2015-08-27 15:55:56 -04:00

510 lines
14 KiB

/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
(function() {
'use strict';
* @name Card
* @constructor
* @param {object} futureCardData
* @param {string} [partial]
function Card(futureCardData, partial) {
// Data is immediately available
if (typeof futureCardData.then !== 'function') {
this.init(futureCardData, partial);
if ( && ! {
// Prepare for the creation of a new card;
// Get UID from the server.
var newCardData = Card.$$resource.newguid(;
this.isNew = true;
else {
// The promise will be unwrapped first
Card.$TEL_TYPES = ['work', 'home', 'cell', 'fax', 'pager'];
Card.$EMAIL_TYPES = ['work', 'home', 'pref'];
Card.$URL_TYPES = ['work', 'home', 'pref'];
Card.$ADDRESS_TYPES = ['work', 'home'];
* @memberof Card
* @desc The factory we'll use to register with Angular.
* @returns the Card constructor
Card.$factory = ['$timeout', 'sgSettings', 'Resource', 'Preferences', 'Gravatar', function($timeout, Settings, Resource, Preferences, Gravatar) {
angular.extend(Card, {
$$resource: new Resource(Settings.activeUser('folderURL') + 'Contacts', Settings.activeUser()),
$timeout: $timeout,
$gravatar: Gravatar
// Initialize categories from user's defaults
Preferences.ready().then(function() {
if (Preferences.defaults.SOGoContactsCategories) {
Card.$categories = Preferences.defaults.SOGoContactsCategories;
return Card; // return constructor
* @module SOGo.ContactsUI
* @desc Factory registration of Card in Angular module.
try {
catch(e) {
angular.module('SOGo.ContactsUI', ['SOGo.Common']);
.factory('Card', Card.$factory);
* @memberof Card
* @desc Fetch a card from a specific addressbook.
* @param {string} addressbookId - the addressbook ID
* @param {string} cardId - the card ID
* @see {@link AddressBook.$getCard}
Card.$find = function(addressbookId, cardId) {
var futureCardData = this.$$resource.fetch([addressbookId, cardId].join('/'), 'view');
if (cardId) return new Card(futureCardData); // a single card
return Card.$unwrapCollection(futureCardData); // a collection of cards
* @function filterCategories
* @memberof Card.prototype
* @desc Search for categories matching some criterias
* @param {string} search - the search string to match
* @returns a collection of strings
Card.filterCategories = function(query) {
var re = new RegExp(query, 'i');
return _.filter(Card.$categories, function(category) {
return != -1;
* @memberof Card
* @desc Unwrap to a collection of Card instances.
* @param {object} futureCardData
Card.$unwrapCollection = function(futureCardData) {
var collection = {};
collection.$futureCardData = futureCardData;
futureCardData.then(function(cards) {
Card.$timeout(function() {
angular.forEach(cards, function(data, index) {
collection[] = new Card(data);
return collection;
* @function init
* @memberof Card.prototype
* @desc Extend instance with required attributes and new data.
* @param {object} data - attributes of card
Card.prototype.init = function(data, partial) {
this.refs = [];
angular.extend(this, data);
if (!this.$$fullname)
this.$$fullname = this.$fullname();
if (!this.$$email)
this.$$email = this.$preferredEmail(partial);
if (!this.$$image)
this.$$image = this.image || Card.$gravatar(this.$preferredEmail(partial), 32);
this.selected = false;
// An empty attribute to trick md-autocomplete when adding attendees from the appointment editor
this.empty = ' ';
* @function $id
* @memberof Card.prototype
* @desc Return the card ID.
* @returns the card ID
Card.prototype.$id = function() {
return this.$futureCardData.then(function(data) {
* @function $save
* @memberof Card.prototype
* @desc Save the card to the server.
Card.prototype.$save = function() {
var _this = this,
action = 'saveAsContact';
if (this.c_component == 'vlist') action = 'saveAsList';
return Card.$$[, || '_new_'].join('/'),
{ action: action })
.then(function(data) {
// Make a copy of the data for an eventual reset
_this.$shadowData = _this.$omit(true);
return data;
Card.prototype.$delete = function(attribute, index) {
if (attribute) {
if (index > -1 && this[attribute].length > index) {
this[attribute].splice(index, 1);
delete this[attribute];
else {
// No arguments -- delete card
return Card.$$resource.remove([,].join('/'));
Card.prototype.$fullname = function() {
var fn = this.c_cn || '', names;
if (fn.length === 0) {
names = [];
if (this.c_givenname && this.c_givenname.length > 0)
if (this.nickname && this.nickname.length > 0)
names.push('<em>' + this.nickname + '</em>');
if (this.c_sn && this.c_sn.length > 0)
if (names.length > 0)
fn = names.join(' ');
else if (this.c_org && this.c_org.length > 0) {
fn = this.c_org;
else if (this.emails && this.emails.length > 0) {
fn = _.find(this.emails, function(i) { return i.value !== ''; }).value;
else if (this.c_cn && this.c_cn.length > 0) {
fn = this.c_cn;
return fn;
Card.prototype.$description = function() {
var description = [];
if (this.title) description.push(this.title);
if (this.role) description.push(this.role);
if (this.orgUnits && this.orgUnits.length > 0)
_.forEach(this.orgUnits, function(unit) {
if (unit.value !== '')
if ( description.push(;
if (this.description) description.push(this.description);
return description.join(', ');
* @function $preferredEmail
* @memberof Card.prototype
* @desc Get the preferred email address.
* @param {string} [partial] - a partial string that the email must match
* @returns the first email address of type "pref" or the first address if none found
Card.prototype.$preferredEmail = function(partial) {
var email, re;
if (partial) {
re = new RegExp(partial, 'i');
email = _.find(this.emails, function(o) {
return re.test(o.value);
if (email) {
email = email.value;
else {
email = _.find(this.emails, function(o) {
return o.type == 'pref';
if (email) {
email = email.value;
else if (this.emails && this.emails.length) {
email = this.emails[0].value;
else {
email = '';
return email;
* @function $shortFormat
* @memberof Card.prototype
* @param {string} [partial] - a partial string that the email must match
* @returns the fullname along with a matching email address in parentheses
Card.prototype.$shortFormat = function(partial) {
var fullname = this.$fullname(),
email = this.$preferredEmail(partial);
if (email && email != fullname)
fullname += ' <' + email + '>';
return fullname;
* @function $birthday
* @memberof Card.prototype
* @returns the formatted birthday object
Card.prototype.$birthday = function() {
if (this.birthday) {
return [this.birthday.getFullYear(), this.birthday.getMonth() + 1, this.birthday.getDate()].join('/');
return '';
Card.prototype.$isCard = function() {
return this.c_component == 'vcard';
Card.prototype.$isList = function() {
return this.c_component == 'vlist';
Card.prototype.$addOrgUnit = function(orgUnit) {
if (angular.isUndefined(this.orgUnits)) {
this.orgUnits = [{value: orgUnit}];
else {
for (var i = 0; i < this.orgUnits.length; i++) {
if (this.orgUnits[i].value == orgUnit) {
if (i == this.orgUnits.length)
this.orgUnits.push({value: orgUnit});
return this.orgUnits.length - 1;
Card.prototype.$addCategory = function(category) {
if (angular.isUndefined(this.categories)) {
this.categories = [{value: category}];
else {
for (var i = 0; i < this.categories.length; i++) {
if (this.categories[i].value == category) {
if (i == this.categories.length)
this.categories.push({value: category});
Card.prototype.$addEmail = function(type) {
if (angular.isUndefined(this.emails)) {
this.emails = [{type: type, value: ''}];
else if (_.isUndefined(_.find(this.emails, function(i) { return i.value === ''; }))) {
this.emails.push({type: type, value: ''});
return this.emails.length - 1;
Card.prototype.$addPhone = function(type) {
if (angular.isUndefined(this.phones)) {
this.phones = [{type: type, value: ''}];
else if (_.isUndefined(_.find(this.phones, function(i) { return i.value === ''; }))) {
this.phones.push({type: type, value: ''});
return this.phones.length - 1;
Card.prototype.$addUrl = function(type, url) {
if (angular.isUndefined(this.urls)) {
this.urls = [{type: type, value: url}];
else if (_.isUndefined(_.find(this.urls, function(i) { return i.value == url; }))) {
this.urls.push({type: type, value: url});
return this.urls.length - 1;
Card.prototype.$addAddress = function(type, postoffice, street, street2, locality, region, country, postalcode) {
if (angular.isUndefined(this.addresses)) {
this.addresses = [{type: type, postoffice: postoffice, street: street, street2: street2, locality: locality, region: region, country: country, postalcode: postalcode}];
else if (!_.find(this.addresses, function(i) {
return i.street == street &&
i.street2 == street2 &&
i.locality == locality && == country &&
i.postalcode == postalcode;
})) {
this.addresses.push({type: type, postoffice: postoffice, street: street, street2: street2, locality: locality, region: region, country: country, postalcode: postalcode});
return this.addresses.length - 1;
Card.prototype.$addMember = function(email) {
var card = new Card({email: email, emails: [{value: email}]}),
if (angular.isUndefined(this.refs)) {
this.refs = [card];
else if (email.length === 0) {
else {
for (i = 0; i < this.refs.length; i++) {
if (this.refs[i].email == email) {
if (i == this.refs.length)
return this.refs.length - 1;
* @function $reset
* @memberof Card.prototype
* @desc Reset the original state the card's data.
Card.prototype.$reset = function() {
var _this = this;
angular.forEach(this, function(value, key) {
if (key != 'constructor' && key[0] != '$') {
delete _this[key];
angular.extend(this, this.$shadowData);
// Reinstanciate Card objects for list members
angular.forEach(this.refs, function(o, i) {
if ( o.emails = [{value:}];
_this.refs[i] = new Card(o);
this.$shadowData = this.$omit(true);
* @function $updateMember
* @memberof Card.prototype
* @desc Update an existing list member from a Card instance.
* A list member has the following attribtues:
* - email
* - reference
* - fn
* @param {number} index
* @param {string} email
* @param {Card} card
// Card.prototype.$updateMember = function(index, email, card) {
// var ref = {
// email: email,
// emails: [{value: email}],
// reference: card.c_name,
// c_cn: card.$fullname()
// };
// this.refs[index] = new Card(ref);
// };
* @function $unwrap
* @memberof Card.prototype
* @desc Unwrap a promise and make a copy of the resolved data.
* @param {object} futureCardData - a promise of the Card's data
Card.prototype.$unwrap = function(futureCardData) {
var _this = this;
// Expose the promise
this.$futureCardData = futureCardData.then(function(data) {
// Instanciate Card objects for list members
angular.forEach(_this.refs, function(o, i) {
if ( o.emails = [{value:}]; = o.reference;
_this.refs[i] = new Card(o);
if (_this.birthday) {
_this.birthday = new Date(_this.birthday * 1000);
// Make a copy of the data for an eventual reset
_this.$shadowData = _this.$omit(true);
return _this;
* @function $omit
* @memberof Card.prototype
* @desc Return a sanitized object used to send to the server.
* @param {boolean} [deep] - make a deep copy if true
* @return an object literal copy of the Card instance
Card.prototype.$omit = function(deep) {
var card = {};
angular.forEach(this, function(value, key) {
if (key == 'refs') {
card.refs =, function(o) {
return o.$omit(deep);
else if (key != 'constructor' && key[0] != '$') {
if (deep)
card[key] = angular.copy(value);
card[key] = value;
// We convert back our birthday object
if (!deep) {
if (card.birthday)
card.birthday = card.birthday.getTime()/1000;
card.birthday = 0;
return card;
Card.prototype.toString = function() {
var desc = + ' ' + this.$$fullname;
if (this.$$email)
desc += ' <' + this.$$email + '>';
return '[' + desc + ']';