/* this file is in UTF-8 format! */ /* toolbars */ "Save" = "Saglabāt"; "Close" = "Aizvērt"; "Edit User Rights" = "Rediģēt lietotāja tiesības"; "Home" = "Sākums"; "Calendar" = "Kalendārs"; "Address Book" = "Adrešu grāmata"; "Mail" = "E-pasts"; "Preferences" = "Preferences"; "Administration" = "Administrēšana"; "Disconnect" = "Atvienot"; "Toggle Menu" = "Pārslēgt izvēlni"; "Right Administration" = "Tiesību administrēšana"; "Log Console (dev.)" = "Log konsole (dev.)"; "User" = "Lietotājs"; "Vacation message is enabled" = "Atvaļinājuma ziņa ir iespējota"; "Help" = "Palīdzība"; "noJavascriptError" = "SOGo prasa Javascript, lai palaistu. Lūdzu, pārliecinieties, vai šī opcija ir aktivizēta un pieejama, pārlūkprogrammas iestatījumos."; "noJavascriptRetry" = "Mēģināt vēlreiz"; "Owner" = "Īpašnieks"; "Publish the Free/Busy information" = "Publicēt informāciju Brīvs / Aizņemts "; "Add..." = "Pievienot..."; "Remove" = "Noņemt"; "Subscribe User" = "Abonēt lietotāju"; "Any Authenticated User" = "Visi autentificētie lietotāji"; "Public Access" = "Publiska piekļuve"; "Any user not listed above" = "Jebkurš lietotājs, kas nav iepriekš minētas"; "Anybody accessing this resource from the public area" = "Ikviena piekļuvei šim resursam publiskajā zonā"; "Sorry, the user rights can not be configured for that object." = "Atvainojiet, lietotāja tiesības nevar konfigurēt šo objektu."; "Any user with an account on this system will be able to access your mailbox \"%{0}\". Are you certain you trust them all?" = "Jebkurš lietotājs, kuram ir konts šajā sistēmā varēs piekļūt jūsu pastkastei \"%{0}\". Vai esat pārliecināts, ka uzticaties viņiem visiem?"; "Any user with an account on this system will be able to access your calendar \"%{0}\". Are you certain you trust them all?" = "Jebkurš lietotājs, kuram ir konts šajā sistēmā varēs piekļūt jūsu kalendāram \"%{0}\". Vai esat pārliecināts, ka uzticaties viņiem visiem?"; "Potentially anyone on the Internet will be able to access your calendar \"%{0}\", even if they do not have an account on this system. Is this information suitable for the public Internet?" = "Potenciāli ikviens interneta lietotājs varēs piekļūt jūsu kalendāram \"%{0}\", pat ja tiem nav konta šajā sistēmā. Vai šī informācija ir piemērota publiskajam internetam?"; "Any user with an account on this system will be able to access your address book \"%{0}\". Are you certain you trust them all?" = "Jebkurš lietotājs, kuram ir konts šajā sistēmā varēs piekļūt jūsu adrešu grāmatai \"%{0}\". Vai esat pārliecināts, ka uzticaties viņiem visiem?"; "Potentially anyone on the Internet will be able to access your address book \"%{0}\", even if they do not have an account on this system. Is this information suitable for the public Internet?" = "Potenciāli ikviens interneta lietotājs varēs piekļūt jūsu adrešu grāmatai \"%{0}\", pat ja tiem nav konta šajā sistēmā. Vai šī informācija ir piemērota publiskajam internetam?"; "Give Access" = "Dot piekļuvi"; "Keep Private" = "Turēt privātu"; /* generic.js */ "Unable to subscribe to that folder!" = "Nevar pierakstīties uz šo mapi!"; "You cannot subscribe to a folder that you own!" = "Jūs nevarat abonēt mapi, kas tev pieder!"; "Unable to unsubscribe from that folder!" = "Nevar atcelt šīs mapes abonēšanu !"; "You cannot unsubscribe from a folder that you own!" = "Nevar atcelt abonēšanu mapei, kas tev pieder!"; "Unable to rename that folder!" = "Nevar pārdēvēt šo mapi!"; "You have already subscribed to that folder!" = "Jūs jau esat abonējis šo mapi!"; "The user rights cannot be edited for this object!" = "Lietotāja tiesības, nevar rediģēt, šo objektu!"; "A folder by that name already exists." = "Mape ar šādu nosaukumu jau pastāv."; "You cannot create a list in a shared address book." = "Nevar izveidot sarakstu koplietojamā adrešu grāmatā."; "Warning" = "Brīdinājums"; "Can't contact server" = "Radās kļūda, sazinoties ar serveri. Lūdzu, vēlāk mēģiniet vēlreiz."; "You are not allowed to access this module or this system. Please contact your system administrator." = "Jums nav atļaujas piekļūt šim modulim vai sistēmai. Lūdzu, sazinieties ar sistēmas administratoru."; "You don't have the required privileges to perform the operation." = "Jums nav nepieciešamo tiesību, lai veiktu šo darbību."; "noEmailForDelegation" = "Norādiet adresi, uz kuru vēlaties deleģēt jūsu uzaicinājumu."; "delegate is organizer" = "Delegāts ir organizators. Lūdzu, norādiet citu pārstāvi."; "delegate is a participant" = "Delegāts ir jau dalībnieks."; "delegate is a group" = "Norādītā adrese sakrīt ar grupu. Var tikai deleģēt unikāla persona."; /* common buttons */ "OK" = "OK"; "Cancel" = "Atcelt"; "Yes" = "Jā"; "No" = "Nē"; /* generic messages */ "Error" = "Kļūda"; "Success" = "Panākumi"; /* confirmation dialog box */ "Confirmation" = "Apstiprinājums"; /* alarms */ "Reminder" = "Atgādinājums"; "Start" = "Sākums"; "Due Date" = "Izpildes datums"; "Location" = "Vieta"; "Snooze" = "Atlikt"; "Snooze for " = "Atlikt uz"; "5 minutes" = "5 minūtes"; "10 minutes" = "10 minūtes"; "15 minutes" = "15 minūtes"; "30 minutes" = "30 minūtes"; "45 minutes" = "45 minūtes"; "1 hour" = "1 stunda"; "1 day" = "1 diena"; /* mail labels */ "Important" = "Svarīgs"; "Work" = "Darbs"; "Personal" = "Personisks"; "To Do" = "Uzdevums"; "Later" = "Vēlāk"; "Return Receipt Sent" = "Saņemšanas paziņojums nosūtīts"; "a2_Sunday" = "Sv"; "a2_Monday" = "Pr"; "a2_Tuesday" = "Ot"; "a2_Wednesday" = "Tr"; "a2_Thursday" = "Ce"; "a2_Friday" = "Pi"; "a2_Saturday" = "Se"; "Access Rights" = "Piekļuves tiesības"; "Add User" = "Pievienot lietotāju"; "Loading" = "Ielādēšana"; "No such user." = "Nav šādu lietotāju."; "You cannot (un)subscribe to a folder that you own!" = "Nevar (ne) abonēt mapi, kas tev pieder!"; /* SMIME Certificate field */ "S/MIME Certificate" = "S/MIME sertifikāts"; "Subject Name" = "Tēmas nosaukums"; "Issuer" = "Izdevējs"; "countryName" = "Valsts"; "organizationName" = "Organizācija"; "organizationalUnitName" = "Organizācijas vienība"; "commonName" = "Kopējais vārds"; "emailAddress" = "E-pasta adrese"; /* Authentication username */ "Username" = "Lietotājvārds"; /* Authentication password */ "Password" = "Parole"; /* Authentication failed */ "Wrong username or password." = "Nepareizs lietotājvārds vai parole."; /* Error message displayed bellow search field when the search string has less than the required number of characters */ "Enter at least %{minimumSearchLength} characters" = "Jāievada vismaz %{minimumSearchLength} rakstzīmes"; /* Error message displayed when a file upload exceeds WOMaxUploadSize */ "File size upload limit reached" = "Sasniegts augšupielādes faila lielums"; /* Generic server error */ "An error occured, please try again." = "Radās kļūda. Lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlreiz."; /* Open datepicker */ "Open Calendar" = "Atvērt kalendāru"; /* Toggle visibility (ex: mail account in left navigation menu) */ "Toggle visibility" = "Pārslēgt redzamību"; "Keyboard Shortcuts" = "Tastatūras saīsnes"; /* Aria label for avatar button to select and unselect an item */ "Toggle item" = "Pārslēgt vienumu"; /* Toggle multiple items at the same time (hotkeys cheatsheet) */ "Toggle range of items" = "Pārslēgt vienību diapazonu"; /* Question mark shows list of hotkeys */ "Show or hide this help" = "Parādīt vai paslēpt šo palīdzība"; /* Space key */ "key_space" = "space"; /* Delete key */ "key_delete" = "dzēst"; /* Shift and space key */ "key_shift+space" = "shift + space"; /* Up arrow key */ "key_up" = "↑"; /* Down arrow key */ "key_down" = "↓"; /* Left arrow key */ "key_left" = "←"; /* Right arrow key */ "key_right" = "→"; /* Shift and up arrow combo keys */ "key_shift+up" = "shift + ↑"; /* Shift and down arrow combo keys */ "key_shift+down" = "shift + ↓"; /* Backspace key */ "key_backspace" = "⌫"; /* Hotkey to start a search */ "hotkey_search" = "s"; /* Hotkey description to select next list item */ "View next item" = "Apskatīt nākamo punktu"; /* Hotkey description to select previous list item */ "View previous item" = "Skatīt iepriekšējo punktu"; /* Hotkey description to add next list item to selection */ "Add next item to selection" = "Pievienot nākamo vienību atlasei"; /* Hotkey description to add previous list item to selection */ "Add previous item to selection" = "Pievienot iepriekšējo vienību atlasei"; /* Hotkey description to move backward in current view */ "Move backward" = "Atpakaļ"; /* Hotkey description to move forward in current view */ "Move forward" = "Uz priekšu";