Wolfgang Sourdeau bcf6d7f1c5 Monotone-Parent: 77ae6659af75997724f5042923c200e84f904c7c
Monotone-Revision: c9af41ca9ec70a19cc4d97559b662f72c45c4f97

Monotone-Date: 2006-10-16T18:43:14
Monotone-Branch: ca.inverse.sogo
2006-10-16 18:43:14 +00:00

983 lines
27 KiB

Copyright (C) 2004-2005 SKYRIX Software AG
This file is part of
OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
later version.
OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.
#import <SOGo/SOGoCustomGroupFolder.h>
#import <SOGo/AgenorUserManager.h>
#import <SOGo/NSObject+Owner.h>
#import <GDLContentStore/GCSFolder.h>
#import <SaxObjC/SaxObjC.h>
#import <NGCards/NGCards.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NGCalendarDateRange.h>
#import "common.h"
#import <SOGo/NSString+URL.h>
#import "SOGoAppointmentObject.h"
#import "SOGoTaskObject.h"
#import "SOGoAppointmentFolder.h"
#if APPLE_Foundation_LIBRARY || NeXT_Foundation_LIBRARY
@interface NSDate(UsedPrivates)
- (id)initWithTimeIntervalSince1970:(NSTimeInterval)_interval;
@interface NSString (SOGoExtensions)
- calDavMethodToObjC;
@implementation NSString (SOGoExtensions)
- calDavMethodToObjC
NSMutableString *newName;
NSEnumerator *components;
NSString *component;
newName = [NSMutableString new];
[newName autorelease];
components = [[self componentsSeparatedByString: @"-"] objectEnumerator];
component = [components nextObject];
while (component)
[newName appendString: [component capitalizedString]];
component = [components nextObject];
return newName;
@implementation SOGoAppointmentFolder
static NGLogger *logger = nil;
static NSNumber *sharedYes = nil;
+ (int) version
return [super version] + 1 /* v1 */;
+ (void) initialize
NGLoggerManager *lm;
static BOOL didInit = NO;
if (didInit) return;
didInit = YES;
NSAssert2([super version] == 0,
@"invalid superclass (%@) version %i !",
NSStringFromClass([self superclass]), [super version]);
lm = [NGLoggerManager defaultLoggerManager];
logger = [lm loggerForDefaultKey:@"SOGoAppointmentFolderDebugEnabled"];
sharedYes = [[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] retain];
- (void) dealloc
[self->uidToFilename release];
[super dealloc];
/* logging */
- (id) debugLogger
return logger;
/* selection */
- (NSArray *) calendarUIDs
/* this is used for group calendars (this folder just returns itself) */
NSString *s;
s = [[self container] nameInContainer];
return [s isNotNull] ? [NSArray arrayWithObjects:&s count:1] : nil;
/* name lookup */
- (BOOL) isValidAppointmentName: (NSString *)_key
return ([_key length] != 0);
- (id) lookupActionForCalDAVMethod: (NSString *)_key
SoSelectorInvocation *invocation;
NSString *name;
name = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"do%@:",
[_key calDavMethodToObjC]];
invocation = [[SoSelectorInvocation alloc]
initWithSelectorNamed: name
addContextParameter: YES];
[invocation autorelease];
return invocation;
- (void) appendObject: (NSDictionary *) object
withBaseURL: (NSString *) baseURL
toREPORTResponse: (WOResponse *) r
SOGoContentObject *ocsObject;
NSString *c_name, *etagLine, *dataLine;
c_name = [object objectForKey: @"c_name"];
ocsObject = [SOGoContentObject objectWithName: c_name
inContainer: self];
[r appendContentString: @" <D:response>\r\n"];
[r appendContentString: @" <D:href>"];
[r appendContentString: baseURL];
if (![baseURL hasSuffix: @"/"])
[r appendContentString: @"/"];
[r appendContentString: c_name];
[r appendContentString: @"</D:href>\r\n"];
[r appendContentString: @" <D:propstat>\r\n"];
[r appendContentString: @" <D:prop>\r\n"];
etagLine = [NSString stringWithFormat: @" <D:getetag>%@</D:getetag>\r\n",
[ocsObject davEntityTag]];
[r appendContentString: etagLine];
[r appendContentString: @" </D:prop>\r\n"];
[r appendContentString: @" <D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status>\r\n"];
[r appendContentString: @" </D:propstat>\r\n"];
= [NSString
stringWithFormat: @" <C:calendar-data>%@</C:calendar-data>\r\n",
[ocsObject contentAsString]];
[r appendContentString: dataLine];
[r appendContentString: @" </D:response>\r\n"];
- (id) doCalendarQuery: (id) context
WOResponse *r;
NSString *baseURL, *content;
NSArray *apts;
NSMutableArray *components;
NSEnumerator *appointments;
NSDictionary *appointment;
// FIXME: this is f00ked UP
// FIXME: no, just kidding... actually we should take the date range into
// account otherwise all events will be returned. We should also manage the
// VTODO... and well, have a clean implementation.
baseURL = [self baseURLInContext: context];
r = [context response];
[r setStatus: 207];
[r setContentEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[r setHeader: @"text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"" forKey: @"content-type"];
[r setHeader: @"no-cache" forKey: @"pragma"];
[r setHeader: @"no-cache" forKey: @"cache-control"];
[r appendContentString:@"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\r\n"];
[r appendContentString: @"<D:multistatus xmlns:D=\"DAV:\""
@" xmlns:C=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav\">\r\n"];
content = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: [[context request] content]
encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[content autorelease];
components = [NSMutableArray new];
if ([content indexOfString: @"VEVENT"] != NSNotFound
|| [content indexOfString: @"vevent"] != NSNotFound)
[components addObject: @"vevent"];
if ([content indexOfString: @"VTODO"] != NSNotFound
|| [content indexOfString: @"vtodo"] != NSNotFound)
[components addObject: @"vtodo"];
apts = [self fetchCoreInfosFrom: nil to: nil component: components];
[components release];
appointments = [apts objectEnumerator];
appointment = [appointments nextObject];
while (appointment)
[self appendObject: appointment
withBaseURL: baseURL
toREPORTResponse: r];
appointment = [appointments nextObject];
[r appendContentString:@"</D:multistatus>\r\n"];
return r;
- (Class) objectClassForContent: (NSString *) content
iCalCalendar *calendar;
NSArray *elements;
NSString *firstTag;
Class objectClass;
objectClass = Nil;
calendar = [iCalCalendar parseSingleFromSource: content];
if (calendar)
elements = [calendar allObjects];
if ([elements count])
firstTag = [[[elements objectAtIndex: 0] tag] uppercaseString];
if ([firstTag isEqualToString: @"VEVENT"])
objectClass = [SOGoAppointmentObject class];
else if ([firstTag isEqualToString: @"VTODO"])
objectClass = [SOGoTaskObject class];
return objectClass;
- (id) deduceObjectForName: (NSString *)_key
inContext: (id)_ctx
WORequest *request;
NSString *method;
Class objectClass;
id obj;
request = [_ctx request];
method = [request method];
if ([method isEqualToString: @"PUT"])
objectClass = [self objectClassForContent: [request contentAsString]];
objectClass = [self objectClassForResourceNamed: _key];
if (objectClass)
obj = [objectClass objectWithName: _key inContainer: self];
obj = nil;
return obj;
- (id) lookupName: (NSString *)_key
inContext: (id)_ctx
acquire: (BOOL)_flag
id obj;
NSString *url;
NSLog (@"lookup name '%@' in apt folder", _key);
/* first check attributes directly bound to the application */
obj = [super lookupName:_key inContext:_ctx acquire:NO];
if (!obj)
if ([_key hasPrefix: @"{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}"])
= [self lookupActionForCalDAVMethod: [_key substringFromIndex: 31]];
else if ([self isValidAppointmentName:_key])
url = [[[_ctx request] uri] urlWithoutParameters];
if ([url hasSuffix: @"AsTask"])
obj = [SOGoTaskObject objectWithName: _key
inContainer: self];
else if ([url hasSuffix: @"AsAppointment"])
obj = [SOGoAppointmentObject objectWithName: _key
inContainer: self];
obj = [self deduceObjectForName: _key
inContext: _ctx];
if (!obj)
obj = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus:404 /* Not Found */];
return obj;
/* vevent UID handling */
- (NSString *) resourceNameForEventUID: (NSString *)_u
inFolder: (GCSFolder *)_f
static NSArray *nameFields = nil;
EOQualifier *qualifier;
NSArray *records;
if (![_u isNotNull]) return nil;
if (_f == nil) {
[self errorWithFormat:@"(%s): missing folder for fetch!",
return nil;
if (nameFields == nil)
nameFields = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"c_name", nil];
qualifier = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat:@"uid = %@", _u];
records = [_f fetchFields:nameFields matchingQualifier:qualifier];
if ([records count] == 1)
return [[records objectAtIndex:0] valueForKey:@"c_name"];
if ([records count] == 0)
return nil;
[self errorWithFormat:
@"The storage contains more than file with the same UID!"];
return [[records objectAtIndex:0] valueForKey:@"c_name"];
- (NSString *) resourceNameForEventUID: (NSString *) _uid
/* caches UIDs */
GCSFolder *folder;
NSString *rname;
if (![_uid isNotNull])
return nil;
if ((rname = [self->uidToFilename objectForKey:_uid]) != nil)
return [rname isNotNull] ? rname : nil;
if ((folder = [self ocsFolder]) == nil) {
[self errorWithFormat:@"(%s): missing folder for fetch!",
return nil;
if (self->uidToFilename == nil)
self->uidToFilename = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:16];
if ((rname = [self resourceNameForEventUID:_uid inFolder:folder]) == nil)
[self->uidToFilename setObject:[NSNull null] forKey:_uid];
[self->uidToFilename setObject:rname forKey:_uid];
return rname;
- (Class) objectClassForResourceNamed: (NSString *) c_name
EOQualifier *qualifier;
NSArray *records;
NSString *component;
Class objectClass;
qualifier = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat:@"c_name = %@", c_name];
records = [[self ocsFolder] fetchFields: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"component"]
matchingQualifier: qualifier];
if ([records count])
component = [[records objectAtIndex:0] valueForKey: @"component"];
if ([component isEqualToString: @"vevent"])
objectClass = [SOGoAppointmentObject class];
else if ([component isEqualToString: @"vtodo"])
objectClass = [SOGoTaskObject class];
objectClass = Nil;
objectClass = Nil;
return objectClass;
/* fetching */
- (NSMutableDictionary *) fixupRecord: (NSDictionary *) _record
fetchRange: (NGCalendarDateRange *) _r
NSMutableDictionary *md;
id tmp;
md = [[_record mutableCopy] autorelease];
if ((tmp = [_record objectForKey:@"startdate"])) {
tmp = [[NSCalendarDate alloc] initWithTimeIntervalSince1970:
(NSTimeInterval)[tmp unsignedIntValue]];
[tmp setTimeZone: [self userTimeZone]];
if (tmp) [md setObject:tmp forKey:@"startDate"];
[tmp release];
[self logWithFormat:@"missing 'startdate' in record?"];
if ((tmp = [_record objectForKey:@"enddate"])) {
tmp = [[NSCalendarDate alloc] initWithTimeIntervalSince1970:
(NSTimeInterval)[tmp unsignedIntValue]];
[tmp setTimeZone: [self userTimeZone]];
if (tmp) [md setObject:tmp forKey:@"endDate"];
[tmp release];
[self logWithFormat:@"missing 'enddate' in record?"];
return md;
- (NSMutableDictionary *) fixupCycleRecord: (NSDictionary *) _record
cycleRange: (NGCalendarDateRange *) _r
NSMutableDictionary *md;
id tmp;
md = [[_record mutableCopy] autorelease];
/* cycle is in _r */
tmp = [_r startDate];
[tmp setTimeZone:[self userTimeZone]];
[md setObject:tmp forKey:@"startDate"];
tmp = [_r endDate];
[tmp setTimeZone:[self userTimeZone]];
[md setObject:tmp forKey:@"endDate"];
return md;
- (void) _flattenCycleRecord: (NSDictionary *) _row
forRange: (NGCalendarDateRange *) _r
intoArray: (NSMutableArray *) _ma
NSMutableDictionary *row;
NSDictionary *cycleinfo;
NSCalendarDate *startDate, *endDate;
NGCalendarDateRange *fir;
NSArray *rules, *exRules, *exDates, *ranges;
unsigned i, count;
cycleinfo = [[_row objectForKey:@"cycleinfo"] propertyList];
if (cycleinfo == nil) {
[self errorWithFormat:@"cyclic record doesn't have cycleinfo -> %@", _row];
row = [self fixupRecord:_row fetchRange: _r];
[row removeObjectForKey:@"cycleinfo"];
[row setObject:sharedYes forKey:@"isRecurrentEvent"];
startDate = [row objectForKey:@"startDate"];
endDate = [row objectForKey:@"endDate"];
fir = [NGCalendarDateRange calendarDateRangeWithStartDate:startDate
rules = [cycleinfo objectForKey:@"rules"];
exRules = [cycleinfo objectForKey:@"exRules"];
exDates = [cycleinfo objectForKey:@"exDates"];
ranges = [iCalRecurrenceCalculator recurrenceRangesWithinCalendarDateRange:_r
count = [ranges count];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
NGCalendarDateRange *rRange;
id fixedRow;
rRange = [ranges objectAtIndex:i];
fixedRow = [self fixupCycleRecord:row cycleRange:rRange];
if (fixedRow != nil) [_ma addObject:fixedRow];
- (NSArray *) fixupRecords: (NSArray *) _records
fetchRange: (NGCalendarDateRange *) _r
// TODO: is the result supposed to be sorted by date?
NSMutableArray *ma;
unsigned i, count;
if (_records == nil) return nil;
if ((count = [_records count]) == 0)
return _records;
ma = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:count];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
id row; // TODO: what is the type of the record?
row = [_records objectAtIndex:i];
row = [self fixupRecord:row fetchRange:_r];
if (row != nil) [ma addObject:row];
return ma;
- (NSArray *) fixupCyclicRecords: (NSArray *) _records
fetchRange: (NGCalendarDateRange *) _r
// TODO: is the result supposed to be sorted by date?
NSMutableArray *ma;
unsigned i, count;
if (_records == nil) return nil;
if ((count = [_records count]) == 0)
return _records;
ma = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:count];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
id row; // TODO: what is the type of the record?
row = [_records objectAtIndex:i];
[self _flattenCycleRecord:row forRange:_r intoArray:ma];
return ma;
- (NSString *) _sqlStringForComponent: (id) _component
NSString *sqlString;
NSArray *components;
if (_component)
if ([_component isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]])
components = _component;
components = [NSArray arrayWithObject: _component];
= [NSString stringWithFormat: @" AND (component = '%@')",
[components componentsJoinedByString: @"' OR component = '"]];
sqlString = @"";
return sqlString;
- (NSArray *) fetchFields: (NSArray *) _fields
fromFolder: (GCSFolder *) _folder
from: (NSCalendarDate *) _startDate
to: (NSCalendarDate *) _endDate
component: (id) _component
EOQualifier *qualifier;
NSMutableArray *fields, *ma = nil;
NSArray *records;
NSString *sql, *dateSqlString, *componentSqlString, *owner;
NGCalendarDateRange *r;
if (_folder == nil) {
[self errorWithFormat:@"(%s): missing folder for fetch!",
return nil;
if (_startDate && _endDate)
r = [NGCalendarDateRange calendarDateRangeWithStartDate: _startDate
endDate: _endDate];
= [NSString stringWithFormat: @" AND (startdate > %d) AND (enddate < %d)",
(unsigned int) [_startDate timeIntervalSince1970],
(unsigned int) [_endDate timeIntervalSince1970]];
r = nil;
dateSqlString = @"";
componentSqlString = [self _sqlStringForComponent: _component];
/* prepare mandatory fields */
fields = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: _fields];
[fields addObject: @"uid"];
[fields addObject: @"startdate"];
[fields addObject: @"enddate"];
if (logger)
[self debugWithFormat:@"should fetch (%@=>%@) ...", _startDate, _endDate];
sql = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"(iscycle = 0)%@%@",
dateSqlString, componentSqlString];
/* fetch non-recurrent apts first */
qualifier = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: sql];
records = [_folder fetchFields: fields matchingQualifier: qualifier];
if (records)
if (r)
records = [self fixupRecords: records fetchRange: r];
if (logger)
[self debugWithFormat: @"fetched %i records: %@",
[records count], records];
ma = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: records];
/* fetch recurrent apts now */
sql = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"(iscycle = 1)%@%@",
dateSqlString, componentSqlString];
qualifier = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: sql];
[fields addObject: @"cycleinfo"];
records = [_folder fetchFields: fields matchingQualifier: qualifier];
if (records)
if (logger)
[self debugWithFormat: @"fetched %i cyclic records: %@",
[records count], records];
if (r)
records = [self fixupCyclicRecords: records fetchRange: r];
if (!ma)
ma = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: [records count]];
owner = [self ownerInContext: nil];
[ma addObjectsFromArray: records];
else if (!ma)
[self errorWithFormat: @"(%s): fetch failed!", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__];
return nil;
/* NOTE: why do we sort here?
This probably belongs to UI but cannot be achieved as fast there as
we can do it here because we're operating on a mutable array -
having the apts sorted is never a bad idea, though
[ma sortUsingSelector: @selector (compareAptsAscending:)];
if (logger)
[self debugWithFormat:@"returning %i records", [ma count]];
[ma makeObjectsPerformSelector: @selector (setOwnerByLogin:)
withObject: owner];
return ma;
/* override this in subclasses */
- (NSArray *) fetchFields: (NSArray *) _fields
from: (NSCalendarDate *) _startDate
to: (NSCalendarDate *) _endDate
component: (id) _component
GCSFolder *folder;
if ((folder = [self ocsFolder]) == nil) {
[self errorWithFormat:@"(%s): missing folder for fetch!",
return nil;
return [self fetchFields: _fields fromFolder: folder
from: _startDate to: _endDate
component: _component];
- (NSArray *) fetchFreebusyInfosFrom: (NSCalendarDate *) _startDate
to: (NSCalendarDate *) _endDate
static NSArray *infos = nil; // TODO: move to a plist file
if (infos == nil) {
infos = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"partmails", @"partstates", nil];
return [self fetchFields: infos
from: _startDate to: _endDate
component: nil];
- (NSArray *) fetchCoreInfosFrom: (NSCalendarDate *) _startDate
to: (NSCalendarDate *) _endDate
component: (id) _component
static NSArray *infos = nil; // TODO: move to a plist file
if (!infos)
infos = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
@"c_name", @"component",
@"title", @"location", @"orgmail",
@"status", @"ispublic",
@"isallday", @"isopaque",
@"participants", @"partmails",
@"partstates", @"sequence", @"priority", nil];
return [self fetchFields: infos from: _startDate to: _endDate component: _component];
- (void) deleteEntriesWithIds: (NSArray *) ids
Class objectClass;
unsigned int count, max;
NSString *currentId;
id deleteObject;
max = [ids count];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
currentId = [ids objectAtIndex: count];
= [self objectClassForResourceNamed: currentId];
deleteObject = [objectClass objectWithName: currentId
inContainer: self];
[deleteObject delete];
[deleteObject primaryDelete];
/* URL generation */
- (NSString *) baseURLForAptWithUID: (NSString *)_uid
inContext: (id)_ctx
// TODO: who calls this?
NSString *url;
if ([_uid length] == 0)
return nil;
url = [self baseURLInContext:_ctx];
if (![url hasSuffix:@"/"])
url = [url stringByAppendingString:@"/"];
// TODO: this should run a query to determine the uid!
return [url stringByAppendingString:_uid];
/* folder management */
- (id) lookupHomeFolderForUID: (NSString *) _uid
inContext: (id)_ctx
// TODO: DUP to SOGoGroupFolder
NSException *error = nil;
NSArray *path;
id ctx, result;
if (![_uid isNotNull])
return nil;
if (_ctx == nil) _ctx = [[WOApplication application] context];
/* create subcontext, so that we don't destroy our environment */
if ((ctx = [_ctx createSubContext]) == nil) {
[self errorWithFormat:@"could not create SOPE subcontext!"];
return nil;
/* build path */
path = _uid != nil ? [NSArray arrayWithObjects:&_uid count:1] : nil;
/* traverse path */
result = [[ctx application] traversePathArray:path inContext:ctx
error:&error acquire:NO];
if (error != nil) {
[self errorWithFormat:@"folder lookup failed (uid=%@): %@",
_uid, error];
return nil;
[self debugWithFormat:@"Note: got folder for uid %@ path %@: %@",
_uid, [path componentsJoinedByString:@"=>"], result];
return result;
- (NSArray *) lookupCalendarFoldersForUIDs: (NSArray *) _uids
inContext: (id)_ctx
/* Note: can return NSNull objects in the array! */
NSMutableArray *folders;
NSEnumerator *e;
NSString *uid;
if ([_uids count] == 0) return nil;
folders = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:16];
e = [_uids objectEnumerator];
while ((uid = [e nextObject])) {
id folder;
folder = [self lookupHomeFolderForUID:uid inContext:nil];
if ([folder isNotNull]) {
folder = [folder lookupName:@"Calendar" inContext:nil acquire:NO];
if ([folder isKindOfClass:[NSException class]])
folder = nil;
if (![folder isNotNull])
[self logWithFormat:@"Note: did not find folder for uid: '%@'", uid];
/* Note: intentionally add 'null' folders to allow a mapping */
[folders addObject:folder ? folder : [NSNull null]];
return folders;
- (NSArray *) lookupFreeBusyObjectsForUIDs: (NSArray *) _uids
inContext: (id) _ctx
/* Note: can return NSNull objects in the array! */
NSMutableArray *objs;
NSEnumerator *e;
NSString *uid;
if ([_uids count] == 0) return nil;
objs = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:16];
e = [_uids objectEnumerator];
while ((uid = [e nextObject])) {
id obj;
obj = [self lookupHomeFolderForUID:uid inContext:nil];
if ([obj isNotNull]) {
obj = [obj lookupName:@"freebusy.ifb" inContext:nil acquire:NO];
if ([obj isKindOfClass:[NSException class]])
obj = nil;
if (![obj isNotNull])
[self logWithFormat:@"Note: did not find freebusy.ifb for uid: '%@'", uid];
/* Note: intentionally add 'null' folders to allow a mapping */
[objs addObject:obj ? obj : [NSNull null]];
return objs;
- (NSArray *) uidsFromICalPersons: (NSArray *) _persons
/* Note: can return NSNull objects in the array! */
NSMutableArray *uids;
AgenorUserManager *um;
unsigned i, count;
if (_persons == nil)
return nil;
count = [_persons count];
uids = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:count + 1];
um = [AgenorUserManager sharedUserManager];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
iCalPerson *person;
NSString *email;
NSString *uid;
person = [_persons objectAtIndex:i];
email = [person rfc822Email];
if ([email isNotNull]) {
uid = [um getUIDForEmail:email];
uid = nil;
[uids addObject:(uid != nil ? uid : (id)[NSNull null])];
return uids;
- (NSArray *)lookupCalendarFoldersForICalPerson: (NSArray *) _persons
inContext: (id) _ctx
/* Note: can return NSNull objects in the array! */
NSArray *uids;
if ((uids = [self uidsFromICalPersons:_persons]) == nil)
return nil;
return [self lookupCalendarFoldersForUIDs:uids inContext:_ctx];
- (id) lookupGroupFolderForUIDs: (NSArray *) _uids
inContext: (id)_ctx
SOGoCustomGroupFolder *folder;
if (_uids == nil)
return nil;
folder = [[SOGoCustomGroupFolder alloc] initWithUIDs:_uids inContainer:self];
return [folder autorelease];
- (id) lookupGroupCalendarFolderForUIDs: (NSArray *) _uids
inContext: (id) _ctx
SOGoCustomGroupFolder *folder;
if ((folder = [self lookupGroupFolderForUIDs:_uids inContext:_ctx]) == nil)
return nil;
folder = [folder lookupName:@"Calendar" inContext:_ctx acquire:NO];
if (![folder isNotNull])
return nil;
if ([folder isKindOfClass:[NSException class]]) {
[self debugWithFormat:@"Note: could not lookup 'Calendar' in folder: %@",
return nil;
return folder;
/* bulk fetches */
- (NSArray *) fetchAllSOGoAppointments
Note: very expensive method, do not use unless absolutely required.
returns an array of SOGoAppointment objects.
Note that we can leave out the filenames, supposed to be stored
in the 'uid' field of the iCalendar object!
NSMutableArray *events;
NSDictionary *files;
NSEnumerator *contents;
NSString *content;
/* fetch all raw contents */
files = [self fetchContentStringsAndNamesOfAllObjects];
if (![files isNotNull]) return nil;
if ([files isKindOfClass:[NSException class]]) return (id)files;
/* transform to SOGo appointments */
events = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[files count]];
contents = [files objectEnumerator];
while ((content = [contents nextObject]) != nil)
[events addObject: [iCalCalendar parseSingleFromSource: content]];
return events;
/* folder type */
- (NSString *) outlookFolderClass
return @"IPF.Appointment";
@end /* SOGoAppointmentFolder */