# GNUstep makefile include ../common.make WEBSERVER_RESOURCE_DIRS = css fonts img js JS_FILES = js/Administration.* js/Common.* js/Contacts.* js/Mailer.* js/Main.* js/Preferences.* js/Scheduler.* css/styles.* JS_LIB_FILES = js/vendor/angular-animate.* js/vendor/angular-aria.* js/vendor/angular-cookies.* js/vendor/angular-messages.* js/vendor/angular-file-upload.min.js js/vendor/ng-sortable.* js/vendor/angular-material.* js/vendor/angular-sanitize.* js/vendor/angular-ui-router.* js/vendor/angular.* js/vendor/lodash.* CSS_FILES = css/styles.css css/styles.css.map .DEFAULT_GOAL := all dev: npm install --production @if [ ! -e angular-material/src ]; then \ git submodule init; \ fi git submodule update @if [ -d bower_components ]; then \ bower update --allow-root; \ else \ bower install --allow-root; \ fi grunt --stack build prod: grunt --stack build git update-index --no-assume-unchanged $(CSS_FILES) $(JS_FILES) $(JS_LIB_FILES) git add -f $(CSS_FILES) $(JS_FILES) $(JS_LIB_FILES) @if ! git diff --cached --quiet --exit-code; then \ git commit -m "(js/css) Update generated files"; \ else \ echo "Nothing to commit; skipping git-commit"; \ fi git update-index --assume-unchanged $(CSS_FILES) $(JS_FILES) $(JS_LIB_FILES) all: @echo "The 'all' target does nothing. Use 'make dev' to generate static files and 'make install' to install them." install: @if [ -L "$(SOGO_WEBSERVERRESOURCESDIR)" ]; then \ echo "$(SOGO_WEBSERVERRESOURCESDIR) is a symbolic link (for development?). Installation skipped."; \ else \ mkdir -p $(SOGO_WEBSERVERRESOURCESDIR); \ cp -r $(WEBSERVER_RESOURCE_DIRS) $(SOGO_WEBSERVERRESOURCESDIR)/; \ fi check: clean: distclean: clean uninstall: @if [ -L "$(SOGO_WEBSERVERRESOURCESDIR)" ]; then \ echo "$(SOGO_WEBSERVERRESOURCESDIR) is a symbolic link (for development?). Uninstallation skipped."; \ else \ rm -rf $(SOGO_WEBSERVERRESOURCESDIR); \ fi