var sortOrder = ''; var sortKey = ''; var listFilter = 'view_today'; var listOfSelection = null; var selectedCalendarCell; var hideCompletedTasks = 0; var currentDay = ''; var currentView = "dayview"; var cachedDateSelectors = new Array(); var contactSelectorAction = 'calendars-contacts'; var eventsToDelete = new Array(); var ownersOfEventsToDelete = new Array(); function newEvent(sender, type) { var day = sender.getAttribute("day"); if (!day) day = currentDay; var hour = sender.getAttribute("hour"); var urlstr = ApplicationBaseURL + "new" + type; var params = new Array(); if (day) params.push("day=" + day); if (hour) params.push("hm=" + hour); if (params.length > 0) urlstr += "?" + params.join("&");, "", "width=620,height=600,resizable=0"); return false; /* stop following the link */ } function _editEventId(id, owner) { var urlBase; if (owner) urlBase = UserFolderURL + "../" + owner + "/"; urlBase += "Calendar/" var urlstr = urlBase + id + "/edit"; var win =, "SOGo_edit_" + id, "width=620,height=600,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,toolbar=0," + "location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,copyhistory=0"); win.focus(); } function editEvent() { if (listOfSelection) { var nodes = listOfSelection.getSelectedRows(); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) _editEventId(nodes[i].getAttribute("id"), nodes[i].getAttribute("owner")); } else if (selectedCalendarCell) { _editEventId(selectedCalendarCell.getAttribute("aptCName"), selectedCalendarCell.getAttribute("owner")); } return false; /* stop following the link */ } function _batchDeleteEvents() { var events = eventsToDelete.shift(); var owner = ownersOfEventsToDelete.shift(); var urlstr = (UserFolderURL + "../" + owner + "/Calendar/batchDelete?ids=" + events.join('/')); document.deleteEventAjaxRequest = triggerAjaxRequest(urlstr, deleteEventCallback, events); } function deleteEvent() { if (listOfSelection) { var nodes = listOfSelection.getSelectedRows(); if (nodes.length > 0) { var label = ""; if (listOfSelection == $("tasksList")) label = labels["taskDeleteConfirmation"].decodeEntities(); else label = labels["appointmentDeleteConfirmation"].decodeEntities(); if (confirm(label)) { if (document.deleteEventAjaxRequest) { document.deleteEventAjaxRequest.aborted = true; document.deleteEventAjaxRequest.abort(); } var sortedNodes = new Array(); var owners = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var owner = nodes[i].getAttribute("owner"); if (!sortedNodes[owner]) { sortedNodes[owner] = new Array(); owners.push(owner); } sortedNodes[owner].push(nodes[i].getAttribute("id")); } for (var i = 0; i < owners.length; i++) { ownersOfEventsToDelete.push(owners[i]); eventsToDelete.push(sortedNodes[owners[i]]); } _batchDeleteEvents(); } } } else if (selectedCalendarCell) { var label = labels["appointmentDeleteConfirmation"].decodeEntities(); if (confirm(label)) { if (document.deleteEventAjaxRequest) { document.deleteEventAjaxRequest.aborted = true; document.deleteEventAjaxRequest.abort(); } eventsToDelete.push([selectedCalendarCell.getAttribute("aptCName")]); ownersOfEventsToDelete.push(selectedCalendarCell.getAttribute("owner")); _batchDeleteEvents(); } } else window.alert("no selection"); return false; } function modifyEvent(sender, modification) { var currentLocation = '' + window.location; var arr = currentLocation.split("/"); arr[arr.length-1] = modification; document.modifyEventAjaxRequest = triggerAjaxRequest(arr.join("/"), modifyEventCallback, modification); return false; } function closeInvitationWindow() { var closeDiv = document.createElement("div"); closeDiv.addClassName("javascriptPopupBackground"); var closePseudoWin = document.createElement("div"); closePseudoWin.addClassName("javascriptMessagePseudoWindow"); = "0px;"; = "0px;"; = "0px;"; closePseudoWin.appendChild(document.createTextNode(labels["closeThisWindowMessage"].decodeEntities())); document.body.appendChild(closeDiv); document.body.appendChild(closePseudoWin); } function modifyEventCallback(http) { if (http.readyState == 4) { if (http.status == 200) { log("closing window...?"); if (queryParameters["mail-invitation"] == "yes") closeInvitationWindow(); else window.close(); } else { log("showing alert..."); window.alert(labels["eventPartStatModificationError"]); } document.modifyEventAjaxRequest = null; } } function deleteEventCallback(http) { if (http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) { var nodes = $(http.callbackData); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var node = $(nodes[i]); node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } if (eventsToDelete.length) _batchDeleteEvents(); else { document.deleteEventAjaxRequest = null; refreshAppointments(); refreshTasks(); changeCalendarDisplay(); } } else log ("ajax fuckage"); } function editDoubleClickedEvent(node) { _editEventId(node.getAttribute("id"), node.getAttribute("owner")); return false; } function onSelectAll() { var list = $("appointmentsList"); list.selectRowsMatchingClass("appointmentRow"); return false; } function displayAppointment(event) { _editEventId(this.getAttribute("aptCName"), this.getAttribute("owner")); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); event.cancelBubble = true; event.returnValue = false; } function onDaySelect(node) { var day = node.getAttribute("day"); var needRefresh = (listFilter == 'view_selectedday' && day != currentDay); var td = node.getParentWithTagName("td"); var table = td.getParentWithTagName("table"); // log ("table.selected: " + table.selected); if (document.selectedDate) document.selectedDate.deselect();; document.selectedDate = td; changeCalendarDisplay( { "day": day } ); if (needRefresh) refreshAppointments(); return false; } function onDateSelectorGotoMonth(node) { var day = node.getAttribute("date"); changeDateSelectorDisplay(day, true); return false; } function onCalendarGotoDay(node) { var day = node.getAttribute("date"); changeDateSelectorDisplay(day); changeCalendarDisplay( { "day": day } ); return false; } function gotoToday() { changeDateSelectorDisplay(''); changeCalendarDisplay(); return false; } function setDateSelectorContent(content) { var div = $("dateSelectorView"); div.innerHTML = content; if (currentDay.length > 0) restoreCurrentDaySelection(div); } function dateSelectorCallback(http) { if (http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) { document.dateSelectorAjaxRequest = null; var content = http.responseText; setDateSelectorContent(content); cachedDateSelectors[http.callbackData] = content; } else log ("ajax fuckage"); } function appointmentsListCallback(http) { var div = $("appointmentsListView"); if (http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) { document.appointmentsListAjaxRequest = null; div.innerHTML = http.responseText; var params = parseQueryParameters(http.callbackData); sortKey = params["sort"]; sortOrder = params["desc"]; var list = $("appointmentsList"); list.addEventListener("selectionchange", onAppointmentsSelectionChange, true); configureSortableTableHeaders(); } else log ("ajax fuckage"); } function tasksListCallback(http) { var div = $("tasksListView"); if (http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) { document.tasksListAjaxRequest = null; var list = $("tasksList"); var scroll = list.scrollTop; div.innerHTML = http.responseText; list = $("tasksList"); list.addEventListener("selectionchange", onTasksSelectionChange, true); list.scrollTop = scroll; if (http.callbackData) { var selectedNodesId = http.callbackData; for (var i = 0; i < selectedNodesId.length; i++) $(selectedNodesId[i]).select(); } } else log ("ajax fuckage"); } function restoreCurrentDaySelection(div) { var elements = div.getElementsByTagName("a"); var day = null; var i = 9; while (!day && i < elements.length) { day = elements[i].getAttribute("day"); i++; } if (day && day.substr(0, 6) == currentDay.substr(0, 6)) { for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { day = elements[i].getAttribute("day"); if (day && day == currentDay) { var td = elements[i].getParentWithTagName("td"); if (document.selectedDate) document.selectedDate.deselect();; document.selectedDate = td; } } } } function changeDateSelectorDisplay(day, keepCurrentDay) { var url = ApplicationBaseURL + "dateselector"; if (day) url += "?day=" + day; if (day != currentDay) { if (!keepCurrentDay) currentDay = day; var month = day.substr(0, 6); if (cachedDateSelectors[month]) { // log ("restoring cached selector for month: " + month); setDateSelectorContent(cachedDateSelectors[month]); } else { // log ("loading selector for month: " + month); if (document.dateSelectorAjaxRequest) { document.dateSelectorAjaxRequest.aborted = true; document.dateSelectorAjaxRequest.abort(); } document.dateSelectorAjaxRequest = triggerAjaxRequest(url, dateSelectorCallback, month); } } } function changeCalendarDisplay(time, newView) { var url = ApplicationBaseURL + ((newView) ? newView : currentView); selectedCalendarCell = null; var day = null; var hour = null; if (time) { day = time['day']; hour = time['hour']; } if (!day) day = currentDay; if (day) url += "?day=" + day; // if (newView) // log ("switching to view: " + newView); // log ("changeCalendarDisplay: " + url); if (document.dayDisplayAjaxRequest) { // log ("aborting day ajaxrq"); document.dayDisplayAjaxRequest.aborted = true; document.dayDisplayAjaxRequest.abort(); } document.dayDisplayAjaxRequest = triggerAjaxRequest(url, calendarDisplayCallback, { "view": newView, "day": day, "hour": hour }); return false; } function _ensureView(view) { if (currentView != view) changeCalendarDisplay(null, view); return false; } function onDayOverview() { return _ensureView("dayview"); } function onWeekOverview() { return _ensureView("weekview"); } function onMonthOverview() { return _ensureView("monthview"); } function scrollDayView(hour) { log("stest1"); var rowNumber; if (hour) { if (hour.length == 3) rowNumber = parseInt(hour.substr(0, 1)); else { if (hour.substr(0, 1) == "0") rowNumber = parseInt(hour.substr(1, 1)); else rowNumber = parseInt(hour.substr(0, 2)); } } else rowNumber = 8; var daysView = $("daysView"); var hours = daysView.childNodesWithTag("div")[0].childNodesWithTag("div"); if (hours.length > 0) daysView.parentNode.scrollTop = hours[rowNumber + 1].offsetTop; log("stest2"); } function onClickableCellsDblClick(event) { newEvent(this, 'event'); event.cancelBubble = true; event.returnValue = false; } function calendarDisplayCallback(http) { var div = $("calendarView"); // log ("calendardisplaycallback: " + div); if (http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) { document.dayDisplayAjaxRequest = null; div.innerHTML = http.responseText; if (http.callbackData["view"]) currentView = http.callbackData["view"]; if (http.callbackData["day"]) currentDay = http.callbackData["day"]; var hour = null; if (http.callbackData["hour"]) hour = http.callbackData["hour"]; var contentView; if (currentView == "monthview") contentView = $("calendarContent"); else { scrollDayView(hour); // log("cbtest1"); contentView = $("daysView"); } var appointments = document.getElementsByClassName("appointment", contentView); for (var i = 0; i < appointments.length; i++) { appointments[i].addEventListener("mousedown", listRowMouseDownHandler, true); appointments[i].addEventListener("click", onCalendarSelectAppointment, false); appointments[i].addEventListener("dblclick", displayAppointment, true); } var days = document.getElementsByClassName("day", contentView); if (currentView == "monthview") for (var i = 0; i < days.length; i++) { days[i].addEventListener("click", onCalendarSelectDay, true); days[i].addEventListener("dblclick", onClickableCellsDblClick, false); } else for (var i = 0; i < days.length; i++) { days[i].addEventListener("click", onCalendarSelectDay, false); var clickableCells = document.getElementsByClassName("clickableHourCell", days[i]); for (var j = 0; j < clickableCells.length; j++) clickableCells[j].addEventListener("dblclick", onClickableCellsDblClick, false); } // log("cbtest1"); } else log ("ajax fuckage"); } function assignCalendar(name) { var node = $(name); node.calendar = new skycalendar(node); node.calendar.setCalendarPage(ResourcesURL + "/skycalendar.html"); var dateFormat = node.getAttribute("dateFormat"); if (dateFormat) node.calendar.setDateFormat(dateFormat); } function popupCalendar(node) { var nodeId = node.getAttribute("inputId"); var input = $(nodeId); input.calendar.popup(); return false; } function onAppointmentContextMenu(event, element) { var topNode = $("appointmentsList"); // log(topNode); var menu = $("appointmentsListMenu"); menu.addEventListener("hideMenu", onAppointmentContextMenuHide, false); onMenuClick(event, "appointmentsListMenu"); var topNode = $("appointmentsList"); var selectedNodes = topNode.getSelectedRows(); topNode.menuSelectedRows = selectedNodes; for (var i = 0; i < selectedNodes.length; i++) selectedNodes[i].deselect(); topNode.menuSelectedEntry = element;; } function onAppointmentContextMenuHide(event) { var topNode = $("appointmentsList"); if (topNode.menuSelectedEntry) { topNode.menuSelectedEntry.deselect(); topNode.menuSelectedEntry = null; } if (topNode.menuSelectedRows) { var nodeIds = topNode.menuSelectedRows; for (var i = 0; i < nodeIds.length; i++) { var node = $(nodeIds[i]);; } topNode.menuSelectedRows = null; } } function onAppointmentsSelectionChange() { listOfSelection = this; this.removeClassName("_unfocused"); $("tasksList").addClassName("_unfocused"); } function onTasksSelectionChange() { listOfSelection = this; this.removeClassName("_unfocused"); $("appointmentsList").addClassName("_unfocused"); } function _loadAppointmentHref(href) { if (document.appointmentsListAjaxRequest) { document.appointmentsListAjaxRequest.aborted = true; document.appointmentsListAjaxRequest.abort(); } var url = ApplicationBaseURL + href; document.appointmentsListAjaxRequest = triggerAjaxRequest(url, appointmentsListCallback, href); return false; } function _loadTasksHref(href) { if (document.tasksListAjaxRequest) { document.tasksListAjaxRequest.aborted = true; document.tasksListAjaxRequest.abort(); } url = ApplicationBaseURL + href; var selectedIds = $("tasksList").getSelectedNodesId(); document.tasksListAjaxRequest = triggerAjaxRequest(url, tasksListCallback, selectedIds); return false; } function onHeaderClick(event) { // log("onHeaderClick: " +; _loadAppointmentHref(; event.preventDefault(); } function refreshAppointments() { return _loadAppointmentHref("aptlist?desc=" + sortOrder + "&sort=" + sortKey + "&day=" + currentDay + "&filterpopup=" + listFilter); } function refreshTasks() { return _loadTasksHref("taskslist?hide-completed=" + hideCompletedTasks); } function refreshAppointmentsAndDisplay() { refreshAppointments(); changeCalendarDisplay(); } function onListFilterChange() { var node = $("filterpopup"); listFilter = node.value; // log ("listFilter = " + listFilter); return refreshAppointments(); } function onAppointmentClick(event) { var node ="tr"); var day = node.getAttribute("day"); var hour = node.getAttribute("hour"); changeCalendarDisplay( { "day": day, "hour": hour} ); changeDateSelectorDisplay(day); return onRowClick(event); } function selectMonthInMenu(menu, month) { var entries = menu.childNodes[1].childNodesWithTag("LI"); for (i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { var entry = entries[i]; var entryMonth = entry.getAttribute("month"); if (entryMonth == month) entry.addClassName("currentMonth"); else entry.removeClassName("currentMonth"); } } function selectYearInMenu(menu, month) { var entries = menu.childNodes[1].childNodes; for (i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { var entry = entries[i]; if (entry instanceof HTMLLIElement) { var entryMonth = entry.innerHTML; if (entryMonth == month) entry.addClassName("currentMonth"); else entry.removeClassName("currentMonth"); } } } function popupMonthMenu(event, menuId) { var node =; if (event.button == 0) { event.cancelBubble = true; event.returnValue = false; if (document.currentPopupMenu) hideMenu(event, document.currentPopupMenu); var popup = $(menuId); var id = node.getAttribute("id"); if (id == "monthLabel") selectMonthInMenu(popup, node.getAttribute("month")); else selectYearInMenu(popup, node.innerHTML); var diff = (popup.offsetWidth - node.offsetWidth) /2; = (node.offsetTop + 95) + "px"; = (node.offsetLeft - diff) + "px"; = "visible"; bodyOnClick = "" + document.body.getAttribute("onclick"); document.body.setAttribute("onclick", "onBodyClick('" + menuId + "');"); document.currentPopupMenu = popup; } } function onMonthMenuItemClick(node) { var month = '' + node.getAttribute("month"); var year = '' + $("yearLabel").innerHTML; changeDateSelectorDisplay(year+month+"01", true); return false; } function onYearMenuItemClick(node) { var month = '' + $("monthLabel").getAttribute("month");; var year = '' + node.innerHTML; changeDateSelectorDisplay(year+month+"01", true); return false; } function onSearchFormSubmit() { log ("search not implemented"); return false; } function onCalendarSelectAppointment() { var list = $("appointmentsList"); list.deselectAll(); var aptCName = this.getAttribute("aptCName"); listOfSelection = null; if (selectedCalendarCell) selectedCalendarCell.deselect();; selectedCalendarCell = this; var row = $(aptCName); if (row) { var div = row.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; div.scrollTop = row.offsetTop - (div.offsetHeight / 2);; } } function onCalendarSelectDay(event) { var day = this.getAttribute("day"); var needRefresh = (listFilter == 'view_selectedday' && day != currentDay); if (currentView == 'weekview') changeWeekCalendarDisplayOfSelectedDay(this); else if (currentView == 'monthview') changeMonthCalendarDisplayOfSelectedDay(this); changeDateSelectorDisplay(day); if (needRefresh) refreshAppointments(); } function changeWeekCalendarDisplayOfSelectedDay(node) { var days = document.getElementsByClassName("day", node.parentNode); for (var i = 0; i < days.length; i++) if (days[i] != node) days[i].removeClassName("selectedDay"); node.addClassName("selectedDay"); } function findMonthCalendarSelectedCell(table) { var tbody = table.tBodies[0]; var rows = tbody.rows; var i = 1; while (i < rows.length && !table.selectedCell) { var cells = rows[i].cells; var j = 0; while (j < cells.length && !table.selectedCell) { if (cells[j].hasClassName("selectedDay")) table.selectedCell = cells[j]; else j++; } i++; } } function changeMonthCalendarDisplayOfSelectedDay(node) { var tr = node.parentNode; var table = tr.parentNode.parentNode; if (!table.selectedCell) findMonthCalendarSelectedCell(table); if (table.selectedCell) table.selectedCell.removeClassName("selectedDay"); table.selectedCell = node; node.addClassName("selectedDay"); } function onHideCompletedTasks(node) { hideCompletedTasks = (node.checked ? 1 : 0); return refreshTasks(); } function updateTaskStatus(node) { var taskId = node.parentNode.getAttribute("id"); var taskOwner = node.parentNode.getAttribute("owner"); var newStatus = (node.checked ? 1 : 0); // log ("update task status: " + taskId); var http = createHTTPClient(); url = (UserFolderURL + "../" + taskOwner + "/Calendar/" + taskId + "/changeStatus?status=" + newStatus); if (http) { // log ("url: " + url); // TODO: add parameter to signal that we are only interested in OK http.url = url;"GET", url, false /* not async */); http.send(""); if (http.status == 200) refreshTasks(); } else log ("no http client?"); return false; } function updateCalendarStatus() { var list = new Array(); var clist = $("calendarsList"); var nodes = clist.childNodesWithTag("ul")[0].childNodesWithTag("li"); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var input = nodes[i].childNodesWithTag("input")[0]; if (input.checked) list.push(nodes[i].getAttribute("uid")); } if (!list.length) { list.push(nodes[0].getAttribute("uid")); nodes[0].childNodesWithTag("input")[0].checked = true; } // ApplicationBaseURL = (UserFolderURL + "Groups/_custom_" // + list.join(",") + "/Calendar/"); updateCalendarsList(); refreshAppointments(); refreshTasks(); changeCalendarDisplay(); return false; } function calendarUidsList() { var list = ""; var nodes = $("uixselector-calendarsList-display").childNodesWithTag("li"); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var currentNode = nodes[i]; var input = currentNode.childNodesWithTag("input")[0]; if (!input.checked) list += "-"; list += currentNode.getAttribute("uid") + ","; } return list.substr(0, list.length - 1); } // function updateCalendarContacts(contacts) // { // var list = contacts.split(","); // var clist = $("calendarsList"); // var nodes = clist.childNodes[5].childNodes; // for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { // var currentNode = nodes[i]; // if (currentNode instanceof HTMLLIElement) { // var input = currentNode.childNodes[3]; // if (!input.checked) // list += "-"; // list += currentNode.getAttribute("uid") + ","; // } // } // } function inhibitMyCalendarEntry() { var clist = $("calendarsList"); var nodes = clist.childNodes[5].childNodes; var done = false; var i = 0; while (!done && i < nodes.length) { var currentNode = nodes[i]; if (currentNode instanceof HTMLLIElement) { var input = currentNode.childNodes[3]; if (currentNode.getAttribute("uid") == UserLogin) { done = true; // = "#999;"; = "bold;"; // currentNode.setAttribute("onclick", ""); } } i++; } } function userCalendarEntry(user, color) { var li = document.createElement("li"); li.setAttribute("uid", user); li.addEventListener("mousedown", listRowMouseDownHandler, false); li.addEventListener("click", onRowClick, false); var colorBox = document.createElement("span"); colorBox.addClassName("colorBox"); if (color) { log("color: " + color); = color + ";"; } li.appendChild(colorBox); var checkBox = document.createElement("input"); checkBox.addClassName("checkBox"); checkBox.type = "checkbox"; checkBox.addEventListener("change", updateCalendarStatus, false); li.appendChild(checkBox); var text = document.createTextNode(" " + user); li.appendChild(text); return li; } function ensureSelfIfPresent() { var ul = $("uixselector-calendarsList-display"); var list = ul.childNodesWithTag("li"); var selfEntry = userCalendarEntry(UserLogin, indexColor(0)); = "bold;"; if (list.length < 1) { ul.appendChild(selfEntry); } else if (list[0].getAttribute("uid") != UserLogin) { ul.insertBefore(selfEntry, list[0]); } } function updateCalendarsList(method) { ensureSelfIfPresent(); var url = (ApplicationBaseURL + "updateCalendars?ids=" + calendarUidsList()); if (document.calendarsListAjaxRequest) { document.calendarsListAjaxRequest.aborted = true; document.calendarsListAjaxRequest.abort(); } var http = createHTTPClient(); if (http) { http.url = url;"GET", url, false); http.send(""); if (method == "removal") updateCalendarStatus(); http = createHTTPClient(); http.url = ApplicationBaseURL + "checkRights";"GET", http.url, false /* not async */); http.send(""); if (http.status == 200 && http.responseText.length > 0) { rights = http.responseText.split(","); var list = $("uixselector-calendarsList-display").childNodesWithTag("li"); for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var input = list[i].childNodesWithTag("input")[0]; if (rights[i] == "1") { list[i].removeClassName("denied"); input.disabled = false; } else { input.checked = false; input.disabled = true; list[i].addClassName("denied"); } } } } } function addContact(tag, fullContactName, contactId, contactName, contactEmail) { var uids = $("uixselector-calendarsList-uidList"); // log("addContact"); if (contactId) { var re = new RegExp("(^|,)" + contactId + "($|,)"); if (!re.test(uids.value)) { if (uids.value.length > 0) uids.value += ',' + contactId; else uids.value = contactId; var names = $("uixselector-calendarsList-display"); var listElems = names.childNodesWithTag("li"); var colorDef = indexColor(listElems.length); names.appendChild(userCalendarEntry(contactId, colorDef)); var styles = document.getElementsByTagName("style"); styles[0].innerHTML += ('.ownerIs' + contactId + ' {' + ' background-color: ' + colorDef + ' !important; }'); } } return false; } function onChangeCalendar(list) { var form = document.forms.editform; var urlElems = form.getAttribute("action").split("/"); urlElems[urlElems.length-4] = list.childNodesWithTag("option")[list.value].innerHTML; form.setAttribute("action", urlElems.join("/")); } function validateBrowseURL(input) { var button = $("browseURLBtn"); if (input.value.length) { if (!button.enabled) enableAnchor(button); } else if (!button.disabled) disableAnchor(button); } function browseURL(anchor, event) { if (event.button == 0) { var input = $("url"); var url = input.value; if (url.length), '_blank'); } return false; } function initializeMenus() { var menus = new Array("monthListMenu", "yearListMenu", "appointmentsListMenu", "calendarsMenu", "searchMenu"); initMenusNamed(menus); $("calendarsList").attachMenu("calendarsMenu"); var accessRightsMenuEntry = $("accessRightsMenuEntry"); accessRightsMenuEntry.addEventListener("mouseup", onAccessRightsMenuEntryMouseUp, false); } function onAccessRightsMenuEntryMouseUp(event) { var folders = $("uixselector-calendarsList-display"); var selected = folders.getSelectedNodes()[0]; var uid = selected.getAttribute("uid"); log("application base url: " + ApplicationBaseURL); if (uid == UserLogin) url = ApplicationBaseURL + "acls"; else url = UserFolderURL + "../" + uid + "/Calendar/acls"; openAclWindow(url, uid); } function configureDragHandles() { var handle = $("verticalDragHandle"); if (handle) { handle.addInterface(SOGoDragHandlesInterface); handle.leftBlock=$("leftPanel"); handle.rightBlock=$("rightPanel"); } handle = $("rightDragHandle"); if (handle) { handle.addInterface(SOGoDragHandlesInterface); handle.upperBlock=$("appointmentsListView"); handle.lowerBlock=$("calendarView"); } } function initCalendarContactsSelector() { var selector = $("calendarsList"); inhibitMyCalendarEntry(); updateCalendarStatus(); selector.changeNotification = updateCalendarsList; var list = $("uixselector-calendarsList-display").childNodesWithTag("li"); for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var input = list[i].childNodesWithTag("input")[0]; input.addEventListener("change", updateCalendarStatus, false); } } function initCalendars() { if (!document.body.hasClassName("popup")) initCalendarContactsSelector(); } window.addEventListener("load", initCalendars, false);