/* SOGoToolRemoveDoubles.m - this file is part of SOGo * * Copyright (C) 2009 Inverse inc. * * Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "SOGoTool.h" @interface NGVList (RemoveDoubles) - (NSArray *) cardNames; @end @implementation NGVList (RemoveDoubles) - (NSArray *) cardNames { NSEnumerator *cardReferences; NSMutableArray *cardNames; CardElement *currentReference; cardNames = [NSMutableArray array]; cardReferences = [[self cardReferences] objectEnumerator]; while ((currentReference = [cardReferences nextObject])) [cardNames addObject: [currentReference flattenedValuesForKey: @""]]; return cardNames; } @end @interface SOGoToolRemoveDoubles : SOGoTool @end @implementation SOGoToolRemoveDoubles + (NSString *) command { return @"remove-doubles"; } + (NSString *) description { return @"remove duplicate contacts from the specified user addressbook"; } - (void) feedDoubles: (NSMutableDictionary *) doubleEmails withRecord: (NSDictionary *) record andQuickField: (NSString *) field { NSString *recordEmail; NSMutableArray *recordList; /* we want to match the field value case-insensitively */ recordEmail = [[record objectForKey: field] uppercaseString]; if ([recordEmail length]) { recordList = [doubleEmails objectForKey: recordEmail]; if (!recordList) { recordList = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 5]; [doubleEmails setObject: recordList forKey: recordEmail]; } [recordList addObject: record]; } } - (void) cleanupSingleRecords: (NSMutableDictionary *) doubleEmails { NSEnumerator *keys; NSString *currentKey; keys = [[doubleEmails allKeys] objectEnumerator]; while ((currentKey = [keys nextObject])) if ([[doubleEmails objectForKey: currentKey] count] < 2) [doubleEmails removeObjectForKey: currentKey]; } - (NSDictionary *) detectDoublesFromRecords: (NSArray *) records withQuickField: (NSString *) quickField { NSMutableDictionary *doubles; unsigned int count, max; doubles = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: [records count]]; max = [records count]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) [self feedDoubles: doubles withRecord: [records objectAtIndex: count] andQuickField: quickField]; [self cleanupSingleRecords: doubles]; return doubles; } - (NSArray *) fetchCardsInListsFromFolder: (GCSFolder *) folder { EOQualifier *qualifier; NSMutableArray *cardsInLists; NSDictionary *currentRecord; NSArray *records; NSEnumerator *recordsEnum; NGVList *list; cardsInLists = [NSMutableArray array]; qualifier = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: @"c_component = %@", @"vlist"]; records = [folder fetchFields: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"c_content"] matchingQualifier: qualifier]; recordsEnum = [records objectEnumerator]; while ((currentRecord = [recordsEnum nextObject])) { list = [NGVList parseSingleFromSource: [currentRecord objectForKey: @"c_content"]]; [cardsInLists addObjectsFromArray: [list cardNames]]; } return cardsInLists; } - (void) removeRecord: (NSString *) recordName fromTable: (NSString *) tableName andQuickTable: (NSString *) quickTableName usingChannel: (EOAdaptorChannel *) channel { NSString *delSql; NSCalendarDate *now; /* We remove the records without regards to c_deleted because we really want to recover table space. */ now = [NSCalendarDate date]; delSql = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"UPDATE %@" @" SET c_deleted = 1, c_lastmodified = %lu," @" c_content = ''" @" WHERE c_name = '%@'", tableName, (NSUInteger) [now timeIntervalSince1970], recordName]; [channel evaluateExpressionX: delSql]; delSql = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"DELETE FROM %@" @" WHERE c_name = '%@'", quickTableName, recordName]; [channel evaluateExpressionX: delSql]; } - (void) removeRecords: (NSArray *) recordNames fromFolder: (GCSFolder *) folder { EOAdaptorChannel *channel; EOAdaptorContext *context; NSString *tableName, *quickTableName, *currentRecordName; NSEnumerator *recordsEnum; fprintf (stderr, #if GS_64BIT_OLD "Removing %d records...\n", #else "Removing %ld records...\n", #endif [recordNames count]); channel = [folder acquireStoreChannel]; context = [channel adaptorContext]; [context beginTransaction]; tableName = [folder storeTableName]; quickTableName = [folder quickTableName]; recordsEnum = [recordNames objectEnumerator]; while ((currentRecordName = [recordsEnum nextObject])) [self removeRecord: currentRecordName fromTable: tableName andQuickTable: quickTableName usingChannel: channel]; [context commitTransaction]; [folder releaseChannel: channel]; } - (NSArray *) namesOfRecords: (NSArray *) records differentFrom: (unsigned int) keptRecord count: (unsigned int) max { NSMutableArray *recordsToRemove; NSDictionary *currentRecord; unsigned int count; recordsToRemove = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: (max - 1)]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { if (count != keptRecord) { currentRecord = [records objectAtIndex: count]; [recordsToRemove addObject: [currentRecord objectForKey: @"c_name"]]; } } return recordsToRemove; } - (NSArray *) records: (NSArray *) records withLowestScores: (unsigned int *) scores count: (unsigned int) max { unsigned int count, highestScore; int highestScoreRecord; highestScore = 0; highestScoreRecord = -1; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { if (scores[count] > highestScore) { highestScore = scores[count]; highestScoreRecord = count; } } if (highestScoreRecord == -1) highestScoreRecord = 0; return [self namesOfRecords: records differentFrom: highestScoreRecord count: max]; } - (int) mostModifiedRecord: (NSArray *) records count: (unsigned int) max { unsigned int mostModified, count, highestVersion, version; NSNumber *currentVersion; mostModified = 0; highestVersion = 0; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { currentVersion = [[records objectAtIndex: count] objectForKey: @"c_version"]; version = [currentVersion intValue]; if (version > highestVersion) { mostModified = count; highestVersion = version; } } return mostModified; } - (int) amountOfFilledQuickFields: (NSDictionary *) record { static NSArray *quickFields = nil; id value; int amount, count, max; amount = 0; if (!quickFields) { quickFields = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"c_givenname", @"c_cn", @"c_sn", @"c_screenname", @"c_l", @"c_mail", @"c_o", @"c_ou", @"c_telephonenumber", nil]; [quickFields retain]; } max = [quickFields count]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { value = [record objectForKey: [quickFields objectAtIndex: count]]; if ([value isKindOfClass: [NSString class]]) { if ([value length]) amount++; } else if ([value isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]]) amount++; } return amount; } - (int) recordWithTheMostQuickFields: (NSArray *) records count: (unsigned int) max { int mostQuickFields, count, highestQFields, currentQFields; mostQuickFields = 0; highestQFields = 0; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { currentQFields = [self amountOfFilledQuickFields: [records objectAtIndex: count]]; if (currentQFields > highestQFields) { mostQuickFields = count; highestQFields = currentQFields; } } return mostQuickFields; } - (int) linesInContent: (NSString *) content { int nbrLines; NSArray *lines; lines = [content componentsSeparatedByString: @"\n"]; nbrLines = [lines count]; /* sometimes the end line will finish with a CRLF, we fix this */ if (![[lines objectAtIndex: nbrLines - 1] length]) nbrLines--; return nbrLines; } - (int) mostCompleteRecord: (NSArray *) records count: (unsigned int) max { int mostComplete, count, highestLines, lines; NSString *content; mostComplete = 0; highestLines = 0; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { content = [[records objectAtIndex: count] objectForKey: @"c_content"]; lines = [self linesInContent: content]; if (lines > highestLines) { mostComplete = count; highestLines = lines; } } return mostComplete; } - (int) record: (NSArray *) records referencedInLists: (NSArray *) cardsInLists { int recordIndex, count, max; NSDictionary *currentRecord; recordIndex = -1; max = [records count]; count = 0; while (recordIndex == -1 && count < max) { currentRecord = [records objectAtIndex: count]; if ([cardsInLists containsObject: [currentRecord objectForKey: @"c_name"]]) recordIndex = count; else count++; } return recordIndex; } - (void) assignScores: (unsigned int *) scores toRecords: (NSArray *) records count: (unsigned int) max withCardsInLists: (NSArray *) cardsInLists { int recordIndex; recordIndex = [self mostModifiedRecord: records count: max]; (*(scores + recordIndex))++; recordIndex = [self mostCompleteRecord: records count: max]; (*(scores + recordIndex)) += 2; recordIndex = [self recordWithTheMostQuickFields: records count: max]; (*(scores + recordIndex)) += 3; /* TODO: this method is ugly. Instead of replacing the card references in the list with the most useful one, we remove the cards that are not mentionned in the list. */ recordIndex = [self record: records referencedInLists: cardsInLists]; if (recordIndex > -1) (*(scores + recordIndex)) += 6; } - (NSArray *) detectRecordsToRemove: (NSDictionary *) records withCardsInLists: (NSArray *) cardsInLists { NSMutableArray *recordsToRemove; NSEnumerator *recordsEnum; NSArray *currentRecords; unsigned int *scores, max; recordsToRemove = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: [records count] * 4]; recordsEnum = [[records allValues] objectEnumerator]; while ((currentRecords = [recordsEnum nextObject])) { max = [currentRecords count]; scores = NSZoneCalloc (NULL, max, sizeof (unsigned int)); [self assignScores: scores toRecords: currentRecords count: max withCardsInLists: cardsInLists]; [recordsToRemove addObjectsFromArray: [self records: currentRecords withLowestScores: scores count: max]]; NSZoneFree (NULL, scores); } return recordsToRemove; } - (BOOL) removeDoublesFromFolder: (GCSFolder *) folder { NSArray *fields, *records, *recordsToRemove; NSMutableDictionary *doubles; EOQualifier *qualifier; BOOL rc; fields = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"c_name", @"c_givenname", @"c_cn", @"c_sn", @"c_screenname", @"c_l", @"c_mail", @"c_o", @"c_ou", @"c_telephonenumber", @"c_content", @"c_version", @"c_creationdate", @"c_lastmodified", nil]; qualifier = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: @"c_component = %@", @"vcard"]; records = [folder fetchFields: fields matchingQualifier: qualifier]; if (records) { rc = YES; doubles = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; [doubles addEntriesFromDictionary: [self detectDoublesFromRecords: records withQuickField: @"c_mail"]]; [doubles addEntriesFromDictionary: [self detectDoublesFromRecords: records withQuickField: @"c_cn"]]; recordsToRemove = [self detectRecordsToRemove: doubles withCardsInLists: [self fetchCardsInListsFromFolder: folder]]; if ([recordsToRemove count]) { [self removeRecords: recordsToRemove fromFolder: folder]; fprintf (stderr, #if GS_64BIT_OLD "Removed %d records from %d.\n", #else "Removed %ld records from %ld.\n", #endif [recordsToRemove count], [records count]); } else fprintf (stderr, #if GS_64BIT_OLD "No record to remove. %d records kept.\n", #else "No record to remove. %ld records kept.\n", #endif [records count]); } else { fprintf (stderr, "Unable to fetch required fields from folder.\n"); rc = NO; } return rc; } - (BOOL) processFolder: (NSString *) folderId ofUser: (NSString *) username withFoM: (GCSFolderManager *) fom { NSString *folderPath; GCSFolder *folder; BOOL rc; folderPath = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"/Users/%@/Contacts/%@", username, folderId]; folder = [fom folderAtPath: folderPath]; if (folder) rc = [self removeDoublesFromFolder: folder]; else { fprintf (stderr, "Folder '%s' of user '%s' not found.\n", [folderId UTF8String], [username UTF8String]); rc = NO; } return rc; } - (BOOL) runWithFolder: (NSString *) folder andUser: (NSString *) username { GCSFolderManager *fom; BOOL rc; fom = [GCSFolderManager defaultFolderManager]; if (fom) rc = [self processFolder: folder ofUser: username withFoM: fom]; else rc = NO; return rc; } - (void) usage { fprintf (stderr, "Usage: remove-doubles USER FOLDER\n\n" " USER the owner of the contact folder\n" " FOLDER the id of the folder to clean up\n"); } - (BOOL) run { BOOL rc; if ([arguments count] == 2) rc = [self runWithFolder: [arguments objectAtIndex: 1] andUser: [arguments objectAtIndex: 0]]; else { [self usage]; rc = NO; } return rc; } @end