Wolfgang Sourdeau c761ef5ba1 Monotone-Parent: 97edd366e5777b4193d2520fb6aafb9633a5123d
Monotone-Revision: 2ce99ebf3ed3c4ae56f0d8eab897684b58f759de

Monotone-Date: 2009-08-06T21:40:48
Monotone-Branch: ca.inverse.sogo
2009-08-06 21:40:48 +00:00

191 lines
5 KiB

requires = ( MAIN, CommonUI );
publicResources = (
factories = {
classes = {
SOGoRootPage = {
superclass = "SoComponent";
protectedBy = "<public>";
defaultRoles = {
"View" = ( "Authenticated" );
SOGoObject = {
protectedBy = "<public>";
defaultAccess = "allow";
defaultRoles = {
"View" = ( "Owner", "ObjectViewer" );
"Change Images And Files" = ( "Owner", "ObjectEditor", "PROPPATCHer" );
"Access Object" = ( "Owner", "ObjectViewer", "ObjectEditor", "ObjectCreator", "ObjectEraser" );
"Access Contents Information" = ( "Owner", "ObjectViewer" );
"Add Documents, Images, and Files" = ( "Owner", "ObjectCreator" );
"Add Folders" = ( "Owner", "FolderCreator" );
"ReadAcls" = ( "Owner" );
"Change Permissions" = ( "Owner" );
"Delete Object" = ( "Owner", "ObjectEraser" );
"WebDAV Access" = ( "Owner", "ObjectViewer", "ObjectEditor", "ObjectCreator", "ObjectEraser" );
methods = {
protectedBy = "Delete Object";
GET = {
protectedBy = "Access Contents Information";
PUT = {
protectedBy = "Change Images And Files";
SOGoContentObject = {
superclass = "SOGoObject";
defaultAccess = "allow";
/* defaultAccess = "Access Contents Information"; */
protectedBy = "Access Object";
defaultRoles = {
"Access Contents Information" = ( "Owner", "ObjectViewer", "ObjectEditor" );
"Change Images And Files" = ( "Owner", "ObjectEditor" );
"Delete Objects" = ( "Owner", "ObjectEraser" );
SOGoFolder = {
superclass = "SOGoObject";
protectedBy = "Access Object";
defaultRoles = {
"Change Images And Files" = ( "Owner", "ObjectEditor", "PROPPATCHer" );
"View" = ( "Owner", "ObjectViewer", "ObjectEditor" );
"Access Object" = ( "Authenticated", "AuthorizedSubscriber" );
"Access Contents Information" = ( "Owner", "ObjectViewer", "ObjectEditor" );
"WebDAV Access" = ( "Authenticated", "AuthorizedSubscriber" );
"Delete Object" = ( "Owner" );
"Delete Objects" = ( "Owner", "ObjectEraser" );
SOGoParentFolder = {
superclass = "SOGoFolder";
protectedBy = "Access Contents Information";
defaultRoles = {
"Access Contents Information" = ( "Authenticated" );
"WebDAV Access" = ( "Authenticated" );
"Add Folders" = ( "Owner" );
SOGoUserFolder = {
superclass = "SOGoFolder";
protectedBy = "Access Contents Information";
defaultRoles = {
"Access Contents Information" = ( "Authenticated" );
"WebDAV Access" = ( "Authenticated" );
"View" = ( "Authenticated" );
SOGoGCSFolder = {
superclass = "SOGoFolder";
categories = {
SOGo = { // TODO: move decls to class
slots = {
toolbar = {
value = "none"; // keep this in order to avoid lookups on username
// "toolbar"
methods = {
view = {
protectedBy = "<public>";
pageName = "SOGoRootPage";
index = {
protectedBy = "<public>";
pageName = "SOGoRootPage";
/* crash = {
protectedBy = "<public>";
pageName = "SOGoRootPage";
actionName = "crash";
exception = {
protectedBy = "<public>";
pageName = "SOGoRootPage";
actionName = "exception";
raisedException = {
protectedBy = "<public>";
pageName = "SOGoRootPage";
actionName = "raisedException";
}; */
connect = {
protectedBy = "<public>";
pageName = "SOGoRootPage";
actionName = "connect";
GET = { // more or less a hack, see README of dbd
protectedBy = "<public>";
pageName = "SOGoRootPage";
SOGoRootPage = {
SOGoUserFolder = {
methods = {
view = {
protectedBy = "<public>";
pageName = "SOGoUserHomePage";
logoff = {
protectedBy = "<public>";
pageName = "SOGoUserHomePage";
actionName = "logoff";
usersSearch = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "SOGoUserHomePage";
actionName = "usersSearch";
foldersSearch = {
protectedBy = "View";
pageName = "SOGoUserHomePage";
actionName = "foldersSearch";
// SOGoGroupsFolder = {
// methods = {
// index = {
// protectedBy = "View";
// pageName = "SOGoGroupsPage";
// };
// };
// };
// SOGoGroupFolder = {
// methods = {
// index = {
// protectedBy = "View";
// pageName = "SOGoGroupPage";
// };
// };
// };
SOGoFreeBusyObject = {
methods = {
ajaxRead = {
protectedBy = "<public>";
pageName = "SOGoUserHomePage";
actionName = "readFreeBusy";
// SOGoCustomGroupFolder = {
// methods = {
// };
// };