Wolfgang Sourdeau 69ecd0bce8 Monotone-Parent: d24f07174457ea6b1b468933be949003bde413ed
Monotone-Revision: 0fdbd40e83a190f1d39914851c8f51231d0ca200

Monotone-Date: 2007-07-04T15:40:22
Monotone-Branch: ca.inverse.sogo
2007-07-04 15:40:22 +00:00

465 lines
10 KiB

{ /* -*-javascript-*- */
requires = ( MAIN, MainUI, CommonUI, Mailer ); /* , Sieve */
publicResources = (
factories = {
categories = {
SOGoMailFolder = {
slots = {
toolbar = {
protectedBy = "View";
value = "SOGoMailObject.toolbar";
methods = {
subscribe = {
protectedBy = "<public>";
actionClass = "UIxMailFolderActions";
actionName = "subscribe";
unsubscribe = {
protectedBy = "<public>";
actionClass = "UIxMailFolderActions";
actionName = "unsubscribe";
view = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailListView";
ajax = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailAjaxRequest";
index = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailListView";
GET = { /* hack to make it work as the default method */
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailListView";
markMessageUnread = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailListView";
actionName = "markMessageUnread";
markMessageRead = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailListView";
actionName = "markMessageRead";
getMail = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailListView";
actionName = "getMail";
expunge = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailListView";
actionName = "expunge";
createFolder = {
protectedBy = "View";
actionClass = "UIxMailFolderActions";
actionName = "createFolder";
renameFolder = {
protectedBy = "View";
actionClass = "UIxMailFolderActions";
actionName = "renameFolder";
deleteFolder = {
protectedBy = "View";
actionClass = "UIxMailFolderActions";
actionName = "deleteFolder";
compose = {
protectedBy = "View";
actionClass = "UIxMailEditorAction";
actionName = "compose";
userRights = {
protectedBy = "ReadAcls";
pageName = "UIxMailUserRightsEditor";
saveUserRights = {
protectedBy = "SaveAcls";
pageName = "UIxMailUserRightsEditor";
actionName = "saveUserRights";
SOGoTrashFolder = {
/* just a new toolbar, other things come from SOGoMailFolder */
slots = {
toolbar = {
protectedBy = "View";
value = "SOGoMailObject.toolbar";
methods = {
emptyTrash = {
protectedBy = "View";
actionClass = "UIxMailFolderActions";
actionName = "emptyTrash";
SOGoMailObject = {
slots = {
toolbar = {
protectedBy = "View";
value = "SOGoMailObject.toolbar";
methods = {
view = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailView";
viewsource = {
protectedBy = "View";
actionClass = "UIxMailSourceView";
actionName = "viewSource";
popupview = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailPopupView";
move = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailView";
actionName = "move";
delete = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailView";
actionName = "delete";
trash = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailView";
actionName = "trash";
junk = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailView";
actionName = "junk";
edit = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailEditor";
compose = {
protectedBy = "View";
actionClass = "UIxMailEditorAction";
actionName = "compose";
reply = {
protectedBy = "View";
actionClass = "UIxMailReplyAction";
actionName = "reply";
replyall = {
protectedBy = "View";
actionClass = "UIxMailReplyAction";
actionName = "replyall";
forward = {
protectedBy = "View";
actionClass = "UIxMailForwardAction";
actionName = "forward";
SOGoMailAccounts = {
slots = {
toolbar = {
protectedBy = "View";
value = "SOGoMailObject.toolbar";
methods = {
view = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailMainFrame";
compose = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailMainFrame";
actionName = "compose";
getMail = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailAccountsView";
SOGoMailAccount = {
slots = {
toolbar = {
protectedBy = "View";
value = "SOGoMailObject.toolbar";
methods = {
compose = {
protectedBy = "View";
actionClass = "UIxMailEditorAction";
actionName = "compose";
mailboxes = {
protectedBy = "View";
actionClass = "UIxMailAccountActions";
actionName = "listMailboxes";
createFolder = {
protectedBy = "View";
actionClass = "UIxMailFolderActions";
actionName = "createFolder";
SOGoDraftsFolder = {
slots = {
toolbar = {
protectedBy = "View";
value = ( /* the toolbar groups */
( /* first group */
{ link = "getMail";
image = "tb-mail-getmail-flat-24x24.png";
cssClass = "tbicon_getmail"; label = "Get Mail"; },
link = "#"; // "compose"; // target = "_blank";
isSafe = NO;
onclick = "return openMessageWindow(null, 'compose');";
image = "tb-mail-write-flat-24x24.png";
cssClass = "tbicon_compose"; label = "Write"; },
methods = {
view = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailListView";
getMail = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailListView";
compose = {
protectedBy = "View";
actionClass = "UIxMailEditorAction";
actionName = "compose";
SOGoDraftObject = {
slots = {
toolbar = {
protectedBy = "View";
value = "SOGoDraftObject.toolbar";
methods = {
view = { /* somewhat hackish */
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailEditor";
edit = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailEditor";
actionName = "edit";
save = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailEditor";
actionName = "save";
delete = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailEditor";
actionName = "delete";
viewAttachments = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailEditorAttach";
actionName = "viewAttachments";
attach = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailEditorAttach";
actionName = "attach";
deleteAttachment = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailEditorAttach";
actionName = "deleteAttachment";
send = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxMailEditor";
actionName = "send";
/* Sieve */
/* SOGoSieveScriptsFolder = {
slots = {
toolbar = {
protectedBy = "View";
value = (
link = "getMail";
image = "tb-mail-getmail-flat-24x24.png";
cssClass = "tbicon_getmail"; label = "Get Mail";
link = "#"; // "compose"; // target = "_blank";
onclick = "clickedNewFilter(this); return false";
image = "tb-mail-write-flat-24x24.png";
cssClass = "tbicon_compose"; label = "New Filter";
{ link = "#";
cssClass = "tbicon_delete"; label = "Delete"; },
methods = {
view = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxFilterList";
create = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxFilterList";
actionName = "create";
SOGoSieveScriptObject = {
slots = {
toolbar = {
protectedBy = "View";
value = (
( { link = "#";
onclick = "clickedEditorSave(this);return false;";
image = "tb-mail-file-flat-24x24.png";
cssClass = "tbicon_save"; label = "Save"; },
{ link = "#";
onclick = "clickedEditorDelete(this);return false;";
image = "tb-mail-delete-flat-24x24.png";
cssClass = "tbicon_delete"; label = "Delete"; },
methods = {
edit = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxSieveEditor";
actionName = "edit";
save = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxSieveEditor";
actionName = "save";
delete = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "UIxSieveEditor";
actionName = "delete";
}; */