#!/bin/bash set -e # This script only works with mysql # updates c_content to longtext in SOGo/OpenChange cache tables # to avoid truncation of data at 64k defaultusername=$USER defaulthostname= defaultdatabase=sogo read -p "Username ($defaultusername): " username read -p "Hostname ($defaulthostname): " hostname read -p "Database ($defaultdatabase): " database if [ -z "$username" ] then username=$defaultusername fi if [ -z "$hostname" ] then hostname=$defaulthostname fi if [ -z "$database" ] then database=$defaultdatabase fi sqlscript="" function growContent() { oldIFS="$IFS" IFS=" " part="`echo -e \"ALTER TABLE $table MODIFY c_content LONGTEXT;\\n\"`"; sqlscript="$sqlscript$part" IFS="$oldIFS" } echo "This script will ask for the sql password twice" >&2 echo "Converting c_content from TEXT to LONGTEXT in SOGo/OpenChange cache tables" >&2 tables=`mysql -p -s -u $username -h $hostname $database -e "show tables like 'socfs_%';"` for table in $tables; do growContent done echo "$sqlscript" | mysql -p -s -u $username -h $hostname $database