Wolfgang Sourdeau 15e496adbe Monotone-Parent: c33cdda9e79ffbb64ec7e5ffcb898838a13ac5a7
Monotone-Revision: c6900964008d79668f220a86e8a60e9a660b9c0d

Monotone-Date: 2008-09-27T01:13:41
Monotone-Branch: ca.inverse.sogo
2008-09-27 01:13:41 +00:00

219 lines
6.8 KiB

/* versittest.m - this file is part of $PROJECT_NAME_HERE$
* Copyright (C) 2006 Inverse inc.
* Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "CardElement.h"
#import "CardGroup.h"
#import "CardVersitRenderer.h"
#import "NSString+NGCards.h"
#import "unittest.h"
@interface versittest : unittest
@implementation versittest
- (BOOL) testRendering
NSLog (@"rendering>");
CardVersitRenderer *renderer;
CardGroup *g, *g2;
CardElement *e;
g = [CardGroup groupWithTag: @"VCALENDAR"];
e = [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"CALSCALE"
value: @"GREGORIAN"];
[g addChild: e];
e = [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"X-WR-TIMEZONE"
value: @"Europe/Berlin"];
[e addAttribute: @"VALUE" value: @"TEXT"];
[g addChild: e];
e = [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"PRODID"
value: @"-//Apple Computer, Inc//iCal 1.0//EN"];
[g addChild: e];
e = [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"X-WR-CALNAME"
value: @"shire-cal1"];
[e addAttribute: @"VALUE" value: @"TEXT"];
[e setGroup: @"item1"];
[g addChild: e];
e = [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"X-WR-RELCALID"
value: @"C3CBA0E4-DBCC-11D6-A381-00039340AF4A"];
[e addAttribute: @"VALUE" value: @"TEXT"];
[g addChild: e];
e = [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"VERSION"
value: @"2.0"];
[g addChild: e];
g2 = [CardGroup groupWithTag: @"VEVENT"];
e = [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"DTSTAMP"
value: @"20021008T155243Z"];
[g2 addChild: e];
e = [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"SUMMARY"
value: @"work"];
[g2 addChild: e];
e = [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"UID"
value: @"C3CB87C0-DBCC-11D6-A381-00039340AF4A"];
[g2 addChild: e];
e = [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"DTSTART"
value: @"20021009T120000"];
[e addAttribute: @"TZID" value: @"Europe/Berlin"];
[g2 addChild: e];
e = [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"DURATION"
value: @"PT3H45M"];
[g2 addChild: e];
[g addChild: g2];
g2 = [CardGroup groupWithTag: @"VEVENT"];
e = [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"ATTENDEE"
value: @""];
[e addAttribute: @"CN" value: @"Anja Berlin"];
[g2 addChild: e];
e = [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"ATTENDEE"
value: @""];
[e addAttribute: @"CN" value: @"Marcus Müller"];
[g2 addChild: e];
e = [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"DTSTAMP"
value: @"20021009T211904Z"];
[g2 addChild: e];
e = [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"SUMMARY"
value: @"trink"];
[g2 addChild: e];
e = [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"UID"
value: @"C3CB8E9A-DBCC-11D6-A381-00039340AF4A"];
[g2 addChild: e];
e = [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"ORGANIZER"
value: @""];
[e addAttribute: @"CN" value: @"Helge Heß"];
[g2 addChild: e];
e = [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"DTSTART"
value: @"20021010T190000"];
[e addAttribute: @"TZID" value: @"Europe/Berlin"];
[g2 addChild: e];
e = [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"DURATION"
value: @"PT45M"];
[g2 addChild: e];
[g addChild: g2];
renderer = [CardVersitRenderer new];
NSLog (@"\n\n%@\n", [renderer render: g]);
[renderer release];
NSLog (@"<done");
return YES;
- (BOOL) testNSStringFoldedForVersitCards
NSString *shortString, *longString, *foldedString;
shortString = @"PATATE";
testStringsEqual(shortString, [shortString foldedForVersitCards]);
longString = @"blabla PATATE blabla PATATE blabla PATATE blabla PATATE blabla PATATE blabl"
@"a PATATE blabla PATATE blabla PATATE blabla PATATE blabla PATATE blabla PA"
@"TATE blabla PATATE blabla PATATE blabla PATATE blabla PATATE blabla PATATE"
@"blabla PATATE blabla PATATE blabla PATATE";
foldedString = @"blabla PATATE blabla PATATE blabla PATATE blabla PATATE blabla PATATE blabl\r\n"
@" a PATATE blabla PATATE blabla PATATE blabla PATATE blabla PATATE blabla PA\r\n"
@" TATE blabla PATATE blabla PATATE blabla PATATE blabla PATATE blabla PATATE\r\n"
@" blabla PATATE blabla PATATE blabla PATATE";
testStringsEqual(foldedString, [longString foldedForVersitCards]);
return YES;
- (BOOL) testNSStringAsCardValues
NSString *values[5];
NSArray *array[5];
NSArray *testarray[5];
unsigned int i, count, max;
// patate,pouetpouet
values[0] = @"patate,pouetpouet";
// patate\,pouetpouet
values[1] = @"patate\\,pouetpouet";
// patate\\,pouetpouet
values[2] = @"patate\\\\,pouetpouet";
// patate\\\,pouetpouet
values[3] = @"patate\\\\\\,pouetpouet";
// patate,pouetpouet
values[4] = @"patate, pouetpouet";
testarray[0] = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"patate", @"pouetpouet", nil];
testarray[1] = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"patate,pouetpouet", nil];
// should give [ @"patate\\", @"pouetpouet" ] instead...:
testarray[2] = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"patate\\,pouetpouet", nil];
testarray[3] = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"patate\\\\,pouetpouet", nil];
testarray[4] = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"patate", @"pouetpouet", nil];
for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(values) / sizeof(NSString *)); i++)
array[i] = [values[i] asCardAttributeValues];
max = [testarray[i] count];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
testStringsEqual([testarray[i] objectAtIndex: count],
[array[i] objectAtIndex: count]);
return YES;
int main (int argc, char **argv, char **env)
NSAutoreleasePool *pool;
versittest *test;
int rc;
pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
[NSProcessInfo initializeWithArguments: argv
count: argc
environment: env];
test = [versittest new];
if (test) {
[test run];
[test release];
rc = 1;
[pool release];
return rc;