/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ (function() { 'use strict'; /** * @name Preferences * @constructor */ function Preferences() { var _this = this; this.defaults = {}; this.settings = {}; this.defaultsPromise = Preferences.$$resource.fetch("jsonDefaults").then(function(data) { // We swap $key -> _$key to avoid an Angular bug (https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/6266) var labels = _.fromPairs(_.map(data.SOGoMailLabelsColors, function(value, key) { if (key.charAt(0) == '$') return ['_' + key, value]; return [key, value]; })); data.SOGoMailLabelsColors = labels; // Mail editor autosave is a number of minutes or 0 if disabled data.SOGoMailAutoSave = parseInt(data.SOGoMailAutoSave) || 0; // Specify a base font size for HTML messages when SOGoMailComposeFontSize is not zero data.SOGoMailComposeFontSizeEnabled = parseInt(data.SOGoMailComposeFontSize) > 0; if (window.CKEDITOR && data.SOGoMailComposeFontSizeEnabled) { // HTML editor is enabled; set user's preferred font size window.CKEDITOR.config.fontSize_defaultLabel = data.SOGoMailComposeFontSize; window.CKEDITOR.addCss('.cke_editable { font-size: ' + data.SOGoMailComposeFontSize + 'px; }'); } // We convert our list of autoReplyEmailAddresses/forwardAddress into a string. // We also convert our date objects into real date, otherwise we'll have strings // or undefined values and the md-datepicker does NOT like this. if (data.Vacation) { if (data.Vacation.startDate) data.Vacation.startDate = new Date(parseInt(data.Vacation.startDate) * 1000); else { data.Vacation.startDateEnabled = 0; data.Vacation.startDate = new Date(); } if (data.Vacation.endDate) data.Vacation.endDate = new Date(parseInt(data.Vacation.endDate) * 1000); else { data.Vacation.endDateEnabled = 0; data.Vacation.endDate = new Date(); } if (data.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses && data.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses.length) data.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses = data.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses.join(","); else delete data.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses; } else data.Vacation = {}; if (angular.isUndefined(data.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses) && angular.isDefined(window.defaultEmailAddresses)) data.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses = window.defaultEmailAddresses; if (angular.isUndefined(data.Vacation.daysBetweenResponse)) data.Vacation.daysBetweenResponse = 7; if (angular.isUndefined(data.Vacation.startDate)) { data.Vacation.startDateEnabled = 0; data.Vacation.startDate = new Date(); } if (angular.isUndefined(data.Vacation.endDate)) { data.Vacation.endDateEnabled = 0; data.Vacation.endDate = new Date(); } if (data.Forward && data.Forward.forwardAddress) data.Forward.forwardAddress = data.Forward.forwardAddress.join(","); if (angular.isUndefined(data.SOGoCalendarCategoriesColors)) { data.SOGoCalendarCategoriesColors = {}; data.SOGoCalendarCategories = []; } if (angular.isUndefined(data.SOGoContactsCategories)) data.SOGoContactsCategories = []; angular.extend(_this.defaults, data); // Configure date locale _this.$mdDateLocaleProvider = Preferences.$mdDateLocaleProvider; angular.extend(_this.$mdDateLocaleProvider, data.locale); angular.extend(_this.$mdDateLocaleProvider, { firstDayOfWeek: data.SOGoFirstDayOfWeek, firstWeekOfYear: data.SOGoFirstWeekOfYear }); _this.$mdDateLocaleProvider.firstDayOfWeek = parseInt(data.SOGoFirstDayOfWeek); _this.$mdDateLocaleProvider.weekNumberFormatter = function(weekNumber) { return l('Week %d', weekNumber); }; _this.$mdDateLocaleProvider.msgCalendar = l('Calender'); _this.$mdDateLocaleProvider.msgOpenCalendar = l('Open Calendar'); _this.$mdDateLocaleProvider.parseDate = function(dateString) { return dateString? dateString.parseDate(_this.$mdDateLocaleProvider, data.SOGoShortDateFormat) : new Date(NaN); }; _this.$mdDateLocaleProvider.formatDate = function(date) { return date? date.format(_this.$mdDateLocaleProvider, date.$dateFormat || data.SOGoShortDateFormat) : ''; }; _this.$mdDateLocaleProvider.parseTime = function(timeString) { return timeString? timeString.parseDate(_this.$mdDateLocaleProvider, data.SOGoTimeFormat) : new Date(NaN); }; _this.$mdDateLocaleProvider.formatTime = function(date) { return date? date.format(_this.$mdDateLocaleProvider, data.SOGoTimeFormat) : ''; }; return _this.defaults; }); this.settingsPromise = Preferences.$$resource.fetch("jsonSettings").then(function(data) { // We convert our PreventInvitationsWhitelist hash into a array of user if (data.Calendar) { if (data.Calendar.PreventInvitationsWhitelist) { data.Calendar.PreventInvitationsWhitelist = _.map(data.Calendar.PreventInvitationsWhitelist, function(value, key) { var match = /^(.+)\s<(\S+)>$/.exec(value), user = new Preferences.$User({uid: key, cn: match[1], c_email: match[2]}); if (!user.$$image) _this.avatar(user.c_email, 32, {no_404: true}).then(function(url) { user.$$image = url; }); return user; }); } else data.Calendar.PreventInvitationsWhitelist = []; } angular.extend(_this.settings, data); return _this.settings; }); } /** * @memberof Preferences * @desc The factory we'll use to register with Angular * @returns the Preferences constructor */ Preferences.$factory = ['$q', '$timeout', '$log', '$mdDateLocale', 'sgSettings', 'Gravatar', 'Resource', 'User', function($q, $timeout, $log, $mdDateLocaleProvider, Settings, Gravatar, Resource, User) { angular.extend(Preferences, { $q: $q, $timeout: $timeout, $log: $log, $mdDateLocaleProvider: $mdDateLocaleProvider, $gravatar: Gravatar, $$resource: new Resource(Settings.activeUser('folderURL'), Settings.activeUser()), $resourcesURL: Settings.resourcesURL(), $User: User }); return new Preferences(); // return unique instance }]; /* Initialize module if necessary */ try { angular.module('SOGo.PreferencesUI'); } catch(e) { angular.module('SOGo.PreferencesUI', ['SOGo.Common']); } /* Factory registration in Angular module */ angular.module('SOGo.PreferencesUI') .factory('Preferences', Preferences.$factory); /** * @function ready * @memberof Preferences.prototype * @desc Combine promises used to load user's defaults and settings. * @return a combined promise */ Preferences.prototype.ready = function() { return Preferences.$q.all([this.defaultsPromise, this.settingsPromise]); }; /** * @function avatar * @memberof Preferences.prototype * @desc Get the avatar URL associated to an email address * @return a combined promise */ Preferences.prototype.avatar = function(email, size, options) { var _this = this; return this.ready().then(function() { var alternate_avatar = _this.defaults.SOGoAlternateAvatar, url; if (_this.defaults.SOGoGravatarEnabled) url = Preferences.$gravatar(email, size, alternate_avatar, options); else url = [Preferences.$resourcesURL, 'img', 'ic_person_grey_24px.svg'].join('/'); if (options && options.dstObject && options.dstAttr) options.dstObject[options.dstAttr] = url; return url; }); }; /** * @function $save * @memberof Preferences.prototype * @desc Save the preferences to the server. */ Preferences.prototype.$save = function() { var _this = this; return Preferences.$$resource.save("Preferences", this.$omit(true)) .then(function(data) { // Make a copy of the data for an eventual reset //_this.$shadowData = _this.$omit(true); return data; }); }; /** * @function $omit * @memberof Preferences.prototype * @desc Return a sanitized object used to send to the server. * @param {Boolean} [deep] - make a deep copy if true * @return an object literal copy of the Preferences instance */ Preferences.prototype.$omit = function(deep) { var preferences, labels, whitelist; preferences = {}; whitelist = {}; angular.forEach(this, function(value, key) { if (key != 'constructor' && key[0] != '$') { if (deep) preferences[key] = angular.copy(value); else preferences[key] = value; } }); // We swap _$key -> $key to avoid an Angular bug (https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/6266) labels = _.fromPairs(_.map(preferences.defaults.SOGoMailLabelsColors, function(value, key) { if (key.charAt(0) == '_' && key.charAt(1) == '$') { // New key, let's take the value and flatten it if (key.length > 2 && key.charAt(2) == '$') { return [value[0].toLowerCase().replace(/[ \(\)\/\{%\*<>\\\"]/g, "_"), value]; } return [key.substring(1), value]; } return [key, value]; })); preferences.defaults.SOGoMailLabelsColors = labels; if (!preferences.defaults.SOGoMailComposeFontSizeEnabled) preferences.defaults.SOGoMailComposeFontSize = 0; delete preferences.defaults.SOGoMailComposeFontSizeEnabled; if (preferences.defaults.Vacation) { if (preferences.defaults.Vacation.startDateEnabled) preferences.defaults.Vacation.startDate = preferences.defaults.Vacation.startDate.getTime()/1000; else preferences.defaults.Vacation.startDate = 0; if (preferences.defaults.Vacation.endDateEnabled) preferences.defaults.Vacation.endDate = preferences.defaults.Vacation.endDate.getTime()/1000; else preferences.defaults.Vacation.endDate = 0; if (preferences.defaults.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses) preferences.defaults.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses = _.filter(preferences.defaults.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses.split(","), function(v) { return v.length; }); else preferences.defaults.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses = []; } if (preferences.defaults.Forward && preferences.defaults.Forward.forwardAddress) preferences.defaults.Forward.forwardAddress = preferences.defaults.Forward.forwardAddress.split(","); if (preferences.settings.Calendar && preferences.settings.Calendar.PreventInvitationsWhitelist) { _.forEach(preferences.settings.Calendar.PreventInvitationsWhitelist, function(user) { whitelist[user.uid] = user.$shortFormat(); }); preferences.settings.Calendar.PreventInvitationsWhitelist = whitelist; } return preferences; }; })();