Luc Charland 2d33b01f31 Removing colons

2015-08-03 10:12:02 -04:00

216 lines
7 KiB

/* this file is in UTF-8 format! */
"Contact" = "Nova llibreta d'adreces";
"Address" = "Adreça";
"Photos" = "Fotos";
"Other" = "Altres dades";
"Address Books" = "Llibretes d'adreces";
"Addressbook" = "Llibreta d'adreces";
"Addresses" = "Adreces";
"Update" = "Desar";
"Cancel" = "Cancel·lar";
"Common" = "Comú";
"Contact editor" = "Modificar contacte";
"Contact viewer" = "Mostrar contacte";
"Email" = "Correu electrònic";
"Screen Name" = "Nom usuari";
"Extended" = "Dades ampliades";
"Fax" = "Fax";
"Firstname" = "Nom";
"Home" = "Casa";
"HomePhone" = "Telèfon de casa";
"Lastname" = "Cognoms";
"Location" = "Adreça";
"MobilePhone" = "Telèfon mòbil";
"Name" = "Nom";
"OfficePhone" = "Telèfon oficina";
"Organization" = "Organització";
"Work Phone" = "Telèfon feina";
"Phone" = "Telèfon";
"Phones" = "Telèfons";
"Postal" = "Adreça oficina";
"Save" = "Desar";
"Internet" = "Internet";
"Unit" = "Unitat";
"delete" = "esborrar";
"edit" = "modificar";
"invalidemailwarn" = "Adreça de correu no vàlida.";
"new" = "nou";
"Preferred Phone" = "Telèfon preferit";
"Move To" = "Moure a";
"Copy To" = "Copiar a";
"Add to:" = "Afegir a:";
/* Tooltips */
"Create a new address book card" = "Afegir un contacte nou";
"Create a new list" = "Crear una llista nova";
"Edit the selected card" = "Modificar el contacte seleccionat";
"Send a mail message" = "Enviar un correu";
"Delete selected card or address book" = "Esborrar contacte o llibreta d'adreces seleccionats";
"Reload all contacts" = "Recarregar tots els contactes";
"htmlMailFormat_UNKNOWN" = "Desconegut";
"htmlMailFormat_FALSE" = "Text pla";
"htmlMailFormat_TRUE" = "HTML";
"Name or Email" = "Nom o correu";
"Category" = "Category";
"Personal Addressbook" = "Llibre personal d'adreces";
"Search in Addressbook" = "Buscar en la llibreta";
"New Card" = "Afegir contacte";
"New List" = "Crear llista";
"Edit" = "Modificar";
"Properties" = "Propietats";
"Sharing..." = "Compartir...";
"Write" = "Escriure";
"Delete" = "Esborrar";
"Instant Message" = "Missatge instantani";
"Add..." = "Afegir...";
"Remove" = "Esborrar";
"Please wait..." = "Si us plau, espereu-vos...";
"No possible subscription" = "La subscripció no és possible";
"Preferred" = "Preferit";
"Display" = "Nom mostrat";
"Display Name" = "Nom";
"Email:" = "Correu electrònic:";
"Additional Email:" = "Un altre correu electrònic:";
"Phone Number" = "Número de telèfon";
"Prefers to receive messages formatted as:" = "Prefereix rebre missatges amb format:";
"Screen Name:" = "Nom d'usuari:";
"Categories:" = "Categories:";
"First:" = "Nom:";
"Last:" = "Cognoms:";
"Nickname" = "Àlies";
"Telephone" = "Telèfon";
"Work:" = "Feina:";
"Home:" = "Casa:";
"Fax:" = "Fax:";
"Mobile:" = "Mòbil:";
"Pager:" = "Cercapersones:";
/* categories */
"contacts_category_labels" = "Colleague, Competitor, Customer, Friend, Family, Business Partner, Provider, Press, VIP";
"Categories" = "Categories";
"New category" = "New category";
/* adresses */
"Title" = "Títol";
"Service:" = "Servei:";
"Company:" = "Companyia:";
"Department:" = "Departament:";
"Organization:" = "Organització:";
"Address:" = "Domicili:";
"City" = "Ciutat";
"State_Province:" = "Estat/província/comarca:";
"ZIP_Postal Code:" = "Codi postal:";
"Country" = "País";
"Web Page:" = "Web:";
"Work" = "Treball";
"Other Infos" = "Altres dades";
"Note" = "Nota";
"Timezone:" = "Zona hor.:";
"Birthday" = "Data de naixement";
"Birthday (yyyy-mm-dd)" = "Data naixement (yyyy-mm-dd)";
"Freebusy URL:" = "URL disponibilitat:";
"Add as..." = "Afegir com a...";
"Recipient" = "Per a";
"Carbon Copy" = "Còpia oculta";
"Blind Carbon Copy" = "c/o";
"New Addressbook..." = "Nova llibreta d'adreces";
"Subscribe to an Addressbook..." = "Subscribiure's a una llibreta...";
"Remove the selected Addressbook" = "Esborrar la llibreta seleccionada";
"Name of the Address Book" = "Nom de la llibreta";
"Are you sure you want to delete the selected address book?"
= "Voleu esborrar la llibreta d'adreces seleccionada?";
"You cannot remove nor unsubscribe from a public addressbook."
= "No és possible cancel·lar la subscripció o esborrar-se d'una llibreta pública.";
"You cannot remove nor unsubscribe from your personal addressbook."
= "No és possible cancel·lar la subscripció o esborrar-se de la llibreta personal.";
"Are you sure you want to delete the selected contacts?"
= "Voleu esborrar els contactes seleccionats?";
"You cannot delete the card of \"%{0}\"."
= "No podeu esborrar el contacte \"%{0}\".";
"You cannot subscribe to a folder that you own!"
= "No us podeu subscriure a una carpeta que és vostra.";
"Unable to subscribe to that folder!"
= "No us podeu subscriure a aquesta carpeta.";
/* acls */
"Access rights to" = "Drets d'accés a";
"For user" = "Per a l'usuari";
"Any Authenticated User" = "Qualsevol usuari autenticat";
"Public Access" = "Accés públic";
"This person can add cards to this addressbook."
= "Aquesta persona pot afegir contactes nous a aquesta llibreta.";
"This person can edit the cards of this addressbook."
= "Aquesta persona pot modificar els contactes d'aquesta llibreta.";
"This person can list the content of this addressbook."
= "Aquesta persona pot llistar els contactes d'aquesta llibreta.";
"This person can read the cards of this addressbook."
= "Aquesta persona pot llegir els contactes d'aquesta llibreta.";
"This person can erase cards from this addressbook."
= "Aquesta persona pot esborrar els contactes d'aquesta llibreta.";
"The selected contact has no email address."
= "El contacte seleccionat no té adreça de correu electrònic.";
"Please select a contact." = "Seleccioneu un contacte.";
/* Error messages for move and copy */
"SoAccessDeniedException" = "No podeu escriure en aquesta llibreta.";
"Forbidden" = "No podeu escriure en aquesta llibreta.";
"Invalid Contact" = "El contacte seleccionat ja no existeix.";
"Unknown Destination Folder" = "La llibreta de destinació seleccionada ja no existeix.";
/* Lists */
"List details" = "Detalls de la llista";
"List name" = "Nom de la llista";
"List nickname" = "Àlies de la llista";
"List description" = "Descripcció de la llista";
"Members" = "Membres";
"Contacts" = "Contactes";
"Add" = "Afegir";
"Lists can't be moved or copied." = "Les llistes no es poden moure o copiar.";
"Export" = "Exportar";
"Export Address Book..." = "Exportar llibreta...";
"View Raw Source" = "Veure l'original ";
"Import Cards" = "Importar contactes";
"Select a vCard or LDIF file." = "Seleccionar una targeta de presentació electrònica o un fitxer LDIF.";
"Upload" = "Carregar";
"Uploading" = "Carregant";
"Done" = "Fet";
"An error occured while importing contacts." = "Hi ha hagut un error en importar els contactes.";
"No card was imported." = "No s'ha importat cap contacte.";
"A total of %{0} cards were imported in the addressbook." = "S'han importat a la llibreta %{0} contactes.";
"Reload" = "Actualitzar";
/* Properties window */
"Address Book Name:" = "Nom de la llibreta d'adreces";
"Links to this Address Book" = "Enllaços a aquesta llibreta d'adreces";
"Authenticated User Access" = "Accés autenticat";
"CardDAV URL: " = "URL CardDAV:";