/* MAPIStoreTable.m - this file is part of SOGo * * Copyright (C) 2010 Inverse inc * * Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #import #import #import #import #import "EOBitmaskQualifier.h" #import "MAPIStoreTypes.h" #import "NSData+MAPIStore.h" #import "NSString+MAPIStore.h" #import "MAPIStoreTable.h" #undef DEBUG #include #include @interface MAPIStoreTable (Private) - (MAPIRestrictionState) evaluateRestriction: (const struct mapi_SRestriction *) res intoQualifier: (EOQualifier **) qualifier; @end static Class NSDataK, NSStringK; // static NSString * // MAPIStringForRestrictionState (MAPIRestrictionState state) // { // NSString *stateStr; // if (state == MAPIRestrictionStateAlwaysTrue) // stateStr = @"always true"; // else if (state == MAPIRestrictionStateAlwaysFalse) // stateStr = @"always false"; // else // stateStr = @"needs eval"; // return stateStr; // } // static NSString * // MAPIStringForRestriction (const struct mapi_SRestriction *resPtr); // static NSString * // _MAPIIndentString(int indent) // { // NSString *spaces; // char *buffer; // if (indent > 0) // { // buffer = malloc (indent + 1); // memset (buffer, 32, indent); // *(buffer+indent) = 0; // spaces = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%s", buffer]; // free (buffer); // } // else // spaces = @""; // return spaces; // } // static NSString * // MAPIStringForAndRestriction (const struct mapi_SAndRestriction *resAnd) // { // NSMutableArray *restrictions; // uint16_t count; // restrictions = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 8]; // for (count = 0; count < resAnd->cRes; count++) // [restrictions addObject: MAPIStringForRestriction ((struct mapi_SRestriction *) resAnd->res + count)]; // return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"(%@)", [restrictions componentsJoinedByString: @" && "]]; // } // static NSString * // MAPIStringForOrRestriction (const struct mapi_SOrRestriction *resOr) // { // NSMutableArray *restrictions; // uint16_t count; // restrictions = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 8]; // for (count = 0; count < resOr->cRes; count++) // [restrictions addObject: MAPIStringForRestriction ((struct mapi_SRestriction *) resOr->res + count)]; // return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"(%@)", [restrictions componentsJoinedByString: @" || "]]; // } // static NSString * // MAPIStringForNotRestriction (const struct mapi_SNotRestriction *resNot) // { // return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"!(%@)", // MAPIStringForRestriction ((struct mapi_SRestriction *) &resNot->res)]; // } // static NSString * // MAPIStringForContentRestriction (const struct mapi_SContentRestriction *resContent) // { // NSString *eqMatch, *caseMatch; // id value; // const char *propName; // switch (resContent->fuzzy & 0xf) // { // case 0: eqMatch = @"eq"; break; // case 1: eqMatch = @"substring"; break; // case 2: eqMatch = @"prefix"; break; // default: eqMatch = @"[unknown]"; // } // switch (((resContent->fuzzy) >> 16) & 0xf) // { // case 0: caseMatch = @"fl"; break; // case 1: caseMatch = @"nc"; break; // case 2: caseMatch = @"ns"; break; // case 4: caseMatch = @"lo"; break; // default: caseMatch = @"[unknown]"; // } // propName = get_proptag_name (resContent->ulPropTag); // if (!propName) // propName = ""; // value = NSObjectFromMAPISPropValue (&resContent->lpProp); // return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%s(0x%.8x) %@,%@ %@", // propName, resContent->ulPropTag, eqMatch, caseMatch, value]; // } // static NSString * // MAPIStringForExistRestriction (const struct mapi_SExistRestriction *resExist) // { // const char *propName; // propName = get_proptag_name (resExist->ulPropTag); // if (!propName) // propName = ""; // return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%s(0x%.8x) IS NOT NULL", propName, resExist->ulPropTag]; // } // static NSString * // MAPIStringForPropertyRestriction (const struct mapi_SPropertyRestriction *resProperty) // { // static NSString *operators[] = { @"<", @"<=", @">", @">=", @"==", @"!=", // @"=~" }; // NSString *operator; // id value; // const char *propName; // propName = get_proptag_name (resProperty->ulPropTag); // if (!propName) // propName = ""; // if (resProperty->relop >= 0 && resProperty->relop < 7) // operator = operators[resProperty->relop]; // else // operator = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"", resProperty->relop]; // value = NSObjectFromMAPISPropValue (&resProperty->lpProp); // return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%s(0x%.8x) %@ %@", // propName, resProperty->ulPropTag, operator, value]; // } // static NSString * // MAPIStringForBitmaskRestriction (const struct mapi_SBitmaskRestriction *resBitmask) // { // NSString *format; // const char *propName; // propName = get_proptag_name (resBitmask->ulPropTag); // if (!propName) // propName = ""; // if (resBitmask->relMBR == 0) // format = @"((%s(0x%.8x) & 0x%.8x) == 0)"; // else // format = @"((%s(0x%.8x) & 0x%.8x) != 0)"; // return [NSString stringWithFormat: format, // propName, resBitmask->ulPropTag, resBitmask->ulMask]; // } // static NSString * // MAPIStringForRestriction (const struct mapi_SRestriction *resPtr) // { // NSString *restrictionStr; // if (resPtr) // { // switch (resPtr->rt) // { // // RES_CONTENT=(int)(0x3), // // RES_BITMASK=(int)(0x6), // // RES_EXIST=(int)(0x8), // case 0: restrictionStr = MAPIStringForAndRestriction(&resPtr->res.resAnd); break; // case 1: restrictionStr = MAPIStringForOrRestriction(&resPtr->res.resOr); break; // case 2: restrictionStr = MAPIStringForNotRestriction(&resPtr->res.resNot); break; // case 3: restrictionStr = MAPIStringForContentRestriction(&resPtr->res.resContent); break; // case 4: restrictionStr = MAPIStringForPropertyRestriction(&resPtr->res.resProperty); break; // case 6: restrictionStr = MAPIStringForBitmaskRestriction(&resPtr->res.resBitmask); break; // case 8: restrictionStr = MAPIStringForExistRestriction(&resPtr->res.resExist); break; // // case 5: MAPIStringForComparePropsRestriction(&resPtr->res.resCompareProps); break; // // case 7: MAPIStringForPropertyRestriction(&resPtr->res.resProperty); break; // // case 9: MAPIStringForPropertyRestriction(&resPtr->res.resProperty); break; // // case 10: MAPIStringForPropertyRestriction(&resPtr->res.resProperty); break; // default: // restrictionStr // = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"[unhandled restriction type: %d]", // resPtr->rt]; // } // } // else // restrictionStr = @"[unrestricted]"; // return restrictionStr; // } @implementation MAPIStoreTable + (void) initialize { NSDataK = [NSData class]; NSStringK = [NSString class]; } - (id) init { if ((self = [super init])) { context = nil; memCtx = NULL; folder = nil; folderURL = nil; lastChild = nil; lastChildKey = nil; cachedKeys = nil; cachedRestrictedKeys = nil; restriction = nil; restrictionState = MAPIRestrictionStateAlwaysTrue; } return self; } - (void) dealloc { [folder release]; [folderURL release]; [lastChildKey release]; [lastChild release]; [cachedKeys release]; [cachedRestrictedKeys release]; [restriction release]; [super dealloc]; } - (void) setContext: (id) newContext withMemCtx: (struct mapistore_context *) newMemCtx { struct loadparm_context *lpCtx; context = newContext; memCtx = newMemCtx; lpCtx = loadparm_init (newMemCtx); ldbCtx = mapiproxy_server_openchange_ldb_init (lpCtx); } - (void) setFolder: (id) newFolder withURL: (NSString *) newFolderURL andFID: (uint64_t) newFid { ASSIGN (folder, newFolder); ASSIGN (folderURL, newFolderURL); fid = newFid; } - (id) folder { if (!folder) [self warnWithFormat: @"returning nil folder"]; return folder; } - (NSArray *) cachedChildKeys { if (!cachedKeys) { cachedKeys = [self childKeys]; [cachedKeys retain]; } return cachedKeys; } - (NSArray *) cachedRestrictedChildKeys { if (!cachedRestrictedKeys) { cachedRestrictedKeys = [self restrictedChildKeys]; [cachedRestrictedKeys retain]; } return cachedRestrictedKeys; } - (void) cleanupCaches { [cachedRestrictedKeys release]; cachedRestrictedKeys = nil; [cachedKeys release]; cachedKeys = nil; [lastChildKey release]; lastChildKey = nil; [lastChild release]; lastChild = nil; } - (id) lookupChild: (NSString *) childKey { id newChild; if ([lastChildKey isEqualToString: childKey]) newChild = lastChild; else { [self logWithFormat: @"child key is now '%@'", childKey]; newChild = [folder lookupName: childKey inContext: nil acquire: NO]; ASSIGN (lastChildKey, childKey); ASSIGN (lastChild, newChild); } return newChild; } - (void) setRestrictions: (const struct mapi_SRestriction *) res { EOQualifier *oldRestriction; // [self logWithFormat: @"set restriction to (table type: %d): %@", // type, MAPIStringForRestriction (res)]; oldRestriction = restriction; [restriction release]; if (res) restrictionState = [self evaluateRestriction: res intoQualifier: &restriction]; else restrictionState = MAPIRestrictionStateAlwaysTrue; if (restrictionState == MAPIRestrictionStateNeedsEval) [restriction retain]; else restriction = nil; [cachedRestrictedKeys release]; cachedRestrictedKeys = nil; if (restriction) [self logWithFormat: @"restriction set to EOQualifier: %@", restriction]; else if (oldRestriction) [self logWithFormat: @"restriction unset"]; } - (enum MAPISTATUS) getChildProperty: (void **) data forKey: (NSString *) childKey withTag: (enum MAPITAGS) propTag { NSString *stringValue; id child; // uint64_t *llongValue; // uint32_t *longValue; int rc; const char *propName; rc = MAPI_E_SUCCESS; switch (propTag) { case PR_DISPLAY_NAME_UNICODE: child = [self lookupChild: childKey]; *data = [[child displayName] asUnicodeInMemCtx: memCtx]; break; case PR_SEARCH_KEY: // TODO child = [self lookupChild: childKey]; stringValue = [child nameInContainer]; *data = [[stringValue dataUsingEncoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding] asBinaryInMemCtx: memCtx]; break; case PR_GENERATE_EXCHANGE_VIEWS: // TODO *data = MAPIBoolValue (memCtx, NO); break; default: propName = get_proptag_name (propTag); if (!propName) propName = ""; [self warnWithFormat: @"unhandled or NULL value: %s (0x%.8x), childKey: %@", propName, propTag, childKey]; // if ((propTag & 0x001F) == 0x001F) // { // stringValue = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"fake %s (0x.8x) value", // propName, propTag]; // *data = [stringValue asUnicodeInMemCtx: memCtx]; // rc = MAPI_E_SUCCESS; // } // else // { *data = NULL; rc = MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND; // } break; } return rc; } - (MAPIRestrictionState) evaluateNotRestriction: (struct mapi_SNotRestriction *) res intoQualifier: (EOQualifier **) qualifierPtr { MAPIRestrictionState state, subState; EONotQualifier *qualifier; EOQualifier *subQualifier; subState = [self evaluateRestriction: (struct mapi_SRestriction *)&res->res intoQualifier: &subQualifier]; if (subState == MAPIRestrictionStateAlwaysTrue) state = MAPIRestrictionStateAlwaysFalse; else if (subState == MAPIRestrictionStateAlwaysFalse) state = MAPIRestrictionStateAlwaysTrue; else { state = MAPIRestrictionStateNeedsEval; qualifier = [[EONotQualifier alloc] initWithQualifier: subQualifier]; [qualifier autorelease]; *qualifierPtr = qualifier; } return state; } - (MAPIRestrictionState) evaluateAndRestriction: (struct mapi_SAndRestriction *) res intoQualifier: (EOQualifier **) qualifierPtr { MAPIRestrictionState state, subState; EOAndQualifier *qualifier; EOQualifier *subQualifier; NSMutableArray *subQualifiers; uint16_t count; state = MAPIRestrictionStateNeedsEval; subQualifiers = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 8]; for (count = 0; state == MAPIRestrictionStateNeedsEval && count < res->cRes; count++) { subState = [self evaluateRestriction: (struct mapi_SRestriction *) res->res + count intoQualifier: &subQualifier]; if (subState == MAPIRestrictionStateNeedsEval) [subQualifiers addObject: subQualifier]; else if (subState == MAPIRestrictionStateAlwaysFalse) state = MAPIRestrictionStateAlwaysFalse; } if (state == MAPIRestrictionStateNeedsEval) { if ([subQualifiers count] == 0) state = MAPIRestrictionStateAlwaysTrue; else { qualifier = [[EOAndQualifier alloc] initWithQualifierArray: subQualifiers]; [qualifier autorelease]; *qualifierPtr = qualifier; } } return state; } - (MAPIRestrictionState) evaluateOrRestriction: (struct mapi_SOrRestriction *) res intoQualifier: (EOQualifier **) qualifierPtr { MAPIRestrictionState state, subState; EOOrQualifier *qualifier; EOQualifier *subQualifier; NSMutableArray *subQualifiers; uint16_t count, falseCount; state = MAPIRestrictionStateNeedsEval; falseCount = 0; subQualifiers = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 8]; for (count = 0; state == MAPIRestrictionStateNeedsEval && count < res->cRes; count++) { subState = [self evaluateRestriction: (struct mapi_SRestriction *) res->res + count intoQualifier: &subQualifier]; if (subState == MAPIRestrictionStateNeedsEval) [subQualifiers addObject: subQualifier]; else if (subState == MAPIRestrictionStateAlwaysTrue) state = MAPIRestrictionStateAlwaysTrue; else falseCount++; } if (falseCount == res->cRes) state = MAPIRestrictionStateAlwaysFalse; else if ([subQualifiers count] == 0) state = MAPIRestrictionStateAlwaysTrue; if (state == MAPIRestrictionStateNeedsEval) { qualifier = [[EOOrQualifier alloc] initWithQualifierArray: subQualifiers]; [qualifier autorelease]; *qualifierPtr = qualifier; } return state; } - (NSString *) backendIdentifierForProperty: (enum MAPITAGS) property { [self subclassResponsibility: _cmd]; return nil; } - (void) _warnUnhandledPropertyException: (enum MAPITAGS) property inFunction: (const char *) function { const char *propName; propName = get_proptag_name (property); if (!propName) propName = ""; [self warnWithFormat: @"property %s (%.8x) has no matching field name (%@) in '%s'", propName, property, self, function]; } - (MAPIRestrictionState) evaluateContentRestriction: (struct mapi_SContentRestriction *) res intoQualifier: (EOQualifier **) qualifier { NSString *property; SEL operator; id value; MAPIRestrictionState rc; property = [self backendIdentifierForProperty: res->ulPropTag]; if (property) { value = NSObjectFromMAPISPropValue (&res->lpProp); if ([value isKindOfClass: NSDataK]) { value = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: value encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; [value autorelease]; } else if (![value isKindOfClass: NSStringK]) [NSException raise: @"MAPIStoreTypeConversionException" format: @"unhandled content restriction for class '%@'", NSStringFromClass ([value class])]; switch (res->fuzzy & 0xf) { case 0: operator = EOQualifierOperatorEqual; break; case 1: operator = EOQualifierOperatorLike; value = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%%%@%%", value]; break; case 2: operator = EOQualifierOperatorEqual; value = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%%", value]; break; default: [NSException raise: @"MAPIStoreInvalidOperatorException" format: @"fuzzy operator value '%.4x' is invalid", res->fuzzy]; } *qualifier = [[EOKeyValueQualifier alloc] initWithKey: property operatorSelector: EOQualifierOperatorCaseInsensitiveLike value: value]; [*qualifier autorelease]; [self logWithFormat: @"%s: resulting qualifier: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, *qualifier]; rc = MAPIRestrictionStateNeedsEval; } else { [self _warnUnhandledPropertyException: res->ulPropTag inFunction: __FUNCTION__]; rc = MAPIRestrictionStateAlwaysFalse; } return rc; } - (MAPIRestrictionState) evaluatePropertyRestriction: (struct mapi_SPropertyRestriction *) res intoQualifier: (EOQualifier **) qualifier { static SEL operators[] = { EOQualifierOperatorLessThan, EOQualifierOperatorLessThanOrEqualTo, EOQualifierOperatorGreaterThan, EOQualifierOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualTo, EOQualifierOperatorEqual, EOQualifierOperatorNotEqual, EOQualifierOperatorContains }; SEL operator; id value; NSString *property; MAPIRestrictionState rc; property = [self backendIdentifierForProperty: res->ulPropTag]; if (property) { if (res->relop >= 0 && res->relop < 7) operator = operators[res->relop]; else { operator = NULL; [NSException raise: @"MAPIStoreRestrictionException" format: @"unhandled operator type number %d", res->relop]; } value = NSObjectFromMAPISPropValue (&res->lpProp); *qualifier = [[EOKeyValueQualifier alloc] initWithKey: property operatorSelector: operator value: value]; [*qualifier autorelease]; rc = MAPIRestrictionStateNeedsEval; } else { [self _warnUnhandledPropertyException: res->ulPropTag inFunction: __FUNCTION__]; rc = MAPIRestrictionStateAlwaysFalse; } return rc; } - (MAPIRestrictionState) evaluateBitmaskRestriction: (struct mapi_SBitmaskRestriction *) res intoQualifier: (EOQualifier **) qualifier { NSString *property; MAPIRestrictionState rc; property = [self backendIdentifierForProperty: res->ulPropTag]; if (property) { *qualifier = [[EOBitmaskQualifier alloc] initWithKey: property mask: res->ulMask isZero: (res->relMBR == BMR_EQZ)]; [*qualifier autorelease]; rc = MAPIRestrictionStateNeedsEval; } else { [self _warnUnhandledPropertyException: res->ulPropTag inFunction: __FUNCTION__]; rc = MAPIRestrictionStateAlwaysFalse; } return rc; } - (MAPIRestrictionState) evaluateExistRestriction: (struct mapi_SExistRestriction *) res intoQualifier: (EOQualifier **) qualifier { NSString *property; MAPIRestrictionState rc; property = [self backendIdentifierForProperty: res->ulPropTag]; if (property) { *qualifier = [[EOKeyValueQualifier alloc] initWithKey: property operatorSelector: EOQualifierOperatorNotEqual value: nil]; [*qualifier autorelease]; rc = MAPIRestrictionStateNeedsEval; } else { [self _warnUnhandledPropertyException: res->ulPropTag inFunction: __FUNCTION__]; rc = MAPIRestrictionStateAlwaysFalse; } return rc; } - (MAPIRestrictionState) evaluateRestriction: (struct mapi_SRestriction *) res intoQualifier: (EOQualifier **) qualifier { MAPIRestrictionState state; switch (res->rt) { /* basic operators */ case 0: state = [self evaluateAndRestriction: &res->res.resAnd intoQualifier: qualifier]; break; case 1: state = [self evaluateOrRestriction: &res->res.resOr intoQualifier: qualifier]; break; case 2: state = [self evaluateNotRestriction: &res->res.resNot intoQualifier: qualifier]; break; /* content restrictions */ case 3: state = [self evaluateContentRestriction: &res->res.resContent intoQualifier: qualifier]; break; case 4: state = [self evaluatePropertyRestriction: &res->res.resProperty intoQualifier: qualifier]; break; case 6: state = [self evaluateBitmaskRestriction: &res->res.resBitmask intoQualifier: qualifier]; break; case 8: state = [self evaluateExistRestriction: &res->res.resExist intoQualifier: qualifier]; break; // case 5: MAPIStringForComparePropsRestriction(&resPtr->res.resCompareProps); break; // case 7: MAPIStringForPropertyRestriction(&resPtr->res.resProperty); break; // case 9: MAPIStringForPropertyRestriction(&resPtr->res.resProperty); break; // case 10: MAPIStringForPropertyRestriction(&resPtr->res.resProperty); break; default: [NSException raise: @"MAPIStoreRestrictionException" format: @"unhandled restriction type"]; state = MAPIRestrictionStateAlwaysTrue; } // [self logRestriction: res withState: state]; return state; } - (NSArray *) childKeys { [self subclassResponsibility: _cmd]; return nil; } - (NSArray *) restrictedChildKeys { [self subclassResponsibility: _cmd]; return nil; } @end