Francis Lachapelle b15234c26e New date picker
Removed the old popup calendar (Tigra) by an inline version
(bootstrap-datepicker). Also revamped the time picker and the dialog
boxes to fit the new look.
2012-09-21 22:05:07 -04:00

285 lines
6.2 KiB

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TABLE#freeBusyAttendees TR[partstat="declined"].organizer-row TD.attendeeStatus DIV
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TABLE#freeBusyAttendees TD
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TABLE#freeBusyData TR.futureData TD
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TABLE#freeBusy TD.freeBusyAttendees DIV
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TABLE#freeBusyAttendees TD.attendees INPUT
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TABLE#freeBusyAttendees TR.futureAttendee INPUT
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TABLE#freeBusyAttendees TR.futureAttendee TD,
TABLE#freeBusyData TR.futureData TD
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DIV#freeBusyReplicas LABEL
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font-weight: bold !important; }
SPAN.content INPUT,
SPAN.content SELECT,
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SPAN.timeDateControl INPUT,
SPAN.timeDateControl SELECT,
SPAN.timeDateControl SPAN,
DIV#freeBusyReplicas SPAN
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