/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* JavaScript for SOGoPreferences */ (function() { 'use strict'; /** * @ngInject */ FiltersDialogController.$inject = ['$scope', '$window', '$mdDialog', 'Dialog', 'filter', 'mailboxes', 'labels', 'validateForwardAddress', 'Preferences']; function FiltersDialogController($scope, $window, $mdDialog, Dialog, filter, mailboxes, labels, validateForwardAddress, Preferences) { var vm = this, sieveCapabilities = $window.sieveCapabilities, forwardEnabled = $window.forwardEnabled, vacationEnabled = $window.vacationEnabled; this.filter = filter; this.mailboxes = mailboxes; this.labels = labels; this.fieldLabels = { "subject": l("Subject"), "from": l("From"), "to": l("To"), "cc": l("Cc"), "to_or_cc": l("To or Cc"), "size": l("Size (Kb)"), "header": l("Header") }; if (sieveCapabilities.indexOf("body") > -1) this.fieldLabels.body = l("Body"); this.methodLabels = { "discard": l("Discard the message"), "keep": l("Keep the message"), "stop": l("Stop processing filter rules") }; if (forwardEnabled) this.methodLabels.redirect = l("Forward the message to"); //if (vacationEnabled) // this.methodLabels.vacation = l("Send a vacation message"); if (sieveCapabilities.indexOf("reject") > -1) this.methodLabels.reject = l("Send a reject message"); if (sieveCapabilities.indexOf("fileinto") > -1) this.methodLabels.fileinto = l("File the message in"); if (sieveCapabilities.indexOf("imapflags") > -1 || sieveCapabilities.indexOf("imap4flags") > -1) this.methodLabels.addflag = l("Flag the message with"); this.numberOperatorLabels = { "under": l("is under"), "over": l("is over") }; this.textOperatorLabels = { "is": l("is"), "is_not": l("is not"), "contains": l("contains"), "contains_not": l("does not contain"), "matches": l("matches"), "matches_not": l("does not match") }; if (sieveCapabilities.indexOf("regex") > -1) { this.textOperatorLabels.regex = l("matches regex"); this.textOperatorLabels.regex_not = l("does not match regex"); } this.cancel = function () { $mdDialog.cancel(); }; this.hasRulesAndActions = function () { var requirements = [ this.filter.actions ]; if (this.filter.match != 'allmessages') // When matching all messages, no rules are required requirements.push(this.filter.rules); return _.every(requirements, function(a) { return a && a.length > 0; }); }; this.save = function (form) { var i; this.invalid = false; // We do some sanity checks if (this.filter.actions) { try { _.forEach(_.filter(this.filter.actions, { 'method': 'redirect' }), function (action) { validateForwardAddress(action.argument); }); } catch (err) { //Dialog.alert(l('Error'), err); this.invalid = err.message; return false; } } $mdDialog.hide(); }; this.addMailFilterRule = function (event) { if (!this.filter.rules) this.filter.rules = []; this.filter.rules.push({ field: 'subject', operator: 'contains' }); }; this.removeMailFilterRule = function (index) { this.filter.rules.splice(index, 1); }; this.addMailFilterAction = function (event) { if (!this.filter.actions) this.filter.actions = []; this.filter.actions.push({ method: 'discard' }); }; this.removeMailFilterAction = function (index) { this.filter.actions.splice(index, 1); }; } angular .module('SOGo.PreferencesUI') .controller('FiltersDialogController', FiltersDialogController); })();