/* MAPIStoreMailMessage.m - this file is part of SOGo * * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Inverse inc * * Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau * Ludovic Marcotte * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "Codepages.h" #import "NSData+MAPIStore.h" #import "NSObject+MAPIStore.h" #import "NSString+MAPIStore.h" #import "MAPIStoreAppointmentWrapper.h" #import "MAPIStoreContext.h" #import "MAPIStoreFolder.h" #import "MAPIStoreMailAttachment.h" #import "MAPIStoreMailFolder.h" #import "MAPIStoreMapping.h" #import "MAPIStoreSamDBUtils.h" #import "MAPIStoreSharingMessage.h" #import "MAPIStoreTypes.h" #import "MAPIStoreUserContext.h" #import "MAPIStoreMailMessage.h" #undef DEBUG #include #include #include #include #define BODY_CONTENT_TEXT 0 #define BODY_CONTENT_HTML 1 @class iCalCalendar, iCalEvent; static Class NSExceptionK, MAPIStoreSharingMessageK; static NSArray *acceptedMimeTypes; @interface NSString (MAPIStoreMIME) - (NSString *) _strippedBodyKey; @end @implementation NSString (MAPIStoreMIME) - (NSString *) _strippedBodyKey { NSRange bodyRange; NSString *strippedKey; bodyRange = [self rangeOfString: @"body.peek["]; if (bodyRange.length > 0) { strippedKey = [self substringFromIndex: NSMaxRange (bodyRange)]; strippedKey = [strippedKey substringToIndex: [strippedKey length] - 1]; } else strippedKey = nil; return strippedKey; } @end @implementation SOGoMailObject (MAPIStoreExtension) - (Class) mapistoreMessageClass { return [MAPIStoreMailMessage class]; } @end @implementation MAPIStoreMailMessage + (void) initialize { NSExceptionK = [NSException class]; MAPIStoreSharingMessageK = [MAPIStoreSharingMessage class]; acceptedMimeTypes = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: @"text/calendar", @"application/ics", @"text/html", @"text/plain", nil]; } - (id) init { if ((self = [super init])) { bodyContentKeys = nil; bodyPartsEncodings = nil; bodyPartsCharsets = nil; bodyPartsMimeTypes = nil; bodyPartsMixed = nil; headerSetup = NO; bodySetup = NO; bodyContent = nil; mailIsEvent = NO; mailIsMeetingRequest = NO; mailIsSharingObject = NO; headerCharset = nil; headerMimeType = nil; appointmentWrapper = nil; } return self; } - (void) dealloc { [bodyContentKeys release]; [bodyPartsEncodings release]; [bodyPartsCharsets release]; [bodyPartsMimeTypes release]; [bodyPartsMixed release]; [bodyContent release]; [headerMimeType release]; [headerCharset release]; [appointmentWrapper release]; [super dealloc]; } - (NSString *) subject { return [sogoObject decodedSubject]; } - (NSDate *) creationTime { return [sogoObject date]; } - (NSDate *) lastModificationTime { return [sogoObject date]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getAvailableProperties: (struct SPropTagArray **) propertiesP inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { BOOL listedProperties[65536]; NSUInteger count; uint16_t propId; if (mailIsSharingObject) { memset (listedProperties, NO, 65536 * sizeof (BOOL)); [super getAvailableProperties: propertiesP inMemCtx: memCtx]; for (count = 0; count < (*propertiesP)->cValues; count++) { propId = ((*propertiesP)->aulPropTag[count] >> 16) & 0xffff; listedProperties[propId] = YES; } [MAPIStoreSharingMessage fillAvailableProperties: *propertiesP withExclusions: listedProperties]; return MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; } else return [super getAvailableProperties: propertiesP inMemCtx: memCtx]; } static NSComparisonResult _compareBodyKeysByPriority (id entry1, id entry2, void *data) { NSComparisonResult result; NSArray *keys; NSString *data1, *data2; NSUInteger count1, count2; keys = data; data1 = [entry1 objectForKey: @"mimeType"]; count1 = [keys indexOfObject: data1]; data2 = [entry2 objectForKey: @"mimeType"]; count2 = [keys indexOfObject: data2]; if (count1 == count2) { data1 = [entry1 objectForKey: @"key"]; count1 = [data1 countOccurrencesOfString: @"."]; data2 = [entry2 objectForKey: @"key"]; count2 = [data2 countOccurrencesOfString: @"."]; if (count1 == count2) { data1 = [data1 _strippedBodyKey]; count1 = [data1 intValue]; data2 = [data2 _strippedBodyKey]; count2 = [data2 intValue]; if (count1 == count2) result = NSOrderedSame; else if (count1 < count2) result = NSOrderedAscending; else result = NSOrderedDescending; } else if (count1 < count2) result = NSOrderedAscending; else result = NSOrderedDescending; } else if (count1 < count2) result = NSOrderedAscending; else result = NSOrderedDescending; return result; } - (void) _fetchHeaderData { MAPIStoreSharingMessage *sharingMessage; NSMutableArray *keys; NSUInteger keysCount; NSDictionary *partHeaderData, *parameters; NSString *sharingHeader; keys = [NSMutableArray array]; [sogoObject addRequiredKeysOfStructure: [sogoObject bodyStructure] path: @"" toArray: keys acceptedTypes: acceptedMimeTypes withPeek: YES]; [keys sortUsingFunction: _compareBodyKeysByPriority context: acceptedMimeTypes]; keysCount = [keys count]; if (keysCount > 0) { NSUInteger i; BOOL hasHtml = NO; BOOL hasText = NO; bodyContentKeys = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: keysCount]; bodyPartsEncodings = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity: keysCount]; bodyPartsCharsets = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity: keysCount]; bodyPartsMimeTypes = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity: keysCount]; bodyPartsMixed = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity: keysCount]; for (i = 0; i < keysCount; i++) { NSDictionary *bodyStructureKey; NSString *key; NSString *mimeType; BOOL mixedPart; NSString *strippedKey; NSString *encoding; NSString *charset; NSDictionary *partParameters; NSString *multipart; bodyStructureKey = [keys objectAtIndex: i]; key = [bodyStructureKey objectForKey: @"key"]; if (key == nil) continue; [bodyContentKeys addObject: key]; strippedKey = [key _strippedBodyKey]; partHeaderData = [sogoObject lookupInfoForBodyPart: strippedKey]; partParameters = [partHeaderData objectForKey: @"parameterList"]; encoding = [partHeaderData objectForKey: @"encoding"]; charset = [partParameters objectForKey: @"charset"]; mimeType = [bodyStructureKey objectForKey: @"mimeType"]; /* multipart/mixed is the default type. multipart/alternative is the only other type of multipart supported now. */ multipart = [bodyStructureKey objectForKey: @"multipart"]; if ([multipart isEqualToString: @""]) { mixedPart = NO; } else { mixedPart = !([multipart isEqualToString: @"multipart/alternative"] || [multipart isEqualToString: @"multipart/related"]); } if (encoding) [bodyPartsEncodings setObject: encoding forKey: key]; if (charset) [bodyPartsCharsets setObject: charset forKey: key]; if (mimeType) { [bodyPartsMimeTypes setObject: mimeType forKey: key]; if ([mimeType isEqualToString: @"text/plain"]) hasText = YES; else if ([mimeType isEqualToString: @"text/html"]) hasHtml = YES; } [bodyPartsMixed setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: mixedPart] forKey: key]; if (i == 0) { ASSIGN (headerMimeType, mimeType); parameters = partParameters; } if (charset) { if (headerCharset == nil) { ASSIGN (headerCharset, charset); } else if (![headerCharset isEqualToString: charset]) { /* Because we have different charsets we will encode all in UTF-8 */ ASSIGN (headerCharset, @"utf-8"); } } } if (!hasHtml || !hasText) { NSArray *bodyPartsMixedKeys = [bodyPartsMixed allKeys]; for (i = 0; i < [keys count]; i++) { NSString *key = [bodyPartsMixedKeys objectAtIndex: i]; [bodyPartsMixed setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: NO] forKey: key]; } } if ([headerMimeType isEqualToString: @"text/calendar"] || [headerMimeType isEqualToString: @"application/ics"]) { mailIsEvent = YES; if ([[parameters objectForKey: @"method"] isEqualToString: @"REQUEST"]) mailIsMeetingRequest = YES; } else { sharingHeader = [[sogoObject mailHeaders] objectForKey: @"x-ms-sharing-localtype"]; if (sharingHeader) { mailIsSharingObject = YES; /* It is difficult to subclass this in folder class, that's why a sharing object is a proxy in a mail message */ sharingMessage = [[MAPIStoreSharingMessage alloc] initWithMailHeaders: [sogoObject mailHeaders] andConnectionInfo: [[self context] connectionInfo] fromMessage: self]; [self addProxy: sharingMessage]; [sharingMessage release]; } } } headerSetup = YES; } - (void) _fetchBodyData { if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; if (!bodyContent && bodyContentKeys) { id result; NSString *key; NSEnumerator *enumerator; NSMutableData *htmlContent; NSMutableData *textContent; NSStringEncoding headerEncoding; result = [sogoObject fetchParts: bodyContentKeys]; result = [[result valueForKey: @"RawResponse"] objectForKey: @"fetch"]; htmlContent = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithCapacity: 0]; textContent = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithCapacity: 0]; headerEncoding = [NSString stringEncodingForEncodingNamed: headerCharset]; enumerator = [bodyContentKeys objectEnumerator]; while ((key = [enumerator nextObject])) { NSString *noPeekKey = [key stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: @"body.peek" withString: @"body"]; NSData *content = [[result objectForKey: noPeekKey] objectForKey: @"data"]; if (content == nil) continue; NSString *mimeType = [bodyPartsMimeTypes objectForKey: key]; if (mimeType == nil) continue; NSString *contentEncoding = [bodyPartsEncodings objectForKey: key]; if (contentEncoding == nil) contentEncoding = @"7-bit"; /* We should provide a case for each of the types in acceptedMimeTypes */ if (!mailIsEvent) { NSString *charset; NSStringEncoding charsetEncoding; NSString *stringValue; BOOL html; BOOL mixed = [[bodyPartsMixed objectForKey: key] boolValue]; if ([mimeType isEqualToString: @"text/html"]) { html = YES; } else if ([mimeType isEqualToString: @"text/plain"]) { html = NO; } else { [self warnWithFormat: @"Unsupported MIME type for non-event body part: %@.", mimeType]; continue; } content = [content bodyDataFromEncoding: contentEncoding]; charset = [bodyPartsCharsets objectForKey: key]; stringValue = nil; if (charset) { charsetEncoding = [NSString stringEncodingForEncodingNamed: charset]; if ((charsetEncoding == headerEncoding) || !headerEncoding) { if (html) [htmlContent appendData: content]; else [textContent appendData: content]; } else { stringValue = [content bodyStringFromCharset: charset]; if (html) [htmlContent appendData: [stringValue dataUsingEncoding: headerEncoding]]; else [textContent appendData: [stringValue dataUsingEncoding: headerEncoding]]; } if (mixed) { // We must add it also to the other mail representation if (html) { // TODO: html conversion to text if (stringValue && headerEncoding) [textContent appendData: [stringValue dataUsingEncoding: headerEncoding]]; else [textContent appendData: content]; } else { if (headerEncoding) { if (stringValue == nil) stringValue = [content bodyStringFromCharset: charset]; stringValue = [stringValue stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: @"\n" withString: @"
"]; [htmlContent appendData: [stringValue dataUsingEncoding: headerEncoding]]; } else { [htmlContent appendData: content]; } } } } else { /* Without charset we cannot mangle the text, so we add as it stands */ if (html || mixed) [htmlContent appendData: content]; if (!html || mixed) [textContent appendData: content]; } } else if ([mimeType isEqualToString: @"text/calendar"] || [mimeType isEqualToString: @"application/ics"]) { content = [content bodyDataFromEncoding: contentEncoding]; [textContent appendData: content]; } else { [self warnWithFormat: @"Unsupported combination for event body part. MIME type: %@", mimeType]; } } NSArray *newBodyContent = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: textContent, htmlContent, nil]; ASSIGN (bodyContent, newBodyContent); } bodySetup = YES; } - (NSArray*) getBodyContent { if (!bodySetup) [self _fetchBodyData]; return bodyContent; } - (MAPIStoreAppointmentWrapper *) _appointmentWrapper { NSData *textContent; NSArray *events, *from; iCalCalendar *calendar; iCalEvent *event; NSString *stringValue, *senderEmail; MAPIStoreContext *context; if (!appointmentWrapper) { if (!bodySetup) [self _fetchBodyData]; textContent = [bodyContent objectAtIndex: BODY_CONTENT_TEXT]; stringValue = [textContent bodyStringFromCharset: headerCharset]; calendar = [iCalCalendar parseSingleFromSource: stringValue]; events = [calendar events]; if ([events count] > 0) { event = [events objectAtIndex: 0]; from = [sogoObject fromEnvelopeAddresses]; if ([from count] > 0) senderEmail = [[from objectAtIndex: 0] email]; else senderEmail = nil; context = [self context]; appointmentWrapper = [MAPIStoreAppointmentWrapper wrapperWithICalEvent: event andUser: [context activeUser] andSenderEmail: senderEmail withConnectionInfo: [context connectionInfo]]; [appointmentWrapper retain]; } } return appointmentWrapper; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagChangeKey: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { enum mapistore_error rc = MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; NSData *changeKey; MAPIStoreMailFolder *parentFolder; NSString *nameInContainer; if (isNew) rc = MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND; else { parentFolder = (MAPIStoreMailFolder *)[self container]; nameInContainer = [self nameInContainer]; changeKey = [parentFolder changeKeyForMessageWithKey: nameInContainer]; if (!changeKey) { [self warnWithFormat: @"attempting to get change key" @" by synchronising folder..."]; [(MAPIStoreMailFolder *) container synchroniseCache]; [parentFolder synchroniseCache]; changeKey = [parentFolder changeKeyForMessageWithKey: nameInContainer]; if (changeKey) [self logWithFormat: @"got one"]; else { [self errorWithFormat: @"still nothing. We crash!"]; abort (); } } *data = [changeKey asBinaryInMemCtx: memCtx]; } return rc; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagPredecessorChangeList: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { enum mapistore_error rc = MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; NSData *changeList; if (isNew) rc = MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND; else { changeList = [(MAPIStoreMailFolder *)[self container] predecessorChangeListForMessageWithKey: [self nameInContainer]]; if (!changeList) { [self warnWithFormat: @"attempting to get predecessor change list" @" by synchronising folder..."]; [(MAPIStoreMailFolder *) container synchroniseCache]; changeList = [(MAPIStoreMailFolder *)[self container] predecessorChangeListForMessageWithKey: [self nameInContainer]]; if (changeList) [self logWithFormat: @"got one"]; else { [self errorWithFormat: @"still nothing. We crash!"]; abort (); } } *data = [changeList asBinaryInMemCtx: memCtx]; } return rc; } - (uint64_t) objectVersion { uint64_t version = ULLONG_MAX; NSString *uid, *changeNumber; BOOL synced; uid = [(MAPIStoreMailFolder *) container messageUIDFromMessageKey: [self nameInContainer]]; if (uid) { changeNumber = [(MAPIStoreMailFolder *) container changeNumberForMessageUID: uid]; if (!changeNumber) { [self warnWithFormat: @"attempting to get change number" @" by synchronising folder..."]; [(MAPIStoreMailFolder *) container synchroniseCache]; changeNumber = [(MAPIStoreMailFolder *) container changeNumberForMessageUID: uid]; if (changeNumber) [self logWithFormat: @"got one"]; else { [self warnWithFormat: @"attempting to get change number" @" by synchronising this specific message..."]; synced = [(MAPIStoreMailFolder *) container synchroniseCacheForUID: uid]; if (synced) { changeNumber = [(MAPIStoreMailFolder *) container changeNumberForMessageUID: uid]; } else { [self errorWithFormat: @"still nothing. We crash!"]; abort(); } } } version = [changeNumber unsignedLongLongValue] >> 16; } else abort(); return version; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagIconIndex: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { uint32_t longValue; if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; if (mailIsEvent) [[self _appointmentWrapper] getPidTagIconIndex: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; else { /* see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc815472.aspx */ if ([sogoObject isNewMail]) longValue = 0xffffffff; else if ([sogoObject replied]) longValue = 0x105; else if ([sogoObject forwarded]) longValue = 0x106; else if ([sogoObject read]) longValue = 0x100; else longValue = 0x101; *data = MAPILongValue (memCtx, longValue); } return MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidResponseStatus: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { *data = MAPILongValue (memCtx, 0); return MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidImapDeleted: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { uint32_t longValue; if ([sogoObject deleted]) longValue = 1; else longValue = 0; *data = MAPILongValue (memCtx, longValue); return MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagSubjectPrefix: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { NSString *subject; NSUInteger colIdx; NSString *stringValue; /* As specified in [MS-OXCMAIL], if there are three or less characters followed by a colon at the beginning of the subject, we can assume that's the subject prefix */ subject = [self subject]; colIdx = [subject rangeOfString: @":"].location; if (colIdx != NSNotFound && colIdx < 4) stringValue = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@: ", [subject substringToIndex: colIdx]]; else stringValue = @""; *data = [stringValue asUnicodeInMemCtx: memCtx]; return MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagNormalizedSubject: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { NSString *stringValue, *subject; NSUInteger quoteStartIdx, quoteEndIdx, colIdx; NSRange quoteRange; if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; subject = [self subject]; if (mailIsMeetingRequest) { /* SOGo "spices up" the invitation/update mail's subject, but the client uses it to name the attendee's event, so we keep only what's inside the quotes */ quoteStartIdx = [subject rangeOfString: @"\""].location; quoteEndIdx = [subject rangeOfString: @"\"" options: NSBackwardsSearch].location; if (quoteStartIdx != NSNotFound && quoteEndIdx != NSNotFound && quoteStartIdx != quoteEndIdx) { quoteRange = NSMakeRange(quoteStartIdx + 1, quoteEndIdx - quoteStartIdx - 1); stringValue = [subject substringWithRange: quoteRange]; } else stringValue = subject; } else { /* As specified in [MS-OXCMAIL], if there are three or less characters followed by a colon at the beginning of the subject, we can assume that's the subject prefix */ colIdx = [subject rangeOfString: @":"].location; if (colIdx != NSNotFound && colIdx < 4) stringValue = [[subject substringFromIndex: colIdx + 1] stringByTrimmingLeadSpaces]; else stringValue = subject; } if (!stringValue) stringValue = @""; *data = [stringValue asUnicodeInMemCtx: memCtx]; return MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidFInvited: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getYes: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagMessageClass: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; if (mailIsEvent) [[self _appointmentWrapper] getPidTagMessageClass: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; else if (mailIsSharingObject) *data = talloc_strdup (memCtx, "IPM.Sharing"); else *data = talloc_strdup (memCtx, "IPM.Note"); return MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagReplyRequested: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; return (mailIsMeetingRequest ? [self getYes: data inMemCtx: memCtx] : MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagResponseRequested: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getPidTagReplyRequested: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagLatestDeliveryTime: (void **) data // DOUBT inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getPidTagCreationTime: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagOriginalSubmitTime: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getPidTagCreationTime: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagClientSubmitTime: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getPidTagCreationTime: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagMessageDeliveryTime: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getPidTagCreationTime: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagMessageFlags: (void **) data // TODO inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { NSDictionary *coreInfos; NSArray *flags; unsigned int v = 0; coreInfos = [sogoObject fetchCoreInfos]; flags = [coreInfos objectForKey: @"flags"]; // if ([container isKindOfClass: MAPIStoreSentItemsFolderK] // || [container isKindOfClass: MAPIStoreDraftsFolderK]) // v |= MSGFLAG_FROMME; if ([flags containsObject: @"seen"]) v |= MSGFLAG_READ; if ([[self attachmentKeys] count] > 0) v |= MSGFLAG_HASATTACH; *data = MAPILongValue (memCtx, v); return MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagFlagStatus: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { NSDictionary *coreInfos; NSArray *flags; unsigned int v; coreInfos = [sogoObject fetchCoreInfos]; flags = [coreInfos objectForKey: @"flags"]; if ([flags containsObject: @"flagged"]) v = 2; else v = 0; *data = MAPILongValue (memCtx, v); return MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagFollowupIcon: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { NSDictionary *coreInfos; NSArray *flags; unsigned int v; coreInfos = [sogoObject fetchCoreInfos]; flags = [coreInfos objectForKey: @"flags"]; if ([flags containsObject: @"flagged"]) v = 6; else v = 0; *data = MAPILongValue (memCtx, v); return MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagSensitivity: (void **) data // TODO inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getLongZero: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagOriginalSensitivity: (void **) data // TODO inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getPidTagSensitivity: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagSentRepresentingAddressType: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getSMTPAddrType: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagReceivedRepresentingAddressType: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getSMTPAddrType: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagReceivedByAddressType: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getSMTPAddrType: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagSenderAddressType: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getSMTPAddrType: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) _getEmailAddressFromEmail: (NSString *) fullMail inData: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { NGMailAddress *ngAddress; NSString *email; if (!fullMail) fullMail = @""; ngAddress = [[NGMailAddressParser mailAddressParserWithString: fullMail] parse]; if ([ngAddress isKindOfClass: [NGMailAddress class]]) email = [ngAddress address]; else email = @""; *data = [email asUnicodeInMemCtx: memCtx]; return MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; } - (enum mapistore_error) _getCNFromEmail: (NSString *) fullMail inData: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { NGMailAddress *ngAddress; NSString *cn; if (!fullMail) fullMail = @""; ngAddress = [[NGMailAddressParser mailAddressParserWithString: fullMail] parse]; if ([ngAddress isKindOfClass: [NGMailAddress class]]) { cn = [ngAddress displayName]; // If we don't have a displayName, we use the email address instead. This // avoid bug #2119 - where Outlook won't display anything in the "From" field, // nor in the recipient field if we reply to the email. if (![cn length]) cn = [ngAddress address]; } else cn = @""; *data = [cn asUnicodeInMemCtx: memCtx]; return MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; } - (enum mapistore_error) _getEntryIdFromEmail: (NSString *) fullMail inData: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { NSString *username, *cn, *email; SOGoUserManager *mgr; NSDictionary *contactInfos; NGMailAddress *ngAddress; NSData *entryId; enum mapistore_error rc; if (fullMail) { ngAddress = [[NGMailAddressParser mailAddressParserWithString: fullMail] parse]; if ([ngAddress isKindOfClass: [NGMailAddress class]]) { email = [ngAddress address]; cn = [ngAddress displayName]; } else { email = fullMail; cn = @""; } mgr = [SOGoUserManager sharedUserManager]; contactInfos = [mgr contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: email]; if (contactInfos) { username = [contactInfos objectForKey: @"sAMAccountName"]; entryId = MAPIStoreInternalEntryId([[self context] connectionInfo], username); } else entryId = MAPIStoreExternalEntryId (cn, email); *data = [entryId asBinaryInMemCtx: memCtx]; rc = MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; } else rc = MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND; return rc; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagSenderEmailAddress: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self _getEmailAddressFromEmail: [sogoObject from] inData: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagSenderName: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self _getCNFromEmail: [sogoObject from] inData: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagSenderEntryId: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self _getEntryIdFromEmail: [sogoObject from] inData: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagOriginalAuthorName: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getPidTagSenderEmailAddress: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagSentRepresentingEmailAddress: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getPidTagSenderEmailAddress: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagSentRepresentingName: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getPidTagSenderName: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagSentRepresentingEntryId: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getPidTagSenderEntryId: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagReceivedByEmailAddress: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self _getEmailAddressFromEmail: [sogoObject to] inData: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagReceivedByName: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self _getCNFromEmail: [sogoObject to] inData: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagReceivedByEntryId: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self _getEntryIdFromEmail: [sogoObject to] inData: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagReceivedRepresentingName: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getPidTagReceivedByName: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagReceivedRepresentingEmailAddress: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getPidTagReceivedByEmailAddress: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagReceivedRepresentingEntryId: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getPidTagReceivedByEntryId: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagDisplayTo: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { *data = [[sogoObject to] asUnicodeInMemCtx: memCtx]; return MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagOriginalDisplayTo: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getPidTagDisplayTo: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagDisplayCc: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { NSString *stringValue; stringValue = [sogoObject cc]; if (!stringValue) stringValue = @""; *data = [stringValue asUnicodeInMemCtx: memCtx]; return MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagOriginalDisplayCc: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getPidTagDisplayCc: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagDisplayBcc: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getEmptyString: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagOriginalDisplayBcc: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getPidTagDisplayBcc: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidNameContentType: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { *data = [@"message/rfc822" asUnicodeInMemCtx: memCtx]; return MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagImportance: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { uint32_t v; NSString *s; s = [[sogoObject mailHeaders] objectForKey: @"x-priority"]; v = 0x1; if ([s hasPrefix: @"1"]) v = 0x2; else if ([s hasPrefix: @"2"]) v = 0x2; else if ([s hasPrefix: @"4"]) v = 0x0; else if ([s hasPrefix: @"5"]) v = 0x0; *data = MAPILongValue (memCtx, v); return MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagInternetCodepage: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { NSNumber *codepage; codepage = [Codepages getCodepageFromName: headerCharset]; if (!codepage) { [self warnWithFormat: @"Couldn't find codepage from `%@`. " @"Using UTF-8 by default", headerCharset]; codepage = [Codepages getCodepageFromName: @"utf-8"]; } *data = MAPILongValue(memCtx, [codepage intValue]); return MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagBody: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { NSData *textContent; enum mapistore_error rc; if (!bodySetup) [self _fetchBodyData]; if (!bodyContent) { *data = NULL; return MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND; } if (mailIsEvent) { rc = [[self _appointmentWrapper] getPidTagBody: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } else { textContent = [bodyContent objectAtIndex: BODY_CONTENT_TEXT]; if ([textContent length]) { NSString *stringValue = [textContent bodyStringFromCharset: headerCharset]; *data = [stringValue asUnicodeInMemCtx: memCtx]; rc = MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; } else { *data = NULL; rc = MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND; } } return rc; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagHtml: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { NSData *htmlContent; enum mapistore_error rc; if (!bodySetup) [self _fetchBodyData]; if (!bodyContent || mailIsEvent) { *data = NULL; return MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND; } htmlContent = [bodyContent objectAtIndex: BODY_CONTENT_HTML] ; if ([htmlContent length]) { *data = [htmlContent asBinaryInMemCtx: memCtx]; rc = MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; } else { *data = NULL; rc = MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND; } return rc; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagRtfCompressed: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { *data = NULL; return MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagRtfInSync: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getNo: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagInternetMessageId: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { *data = [[sogoObject messageId] asUnicodeInMemCtx: memCtx]; return MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagReadReceiptRequested: (void **) data // TODO inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getNo: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidGlobalObjectId: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; return (mailIsEvent ? [[self _appointmentWrapper] getPidLidGlobalObjectId: data inMemCtx: memCtx] : MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidCleanGlobalObjectId: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; return (mailIsEvent ? [[self _appointmentWrapper] getPidLidCleanGlobalObjectId: data inMemCtx: memCtx] : MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidServerProcessed: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; return (mailIsEvent ? [[self _appointmentWrapper] getPidLidServerProcessed: data inMemCtx: memCtx] : MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidServerProcessingActions: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; return (mailIsEvent ? [[self _appointmentWrapper] getPidLidServerProcessingActions: data inMemCtx: memCtx] : MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagProcessed: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { enum mapistore_error rc; if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; if (mailIsEvent) rc = [self getYes: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; else rc = MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND; return rc; } // - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidServerProcessed: (void **) data // inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx // { // if (!headerSetup) // [self _fetchHeaderData]; // return (mailIsEvent // ? [[self _appointmentWrapper] getPidLidServerProcessed: data // inMemCtx: memCtx] // : MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND); // } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidPrivate: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; return (mailIsEvent ? [[self _appointmentWrapper] getPidLidPrivate: data inMemCtx: memCtx] : [self getNo: data inMemCtx: memCtx]); } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagMessageEditorFormat: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { uint32_t format; if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; if ([headerMimeType isEqualToString: @"text/plain"]) format = EDITOR_FORMAT_PLAINTEXT; else if ([headerMimeType isEqualToString: @"text/html"]) format = EDITOR_FORMAT_HTML; else format = 0; /* EDITOR_FORMAT_DONTKNOW */ *data = MAPILongValue (memCtx, format); return MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidReminderSet: (void **) data // TODO inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getNo: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidUseTnef: (void **) data // TODO inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getNo: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidRemoteStatus: (void **) data // TODO inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getLongZero: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidAgingDontAgeMe: (void **) data // TODO inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { return [self getYes: data inMemCtx: memCtx]; } /* event getters */ - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagStartDate: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; return (mailIsEvent ? [[self _appointmentWrapper] getPidTagStartDate: data inMemCtx: memCtx] : MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidAppointmentMessageClass: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { enum mapistore_error rc = MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; if (mailIsEvent) *data = talloc_strdup (memCtx, "IPM.Appointment"); else rc = MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND; return rc; } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidAppointmentStartWhole: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; return (mailIsEvent ? [[self _appointmentWrapper] getPidLidAppointmentStartWhole: data inMemCtx: memCtx] : MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidCommonStart: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; return (mailIsEvent ? [[self _appointmentWrapper] getPidLidCommonStart: data inMemCtx: memCtx] : MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagEndDate: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; return (mailIsEvent ? [[self _appointmentWrapper] getPidTagEndDate: data inMemCtx: memCtx] : MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidAppointmentEndWhole: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; return (mailIsEvent ? [[self _appointmentWrapper] getPidLidAppointmentEndWhole: data inMemCtx: memCtx] : MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidCommonEnd: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; return (mailIsEvent ? [[self _appointmentWrapper] getPidLidCommonEnd: data inMemCtx: memCtx] : MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidAppointmentDuration: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; return (mailIsEvent ? [[self _appointmentWrapper] getPidLidAppointmentDuration: data inMemCtx: memCtx] : MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidAppointmentSubType: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; return (mailIsEvent ? [[self _appointmentWrapper] getPidLidAppointmentSubType: data inMemCtx: memCtx] : MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidBusyStatus: (void **) data // TODO inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; return (mailIsEvent ? [[self _appointmentWrapper] getPidLidBusyStatus: data inMemCtx: memCtx] : MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidLocation: (void **) data // LOCATION inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; return (mailIsEvent ? [[self _appointmentWrapper] getPidLidLocation: data inMemCtx: memCtx] : MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidIsRecurring: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; return (mailIsEvent ? [[self _appointmentWrapper] getPidLidIsRecurring: data inMemCtx: memCtx] : MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidRecurring: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; return (mailIsEvent ? [[self _appointmentWrapper] getPidLidRecurring: data inMemCtx: memCtx] : MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidAppointmentRecur: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; return (mailIsEvent ? [[self _appointmentWrapper] getPidLidAppointmentRecur: data inMemCtx: memCtx] : MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagOwnerAppointmentId: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; return (mailIsEvent ? [[self _appointmentWrapper] getPidTagOwnerAppointmentId: data inMemCtx: memCtx] : MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidLidMeetingType: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; return (mailIsEvent ? [[self _appointmentWrapper] getPidLidMeetingType: data inMemCtx: memCtx] : MAPISTORE_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } - (enum mapistore_error) getPidTagTransportMessageHeaders: (void **) data inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { NSDictionary *mailHeaders; NSEnumerator *keyEnumerator; NSMutableArray *headers; NGMimeMessageGenerator *g; NSString *headerKey, *fullHeader, *headerGenerated; id headerValue; NSData *headerData; /* Let's encode each mail header and put them on 'headers' array */ mailHeaders = [sogoObject mailHeaders]; headers = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: [mailHeaders count]]; g = [[NGMimeMessageGenerator alloc] init]; keyEnumerator = [mailHeaders keyEnumerator]; while ((headerKey = [keyEnumerator nextObject])) { headerValue = [mailHeaders objectForKey: headerKey]; headerData = [g generateDataForHeaderField: headerKey value: headerValue]; headerGenerated = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: headerData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; fullHeader = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@: %@", headerKey, headerGenerated]; [headerGenerated release]; [headers addObject: fullHeader]; } [g release]; *data = [[headers componentsJoinedByString:@"\n"] asUnicodeInMemCtx: memCtx]; return MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; } - (void) getMessageData: (struct mapistore_message **) dataPtr inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { NSArray *addresses; NSString *addressMethods[] = { @"fromEnvelopeAddresses", @"toEnvelopeAddresses", @"ccEnvelopeAddresses", @"bccEnvelopeAddresses" }; enum ulRecipClass addressTypes[] = { MAPI_ORIG, MAPI_TO, MAPI_CC, MAPI_BCC }; NSUInteger arrayCount, count, recipientStart, max, p; NGImap4EnvelopeAddress *currentAddress; NSString *username, *cn, *email; NSData *entryId; NSDictionary *contactInfos; SOGoUserManager *mgr; struct mapistore_message *msgData; struct mapistore_message_recipient *recipient; [super getMessageData: &msgData inMemCtx: memCtx]; if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; if (mailIsEvent) [[self _appointmentWrapper] fillMessageData: msgData inMemCtx: memCtx]; else { mgr = [SOGoUserManager sharedUserManager]; /* Retrieve recipients from the message */ msgData->columns = set_SPropTagArray (msgData, 9, PR_OBJECT_TYPE, PR_DISPLAY_TYPE, PR_7BIT_DISPLAY_NAME_UNICODE, PR_SMTP_ADDRESS_UNICODE, PR_SEND_INTERNET_ENCODING, PR_RECIPIENT_DISPLAY_NAME_UNICODE, PR_RECIPIENT_FLAGS, PR_RECIPIENT_ENTRYID, PR_RECIPIENT_TRACKSTATUS); msgData->recipients_count = 0; msgData->recipients = NULL; recipientStart = 0; for (arrayCount = 0; arrayCount < 4; arrayCount++) { addresses = [sogoObject performSelector: NSSelectorFromString (addressMethods[arrayCount])]; max = [addresses count]; if (max > 0) { msgData->recipients_count += max; msgData->recipients = talloc_realloc (msgData, msgData->recipients, struct mapistore_message_recipient, msgData->recipients_count); for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { recipient = msgData->recipients + recipientStart; currentAddress = [addresses objectAtIndex: count]; cn = [currentAddress personalName]; email = [currentAddress baseEMail]; if ([cn length] == 0) cn = email; contactInfos = [mgr contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: email]; if (contactInfos) { username = [contactInfos objectForKey: @"sAMAccountName"]; recipient->username = [username asUnicodeInMemCtx: msgData]; entryId = MAPIStoreInternalEntryId ([[self context] connectionInfo], username); } else { recipient->username = NULL; entryId = MAPIStoreExternalEntryId (cn, email); } recipient->type = addressTypes[arrayCount]; /* properties */ p = 0; recipient->data = talloc_array (msgData, void *, msgData->columns->cValues); memset (recipient->data, 0, msgData->columns->cValues * sizeof (void *)); // PR_OBJECT_TYPE = MAPI_MAILUSER (see MAPI_OBJTYPE) recipient->data[p] = MAPILongValue (msgData, MAPI_MAILUSER); p++; // PR_DISPLAY_TYPE = DT_MAILUSER (see MS-NSPI) recipient->data[p] = MAPILongValue (msgData, 0); p++; // PR_7BIT_DISPLAY_NAME_UNICODE recipient->data[p] = [cn asUnicodeInMemCtx: msgData]; p++; // PR_SMTP_ADDRESS_UNICODE recipient->data[p] = [email asUnicodeInMemCtx: msgData]; p++; // PR_SEND_INTERNET_ENCODING = 0x00060000 (plain text, see OXCMAIL) recipient->data[p] = MAPILongValue (msgData, 0x00060000); p++; // PR_RECIPIENT_DISPLAY_NAME_UNICODE recipient->data[p] = [cn asUnicodeInMemCtx: msgData]; p++; // PR_RECIPIENT_FLAGS recipient->data[p] = MAPILongValue (msgData, 0x01); p++; // PR_RECIPIENT_ENTRYID recipient->data[p] = [entryId asBinaryInMemCtx: msgData]; p++; // PR_RECIPIENT_TRACKSTATUS recipient->data[p] = MAPILongValue (msgData, 0x00); p++; recipientStart++; } } } } *dataPtr = msgData; } - (void) _fetchAttachmentPartsInBodyInfo: (NSDictionary *) bodyInfo withPrefix: (NSString *) keyPrefix { NSArray *parts; NSUInteger count, max; if ([[bodyInfo filename] length] > 0) { if ([keyPrefix length] == 0) keyPrefix = @"0"; [attachmentParts setObject: bodyInfo forKey: keyPrefix]; } else { if ([keyPrefix length] > 0) keyPrefix = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/", keyPrefix]; parts = [bodyInfo objectForKey: @"parts"]; max = [parts count]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) [self _fetchAttachmentPartsInBodyInfo: [parts objectAtIndex: count] withPrefix: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%d", keyPrefix, count + 1]]; } } - (NSArray *) attachmentKeysMatchingQualifier: (EOQualifier *) qualifier andSortOrderings: (NSArray *) sortOrderings { [self _fetchAttachmentPartsInBodyInfo: [sogoObject bodyStructure] withPrefix: @""]; return [super attachmentKeysMatchingQualifier: qualifier andSortOrderings: sortOrderings]; } - (id) lookupAttachment: (NSString *) childKey { MAPIStoreMailAttachment *attachment; SOGoMailBodyPart *currentPart; NSArray *keyParts; NSUInteger count, max; attachment = nil; keyParts = [childKey componentsSeparatedByString: @"/"]; max = [keyParts count]; if (max > 0) { [[self userContext] activate]; currentPart = [sogoObject lookupName: [keyParts objectAtIndex: 0] inContext: nil acquire: NO]; if ([currentPart isKindOfClass: NSExceptionK]) currentPart = nil; for (count = 1; currentPart && count < max; count++) { [parentContainersBag addObject: currentPart]; currentPart = [currentPart lookupName: [keyParts objectAtIndex: count] inContext: nil acquire: NO]; if ([currentPart isKindOfClass: NSExceptionK]) currentPart = nil; } if (currentPart) { attachment = [MAPIStoreMailAttachment mapiStoreObjectInContainer: self]; [attachment setBodyPart: currentPart]; [attachment setBodyInfo: [attachmentParts objectForKey: childKey]]; [attachment setAID: [[self attachmentKeys] indexOfObject: childKey]]; } } return attachment; } - (enum mapistore_error) setReadFlag: (uint8_t) flag { /* TODO: notifications should probably be emitted from here */ if (flag & CLEAR_READ_FLAG) [properties setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: NO] forKey: @"read_flag_set"]; else [properties setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: YES] forKey: @"read_flag_set"]; return MAPISTORE_SUCCESS; } - (void) setBodyContentFromRawData: (NSArray *) rawContent { if (!headerSetup) [self _fetchHeaderData]; ASSIGN (bodyContent, rawContent); bodySetup = YES; } - (MAPIStoreSharingMessage *) _sharingObject { /* Get the sharing object if available */ NSUInteger i, max; id proxy; max = [proxies count]; for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { proxy = [proxies objectAtIndex: i]; if ([proxy isKindOfClass: MAPIStoreSharingMessageK]) return proxy; } return nil; } - (void) save: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx { BOOL modified = NO; BOOL seen, storedSeenFlag; NSNumber *value; NSString *imapFlag = @"\\Seen"; value = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_FLAG_STATUS)]; if (value) { /* We don't handle the concept of "Follow Up" */ if ([value intValue] == 2) [sogoObject addFlags: @"\\Flagged"]; else /* 0: unflagged, 1: follow up complete */ [sogoObject removeFlags: @"\\Flagged"]; modified = YES; } /* Manage seen flag on save */ value = [properties objectForKey: @"read_flag_set"]; if (value) { seen = [value boolValue]; storedSeenFlag = [[[sogoObject fetchCoreInfos] objectForKey: @"flags"] containsObject: @"seen"]; /* We modify the flags anyway to generate a new change number */ if (seen) { if (storedSeenFlag) [sogoObject removeFlags: imapFlag]; [sogoObject addFlags: imapFlag]; } else { if (!storedSeenFlag) [sogoObject addFlags: imapFlag]; [sogoObject removeFlags: imapFlag]; } modified = YES; } if (modified) [(MAPIStoreMailFolder *)[self container] synchroniseCache]; if (mailIsSharingObject) [[self _sharingObject] saveWithMessage: self andSOGoObject: sogoObject]; } @end