/* UIxMailFolderActions.m - this file is part of SOGo * * Copyright (C) 2007-2017 Inverse inc. * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "UIxMailFolderActions.h" @implementation UIxMailFolderActions /** * @api {post} /so/:username/Mail/:accountId/:parentMailboxPath/createFolder Create mailbox * @apiVersion 1.0.0 * @apiName PostCreateMailbox * @apiGroup Mail * @apiExample {curl} Example usage: * curl -i http://localhost/SOGo/so/sogo1/Mail/0/folderINBOX/createFolder \ * -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ * -d '{ "name": "test" }' * * @apiParam {String} name Name of the mailbox * * @apiError (Error 500) {Object} error The error message */ - (id ) createFolderAction { SOGoMailFolder *co, *newFolder; WORequest *request; WOResponse *response; NSDictionary *params, *jsonResponse; NSString *folderName, *encodedFolderName, *errorFormat; co = [self clientObject]; request = [context request]; params = [[request contentAsString] objectFromJSONString]; folderName = [params objectForKey: @"name"]; if ([folderName length] > 0) { encodedFolderName = [folderName stringByEncodingImap4FolderName]; newFolder = [co lookupName: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"folder%@", encodedFolderName] inContext: context acquire: NO]; if ([newFolder create]) { response = [self responseWith204]; } else { errorFormat = [self labelForKey: @"The folder with name \"%@\" could not be created." inContext: context]; jsonResponse = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: errorFormat, folderName] forKey: @"error"]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: jsonResponse]; } } else { jsonResponse = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [self labelForKey: @"Missing 'name' parameter." inContext: context] forKey: @"error"]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: jsonResponse]; } return response; } /** * @api {post} /so/:username/Mail/:accountId/:mailboxPath/renameFolder Rename mailbox * @apiVersion 1.0.0 * @apiName PostRenameFolder * @apiGroup Mail * * @apiParam {String} name Name of the mailbox * * @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} path New mailbox path relative to account * @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} sievePath New mailbox path relative to account for Sieve script usage * @apiError (Error 500) {Object} error The error message */ - (WOResponse *) renameFolderAction { SOGoMailFolder *co; SOGoUserSettings *us; WORequest *request; WOResponse *response; NSException *error; NSString *newFolderName, *newFolderPath, *sievePath, *currentMailbox, *currentAccount, *keyForMsgUIDs, *newKeyForMsgUIDs; NSMutableDictionary *params, *moduleSettings, *threadsCollapsed, *message; NSArray *values; co = [self clientObject]; // Prepare the variables need to verify if the current folder have any collapsed threads saved in userSettings us = [[context activeUser] userSettings]; moduleSettings = [us objectForKey: @"Mail"]; threadsCollapsed = [moduleSettings objectForKey:@"threadsCollapsed"]; currentMailbox = [co nameInContainer]; currentAccount = [[co container] nameInContainer]; keyForMsgUIDs = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"/%@/%@", currentAccount, currentMailbox]; // Retrieve new folder name from JSON payload request = [context request]; params = [[request contentAsString] objectFromJSONString]; newFolderName = [params objectForKey: @"name"]; if (!newFolderName || [newFolderName length] == 0) { message = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [self labelForKey: @"Missing name parameter" inContext: context] forKey: @"message"]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: message]; } else { newKeyForMsgUIDs = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"/%@/folder%@", [currentAccount asCSSIdentifier], [newFolderName asCSSIdentifier]]; error = [co renameTo: newFolderName]; if (error) { message = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [self labelForKey: @"Unable to rename folder." inContext: context] forKey: @"message"]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: message]; } else { // Verify if the current folder have any collapsed threads save under it old name and adjust the folderName if (threadsCollapsed) { if ([threadsCollapsed objectForKey:keyForMsgUIDs]) { values = [NSArray arrayWithArray:[threadsCollapsed objectForKey:keyForMsgUIDs]]; [threadsCollapsed setObject:values forKey:newKeyForMsgUIDs]; [threadsCollapsed removeObjectForKey:keyForMsgUIDs]; [us synchronize]; } } newFolderPath = [[[co imap4URL] path] substringFromIndex: 1]; // remove slash at beginning of path NSString *sieveFolderEncoding = [[SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults] sieveFolderEncoding]; if ([sieveFolderEncoding isEqualToString: @"UTF-8"]) sievePath = [newFolderPath stringByDecodingImap4FolderName]; else sievePath = newFolderPath; message = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: newFolderPath, @"path", sievePath, @"sievePath", nil]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 200 andJSONRepresentation: message]; } } return response; } - (NSURL *) _trashedURLOfFolder: (NSURL *) srcURL withObject: (SOGoMailFolder *) co { NSString *trashFolderName, *folderName, *path, *testPath; NGImap4Connection *connection; NSURL *destURL; id test; int i; connection = [co imap4Connection]; folderName = [[srcURL path] lastPathComponent]; trashFolderName = [[co mailAccountFolder] trashFolderNameInContext: context]; path = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"/%@/%@", trashFolderName, folderName]; testPath = path; i = 1; while ( i < 10 ) { test = [[connection client] select: testPath]; if (test && [[test objectForKey: @"result"] boolValue]) { testPath = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%x", path, i]; i++; } else { path = testPath; break; } } destURL = [[NSURL alloc] initWithScheme: [srcURL scheme] host: [srcURL host] path: path]; [destURL autorelease]; return destURL; } - (void) _removeFolder { NGImap4Connection *connection; NSMutableDictionary *moduleSettings, *threadsCollapsed;; NSString *keyForMsgUIDs, *currentMailbox, *currentAccount; NSURL *srcURL; SOGoMailFolder *co; SOGoUserSettings *us; co = [self clientObject]; srcURL = [co imap4URL]; connection = [co imap4Connection]; // Unsubscribe from mailbox [[connection client] unsubscribe: [srcURL path]]; // Verify if the current folder have any collapsed threads save under it name and erase it us = [[context activeUser] userSettings]; moduleSettings = [us objectForKey: @"Mail"]; threadsCollapsed = [moduleSettings objectForKey: @"threadsCollapsed"]; if (threadsCollapsed) { currentMailbox = [co nameInContainer]; currentAccount = [[co container] nameInContainer]; keyForMsgUIDs = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"/%@/%@", currentAccount, currentMailbox]; if ([threadsCollapsed objectForKey: keyForMsgUIDs]) { [threadsCollapsed removeObjectForKey: keyForMsgUIDs]; [us synchronize]; } } } - (WOResponse *) deleteAction { NSDictionary *jsonRequest, *jsonResponse; NGImap4Connection *connection; SOGoMailFolder *co, *inbox; NSURL *srcURL, *destURL; WORequest *request; WOResponse *response; NSException *error; BOOL moved, withTrash; request = [context request]; co = [self clientObject]; srcURL = [co imap4URL]; jsonRequest = [[request contentAsString] objectFromJSONString]; withTrash = ![[jsonRequest objectForKey: @"withoutTrash"] boolValue]; moved = YES; if (withTrash) { if ([co ensureTrashFolder]) { connection = [co imap4Connection]; destURL = [self _trashedURLOfFolder: srcURL withObject: co]; inbox = [[co mailAccountFolder] inboxFolderInContext: context]; [[connection client] select: [inbox absoluteImap4Name]]; // If srcURL is a prefix of destURL, that means we are deleting // the folder within the 'Trash' folder, as it's getting renamed // over and over with an integer suffix (in trashedURLOfFolder:...) // If that is the case, we simple delete the folder, instead of renaming it if ([[destURL path] hasPrefix: [srcURL path]]) { error = [connection deleteMailboxAtURL: srcURL]; moved = NO; } else error = [connection moveMailboxAtURL: srcURL toURL: destURL]; if (error) { jsonResponse = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [self labelForKey: @"Unable to move/delete folder." inContext: context] forKey: @"error"]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: jsonResponse]; } else { // We unsubscribe to the old one, and subscribe back to the new one if (moved) [[connection client] subscribe: [destURL path]]; [self _removeFolder]; response = [self responseWith204]; } } else { jsonResponse = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [self labelForKey: @"Unable to move/delete folder." inContext: context] forKey: @"message"]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: jsonResponse]; } } else { // Immediately delete mailbox connection = [co imap4Connection]; error = [connection deleteMailboxAtURL: srcURL]; if (error) { jsonResponse = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [self labelForKey: @"Unable to move/delete folder." inContext: context] forKey: @"error"]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: jsonResponse]; } else { [self _removeFolder]; response = [self responseWith204]; } } return response; } - (WOResponse *) batchDeleteAction { NSMutableDictionary *moduleSettings, *threadsCollapsed; NSString *currentMailbox, *currentAccount, *keyForMsgUIDs; NSMutableArray *mailboxThreadsCollapsed; SOGoMailAccount *account; SOGoUserSettings *us; WOResponse *response; SOGoMailFolder *co; NSDictionary *data; WORequest *request; id uids, quota; BOOL withTrash; int i; response = nil; request = [context request]; co = [self clientObject]; data = [[request contentAsString] objectFromJSONString]; withTrash = ![[data objectForKey: @"withoutTrash"] boolValue]; if ((uids = [data objectForKey: @"uids"]) && [uids isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]] && [uids count] > 0) { response = (WOResponse *) [co deleteUIDs: uids useTrashFolder: &withTrash inContext: context]; if (!response) { if (!withTrash) { // When not using a trash folder, return the quota account = [co mailAccountFolder]; if ((quota = [account getInboxQuota])) { data = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: quota, @"quotas", nil]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 200 andString: [data jsonRepresentation]]; } else response = [self responseWithStatus: 200]; } else { // Verify if the message beeing delete is saved as the root of a collapsed thread us = [[context activeUser] userSettings]; moduleSettings = [us objectForKey: @"Mail"]; threadsCollapsed = [moduleSettings objectForKey:@"threadsCollapsed"]; currentMailbox = [co nameInContainer]; currentAccount = [[co container] nameInContainer]; keyForMsgUIDs = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"/%@/%@", currentAccount, currentMailbox]; if (threadsCollapsed) { if ((mailboxThreadsCollapsed = [threadsCollapsed objectForKey:keyForMsgUIDs])) { for (i = 0; i < [uids count]; i++) [mailboxThreadsCollapsed removeObject:[uids objectAtIndex:i]]; [us synchronize]; } } response = [self responseWith204]; } } } else { data = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [self labelForKey: @"Missing 'uids' parameter." inContext: context] forKey: @"message"]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: data]; } return response; } - (WOResponse *) saveMessagesAction { SOGoMailFolder *co; WOResponse *response; NSArray *uids; NSDictionary *data, *jsonResponse; co = [self clientObject]; data = [[[context request] contentAsString] objectFromJSONString]; uids = [data objectForKey: @"uids"]; response = nil; if ([uids count] > 0) { response = [co archiveUIDs: uids inArchiveNamed: [self labelForKey: @"Saved Messages.zip" inContext: context] inContext: context]; if (!response) response = [self responseWith204]; } else { jsonResponse = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [self labelForKey: @"Missing 'uids' parameter." inContext: context] forKey: @"message"]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: jsonResponse]; } return response; } - (id) markFolderReadAction { id response; response = [[self clientObject] addFlagsToAllMessages: @"seen"]; if (!response) response = [self responseWith204]; return response; } - (WOResponse *) exportFolderAction { WOResponse *response; response = [[self clientObject] archiveAllMessagesInContext: context]; return response; } - (WOResponse *) copyMessagesAction { NSString *destinationFolder; SOGoMailAccount *account; WOResponse *response; SOGoMailFolder *co; NSDictionary *data; NSArray *uids; id quota; co = [self clientObject]; data = [[[context request] contentAsString] objectFromJSONString]; uids = [data objectForKey: @"uids"]; destinationFolder = [data objectForKey: @"folder"]; response = nil; if ([uids count] > 0 && destinationFolder) { response = [co copyUIDs: uids toFolder: destinationFolder inContext: context]; if (!response) { // We return the inbox quota account = [co mailAccountFolder]; if ((quota = [account getInboxQuota])) { data = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: quota forKey: @"quotas"]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 200 andJSONRepresentation: data]; } else response = [self responseWithStatus: 200]; } else { data = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [(NSException *)response reason] forKey: @"message"]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: data]; } } else { data = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [self labelForKey: @"Error copying messages." inContext: context] forKey: @"message"]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: data]; } return response; } - (WOResponse *) moveMessagesAction { NSString *currentMailbox, *currentAccount, *keyForMsgUIDs; NSMutableDictionary *moduleSettings, *threadsCollapsed; NSMutableArray *mailboxThreadsCollapsed; NSString *destinationFolder; SOGoUserSettings *us=nil; WOResponse *response; NSDictionary *data; SOGoMailFolder *co; NSArray *uids; int i; co = [self clientObject]; data = [[[context request] contentAsString] objectFromJSONString]; uids = [data objectForKey: @"uids"]; destinationFolder = [data objectForKey: @"folder"]; response = nil; if ([uids count] > 0 && destinationFolder) { response = [co moveUIDs: uids toFolder: destinationFolder inContext: context]; if (!response) { // Verify if the message being deleted is saved as the root of a collapsed thread us = [[context activeUser] userSettings]; moduleSettings = [us objectForKey: @"Mail"]; threadsCollapsed = [moduleSettings objectForKey: @"threadsCollapsed"]; currentMailbox = [co nameInContainer]; currentAccount = [[co container] nameInContainer]; keyForMsgUIDs = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"/%@/%@", currentAccount, currentMailbox]; if (threadsCollapsed) { if ((mailboxThreadsCollapsed = [threadsCollapsed objectForKey: keyForMsgUIDs])) { for (i = 0; i < [uids count]; i++) [mailboxThreadsCollapsed removeObject:[uids objectAtIndex:i]]; [us synchronize]; } } response = [self responseWith204]; } else { data = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [(NSException *)response reason] forKey: @"message"]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: data]; } } else { data = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: @"Error 'uids' and/or 'folder' parameters." forKey: @"message"]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: data]; } return response; } - (void) _setFolderPurposeOnMainAccount: (NSString *) purpose inUserDefaults: (SOGoUserDefaults *) ud to: (NSString *) value { NSString *selName; SEL setter; selName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"set%@FolderName:", purpose]; setter = NSSelectorFromString (selName); [ud performSelector: setter withObject: value]; } - (WOResponse *) _setFolderPurpose: (NSString *) purpose onAuxAccount: (int) accountIdx inUserDefaults: (SOGoUserDefaults *) ud to: (NSString *) value { NSArray *accounts; int realIdx; NSDictionary *jsonResponse; NSMutableDictionary *account, *mailboxes; WOResponse *response; if (accountIdx > 0) { realIdx = accountIdx - 1; accounts = [ud auxiliaryMailAccounts]; if ([accounts count] > realIdx) { account = [accounts objectAtIndex: realIdx]; mailboxes = [account objectForKey: @"mailboxes"]; if (!mailboxes) { mailboxes = [NSMutableDictionary new]; [account setObject: mailboxes forKey: @"mailboxes"]; [mailboxes release]; } [mailboxes setObject: value forKey: purpose]; [ud setAuxiliaryMailAccounts: accounts]; response = [self responseWith204]; } else { jsonResponse = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: @"You reached an impossible end." forKey: @"message"]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: jsonResponse]; } } else { jsonResponse = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: @"You reached an impossible end." forKey: @"message"]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: jsonResponse]; } return response; } - (WOResponse *) _setFolderPurpose: (NSString *) purpose { SOGoMailFolder *co; WOResponse *response; SOGoUser *owner; SOGoUserDefaults *ud; NSDictionary *jsonResponse; NSString *accountIdx, *traversal; co = [self clientObject]; if ([co isKindOfClass: [SOGoMailFolder class]]) { accountIdx = [[co mailAccountFolder] nameInContainer]; owner = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: [co ownerInContext: nil]]; ud = [owner userDefaults]; traversal = [co traversalFromMailAccount]; if ([accountIdx isEqualToString: @"0"]) { /* default account: we directly set the corresponding pref in the ud */ [self _setFolderPurposeOnMainAccount: purpose inUserDefaults: ud to: traversal]; response = [self responseWith204]; } else if ([[owner domainDefaults] mailAuxiliaryUserAccountsEnabled]) response = [self _setFolderPurpose: purpose onAuxAccount: [accountIdx intValue] inUserDefaults: ud to: traversal]; else { jsonResponse = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: @"You reached an impossible end." forKey: @"message"]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: jsonResponse]; } if ([response status] == 204) [ud synchronize]; } else { jsonResponse = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [self labelForKey: @"Unable to change the purpose of this folder." inContext: context] forKey: @"message"]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: jsonResponse]; } return response; } - (WOResponse *) setAsDraftsFolderAction { return [self _setFolderPurpose: @"Drafts"]; } - (WOResponse *) setAsSentFolderAction { return [self _setFolderPurpose: @"Sent"]; } - (WOResponse *) setAsTrashFolderAction { return [self _setFolderPurpose: @"Trash"]; } - (WOResponse *) setAsJunkFolderAction { return [self _setFolderPurpose: @"Junk"]; } - (WOResponse *) expungeAction { SOGoMailAccount *account; WOResponse *response; SOGoTrashFolder *co; NSException *error; NSDictionary *data; id quota; co = [self clientObject]; error = [co expunge]; if (error) { if ([co isSpecialFolder]) { // Special folder probably doesn't exist; ignore error. response = [self responseWithStatus: 204]; } else { data = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [self labelForKey: @"Unable to expunge folder." inContext: context] forKey: @"message"]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: data]; } } else { [co flushMailCaches]; // We return the inbox quota account = [co mailAccountFolder]; if ((quota = [account getInboxQuota])) { data = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: quota forKey: @"quotas"]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 200 andJSONRepresentation: data]; } else response = [self responseWithStatus: 204]; } return response; } - (WOResponse *) emptyTrashAction { NSException *error; SOGoTrashFolder *co; SOGoMailAccount *account; NSEnumerator *subfolders; WOResponse *response; NGImap4Connection *connection; NSURL *currentURL; NSDictionary *data; id quota; co = [self clientObject]; error = [co addFlagsToAllMessages: @"deleted"]; if (!error) error = [co expunge]; if (!error) { [co flushMailCaches]; // Delete folders within the trash connection = [co imap4Connection]; subfolders = [[co allFolderURLs] objectEnumerator]; while ((currentURL = [subfolders nextObject])) { [[connection client] unsubscribe: [currentURL path]]; [connection deleteMailboxAtURL: currentURL]; } } if (error) { data = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [self labelForKey: @"Unable to empty the trash folder." inContext: context] forKey: @"message"]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: data]; } else { // We return the inbox quota account = [co mailAccountFolder]; if ((quota = [account getInboxQuota])) { data = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: quota, @"quotas", nil]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 200 andString: [data jsonRepresentation]]; } else response = [self responseWithStatus: 200]; } return response; } // - (WOResponse *) _subscriptionStubAction // { // NSString *mailInvitationParam, *mailInvitationURL; // WOResponse *response; // SOGoMailFolder *clientObject; // mailInvitationParam // = [[context request] formValueForKey: @"mail-invitation"]; // if ([mailInvitationParam boolValue]) // { // clientObject = [self clientObject]; // mailInvitationURL // = [[clientObject soURLToBaseContainerForCurrentUser] // absoluteString]; // response = [self responseWithStatus: 302]; // [response setHeader: mailInvitationURL // forKey: @"location"]; // } // else // { // response = [self responseWithStatus: 500]; // [response appendContentString: @"How did you end up here?"]; // } // return response; // } - (WOResponse *) _subscribeOrUnsubscribeAction: (BOOL) subscribing { NGImap4Client *client; SOGoMailFolder *co; NSDictionary *d; co = [self clientObject]; client = [[co imap4Connection] client]; if (subscribing) d = [client subscribe: [[co imap4URL] path]]; else d = [client unsubscribe: [[co imap4URL] path]]; if ([[[[d objectForKey: @"RawResponse"] objectForKey: @"ResponseResult"] objectForKey: @"result"] isEqualToString: @"ok"]) return [self responseWith204]; return [self responseWithStatus: 200]; } - (WOResponse *) subscribeAction { return [self _subscribeOrUnsubscribeAction: YES]; } - (WOResponse *) unsubscribeAction { return [self _subscribeOrUnsubscribeAction: NO]; } - (WOResponse *) addOrRemoveLabelAction { WOResponse *response; WORequest *request; SOGoMailFolder *co; NSArray *msgUIDs; NSMutableArray *flags; NSString *operation; NSDictionary *content, *result; BOOL addOrRemove; NGImap4Client *client; id o, flag; int i; request = [context request]; content = [[request contentAsString] objectFromJSONString]; flags = nil; msgUIDs = nil; // Validate parameters o = [content objectForKey:@"flags"]; if ([o isKindOfClass: [NSString class]]) flags = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject: o]; o = [content objectForKey:@"msgUIDs"]; if ([o isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]]) msgUIDs = [NSArray arrayWithArray: o]; operation = [content objectForKey:@"operation"]; addOrRemove = ([operation isEqualToString:@"add"]? YES: NO); if (!flags || !msgUIDs) { result = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [self labelForKey: @"Missing 'flags' and 'msgUIDs' parameters." inContext: context] forKey: @"error"]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: result]; } else { // We unescape our flags for (i = [flags count]-1; i >= 0; i--) { flag = [flags objectAtIndex: i]; if ([flag isKindOfClass: [NSString class]]) [flags replaceObjectAtIndex: i withObject: [flag fromCSSIdentifier]]; else [flags removeObjectAtIndex: i]; } co = [self clientObject]; client = [[co imap4Connection] client]; [[co imap4Connection] selectFolder: [co imap4URL]]; result = [client storeFlags:flags forUIDs:msgUIDs addOrRemove:addOrRemove]; if ([[result valueForKey: @"result"] boolValue]) response = [self responseWith204]; else response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: result]; } return response; } - (WOResponse *) removeAllLabelsAction { WOResponse *response; WORequest *request; SOGoMailFolder *co; NGImap4Client *client; NSArray *msgUIDs; NSMutableArray *flags; NSDictionary *v, *content, *result; request = [context request]; content = [[request contentAsString] objectFromJSONString]; msgUIDs = [NSArray arrayWithArray:[content objectForKey:@"msgUIDs"]]; // We always unconditionally remove the Mozilla tags flags = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects: @"$Label1", @"$Label2", @"$Label3", @"$Label4", @"$Label5", nil]; co = [self clientObject]; v = [[[context activeUser] userDefaults] mailLabelsColors]; [flags addObjectsFromArray: [v allKeys]]; client = [[co imap4Connection] client]; [[co imap4Connection] selectFolder: [co imap4URL]]; result = [client storeFlags:flags forUIDs:msgUIDs addOrRemove:NO]; if ([[result valueForKey: @"result"] boolValue]) response = [self responseWith204]; else response = [self responseWithStatus:500 andJSONRepresentation:result]; return response; } - (WOResponse *) _markMessagesAsJunkOrNotJunk: (BOOL) isJunk { NSDictionary *content; WOResponse *response; WORequest *request; SOGoMailFolder *co; NSArray *uids; request = [context request]; content = [[request contentAsString] objectFromJSONString]; uids = [NSArray arrayWithArray: [content objectForKey:@"uids"]]; co = [self clientObject]; if ([co markMessagesAsJunkOrNotJunk: uids junk: isJunk]) response = [self responseWithStatus: 500]; else response = [self responseWith204]; return response; } - (WOResponse *) markMessagesAsJunkAction { return [self _markMessagesAsJunkOrNotJunk: YES]; } - (WOResponse *) markMessagesAsNotJunkAction { return [self _markMessagesAsJunkOrNotJunk: NO]; } @end