Jesús García Sáez 68c38e2b5c openchange: return proper url for folders with non-ascii chars
toManyRelationshipKeysWithNamespaces applies asCSSIdentifier function
to the names which are already "Imap4Encoded". So we need to remove the
CSSIdentifier function first and then "Imap4Decode" to get the real name.

Once we have the real name, to create the url we have to use the same
logic as the function that creates the folder and creates this url for
the first time (this function is createRootSecondaryFolderWithFID)
which is to apply, in this order:

- asCSSIdentifier
- stringByEncodingImap4FolderName
- stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding
2014-11-19 17:12:27 +01:00

299 lines
11 KiB

/* MAPIStoreMailContext.m - this file is part of SOGo
* Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Inverse inc.
* Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
#import <Foundation/NSURL.h>
#import <NGImap4/NSString+Imap4.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSString+misc.h>
#import <Mailer/SOGoMailAccount.h>
#import <Mailer/SOGoMailFolder.h>
#import "MAPIStoreMailFolder.h"
#import "MAPIStoreUserContext.h"
#import "NSString+MAPIStore.h"
#import <SOGo/NSString+Utilities.h>
#import "MAPIApplication.h"
#import "MAPIStoreMailContext.h"
#include <dlinklist.h>
#undef DEBUG
#include <mapistore/mapistore.h>
static Class MAPIStoreMailFolderK, MAPIStoreOutboxFolderK;
@implementation MAPIStoreMailContext
+ (void) initialize
MAPIStoreMailFolderK = [MAPIStoreMailFolder class];
MAPIStoreOutboxFolderK = [MAPIStoreOutboxFolder class];
+ (NSString *) MAPIModuleName
return @"mail";
+ (enum mapistore_context_role) MAPIContextRole
static inline NSString *
MakeDisplayFolderName (NSString *folderName)
NSArray *parts;
NSString *lastFolder;
NSUInteger max;
parts = [folderName componentsSeparatedByString: @"/"];
max = [parts count];
if (max > 1)
lastFolder = [parts objectAtIndex: max - 1];
if ([lastFolder length] == 0)
lastFolder = [parts objectAtIndex: max - 2];
lastFolder = folderName;
return [[lastFolder substringFromIndex: 6] fromCSSIdentifier];
+ (struct mapistore_contexts_list *) listContextsForUser: (NSString *) userName
withIndexing: (struct indexing_context *) indexing
inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx
struct mapistore_contexts_list *firstContext = NULL, *context;
NSString *urlBase, *stringData, *currentName, *realName, *inboxName, *draftsName, *sentName, *trashName;
NSArray *unprefixedFolders;
NSMutableArray *secondaryFolders;
enum mapistore_context_role role[] = {MAPISTORE_MAIL_ROLE,
NSString *folderName[3];
NSUInteger count, max;
SOGoMailAccount *accountFolder;
MAPIStoreUserContext *userContext;
WOContext *woContext;
userContext = [MAPIStoreUserContext userContextWithUsername: userName
andTDBIndexing: indexing];
accountFolder = [[userContext rootFolders] objectForKey: @"mail"];
woContext = [userContext woContext];
inboxName = @"folderINBOX";
folderName[0] = inboxName;
unprefixedFolders = [[accountFolder draftsFolderNameInContext: woContext]
componentsSeparatedByString: @"/"];
draftsName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"folder%@",
[unprefixedFolders componentsJoinedByString: @"/folder"]];
folderName[1] = draftsName;
unprefixedFolders = [[accountFolder sentFolderNameInContext: woContext]
componentsSeparatedByString: @"/"];
sentName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"folder%@",
[unprefixedFolders componentsJoinedByString: @"/folder"]];
folderName[2] = sentName;
/* Note: trash is not used as a mail folder, since "Deleted Items" makes use of
the fallback context */
unprefixedFolders = [[accountFolder trashFolderNameInContext: woContext]
componentsSeparatedByString: @"/"];
trashName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"folder%@",
[unprefixedFolders componentsJoinedByString: @"/folder"]];
urlBase = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"sogo://%@:%@@mail/", userName, userName];
for (count = 0; count < 3; count++)
context = talloc_zero (memCtx, struct mapistore_contexts_list);
stringData = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@", urlBase,
[folderName[count] stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
context->url = [stringData asUnicodeInMemCtx: context];
/* remove "folder" prefix */
stringData = MakeDisplayFolderName (folderName[count]);
context->name = [stringData asUnicodeInMemCtx: context];
context->main_folder = true;
context->role = role[count];
context->tag = "tag";
DLIST_ADD_END (firstContext, context, void);
secondaryFolders = [[accountFolder toManyRelationshipKeysWithNamespaces: NO]
[secondaryFolders autorelease];
[secondaryFolders removeObject: inboxName];
[secondaryFolders removeObject: draftsName];
[secondaryFolders removeObject: sentName];
[secondaryFolders removeObject: trashName];
max = [secondaryFolders count];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
context = talloc_zero (memCtx, struct mapistore_contexts_list);
// secondaryFolders has the names (1) Imap4Encoded and (2) asCSSIdentifier
// e.g.: Probl&AOg-mes_SP_de_SP_synchronisation
currentName = [secondaryFolders objectAtIndex: count];
// To get the real name we have to revert that (applying the decode functions)
// in reverse order
// e.g.: Problèmes de synchronisation
realName = [[currentName fromCSSIdentifier]
// And finally to represent that as URI we have to (1) asCSSIdentifier,
// (2) Imap4Encode and (3) AddPercentEscapes
// e.g.: Probl&AOg-mes_SP_de_SP_synchronisation
// In the example there are no percent escapes added because is already ok
stringData = [[[realName asCSSIdentifier]
stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
context->url = [[NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@", urlBase, stringData] asUnicodeInMemCtx: context];
context->name = [[realName substringFromIndex: 6] asUnicodeInMemCtx: context];
context->main_folder = false;
context->role = MAPISTORE_MAIL_ROLE;
context->tag = "tag";
DLIST_ADD_END (firstContext, context, void);
return firstContext;
+ (NSString *)
createRootSecondaryFolderWithFID: (uint64_t) fid
andName: (NSString *) newFolderName
forUser: (NSString *) userName
NSString *mapistoreURI, *folderName;
MAPIStoreUserContext *userContext;
SOGoMailAccount *accountFolder;
SOGoMailFolder *newFolder;
userContext = [MAPIStoreUserContext userContextWithUsername: userName
andTDBIndexing: NULL];
[MAPIApp setUserContext: userContext];
accountFolder = [[userContext rootFolders] objectForKey: @"mail"];
folderName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"folder%@",
[newFolderName asCSSIdentifier]];
newFolder = [SOGoMailFolder objectWithName: folderName
inContainer: accountFolder];
if ([newFolder create])
mapistoreURI = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"sogo://%@:%@@mail/%@/",
userName, userName,
[[folderName stringByEncodingImap4FolderName] stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
mapistoreURI = nil;
[MAPIApp setUserContext: nil];
return mapistoreURI;
- (Class) MAPIStoreFolderClass
return MAPIStoreMailFolderK;
- (id) rootSOGoFolder
return [[userContext rootFolders] objectForKey: @"mail"];
- (void) updateURLWithFolderName: (NSString *) newFolderName
NSString *urlString, *escapedName;
NSMutableArray *pathComponents;
BOOL hasSlash;
NSUInteger max, folderNameIdx;
/* we do not need to unescape the url here as it will be reassembled later
in the method */
urlString = [contextUrl absoluteString];
hasSlash = [urlString hasSuffix: @"/"];
pathComponents = [[urlString componentsSeparatedByString: @"/"]
[pathComponents autorelease];
max = [pathComponents count];
if (hasSlash)
folderNameIdx = max - 2;
folderNameIdx = max - 1;
escapedName = [newFolderName stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[pathComponents replaceObjectAtIndex: folderNameIdx
withObject: escapedName];
urlString = [pathComponents componentsJoinedByString: @"/"];
newURL = [NSURL URLWithString: urlString];
ASSIGN (contextUrl, newURL);
@implementation MAPIStoreOutboxContext
+ (NSString *) MAPIModuleName
return @"outbox";
+ (struct mapistore_contexts_list *) listContextsForUser: (NSString *) userName
withIndexing: (struct indexing_context *) indexing
inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx
struct mapistore_contexts_list *context;
NSString *url, *folderName;
NSArray *unprefixedFolders;
SOGoMailAccount *accountFolder;
MAPIStoreUserContext *userContext;
WOContext *woContext;
userContext = [MAPIStoreUserContext userContextWithUsername: userName
andTDBIndexing: indexing];
accountFolder = [[userContext rootFolders] objectForKey: @"mail"];
woContext = [userContext woContext];
unprefixedFolders = [[accountFolder draftsFolderNameInContext: woContext]
componentsSeparatedByString: @"/"];
folderName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"folder%@",
[unprefixedFolders componentsJoinedByString: @"/folder"]];
url = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"sogo://%@:%@@outbox/%@", userName,
userName, folderName];
context = talloc_zero (memCtx, struct mapistore_contexts_list);
context->url = [url asUnicodeInMemCtx: context];
/* TODO: use a localized version of this display name */
context->name = [@"Outbox" asUnicodeInMemCtx: context];
context->main_folder = true;
context->role = MAPISTORE_OUTBOX_ROLE;
context->tag = "tag";
context->prev = context;
return context;
- (Class) MAPIStoreFolderClass
return MAPIStoreOutboxFolderK;