/* UIxMailPartICalActions.m - this file is part of SOGo * * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Inverse inc. * * Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "UIxMailPartICalActions.h" @implementation UIxMailPartICalActions - (iCalEvent *) _emailEvent { NSData *content; NSString *eventString; iCalCalendar *emailCalendar; content = [[self clientObject] fetchBLOB]; eventString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: content encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; if (!eventString) eventString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: content encoding: NSISOLatin1StringEncoding]; emailCalendar = [iCalCalendar parseSingleFromSource: eventString]; return (iCalEvent *) [emailCalendar firstChildWithTag: @"vevent"]; } - (SOGoAppointmentObject *) _eventObjectWithUID: (NSString *) uid forUser: (SOGoUser *) user { SOGoAppointmentFolder *folder; SOGoAppointmentObject *eventObject; NSArray *folders; NSEnumerator *e; NSString *cname; eventObject = nil; folders = [[user calendarsFolderInContext: context] subFolders]; e = [folders objectEnumerator]; while ( eventObject == nil && (folder = [e nextObject]) ) { cname = [folder resourceNameForEventUID: uid]; if (cname) { eventObject = [folder lookupName: cname inContext: context acquire: NO]; if (![eventObject isKindOfClass: [SOGoAppointmentObject class]]) eventObject = nil; } } if (!eventObject) { folder = [user personalCalendarFolderInContext: context]; eventObject = [SOGoAppointmentObject objectWithName: uid inContainer: folder]; [eventObject setIsNew: YES]; } return eventObject; } - (SOGoAppointmentObject *) _eventObjectWithUID: (NSString *) uid { return [self _eventObjectWithUID: uid forUser: [context activeUser]]; } - (void) _fixOrganizerInEvent: (iCalEvent *) brokenEvent { iCalPerson *organizer; SOGoMailObject *mail; NSArray *addresses; NGImap4EnvelopeAddress *from; id value; organizer = nil; mail = [[self clientObject] mailObject]; addresses = [mail replyToEnvelopeAddresses]; if (![addresses count]) addresses = [mail fromEnvelopeAddresses]; if ([addresses count] > 0) { from = [addresses objectAtIndex: 0]; value = [from baseEMail]; if ([value isNotNull]) { organizer = [iCalPerson elementWithTag: @"organizer"]; [organizer setEmail: value]; value = [from personalName]; if ([value isNotNull]) [organizer setCn: value]; [brokenEvent setOrganizer: organizer]; } } if (!organizer) [self errorWithFormat: @"no organizer could be found, SOGo will crash" @" if the user replies"]; } - (iCalEvent *) _setupChosenEventAndEventObject: (SOGoAppointmentObject **) eventObject { iCalEvent *emailEvent, *calendarEvent, *chosenEvent; iCalPerson *organizer; emailEvent = [self _emailEvent]; if (emailEvent) { *eventObject = [self _eventObjectWithUID: [emailEvent uid]]; if ([*eventObject isNew]) chosenEvent = emailEvent; else { if ([emailEvent recurrenceId]) { // Event attached to email is not completed -- retrieve it // from the database. NSString *recurrenceTime; recurrenceTime = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%f", [[emailEvent recurrenceId] timeIntervalSince1970]]; calendarEvent = (iCalEvent *)[*eventObject lookupOccurence: recurrenceTime]; } else calendarEvent = (iCalEvent *) [*eventObject component: NO secure: NO]; if (calendarEvent != nil) { // Calendar event still exists -- verify which of the calendar // and email events is the most recent. if ([calendarEvent compare: emailEvent] == NSOrderedAscending) chosenEvent = emailEvent; else { chosenEvent = calendarEvent; if (![[[chosenEvent parent] method] length]) [[chosenEvent parent] setMethod: [[emailEvent parent] method]]; } } else chosenEvent = emailEvent; } organizer = [chosenEvent organizer]; if (![[organizer rfc822Email] length]) [self _fixOrganizerInEvent: chosenEvent]; } else chosenEvent = nil; return chosenEvent; } - (WOResponse *) _changePartStatusAction: (NSString *) newStatus withDelegate: (iCalPerson *) delegate { WOResponse *response; SOGoAppointmentObject *eventObject; iCalEvent *chosenEvent; //NSException *ex; chosenEvent = [self _setupChosenEventAndEventObject: &eventObject]; if (chosenEvent) { response = (WOResponse*)[eventObject changeParticipationStatus: newStatus withDelegate: delegate forRecurrenceId: [chosenEvent recurrenceId]]; // if (ex) // response = ex; //[self responseWithStatus: 500]; // else if (!response) response = [self responseWith204]; } else { response = [context response]; [response setStatus: 409]; } return response; } //- (BOOL) shouldTakeValuesFromRequest: (WORequest *) request // inContext: (WOContext*) localContext //{ // return YES; //} - (WOResponse *) acceptAction { return [self _changePartStatusAction: @"ACCEPTED" withDelegate: nil]; } - (WOResponse *) declineAction { return [self _changePartStatusAction: @"DECLINED" withDelegate: nil]; } - (WOResponse *) delegateAction { // BOOL receiveUpdates; NSString *delegatedEmail, *delegatedUid; iCalPerson *delegatedAttendee; SOGoUser *user; WORequest *request; WOResponse *response; request = [context request]; delegatedEmail = [request formValueForKey: @"to"]; if ([delegatedEmail length]) { user = [context activeUser]; delegatedAttendee = [iCalPerson new]; [delegatedAttendee setEmail: delegatedEmail]; delegatedUid = [delegatedAttendee uid]; if (delegatedUid) { SOGoUser *delegatedUser; delegatedUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: delegatedUid]; [delegatedAttendee setCn: [delegatedUser cn]]; } [delegatedAttendee setRole: @"REQ-PARTICIPANT"]; [delegatedAttendee setRsvp: @"TRUE"]; [delegatedAttendee setParticipationStatus: iCalPersonPartStatNeedsAction]; [delegatedAttendee setDelegatedFrom: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"mailto:%@", [[user allEmails] objectAtIndex: 0]]]; // receiveUpdates = [[request formValueForKey: @"receiveUpdates"] boolValue]; // if (receiveUpdates) // [delegatedAttendee setRole: @"NON-PARTICIPANT"]; response = [self _changePartStatusAction: @"DELEGATED" withDelegate: delegatedAttendee]; } else response = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 400 reason: @"missing 'to' parameter"]; return response; } - (WOResponse *) addToCalendarAction { iCalEvent *emailEvent; SOGoAppointmentObject *eventObject; NSString *iCalString; WOResponse *response; emailEvent = [self _emailEvent]; if (emailEvent) { eventObject = [self _eventObjectWithUID: [emailEvent uid]]; if ([eventObject isNew]) { iCalString = [[emailEvent parent] versitString]; [eventObject saveContentString: iCalString]; response = [self responseWith204]; } else { response = [self responseWithStatus: 409]; } } else { response = [context response]; [response setStatus: 409]; response = [self responseWithStatus: 404]; } return response; } - (WOResponse *) deleteFromCalendarAction { iCalEvent *emailEvent; SOGoAppointmentObject *eventObject; WOResponse *response; emailEvent = [self _emailEvent]; if (emailEvent) { eventObject = [self _eventObjectWithUID: [emailEvent uid]]; [eventObject delete]; response = [self responseWith204]; } else { response = [context response]; [response setStatus: 409]; } return response; } - (iCalPerson *) _emailParticipantWithEvent: (iCalEvent *) event { NSString *emailFrom; SOGoMailObject *mailObject; NGImap4EnvelopeAddress *address; mailObject = [[self clientObject] mailObject]; address = [[mailObject fromEnvelopeAddresses] objectAtIndex: 0]; emailFrom = [address baseEMail]; return [event findParticipantWithEmail: emailFrom]; } - (BOOL) _updateParticipantStatusInEvent: (iCalEvent *) calendarEvent fromEvent: (iCalEvent *) emailEvent inObject: (SOGoAppointmentObject *) eventObject { iCalPerson *calendarParticipant, *mailParticipant; NSString *partStat; BOOL result; calendarParticipant = [self _emailParticipantWithEvent: calendarEvent]; mailParticipant = [self _emailParticipantWithEvent: emailEvent]; if (calendarParticipant && mailParticipant) { result = YES; partStat = [mailParticipant partStat]; if ([partStat caseInsensitiveCompare: [calendarParticipant partStat]] != NSOrderedSame) { [calendarParticipant setPartStat: [partStat uppercaseString]]; [eventObject saveComponent: calendarEvent]; } } else result = NO; return result; } - (WOResponse *) updateUserStatusAction { iCalEvent *emailEvent, *calendarEvent; SOGoAppointmentObject *eventObject; WOResponse *response; response = nil; emailEvent = [self _emailEvent]; if (emailEvent) { eventObject = [self _eventObjectWithUID: [emailEvent uid]]; calendarEvent = [eventObject component: NO secure: NO]; if (([[emailEvent sequence] compare: [calendarEvent sequence]] != NSOrderedAscending) && ([self _updateParticipantStatusInEvent: calendarEvent fromEvent: emailEvent inObject: eventObject])) response = [self responseWith204]; } if (!response) { response = [context response]; [response setStatus: 409]; } return response; } // - (WOResponse *) markTentativeAction // { // return [self _changePartStatusAction: @"TENTATIVE"]; // } // - (WOResponse *) addToCalendarAction // { // return [self responseWithStatus: 404]; // } // - (WOResponse *) deleteFromCalendarAction // { // return [self responseWithStatus: 404]; // } @end