those # props are not related at all... bannedProps = {"PidTagBodyHtml", "PidTagFavAutosubfolders", "PidTagAttachDataObj", "PidTagAclTable", "PidTagAclData", "PidTagRulesTable", "PidTagRulesData", "PidTagDisableWinsock", "PidTagHierarchyServer", "PidTagOfflineAddrbookEntryid", "PidTagShorttermEntryidFromObject", "PidTagNormalMessageSizeExtended", "PidTagAssocMessageSizeExtended", "PidTagMessageSizeExtended", "PidTagOabContainerGuid", "PidTagOfflineAddressBookMessageClass", "PidTagScriptData", "PidTagOfflineAddressBookTruncatedProperties", "PidTagOfflineAddressBookContainerGuid", "PidTagOfflineAddressBookDistinguishedName", "PidTagOfflineAddressBookShaHash", "PidTagSenderTelephoneNumber", "PidTagGatewayNeedsToRefresh", "PidTagWlinkType", "PidTagWlinkFlags", "PidTagWlinkGroupClsid", "PidTagWlinkGroupName", "PidTagWlinkGroupHeaderID", "PidTagScheduleInfoDelegatorWantsCopy", "PidTagWlinkOrdinal", "PidTagWlinkSection", "PidTagWlinkCalendarColor", "PidTagWlinkAddressBookEID", "PidTagWlinkFolderType", "PidTagScheduleInfoDelegateNames", "PidTagScheduleInfoDelegateEntryIds", "PidTagBusiness2TelephoneNumbers", "PidTagHome2TelephoneNumbers", "PidTagAttachDataObject", "PidTagShorttermEntryIdFromObject", } def ParseExchangeH(names, lines): state = 0 maxlines = len(lines) x = 0 while x < maxlines and state != 3: stripped = lines[x].strip() if state == 0: if stripped == "enum MAPITAGS": state = 1 elif state == 1: if stripped == "{": state = 2 elif state == 2: if stripped == "}": state = 3 else: ParseExchangeHDefinition(names, stripped) x = x + 1 def ParseExchangeHDefinition(names, line): stripped = line.strip() eqIdx = stripped.find("=") if eqIdx == -1: raise Exception, "line does not contain a '='" propName = stripped[0:eqIdx] if not propName.endswith("_Error") and not propName.endswith("_string8") \ and propName not in bannedProps: intIdx = stripped.find("(int", eqIdx) valueIdx = stripped.find("0x", intIdx + 1) endIdx = stripped.find(")", valueIdx) value = int(stripped[valueIdx:endIdx], 16) if value < 0x80000000: names[propName] = value def ParseMapistoreNameIDH(names, lines): for line in lines: stripped = line.strip() if stripped.startswith("#define Pid"): ParseMapistoreNameIDHDefinition(names, stripped) def ParseMapistoreNameIDHDefinition(names, line): stripped = line.strip() pidIdx = stripped.find("Pid") if pidIdx == -1: raise Exception, "line does not contain a 'Pid'" valueIdx = stripped.find("0x") propName = stripped[pidIdx:valueIdx].strip() if not propName.startswith("PidLidUnknown") and propName not in bannedProps: value = int(stripped[valueIdx:], 16) names[propName] = value def FindHFile(filename): found = None for dirname in include_dirs: full_filename = "%s/%s" % (dirname, filename) if os.path.exists(full_filename): found = full_filename if found is None: raise Exception, "'%s' not found in include dirs" % filename return found def ProcessHeaders(names, hdict): for filename in hdict: header_filename = FindHFile(filename) header_file = open(header_filename, "r") lines = header_file.readlines() header_file.close() hdict[filename](names, lines) if __name__ == "__main__": arg_count = len(sys.argv) x = 0 while x < arg_count: arg = sys.argv[x] argname = None if arg.startswith("-"): argname = arg[1] if len(arg) == 2: argvalue = sys.argv[x + 1] x = x + 1 else: argvalue = arg[2:] x = x + 1 if argname == "o": output = argvalue elif argname == "I": include_dirs.append(argvalue) names = {} ProcessHeaders(names, { "gen_ndr/exchange.h": ParseExchangeH, "mapistore/mapistore_nameid.h": ParseMapistoreNameIDH }) getters = [] getters_idx = [] # setters = [] # preferred_types = [] prototypes = [] for x in xrange(0x10000): getters_idx.append(" 0xffff") # setters.append(" NULL") prop_types = {} # sanitization: only take unicode version of text properties for name, prop_tag in names.iteritems(): prop_id = prop_tag >> 16 prop_type = prop_tag & 0xffff if not prop_id in prop_types: prop_types[prop_id] = [] prop_types[prop_id].append(prop_type) if (prop_type & 0xfff) == 0x001e: prop_tag = (prop_tag & 0xfffff000) | 0x001f names[name] = prop_tag #sanitization: report multiple types for the same keynames for prop_id, xtypes in prop_types.iteritems(): cnt = len(xtypes) if cnt > 1: print "%d types available for prop id 0x%.4x: %s" % (cnt, prop_id, ", ".join(["%.4x" % x for x in xtypes])) supported_properties = [] current_getter_idx = 0 highest_prop_idx = 0 for name, prop_tag in names.iteritems(): supported_properties.append(" 0x%.8x" % prop_tag); prop_idx = (prop_tag & 0xffff0000) >> 16 getters_idx[prop_idx] = " 0x%.4x" % current_getter_idx if prop_idx > highest_prop_idx: highest_prop_idx = prop_idx getters.append(" @selector (get%s:inMemCtx:)" % name) # preferred_types.append(" 0x%.4x" % (prop_tag & 0xffff)) prototypes.append("- (int) get%s: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx;" % name) current_getter_idx = current_getter_idx + 1 # setters[prop_idx] = " @selector (set%s:)" % name # prototypes.append("- (int) set%s: (void **) data;" % name) # prototypes.append("") filename = "%s.m" % output h_filename = "%s.h" % output outf = open(filename, "wb+") outf.write(m_template % { "getters_idx": ",\n".join(getters_idx), "getters": ",\n".join(getters), "nbr_getters": len(getters), "last_property": highest_prop_idx, "nbr_supported_properties": len(supported_properties), "supported_properties": ",\n".join(supported_properties), "filename": filename, "h_filename": h_filename }) outf.close() outf = open(h_filename, "wb+") exclusion = "" for x in h_filename.upper(): if ord(x) < 65 or ord(x) > 90: x = "_" exclusion = exclusion + x outf.write(h_template % { "prototypes": "\n".join(prototypes), "h_exclusion": exclusion, "filename": h_filename }) outf.close()