"Inviting the following persons is prohibited:" = "Dilarang mengundang orang berikut:"; "Personal Calendar" = "Kalender Pribadi"; vevent_class0 = "(Acara Publik)"; vevent_class1 = "(Acara Pribadi)"; vevent_class2 = "(Acara Rahasia)"; vtodo_class0 = "(Tugas Publik)"; vtodo_class1 = "(Tugas Pribadi)"; vtodo_class2 = "(Tugas Rahasia)"; /* Receipts */ "The event \"%{Summary}\" was created" = "Acara \"%{Summary}\" telah dibuat"; "The event \"%{Summary}\" was deleted" = "Acara \"%{Summary}\" telah dihapus"; "The event \"%{Summary}\" was updated" = "Acara \"%{Summary}\" telah diperbaharui"; "The following attendees(s) were notified" = "Peserta berikut telah diberi tahu"; "The following attendees(s) were added" = "Peserta berikut telah ditambahkan"; "The following attendees(s) were removed" = "Peserta berikut telah dihilangkan"; /* IMIP messages */ "calendar_label" = "Kalender"; "startDate_label" = "Mulai"; "endDate_label" = "Selesai"; "time_label" = "Waktu"; "to_label" = "kepada"; "due_label" = "Batas Akhir"; "location_label" = "Lokasi"; "summary_label" = "Ikhtisar"; "comment_label" = "Komentar"; "organizer_label" = "Penyelenggara"; "attendee_label" = "Peserta"; /* Invitation */ "Event Invitation: \"%{Summary}\"" = "Undangan Acara: \"%{Summary}\""; "(sent by %{SentBy}) " = "(dikirim oleh %{SentBy})"; "%{Organizer} %{SentByText}has invited you to %{Summary}.\n\nStart: %{StartDate}\nEnd: %{EndDate}\nDescription: %{Description}" = "%{Organizer} %{SentByText} telah mengundang Anda ke %{Summary}.\n\nMulai: %{StartDate}\nSelesai: %{EndDate}\nKeterangan: %{Description}"; "%{Organizer} %{SentByText}has invited you to %{Summary}.\n\nStart: %{StartDate} at %{StartTime}\nEnd: %{EndDate} at %{EndTime}\nDescription: %{Description}" = "%{Organizer} %{SentByText} telah mengundang Anda ke %{Summary}.\n\nMulai: %{StartDate} pukul %{StartTime}\nSelesai: %{EndDate} pukul %{EndTime}\nKeterangan: %{Description}"; /* Deletion */ "Event Cancelled: \"%{Summary}\"" = "Acara Dibatalkan: \"%{Summary}\""; "%{Organizer} %{SentByText}has cancelled this event: %{Summary}.\n\nStart: %{StartDate}\nEnd: %{EndDate}\nDescription: %{Description}" = "%{Organizer} %{SentByText} telah membatalkan acara ini: %{Summary}.\n\nMulai: %{StartDate}\nSelesai: %{EndDate}\nKeterangan: %{Description}"; "%{Organizer} %{SentByText}has cancelled this event: %{Summary}.\n\nStart: %{StartDate} at %{StartTime}\nEnd: %{EndDate} at %{EndTime}\nDescription: %{Description}" = "%{Organizer} %{SentByText} telah membatalkan acara ini: %{Summary}.\n\nMulai: %{StartDate} pukul %{StartTime}\nSelesai: %{EndDate} pukul %{EndTime}\nKeterangan: %{Description}"; /* Update */ "The appointment \"%{Summary}\" for the %{OldStartDate} has changed" = "Janji \"%{Summary}\" untuk %{OldStartDate} telah diubah"; "The appointment \"%{Summary}\" for the %{OldStartDate} at %{OldStartTime} has changed" = "Janji \"%{Summary}\" untuk %{OldStartDate} pukul %{OldStartTime} telah diubah"; "The following parameters have changed in the \"%{Summary}\" meeting:" = "Parameter berikut telah berubah pada pertemuan \"%{Summary}\":"; "Please accept or decline those changes." = "Mohon menerima atau menolak perubahan tersebut."; /* Reply */ "Accepted invitation: \"%{Summary}\"" = "Undangan yang diterima: \"%{Summary}\""; "Declined invitation: \"%{Summary}\"" = "Undangan yang ditolak: \"%{Summary}\""; "Delegated invitation: \"%{Summary}\"" = "Undangan yang didelegasikan: \"%{Summary}\""; "Not yet decided on invitation: \"%{Summary}\"" = "Belum memutuskan pada undangan: \"%{Summary}\""; "%{Attendee} %{SentByText}has accepted your event invitation." = "%{Attendee} %{SentByText} telah menerima undangan acara Anda."; "%{Attendee} %{SentByText}has declined your event invitation." = "%{Attendee} %{SentByText} telah menolak undangan acara Anda."; "%{Attendee} %{SentByText}has delegated the invitation to %{Delegate}." = "%{Attendee} %{SentByText} telah mendelegasikan undangan kepada %{Delegate}."; "%{Attendee} %{SentByText}has not yet decided upon your event invitation." = "%{Attendee} %{SentByText} belum memutuskan tentang undangan acara Anda."; /* Reminder */ "Reminder: \"%{Summary}\" - %{StartDate}" = "Reminder: \"%{Summary}\" - %{StartDate}"; /* Resources */ "Cannot access resource: \"%{Cn} %{SystemEmail}\"" = "Tidak dapat mengakses sumber daya: \"%{Cn} %{SystemEmail}\""; "Maximum number of simultaneous bookings (%{NumberOfSimultaneousBookings}) reached for resource \"%{Cn} %{SystemEmail}\". The conflicting event is \"%{EventTitle}\", and starts on %{StartDate}." = "Jumlah maksimal booking bersamaan (%{NumberOfSimultaneousBookings}) telah terlampaui untuk sumber daya \"%{Cn} %{SystemEmail}\". Acara yang bentrok adalah \"%{EventTitle}\", dan mulai pada %{StartDate}."; /* Participation role */ "Your participation is required to this event" = "Your participation is required to this event"; "Your participation is optional to this event" = "Your participation is optional to this event"; "Your participation is not required to this event" = "Your participation is not required to this event";