/* NSString+Mail.m - this file is part of SOGo * * Copyright (C) 2007 Inverse groupe conseil * * Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "NSString+Mail.h" #if 1 #define showWhoWeAre() \ [self logWithFormat: @"invoked '%@'", NSStringFromSelector (_cmd)] #else #define showWhoWeAre() {} #endif @interface _SOGoHTMLToTextContentHandler : NSObject { NSArray *ignoreContentTags; NSArray *specialTreatmentTags; BOOL ignoreContent; BOOL orderedList; BOOL unorderedList; unsigned int listCount; NSMutableString *result; } + (id) htmlToTextContentHandler; - (NSString *) result; @end @implementation _SOGoHTMLToTextContentHandler + (id) htmlToTextContentHandler { static id htmlToTextContentHandler; if (!htmlToTextContentHandler) htmlToTextContentHandler = [self new]; return htmlToTextContentHandler; } - (id) init { if ((self = [super init])) { ignoreContentTags = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"head", @"script", @"style", nil]; specialTreatmentTags = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"body", @"p", @"ul", @"li", @"table", @"tr", @"td", @"th", @"br", @"hr", @"dt", @"dd", nil]; [ignoreContentTags retain]; [specialTreatmentTags retain]; ignoreContent = NO; result = nil; orderedList = NO; unorderedList = NO; listCount = 0; } return self; } - (void) dealloc { [ignoreContentTags release]; [specialTreatmentTags release]; [result release]; [super dealloc]; } - (NSString *) result { NSString *newResult; newResult = [NSString stringWithString: result]; [result release]; result = nil; return newResult; } /* SaxContentHandler */ - (void) startDocument { showWhoWeAre(); [result release]; result = [NSMutableString new]; } - (void) endDocument { showWhoWeAre(); ignoreContent = NO; } - (void) startPrefixMapping: (NSString *) prefix uri: (NSString *) uri { showWhoWeAre(); } - (void) endPrefixMapping: (NSString *) prefix { showWhoWeAre(); } - (void) _startSpecialTreatment: (NSString *) tagName { if ([tagName isEqualToString: @"br"] || [tagName isEqualToString: @"p"]) [result appendString: @"\n"]; else if ([tagName isEqualToString: @"hr"]) [result appendString: @"______________________________________________________________________________\n"]; else if ([tagName isEqualToString: @"ul"]) { [result appendString: @"\n"]; unorderedList = YES; } else if ([tagName isEqualToString: @"ol"]) { [result appendString: @"\n"]; orderedList = YES; listCount = 0; } else if ([tagName isEqualToString: @"li"]) { if (orderedList) { listCount++; [result appendFormat: @" %d. ", listCount]; } else [result appendString: @" * "]; } else if ([tagName isEqualToString: @"dd"]) [result appendString: @" "]; } - (void) _endSpecialTreatment: (NSString *) tagName { if ([tagName isEqualToString: @"ul"]) { [result appendString: @"\n"]; unorderedList = NO; } else if ([tagName isEqualToString: @"ol"]) { [result appendString: @"\n"]; orderedList = NO; } else if ([tagName isEqualToString: @"dt"]) { [result appendString: @":\n"]; } else if ([tagName isEqualToString: @"li"] || [tagName isEqualToString: @"dd"]) [result appendString: @"\n"]; } - (void) startElement: (NSString *) element namespace: (NSString *) namespace rawName: (NSString *) rawName attributes: (id ) attributes { NSString *tagName; showWhoWeAre(); if (!ignoreContent) { tagName = [rawName lowercaseString]; if ([ignoreContentTags containsObject: tagName]) ignoreContent = YES; else if ([specialTreatmentTags containsObject: tagName]) [self _startSpecialTreatment: tagName]; } } - (void) endElement: (NSString *) element namespace: (NSString *) namespace rawName: (NSString *) rawName { NSString *tagName; showWhoWeAre(); if (ignoreContent) { tagName = [rawName lowercaseString]; if ([ignoreContentTags containsObject: tagName]) ignoreContent = NO; else if ([specialTreatmentTags containsObject: tagName]) [self _endSpecialTreatment: tagName]; } } - (void) characters: (unichar *) characters length: (int) length { if (!ignoreContent) [result appendString: [NSString stringWithCharacters: characters length: length]]; } - (void) ignorableWhitespace: (unichar *) whitespaces length: (int) length { showWhoWeAre(); } - (void) processingInstruction: (NSString *) pi data: (NSString *) data { showWhoWeAre(); } - (void) setDocumentLocator: (id ) locator { showWhoWeAre(); } - (void) skippedEntity: (NSString *) entity { showWhoWeAre(); } /* SaxLexicalHandler */ - (void) comment: (unichar *) chars length: (int) len { showWhoWeAre(); } - (void) startDTD: (NSString *) name publicId: (NSString *) pub systemId: (NSString *) sys { showWhoWeAre(); } - (void) endDTD { showWhoWeAre(); } - (void) startEntity: (NSString *) entity { showWhoWeAre(); } - (void) endEntity: (NSString *) entity { showWhoWeAre(); } - (void) startCDATA { showWhoWeAre(); } - (void) endCDATA { showWhoWeAre(); } @end // @interface NSDictionary (SOGoDebug) // - (void) dump; // @end // @implementation NSDictionary (SOGoDebug) // - (void) dump // { // NSEnumerator *keys; // NSString *key; // NSMutableString *dump; // dump = [NSMutableString new]; // [dump appendFormat: @"\nNSDictionary dump (%@):\n", self]; // keys = [[self allKeys] objectEnumerator]; // key = [keys nextObject]; // while (key) // { // [dump appendFormat: @"%@: %@\n", key, [self objectForKey: key]]; // key = [keys nextObject]; // } // [dump appendFormat: @"--- end ---\n"]; // NSLog (dump); // [dump release]; // } // @end @implementation NSString (SOGoExtension) - (NSString *) htmlToText { id parser; _SOGoHTMLToTextContentHandler *handler; parser = [[SaxXMLReaderFactory standardXMLReaderFactory] createXMLReaderForMimeType: @"text/html"]; handler = [_SOGoHTMLToTextContentHandler htmlToTextContentHandler]; [parser setContentHandler: handler]; [parser parseFromSource: self]; return [handler result]; } @end