Francis Lachapelle c3ff1d6c6e Various improvements to the Preferences module
Monotone-Parent: f5af4bb05528ecf5545e12a51e343876ffad7270
Monotone-Revision: 997781056d484980738b11e151b8156a66f0998b

Monotone-Date: 2009-08-06T19:07:25
Monotone-Branch: ca.inverse.sogo
2009-08-06 19:07:25 +00:00

261 lines
7.8 KiB

/* -*- Mode: java; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
function savePreferences(sender) {
var sigList = $("signaturePlacementList");
if (sigList)
serializeCategories (null);
return false;
function _setupEvents(enable) {
var widgets = [ "timezone", "shortDateFormat", "longDateFormat",
"timeFormat", "weekStartDay", "dayStartTime", "dayEndTime",
"firstWeek", "messageCheck", "subscribedFoldersOnly" ];
for (var i = 0; i < widgets.length; i++) {
var widget = $(widgets[i]);
if (widget) {
if (enable)
widget.observe("change", onChoiceChanged);
widget.stopObserving("change", onChoiceChanged);
$("replyPlacementList").observe ("change", onReplyPlacementListChange);
$("composeMessagesType").observe ("change", onComposeMessagesTypeChange);
$("categoriesValue").value = "";
function onChoiceChanged(event) {
var hasChanged = $("hasChanged");
hasChanged.value = "1";
function initPreferences() {
if (typeof (initAdditionalPreferences) != "undefined")
if ($("signature")) {
onComposeMessagesTypeChange ();
resetCategoriesColors (null);
var table = $("categoriesList");
var r = $$("TABLE#categoriesList tbody tr");
for (var i=0; i<r.length; i++)
r[i].identify ();
table.multiselect = true;
resetTableActions ();
$("categoryAdd").observe ("click", onCategoryAdd);
$("categoryDelete").observe ("click", onCategoryDelete);
function resetTableActions() {
var r = $$("TABLE#categoriesList tbody tr");
for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
var row = $(r[i]);
row.observe("mousedown", onRowClick);
var tds = row.childElements();
tds[0].observe("mousedown", endAllEditables);
tds[0].observe("dblclick", onNameEdit);
tds[1].observe("mousedown", endAllEditables);
tds[1].childElements()[0].observe ("dblclick", onColorEdit);
function makeEditable (element) {
element.addClassName ("editing");
element.removeClassName ("categoryListCell");
var tmp = element.innerHTML;
element.innerHTML = "";
var textField = new Element ("input", {"type": "text",
"width": "100%"});
textField.value = tmp;
textField.observe ("keydown", interceptEnter);
element.appendChild (textField);
textField.focus (); ();
function interceptEnter (e) {
if (e.keyCode == Event.KEY_RETURN) {
endAllEditables (null);
preventDefault (e);
return false;
function endEditable (element) {
var tmp = element.childElements ().first ().value;
element.innerHTML = tmp;
element.removeClassName ("editing");
element.addClassName ("categoryListCell");
function endAllEditables (e) {
var r = $$("TABLE#categoriesList tbody tr td");
for (var i=0; i<r.length; i++) {
if (r[i] != this && r[i].hasClassName ("editing"))
endEditable ($(r[i]));
function onNameEdit (e) {
endAllEditables ();
if (!this.hasClassName ("editing")) {
makeEditable (this);
function onColorEdit (e) {
var r = $$("TABLE#categoriesList tbody tr td div.colorEditing");
for (var i=0; i<r.length; i++)
r[i].removeClassName ("colorEditing");
this.addClassName ("colorEditing");
var cPicker = + "../" + UserLogin
+ "/Calendar/colorPicker", "colorPicker",
+ "toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,"
+ "menubar=0,copyhistory=0", "test"
function onColorPickerChoice (newColor) {
var div = $$("TABLE#categoriesList tbody tr td div.colorEditing").first ();
// div.removeClassName ("colorEditing");
div.showColor = newColor; = newColor;
function onCategoryAdd (e) {
var row = new Element ("tr");
var nametd = new Element ("td").update ("");
var colortd = new Element ("td");
var colordiv = new Element ("div", {"class": "colorBox"});
row.identify ();
row.addClassName ("categoryListRow");
nametd.addClassName ("categoryListCell");
colortd.addClassName ("categoryListCell");
colordiv.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
colordiv.showColor = "#F0F0F0"; = colordiv.showColor;
colortd.appendChild (colordiv);
row.appendChild (nametd);
row.appendChild (colortd);
$("categoriesList").tBodies[0].appendChild (row);
makeEditable (nametd);
resetTableActions ();
function onCategoryDelete (e) {
var list = $('categoriesList').down("TBODY");;
var rows = list.getSelectedNodes();
var count = rows.length;
for (var i=0; i < count; i++) {
rows[i].remove ();
function serializeCategories (e) {
var r = $$("TABLE#categoriesList tbody tr");
var names = "(";
var colors = "(";
for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
var tds = r[i].childElements ();
var name = $(tds.first ()).innerHTML;
var color = $(tds.last ().childElements ().first ()).showColor;
names += "\"" + name + "\", ";
colors += "\"" + color + "\", ";
names = names.substr (0, names.length - 1) + ")";
colors = colors.substr (0, colors.length - 1) + ")";
$("categoriesValue").value = "(" + names + ", " + colors + ")";
function resetCategoriesColors (e) {
var divs = $$("TABLE#categoriesList DIV.colorBox");
for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) {
var d = divs[i];
var color = d.innerHTML;
d.showColor = color;
if (color != "undefined")
d.setStyle({ backgroundColor: color });
function onReplyPlacementListChange() {
// above = 0
if ($("replyPlacementList").value == 0) {
else {
function onComposeMessagesTypeChange(event) {
var textArea = $('signature');
if (event) {
// Due to a limitation of CKEDITOR, we reload the page when the user
// changes the composition mode to avoid Javascript errors.
var saveAndReload = confirm(labels["composeMessageChanged"]);
if (saveAndReload)
return savePreferences();
else {
// Restore previous value of composeMessagesType
$("composeMessagesType").stopObserving("change", onComposeMessagesTypeChange);
$("composeMessagesType").value = ((Event.element(event).value == 1)?"0":"1");
$("composeMessagesType").observe("change", onComposeMessagesTypeChange);
return false;
if ($("composeMessagesType").value == 1) {
// HTML mode
skin: "v2",
height: "290px",
toolbar :
[['Bold', 'Italic', '-', 'Link',
CKEDITOR.config.disableObjectResizing = true;
document.observe("dom:loaded", initPreferences);