Francis Lachapelle 660f7d0222 Adjusted CSS of drag handles.
Monotone-Parent: 8b5c5ff6a492a196005523708ef41814de25f927
Monotone-Revision: dfab3b1ed92e53ab675616f77771ef19f954e333

Monotone-Date: 2011-10-05T19:56:47
Monotone-Branch: ca.inverse.sogo
2011-10-05 19:56:47 +00:00

1500 lines
28 KiB

{ position: absolute;
top: 80px;
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width: 19.25em;
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overflow: hidden; }
{ position: absolute;
top: 4px;
left: 2px;
right: 2px;
height: 186px; }
{ position: absolute;
top: 200px;
bottom: 0px;
left: 2px;
right: 0px;
overflow: hidden; }
DIV#tasksListView H2
{ font-size: 10pt;
margin: 0px;
margin-left: .25em;
padding: 0px; }
DIV#tasksListView LABEL
{ margin: .25em; }
{ top: 3px;
overflow: hidden; }
{ height: 100%; }
{ display: inline;
border: 1px solid #333;
font-weight: normal;
margin-right: 3px;
font-size: 80%;
width: 1em;
height: .75em; }
UL#tasksList, UL#calendarList
{ cursor: default;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
border-top: 1px solid #909090;
border-left: 1px solid #909090;
border-bottom: 1px solid #FFFFFF;
border-right: 1px solid #FFFFFF;
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{ clear: left;
height: 115px; }
UL#calendarList LI
{ cursor: pointer;
white-space: nowrap; }
{ position: absolute;
top: 2em;
left: 0px;
right: 0px;
bottom: .25em; }
UL#tasksList LI
{ cursor: pointer;
width: 100%;
white-space: nowrap; }
UL#tasksList LI.overdue
{ color: #f00 !important; }
UL#tasksList LI.duetoday
{ color: #00f !important; }
UL#tasksList LI.completed
{ text-decoration: line-through;
color: #000; }
UL#tasksList LI.duelater
{ color: #999 !important; }
UL#tasksList LI.important SPAN
{ color: #f00 !important;
background-image: url(important.png);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: 3px 2px;
padding-left: 10px;
UL#tasksList LI SPAN
{ padding-left: 2px; }
UL#tasksList LI[class~="_selected"].overdue
{ color: #fff !important;
background-color: #f00 !important; }
UL#tasksList LI[class~="_selected"].duetoday
{ color: #fff !important;
background-color: #00f !important; }
UL#tasksList LI[class~="_selected"].duelater,
UL#tasksList LI[class~="_selected"].completed
{ color: #fff !important;
background-color: #9ABCD8 !important; }
{ position: absolute;
top: 80px;
left: 19.25em;
right: 0px;
bottom: 0px;
margin-left: 5px;
overflow: hidden; }
/* top list */
{ cursor: default;
position: absolute;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
top: 2.5em;
left: 0px;
right: 0px;
height: 15.5em;
overflow: hidden;
border-left: 1px solid #9B9B9B;
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{ position: absolute;
background-color: #fff;
top: 18em;
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bottom: 0px;
width: 100%;
border-top: 1px solid #aaa;
border-left: 1px solid #aaa;
-moz-user-select: none;
-khtml-user-select: none; }
DIV#calendarView A
{ text-decoration: none;
font: inherit;
color: inherit; }
{ cursor: e-resize;
border: 0px;
top: 81px;
bottom: 0px;
left: 19.25em;
width: 5px; }
{ cursor: n-resize;
top: 18em;
left: 0px;
right: 0px;
height: 5px; }
{ padding-right: .5em; }
{ overflow: hidden; }
{ margin: 0px auto;
height: 13.5em;
background-color: #fff;
border-top: 1px solid #FFFFFF !important;
border-left: 1px solid #FFFFFF !important;
border-bottom: 1px solid #909090 !important;
border-right: 1px solid #909090 !important; }
#dateSelector > .header
{ background-color: #efefef;
width: 100%;
white-space: nowrap;
vertical-align: middle;
text-align: center;
padding: .2em 0px;
margin: 0px;
border: 0px; }
#dateSelector > .header #leftArrow
{ float: left;
margin-top: 3px; }
#dateSelector > .header #rightArrow
{ float: right;
margin-top: 3px;
margin-right: 2px; }
#dateSelector > .header SPAN
{ cursor: default;
font-size: medium;
vertical-align: middle;
font-weight: bold;
border: 1px solid transparent; }
#dateSelector > .header SPAN:hover
{ border-left: 1px solid #fff;
border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-right: 1px solid #ccc;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; }
#dateSelector .dayOfWeek
{ color: #00f; }
{ padding: 2px; }
#dateSelector TABLE,
#dateSelector TABLE TABLE
{ border-collapse: collapse;
text-align: center;
margin: 0px auto;
width: 100%; }
TABLE#dateSelectorTable TD TABLE TD
{ width: 5px; /* temp hack */ }
TABLE#dateSelectorTable TD TABLE TD.activeDay,
TABLE#dateSelectorTable TD TABLE TD.inactiveDay,
TABLE#dateSelectorTable TD TABLE TD.dayOfToday
{ width: 100%; }
#dateSelector TABLE TABLE TD.activeDay,
#dateSelector TABLE TABLE TD.inactiveDay,
#dateSelector TABLE TABLE TD.dayOfToday
{ cursor: pointer;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
border: 1px solid #fff; }
#dateSelectorTable TABLE TD.activeDay:hover,
#dateSelectorTable TABLE TD.inactiveDay:hover
{ border: 1px solid #CCDDEC; }
#dateSelectorTable TABLE TD.activeDay:active,
#dateSelectorTable TABLE TD.inactiveDay:active
{ background-color: #ddd; }
#dateSelectorTable TD SPAN
{ display: block;
color: #000;
background: inherit; }
#dateSelector TD.inactiveDay SPAN
{ color: #dedfde; }
#dateSelector TD.dayOfToday
{ background-color: #CCDDEC;
border: 1px solid #CCDDEC; }
#dateSelectorTable TABLE TD._selected SPAN
{ color: #fff; }
#dateSelectorTable TD.activeDay + TD,
#dateSelectorTable TD.inactiveDay + TD,
#dateSelectorTable TD.dayOfToday + TD
{ visibility: hidden;
display: none; }
{ width: 100%; }
TABLE#eventsList TD.headerTitle,
TABLE#eventsList TD.headerDateTime
{ width: 30%; }
TABLE#eventsList TD,
TABLE#eventsList TH
{ overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap; } /* pre, normal, nowrap */
TABLE#eventsList TH
{ white-space: pre; }
{ width: 200px; }
DIV#eventDialog H1,
DIV#eventDialog P
{ font-size: 10px;
margin: 0;
padding: 0; }
DIV#eventDialog SPAN.label
{ color: #444; }
DIV#eventDialog P#description
{ margin-top: 1em; }
._unfocused#dateSelector TD._selected,
UL._unfocused > LI._selected,
TABLE._unfocused#eventsList TR._selected TD
{ background-color: #B3CCE2 !important;
color: #fff !important; }
{ color: #77a;
font-weight: bold; }
{ display: block;
white-space: nowrap;
background-color: #DFDFDF;
overflow: hidden;
width: 100%;
margin: 0px;
height: 3em;
padding: 2px 1.5em;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; }
SPAN.daysHeader SPAN,
SPAN.weeksHeader SPAN,
SPAN.monthsHeader SPAN
{ display: block;
margin: .1em;
float: left;
width: 18%;
padding: 0px;
text-align: center;
border: 1px solid transparent;
vertical-align: top; }
SPAN.daysHeader A,
SPAN.weeksHeader A,
SPAN.monthsHeader A
{ border: 1px solid transparent;
color: #000;
line-height: 1.5em;
padding: 0px .5em; }
{ border: 1px solid transparent;
padding: .5em;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: bottom; }
SPAN.daysHeader A:hover,
SPAN.weeksHeader A:hover,
SPAN.monthsHeader A:hover
{ border-top: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #828482;
border-right: 1px solid #828482; }
SPAN.daysHeader A:active,
SPAN.weeksHeader A:active,
SPAN.monthsHeader A:active
{ border-top: 1px solid #828482;
border-left: 1px solid #828482;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-right: 1px solid #fff; }
SPAN.week2, SPAN.month2
{ font-size: small; }
SPAN.day2, SPAN.week1, SPAN.month1
{ font-size: medium; }
SPAN.day1, SPAN.week0, SPAN.month0
{ font-size: large; }
{ font-size: x-large; }
SPAN.day0, SPAN.week0, SPAN.month0
{ border-top: 1px solid #909090 !important;
border-left: 1px solid #909090 !important;
border-bottom: 1px solid #FFFFFF !important;
border-right: 1px solid #FFFFFF !important;
background-color: #ddd; }
{ position: absolute;
display: block;
top: .5em;
left: .5em; }
{ position: absolute;
display: block;
top: .5em;
right: .5em; }
{ position: absolute;
top: 0px;
bottom: 0px;
left: 0px; }
{ top: 120px;
bottom: 0px;
border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
overflow: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
right: 0px;}
{ top: 50px;
border: 0px;
right: 0px;
height: 70px; }
DIV#calendarHeader DIV.dayLabels,
DIV#calendarHeader DIV.days
{ position: absolute;
border-right: 1px solid #ccc;
border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
left: 50px;
/* 'right' is computed from JS code when daysView is first drawn */
overflow: hidden; }
DIV#calendarHeader DIV.dayLabels
{ bottom: 40px;
height: 35px; }
DIV#calendarHeader DIV.dayLabels
{ text-align: center;
color: #666;
background-color: #E7E7E7; }
DIV#calendarHeader SPAN.dayOfWeek
{ font-size: medium; }
DIV#calendarHeader DIV.dayLabels
{ cursor: default; }
DIV#calendarHeader DIV.days
{ cursor: pointer;
bottom: 0px;
height: 40px; }
{ position: absolute;
border-left: 1px solid #ccc; }
{ height: 100%; }
DIV#calendarHeader DIV.days
{ overflow: auto;
overflow-x: hidden; }
.menu LI.currentMonth,
.menu LI.currentYear
{ border-top: 1px solid #aaa;
border-left: 1px solid #aaa;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
background-color: #ccc;
color: #222; }
{ display: block;
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
border: 1px solid #000; }
/* new draggable presentation */
DIV#daysView DIV.hours
{ position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
height: 960px;
width: 50px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.hour
{ position: relative;
left: 0px;
top: 0px;
padding-top: 2px;
padding-right: 2px;
text-align: right;
right: 0px;
height: 37px;
font-weight: bold;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; }
DIV#daysView DIV.days
{ position: relative;
margin-left: 50px; }
DIV.multicolumnDayView DIV.lastDayUser
{ border-right: 1px solid #ccc; }
{ position: absolute;
left: .5em;
top: 40px;
right: 1em;
bottom: 1em;
min-width: 20em;
min-height: 25em; }
DIV.monthView > DIV,
DIV.monthView > DIV.days > DIV
{ position: absolute; }
DIV.monthView > DIV.headerDay
{ text-align: center;
cursor: default;
padding-top: .5em;
border-left: 1px solid #909090 !important;
border-top: 1px solid #909090 !important;
top: 0px;
color: #666;
height: 1.5em;
font-weight: bold;
background-color: #E7E7E7; }
{ background-color: #e7efef; }
DIV.monthView DIV.dayHeader
{ margin-right: 0px;
height: 20px;
padding-top: 2px;
padding-right: 2px;
text-align: right;
cursor: pointer;
color: #666;
-moz-user-select: none; }
DIV#monthDaysView DIV.selectedDay DIV.dayHeader
{ font-weight: bold; }
DIV.monthView DIV.days
{ top: 2em;
cursor: pointer;
bottom: 0px;
left: 0px;
right: 0px; }
{ position: absolute;
border-left: 1px solid #909090;
border-top: 1px solid #909090;
min-height: 40px;
overflow: auto;
overflow-x: hidden; }
DIV#daysView DIV.clickableHourCell
{ cursor: pointer;
height: 39px;
background-color: #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; }
DIV#calendarHeader DIV.days DIV.weekEndDay,
DIV#daysView DIV.clickableHourCell.outOfDay,
DIV#daysView DIV.weekEndDay DIV.clickableHourCell,
DIV#daysView DIV.weekEndDay DIV.clickableHourCell.outOfDay
{ background-color: #e6e7e6; }
DIV#monthDaysView DIV.dayOfToday,
DIV.daysViewFor7Days#calendarHeader DIV.days DIV.dayOfToday,
DIV.daysViewFor7Days#daysView DIV.dayOfToday DIV.clickableHourCell
{ background-color: #d6dfe9; }
DIV.daysViewFor7Days#daysView DIV.dayOfToday DIV.clickableHourCell.outOfDay
{ background-color: #ccddec; }
DIV.daysViewFor7Days#calendarHeader DIV.days DIV.selectedDay,
DIV.daysViewFor7Days#daysView DIV.selectedDay DIV.clickableHourCell,
DIV#monthDaysView DIV.selectedDay
{ background-color: #ffe79c; }
DIV.daysViewFor7Days#calendarHeader DIV.days DIV.selectedDay.weekEndDay,
DIV.daysViewFor7Days#daysView DIV.selectedDay.weekEndDay DIV.clickableHourCell,
DIV.daysViewFor7Days#daysView DIV.selectedDay DIV.clickableHourCell.outOfDay
{ background-color: #f5dd92; }
{ height: 25%; }
{ height: 20%; }
{ height: 16.666667%; }
DIV.monthView DIV.week0of4,
DIV.monthView DIV.week0of5,
DIV.monthView DIV.week0of6
{ top: 0px; }
DIV.monthView DIV.week1of4
{ top: 25%; }
DIV.monthView DIV.week2of4
{ top: 50%; }
DIV.monthView DIV.week3of4
{ top: 75%; }
DIV.monthView DIV.week1of5
{ top: 20%; }
DIV.monthView DIV.week2of5
{ top: 40%; }
DIV.monthView DIV.week3of5
{ top: 60%; }
DIV.monthView DIV.week4of5
{ top: 80%; }
DIV.monthView DIV.week1of6
{ top: 16.666667%; }
DIV.monthView DIV.week2of6
{ top: 33.333333%; }
DIV.monthView DIV.week3of6
{ top: 50%; }
DIV.monthView DIV.week4of6
{ top: 66.666667%; }
DIV.monthView DIV.week5of6
{ top: 83.333333%; }
DIV.monthView DIV.week3
{ top: 45%; }
DIV.monthView DIV.week4
{ top: 60%; }
DIV.monthView DIV.week5
{ top: 75%; }
DIV.monthView DIV.week6
{ top: 90%; }
DIV.monthView DIV.week3of4,
DIV.monthView DIV.week4of5,
DIV.monthView DIV.week5of6
{ border-bottom: 2px solid #909090 !important; }
{ width: 100%; }
DIV.monthView DIV.headerDay,
{ width: 14.2857%; }
DIV.monthView DIV.day0,
DIV.daysViewFor7Days DIV.day0
{ left: 0px; }
DIV.monthView DIV.day1,
DIV.daysViewFor7Days DIV.day1
{ left: 14.2857%; }
DIV.monthView DIV.day2,
DIV.daysViewFor7Days DIV.day2
{ left: 28.5714%; }
DIV.monthView DIV.day3,
DIV.daysViewFor7Days DIV.day3
{ left: 42.8571%; }
DIV.monthView DIV.day4,
DIV.daysViewFor7Days DIV.day4
{ left: 57.1428%; }
DIV.monthView DIV.day5,
DIV.daysViewFor7Days DIV.day5
{ left: 71.4285%; }
DIV.monthView DIV.day6,
DIV.daysViewFor7Days DIV.day6
{ left: 85.7142%;
border-right: 1px solid #909090; }
/* "left" and "width" for #daysView DIV.event are computed in JS code */
#daysView DIV.event
{ cursor: default;
margin-right: 1px;
position: absolute; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts0
{ top: 0px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts1
{ top: 10px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts2
{ top: 20px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts3
{ top: 30px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts4
{ top: 40px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts5
{ top: 50px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts6
{ top: 60px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts7
{ top: 70px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts8
{ top: 80px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts9
{ top: 90px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts10
{ top: 100px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts11
{ top: 110px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts12
{ top: 120px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts13
{ top: 130px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts14
{ top: 140px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts15
{ top: 150px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts16
{ top: 160px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts17
{ top: 170px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts18
{ top: 180px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts19
{ top: 190px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts20
{ top: 200px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts21
{ top: 210px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts22
{ top: 220px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts23
{ top: 230px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts24
{ top: 240px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts25
{ top: 250px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts26
{ top: 260px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts27
{ top: 270px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts28
{ top: 280px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts29
{ top: 290px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts30
{ top: 300px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts31
{ top: 310px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts32
{ top: 320px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts33
{ top: 330px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts34
{ top: 340px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts35
{ top: 350px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts36
{ top: 360px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts37
{ top: 370px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts38
{ top: 380px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts39
{ top: 390px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts40
{ top: 400px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts41
{ top: 410px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts42
{ top: 420px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts43
{ top: 430px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts44
{ top: 440px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts45
{ top: 450px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts46
{ top: 460px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts47
{ top: 470px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts48
{ top: 480px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts49
{ top: 490px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts50
{ top: 500px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts51
{ top: 510px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts52
{ top: 520px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts53
{ top: 530px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts54
{ top: 540px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts55
{ top: 550px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts56
{ top: 560px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts57
{ top: 570px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts58
{ top: 580px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts59
{ top: 590px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts60
{ top: 600px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts61
{ top: 610px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts62
{ top: 620px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts63
{ top: 630px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts64
{ top: 640px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts65
{ top: 650px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts66
{ top: 660px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts67
{ top: 670px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts68
{ top: 680px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts69
{ top: 690px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts70
{ top: 700px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts71
{ top: 710px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts72
{ top: 720px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts73
{ top: 730px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts74
{ top: 740px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts75
{ top: 750px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts76
{ top: 760px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts77
{ top: 770px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts78
{ top: 780px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts79
{ top: 790px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts80
{ top: 800px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts81
{ top: 810px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts82
{ top: 820px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts83
{ top: 830px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts84
{ top: 840px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts85
{ top: 850px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts86
{ top: 860px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts87
{ top: 870px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts88
{ top: 880px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts89
{ top: 890px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts90
{ top: 900px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts91
{ top: 910px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts92
{ top: 920px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts93
{ top: 930px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts94
{ top: 940px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.starts95
{ top: 950px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts0
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts1
{ height: 10px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts2
{ height: 20px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts3
{ height: 30px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts4
{ height: 40px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts5
{ height: 50px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts6
{ height: 60px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts7
{ height: 70px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts8
{ height: 80px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts9
{ height: 90px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts10
{ height: 100px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts11
{ height: 110px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts12
{ height: 120px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts13
{ height: 130px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts14
{ height: 140px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts15
{ height: 150px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts16
{ height: 160px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts17
{ height: 170px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts18
{ height: 180px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts19
{ height: 190px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts20
{ height: 200px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts21
{ height: 210px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts22
{ height: 220px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts23
{ height: 230px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts24
{ height: 240px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts25
{ height: 250px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts26
{ height: 260px; }
DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts27
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts28
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts30
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts31
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts32
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts33
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts34
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts35
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts36
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts37
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts38
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts39
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts40
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts41
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts43
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts44
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts45
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts46
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts47
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts48
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts49
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts50
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts51
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts52
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts53
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts54
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts56
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts57
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts58
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts59
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts60
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts61
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts62
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts63
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts64
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts65
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts66
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts67
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts68
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts69
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts70
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts71
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts72
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts73
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts74
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts75
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts76
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts77
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts78
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts79
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts80
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts81
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts82
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts83
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts84
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts85
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts86
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts87
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts88
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts89
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts90
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts91
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts92
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts93
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts94
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts95
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DIV#daysView DIV.event.lasts96
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DIV.monthView DIV.event
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DIV#freeBusyReplicas DIV
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TD.attendees A.button
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