
19 lines
832 B

-- (C) 2004-2005 SKYRIX Software AG
-- (C) 2006-2007 Inverse inc.
CREATE TABLE @{tableName} (
c_folder_id SERIAL,
c_path VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY, -- the full path to the folder
c_path1 VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, -- parts (for fast queries)
c_path2 VARCHAR(255) NULL, -- parts (for fast queries)
c_path3 VARCHAR(255) NULL, -- parts (for fast queries)
c_path4 VARCHAR(255) NULL, -- parts (for fast queries)
c_foldername VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, -- last path component
c_location VARCHAR(2048) NOT NULL, -- URL to folder
c_quick_location VARCHAR(2048) NULL, -- URL to quicktable of folder
c_acl_location VARCHAR(2048) NULL, -- URL to quicktable of folder
c_folder_type VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL -- the folder type ...