/* Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Inverse inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of SOGo. SOGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. SOGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __Mailer_SOGoMailObject_H__ #define __Mailer_SOGoMailObject_H__ #import /* SOGoMailObject Parent object: the SOGoMailFolder Child objects: SOGoMailBodyPart's Represents a single mail as retrieved using NGImap4. Since IMAP4 can parse MIME structures on the server side, which we map into child objects of the message. The child objects are accessed using integer IDs, eg: /INBOX/12345/1/2/3 would address the MIME part 1.2.3 of the mail 12345 in the folder INBOX. */ @class NSArray; @class NSCalendarDate; @class NSData; @class NSDictionary; @class NSException; @class NSMutableArray; @class NSString; @class NGImap4Envelope; @class NGImap4EnvelopeAddress; @class WOResponse; extern NSArray *SOGoMailCoreInfoKeys; @interface SOGoMailObject : SOGoMailBaseObject { id coreInfos; id headerPart; NSDictionary *headers; } /* message */ - (id)fetchParts:(NSArray *)_parts; /* Note: 'parts' are fetch keys here */ /* core infos */ - (BOOL) doesMailExist; - (id) fetchCoreInfos; // TODO: what does it do? - (void) setCoreInfos: (NSDictionary *) newCoreInfos; - (NGImap4Envelope *) envelope; - (NSString *) subject; - (NSString *) decodedSubject; - (NSCalendarDate *) date; - (NSArray *) fromEnvelopeAddresses; - (NSArray *) replyToEnvelopeAddresses; - (NSArray *) toEnvelopeAddresses; - (NSArray *) ccEnvelopeAddresses; - (NSArray *) bccEnvelopeAddresses; - (NSDictionary *) mailHeaders; - (id) bodyStructure; - (id) lookupInfoForBodyPart:(id)_path; - (id) lookupImap4BodyPartKey: (NSString *) _key inContext: (id) _ctx; /* content */ - (NSData *) content; - (NSString *) contentAsString; - (NSString *) davContentLength; - (NSString *) to; - (NSString *) cc; - (NSString *) from; - (NSString *) inReplyTo; - (NSString *) messageId; - (NSString *) received; /* bulk fetching of plain/text content */ - (NSArray *) plainTextContentFetchKeys; - (NSDictionary *) fetchPlainTextParts:(NSArray *)_fetchKeys; - (NSDictionary *) fetchPlainTextParts; - (NSDictionary *) fetchPlainTextStrings:(NSArray *)_fetchKeys; - (BOOL) hasAttachment; - (NSDictionary *) fetchFileAttachmentIds; - (NSArray *) fetchFileAttachmentKeys; - (NSArray *) fetchFileAttachments; - (WOResponse *) archiveAllFilesinArchiveNamed: (NSString *) archiveName; /* flags */ - (NSException *) addFlags:(id)_f; - (NSException *) removeFlags:(id)_f; - (BOOL) isNewMail; /* \Recent */ - (BOOL) flagged; /* \Flagged */ - (BOOL) read; /* \Unseen */ - (BOOL) replied; /* \Answered */ - (BOOL) forwarded; /* $forwarded */ - (BOOL) deleted; /* \Deleted */ - (BOOL) isSigned; /* S/MIME signed message (detached signature) */ - (BOOL) isOpaqueSigned; /* S/MIME signed message (embedded content) */ - (BOOL) isEncrypted; /* S/MIME encrypted message */ /* deletion */ - (BOOL) isDeletionAllowed; - (NSException *) copyToFolderNamed: (NSString *) folderName inContext: (id)_ctx; - (NSException *) moveToFolderNamed: (NSString *) folderName inContext: (id)_ctx; - (void) addRequiredKeysOfStructure: (NSDictionary *) info path: (NSString *) p toArray: (NSMutableArray *) keys acceptedTypes: (NSArray *) types withPeek: (BOOL) withPeek; @end #endif /* __Mailer_SOGoMailObject_H__ */