Wolfgang Sourdeau b234f02a47 Monotone-Parent: 4962ab3aba4ec12e6e80cec90be3bb7824bb7b56
Monotone-Revision: 53a7cdc42e8710e661ce709242c9857ae53542ff

Monotone-Date: 2007-01-31T17:11:29
Monotone-Branch: ca.inverse.sogo
2007-01-31 17:11:29 +00:00

20 lines
822 B

TODO: improve text
Objective-C classes for representing iCalendar entities as objects. To
actually parse iCalendar entities the sope-xml versitSaxDriver is used.
Note that this library doesn't make any use of the now deprecated libical but
rather relies on the SAX interface (SaxObjectDecoder is used).
Recurrences are modeled via iCalRecurrenceRules and an iCalRecurrenceCalculator
which contains all the necessary logic according to RFC2445 to interpret
iCalRecurrenceRules. The calculator needs a referrence date for the first
instance of a recurrence which is usually provided by any of the repeatable
entity objects (i.e. iCalEvent).
Please note that recurrences are work in progress and far from being
complete/compliant with RFC2445. So far only the most simple cases are done