#!/usr/bin/python import unittest import webdavlib import xml.sax.saxutils class TestUtility(): def __init__(self, test, client, resource = None): self.test = test self.client = client self.userInfo = {} def fetchUserInfo(self, login): if not self.userInfo.has_key(login): resource = "/SOGo/dav/%s/" % login propfind = webdavlib.WebDAVPROPFIND(resource, ["displayname", "{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar-user-address-set"], 0) self.client.execute(propfind) self.test.assertEquals(propfind.response["status"], 207) common_tree = "{DAV:}response/{DAV:}propstat/{DAV:}prop" name_nodes = propfind.response["document"] \ .findall('%s/{DAV:}displayname' % common_tree) email_nodes = propfind.response["document"] \ .findall('%s/{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar-user-address-set/{DAV:}href' % common_tree) if len(name_nodes[0].text) > 0: displayName = name_nodes[0].text else: displayName = "" self.userInfo[login] = (displayName, email_nodes[0].text) return self.userInfo[login] class TestACLUtility(TestUtility): def __init__(self, test, client, resource): TestUtility.__init__(self, test, client, resource) self.resource = resource def _subscriptionOperation(self, subscribers, operation): subscribeQuery = ("\n" + "<%s" % operation + " xmlns=\"urn:inverse:params:xml:ns:inverse-dav\"") if (subscribers is not None): subscribeQuery = (subscribeQuery + " users=\"%s\"" % ",".join(subscribers)) subscribeQuery = subscribeQuery + "/>" post = webdavlib.HTTPPOST(self.resource, subscribeQuery) post.content_type = "application/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"" self.client.execute(post) self.test.assertEquals(post.response["status"], 204, "subscribtion failure to '%s' for '%s' (status: %d)" % (self.resource, "', '".join(subscribers), post.response["status"])) def subscribe(self, subscribers=None): self._subscriptionOperation(subscribers, "subscribe") def unsubscribe(self, subscribers=None): self._subscriptionOperation(subscribers, "unsubscribe") def rightsToSOGoRights(self, rights): self.fail("subclass must implement this method") def setupRights(self, username, rights): rights_str = "".join(["<%s/>" % x for x in self.rightsToSOGoRights(rights) ]) aclQuery = ("\n" + "" + "%s" % (xml.sax.saxutils.escape(username), rights_str) + "") post = webdavlib.HTTPPOST(self.resource, aclQuery) post.content_type = "application/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"" self.client.execute(post) self.test.assertEquals(post.response["status"], 204, "rights modification: failure to set '%s' (status: %d)" % (rights_str, post.response["status"])) # Calendar: # rights: # v: view all # d: view date and time # m: modify # r: respond # short rights notation: { "c": create, # "d": delete, # "pu": public, # "pr": private, # "co": confidential } class TestCalendarACLUtility(TestACLUtility): def rightsToSOGoRights(self, rights): sogoRights = [] if rights.has_key("c") and rights["c"]: sogoRights.append("ObjectCreator") if rights.has_key("d") and rights["d"]: sogoRights.append("ObjectEraser") classes = { "pu": "Public", "pr": "Private", "co": "Confidential" } rights_table = { "v": "Viewer", "d": "DAndTViewer", "m": "Modifier", "r": "Responder" } for k in classes.keys(): if rights.has_key(k): right = rights[k] sogo_right = "%s%s" % (classes[k], rights_table[right]) sogoRights.append(sogo_right) return sogoRights # Addressbook: # short rights notation: { "c": create, # "d": delete, # "e": edit, # "v": view } class TestAddressBookACLUtility(TestACLUtility): def rightsToSOGoRights(self, rights): sogoRightsTable = { "c": "ObjectCreator", "d": "ObjectEraser", "v": "ObjectViewer", "e": "ObjectEditor" } sogoRights = [] for k in rights.keys(): sogoRights.append(sogoRightsTable[k]) return sogoRights