
283 lines
5.9 KiB

// Responsive attributes
// ------------------------------
// hide means hide everywhere
/* Sizes:
0 <= size <= 600 Phone
600 <= size <= 960 Tablet
960 <= size <= 1200 Tablet-Landscape
1200 <= size PC
[layout] {
box-sizing: border-box;
display: flex;
[layout=column] {
flex-direction: column;
[layout=row] {
flex-direction: row;
[layout-padding] > [flex] {
padding: $layout-gutter-width / 2;
[layout-margin] > [flex] {
margin: $layout-gutter-width / 2;
[layout-wrap] {
flex-wrap: wrap;
[layout-fill] {
margin: 0;
min-height: 100%;
width: 100%;
@-moz-document url-prefix() {
[layout-fill] {
margin: 0;
width: 100%;
min-height: auto;
height: inherit;
@mixin layout-for-name($name) {
[layout-#{$name}] {
box-sizing: border-box;
display: flex;
[layout-#{$name}=column] {
flex-direction: column;
[layout-#{$name}=row] {
flex-direction: row;
@mixin flex-properties-for-name($name: null) {
$flexName: 'flex';
@if $name != null {
$flexName: 'flex-#{$name}';
[#{$flexName}] {
flex: 1;
// (0-20) * 5 = 0-100%
@for $i from 0 through 20 {
[#{$flexName}="#{$i * 5}"] {
flex: 0 0 #{$i * 5 + '%'};
[layout="row"] > [#{$flexName}="#{$i * 5}"] {
max-width: #{$i * 5 + '%'};
[layout="column"] > [#{$flexName}="#{$i * 5}"] {
max-height: #{$i * 5 + '%'};
[layout="row"] {
> [#{$flexName}="33"], > [#{$flexName}="34"] {
flex: 0 0 33.33%;
max-width: 33.33%;
> [#{$flexName}="66"], > [#{$flexName}="67"] {
flex: 0 0 66.66%;
max-width: 66.66%;
[layout="column"] {
> [#{$flexName}="33"], > [#{$flexName}="34"] {
flex: 0 0 33.33%;
max-height: 33.33%;
> [#{$flexName}="66"], > [#{$flexName}="67"] {
flex: 0 0 66.66%;
max-height: 66.66%;
// Alignment attributes for layout containers' children
// Arrange on the Main Axis
// center, start, end, space-between, space-around
// flex-start is the default for justify-content
// ------------------------------
@mixin layout-align-for-name($suffix: null) {
$name: 'layout-align';
@if $suffix != null {
$name: 'layout-align-#{$suffix}';
// Main Axis Center
[#{$name}="center"], //stretch
[#{$name}="center center"],
[#{$name}="center start"],
[#{$name}="center end"] {
justify-content: center;
// Main Axis End
[#{$name}="end"], //stretch
[#{$name}="end center"],
[#{$name}="end start"],
[#{$name}="end end"] {
justify-content: flex-end;
// Main Axis Space Around
[#{$name}="space-around"], //stretch
[#{$name}="space-around center"],
[#{$name}="space-around start"],
[#{$name}="space-around end"] {
justify-content: space-around;
// Main Axis Space Between
[#{$name}="space-between"], //stretch
[#{$name}="space-between center"],
[#{$name}="space-between start"],
[#{$name}="space-between end"] {
justify-content: space-between;
// Arrange on the Cross Axis
// center, start, end
// stretch is the default for align-items
// ------------------------------
// Cross Axis Center
[#{$name}="center center"],
[#{$name}="start center"],
[#{$name}="end center"],
[#{$name}="space-between center"],
[#{$name}="space-around center"] {
align-items: center;
// Cross Axis Start
[#{$name}="center start"],
[#{$name}="start start"],
[#{$name}="end start"],
[#{$name}="space-between start"],
[#{$name}="space-around start"] {
align-items: flex-start;
// Cross Axis End
[#{$name}="center end"],
[#{$name}="start end"],
[#{$name}="end end"],
[#{$name}="space-between end"],
[#{$name}="space-around end"] {
align-items: flex-end;
// Flex attributes for layout children
// ------------------------------
@include flex-properties-for-name();
@include layout-align-for-name();
[hide]:not([show]) {
display: none;
@media (max-width: $layout-breakpoint-sm) {
[hide-sm], [hide] {
&:not([show-sm]) {
display: none;
@include layout-align-for-name(sm);
@include layout-for-name(sm);
@include flex-properties-for-name(sm);
@media (min-width: $layout-breakpoint-sm) {
[hide-gt-sm], [hide] {
&:not([show-gt-sm]):not([show-md]):not([show-gt-md]):not([show-lg]):not([show-gt-lg]) {
display: none;
@include layout-align-for-name(gt-sm);
@include layout-for-name(gt-sm);
@include flex-properties-for-name(gt-sm);
@media (min-width: $layout-breakpoint-sm) and (max-width: $layout-breakpoint-md) {
[hide-md], [hide] {
&:not([show-md]) {
display: none;
@include layout-align-for-name(md);
@include layout-for-name(md);
@include flex-properties-for-name(md);
@media (min-width: $layout-breakpoint-md) {
[hide-gt-md], [hide] {
&:not([show-gt-md]):not([show-lg]):not([show-gt-lg]) {
display: none;
@include layout-align-for-name(gt-md);
@include layout-for-name(gt-md);
@include flex-properties-for-name(gt-md);
@media (min-width: $layout-breakpoint-md) and (max-width: $layout-breakpoint-lg) {
[hide-lg], [hide] {
&:not([show-lg]) {
display: none;
@include layout-align-for-name(lg);
@include layout-for-name(lg);
@include flex-properties-for-name(lg);
@media (min-width: $layout-breakpoint-lg) {
[hide-gt-lg], [hide] {
&:not([show-gt-lg]) {
display: none;
@include layout-align-for-name(gt-lg);
@include layout-for-name(gt-lg);
@include flex-properties-for-name(gt-lg);
// Order attributes for layout children
// ------------------------------
[flex-order="0"] { order: 0; }
[flex-order="1"] { order: 1; }
[flex-order="2"] { order: 2; }
[flex-order="3"] { order: 3; }
[flex-order="4"] { order: 4; }
[flex-order="5"] { order: 5; }
[flex-order="6"] { order: 6; }
[flex-order="7"] { order: 7; }
[flex-order="8"] { order: 8; }
[flex-order="9"] { order: 9; }