Jesús García Sáez 7160d94e91 Set domain before fetching auth sources
In multidomain environment right now we are trying to authenticate against
all sources defined in sogo.conf because the domain is not set at this point.

In sogo.conf we have to specify the domain a source is useful for, so with this
patch instead of 'n' tries of authentication we will perform only 1 (in a scenario
where we have 1 source per domain, and we have 'n' domains).
2015-05-20 18:33:11 +02:00

1095 lines
34 KiB

/* SOGoUserManager.m - this file is part of SOGo
* Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Inverse inc.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSCalendarDate.h>
#import <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#import <Foundation/NSEnumerator.h>
#import <Foundation/NSException.h>
#import <Foundation/NSLock.h>
#import <Foundation/NSNull.h>
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
#import <Foundation/NSTimer.h>
#import <Foundation/NSValue.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSNull+misc.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSObject+Logs.h>
#import "NSArray+Utilities.h"
#import "NSString+Utilities.h"
#import "NSString+Crypto.h"
#import "NSObject+Utilities.h"
#import "SOGoDomainDefaults.h"
#import "SOGoSource.h"
#import "SOGoSystemDefaults.h"
#import "SOGoUserManager.h"
#import "SOGoCache.h"
#import "SOGoConstants.h"
#import "SOGoSource.h"
static Class NSNullK;
@implementation SOGoUserManagerRegistry
+ (void) initialize
NSNullK = [NSNull class];
+ (id) sharedRegistry
static id sharedRegistry = nil;
if (!sharedRegistry)
sharedRegistry = [self new];
return sharedRegistry;
- (NSString *) sourceClassForType: (NSString *) type
NSString *sourceClass;
if (type)
if ([type isEqualToString: @"ldap"])
sourceClass = @"LDAPSource";
else if ([type isEqualToString: @"sql"])
sourceClass = @"SQLSource";
[NSException raise: @"SOGoUserManagerRegistryException"
format: @"No class known for type '%@'", type];
sourceClass = nil;
sourceClass = @"LDAPSource";
return sourceClass;
@implementation SOGoUserManager
+ (id) sharedUserManager
static id sharedUserManager = nil;
if (!sharedUserManager)
sharedUserManager = [self new];
return sharedUserManager;
- (BOOL) _registerSource: (NSDictionary *) udSource
inDomain: (NSString *) domain
NSString *sourceID, *value, *type;
NSMutableDictionary *metadata;
NSObject <SOGoSource> *sogoSource;
BOOL isAddressBook, result;
Class c;
result = NO;
sourceID = [udSource objectForKey: @"id"];
if ([sourceID length] > 0)
if ([_sourcesMetadata objectForKey: sourceID])
[self errorWithFormat: @"attempted to register a contact/user source"
@" with duplicated id (%@)", sourceID];
type = [[udSource objectForKey: @"type"] lowercaseString];
c = NSClassFromString([_registry sourceClassForType: type]);
sogoSource = [c sourceFromUDSource: udSource inDomain: domain];
if (sourceID)
[_sources setObject: sogoSource forKey: sourceID];
[self errorWithFormat: @"id field missing in an user source,"
@" check the SOGoUserSources defaults"];
metadata = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
if (domain)
[metadata setObject: domain forKey: @"domain"];
value = [udSource objectForKey: @"canAuthenticate"];
if (value)
[metadata setObject: value forKey: @"canAuthenticate"];
value = [udSource objectForKey: @"isAddressBook"];
if (value)
[metadata setObject: value forKey: @"isAddressBook"];
isAddressBook = [value boolValue];
isAddressBook = NO;
value = [udSource objectForKey: @"displayName"];
if (value)
[metadata setObject: value forKey: @"displayName"];
if (isAddressBook)
[self errorWithFormat: @"addressbook source '%@' has"
@" no displayname", sourceID];
value = [udSource objectForKey: @"MailFieldNames"];
if (value)
[metadata setObject: value forKey: @"MailFieldNames"];
value = [udSource objectForKey: @"SearchFieldNames"];
if (value)
[metadata setObject: value forKey: @"SearchFieldNames"];
[_sourcesMetadata setObject: metadata forKey: sourceID];
result = YES;
[self errorWithFormat: @"attempted to register a contact/user source"
@" without id (skipped)"];
return result;
- (int) _registerSourcesInDomain: (NSString *) domain
NSArray *userSources;
unsigned int count, max, total;
SOGoDomainDefaults *dd;
if (domain)
dd = [SOGoDomainDefaults defaultsForDomain: domain];
dd = [SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults];
userSources = [dd userSources];
max = [userSources count];
total = 0;
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
if ([self _registerSource: [userSources objectAtIndex: count]
inDomain: domain])
return total;
- (void) _prepareSources
NSArray *domains;
unsigned int count, max, total;
_sources = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
_sourcesMetadata = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
total = [self _registerSourcesInDomain: nil];
domains = [[SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults] domainIds];
max = [domains count];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
total += [self _registerSourcesInDomain: [domains objectAtIndex: count]];
if (!total)
[self errorWithFormat: @"No authentication sources defined - nobody will be able to login. Check your defaults."];
- (id) init
if ((self = [super init]))
_sources = nil;
_sourcesMetadata = nil;
_registry = [NSClassFromString ([self registryClass]) sharedRegistry];
[self _prepareSources];
return self;
- (void) dealloc
[_sources release];
[_sourcesMetadata release];
[super dealloc];
- (NSString *) registryClass
return @"SOGoUserManagerRegistry";
- (NSArray *) sourceIDsInDomain: (NSString *) domain
NSMutableArray *sourceIDs;
NSArray *keys;
int count, max;
NSString *currentID, *sourceDomain;
NSObject <SOGoSource> *currentSource;
keys = [_sources allKeys];
max = [keys count];
sourceIDs = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
currentID = [keys objectAtIndex: count];
currentSource = [_sources objectForKey: currentID];
sourceDomain = [currentSource domain];
if (![sourceDomain length] || [sourceDomain isEqualToString: domain])
[sourceIDs addObject: currentID];
return sourceIDs;
- (NSObject <SOGoSource> *) sourceWithID: (NSString *) sourceID
return [_sources objectForKey: sourceID];
- (NSDictionary *) metadataForSourceID: (NSString *) sourceID
return [_sourcesMetadata objectForKey: sourceID];
- (NSArray *) authenticationSourceIDsInDomain: (NSString *) domain
NSMutableArray *sourceIDs;
NSEnumerator *allIDs;
NSString *currentID, *sourceDomain;
NSDictionary *metadata;
sourceIDs = [NSMutableArray array];
allIDs = [[_sources allKeys] objectEnumerator];
while ((currentID = [allIDs nextObject]))
sourceDomain = [[_sources objectForKey: currentID] domain];
if (![domain length] || ![sourceDomain length] || [domain isEqualToString: sourceDomain])
metadata = [_sourcesMetadata objectForKey: currentID];
if ([[metadata objectForKey: @"canAuthenticate"] boolValue])
[sourceIDs addObject: currentID];
return sourceIDs;
- (NSArray *) addressBookSourceIDsInDomain: (NSString *) domain
NSMutableArray *sourceIDs;
NSEnumerator *allIDs;
NSString *currentID;
NSDictionary *metadata;
sourceIDs = [NSMutableArray array];
allIDs = [[self sourceIDsInDomain: domain] objectEnumerator];
while ((currentID = [allIDs nextObject]))
metadata = [_sourcesMetadata objectForKey: currentID];
if ([[metadata objectForKey: @"isAddressBook"] boolValue])
[sourceIDs addObject: currentID];
return sourceIDs;
- (NSString *) displayNameForSourceWithID: (NSString *) sourceID
NSDictionary *metadata;
metadata = [_sourcesMetadata objectForKey: sourceID];
return [metadata objectForKey: @"displayName"];
- (NSString *) getCNForUID: (NSString *) uid
NSDictionary *contactInfos;
// NSLog (@"getCNForUID: %@", uid);
contactInfos = [self contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: uid];
return [contactInfos objectForKey: @"cn"];
- (NSString *) getEmailForUID: (NSString *) uid
NSDictionary *contactInfos;
// NSLog (@"getEmailForUID: %@", uid);
contactInfos = [self contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: uid];
return [contactInfos objectForKey: @"c_email"];
- (NSString *) getFullEmailForUID: (NSString *) uid
NSDictionary *contactInfos;
NSString *cn, *email, *fullEmail;
contactInfos = [self contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: uid];
email = [contactInfos objectForKey: @"c_email"];
cn = [contactInfos objectForKey: @"cn"];
if ([cn length] > 0)
if ([email length] > 0)
fullEmail = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ <%@>",
cn, email];
fullEmail = cn;
fullEmail = email;
return fullEmail;
- (NSString *) getExternalLoginForUID: (NSString *) uid
inDomain: (NSString *) domain
NSDictionary *contactInfos;
NSString *login;
SOGoDomainDefaults *dd;
contactInfos = [self contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: uid
inDomain: domain];
login = [contactInfos objectForKey: @"c_imaplogin"];
if (login == nil)
if ([domain length])
dd = [SOGoDomainDefaults defaultsForDomain: domain];
dd = [SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults];
login = [dd forceExternalLoginWithEmail] ? [self getEmailForUID: uid] : uid;
return login;
- (NSString *) getUIDForEmail: (NSString *) email
NSDictionary *contactInfos;
contactInfos = [self contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: email];
return [contactInfos objectForKey: @"c_uid"];
- (BOOL) _sourceChangePasswordForLogin: (NSString *) login
inDomain: (NSString *) domain
oldPassword: (NSString *) oldPassword
newPassword: (NSString *) newPassword
perr: (SOGoPasswordPolicyError *) perr
NSObject <SOGoSource> *sogoSource;
NSEnumerator *authIDs;
NSString *currentID;
BOOL didChange;
didChange = NO;
authIDs = [[self authenticationSourceIDsInDomain: domain] objectEnumerator];
while (!didChange && (currentID = [authIDs nextObject]))
sogoSource = [_sources objectForKey: currentID];
didChange = [sogoSource changePasswordForLogin: login
oldPassword: oldPassword
newPassword: newPassword
perr: perr];
return didChange;
- (BOOL) _sourceCheckLogin: (NSString *) login
andPassword: (NSString *) password
domain: (NSString **) domain
perr: (SOGoPasswordPolicyError *) perr
expire: (int *) expire
grace: (int *) grace
NSObject <SOGoSource> *sogoSource;
NSEnumerator *authIDs;
NSString *currentID;
BOOL checkOK;
SOGoSystemDefaults *sd;
NSRange r;
checkOK = NO;
if (*domain == nil)
sd = [SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults];
r = [login rangeOfString: @"@" options: NSBackwardsSearch];
if ([sd enableDomainBasedUID] && r.location != NSNotFound)
*domain = [login substringFromIndex: (r.location + r.length)];
authIDs = [[self authenticationSourceIDsInDomain: *domain] objectEnumerator];
while (!checkOK && (currentID = [authIDs nextObject]))
sogoSource = [_sources objectForKey: currentID];
checkOK = [sogoSource checkLogin: login
password: password
perr: perr
expire: expire
grace: grace];
if (checkOK && *domain == nil)
*domain = [sogoSource domain];
return checkOK;
- (BOOL) checkLogin: (NSString *) _login
password: (NSString *) _pwd
domain: (NSString **) _domain
perr: (SOGoPasswordPolicyError *) _perr
expire: (int *) _expire
grace: (int *) _grace
return [self checkLogin: _login
password: _pwd
domain: _domain
perr: _perr
expire: _expire
grace: _grace
useCache: YES];
- (BOOL) checkLogin: (NSString *) _login
password: (NSString *) _pwd
domain: (NSString **) _domain
perr: (SOGoPasswordPolicyError *) _perr
expire: (int *) _expire
grace: (int *) _grace
useCache: (BOOL) useCache
NSMutableDictionary *currentUser, *failedCount;
NSString *dictPassword, *username, *jsonUser;
SOGoSystemDefaults *dd;
BOOL checkOK;
// We check for cached passwords. If the entry is cached, we
// check this immediately. If not, we'll go directly at the
// authentication source and try to validate there, then cache it.
if (*_domain != nil)
username = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@@%@", _login, *_domain];
username = _login;
failedCount = [[SOGoCache sharedCache] failedCountForLogin: username];
dd = [SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults];
// We check the fail count per user in memcache (per server). If the
// fail count reaches X in Y minutes, we deny immediately the
// authentications for Z minutes
if (failedCount)
unsigned int current_time, start_time, delta, block_time;
current_time = [[NSCalendarDate date] timeIntervalSince1970];
start_time = [[failedCount objectForKey: @"InitialDate"] unsignedIntValue];
delta = current_time - start_time;
block_time = [dd failedLoginBlockInterval];
if ([[failedCount objectForKey: @"FailedCount"] intValue] >= [dd maximumFailedLoginCount] &&
delta >= [dd maximumFailedLoginInterval] &&
delta <= block_time )
*_perr = PolicyAccountLocked;
return NO;
if (delta > block_time)
[[SOGoCache sharedCache] setFailedCount: 0
forLogin: username];
jsonUser = [[SOGoCache sharedCache] userAttributesForLogin: username];
currentUser = [jsonUser objectFromJSONString];
dictPassword = [currentUser objectForKey: @"password"];
if (useCache && currentUser && dictPassword)
checkOK = ([dictPassword isEqualToString: [_pwd asSHA1String]]);
//NSLog(@"Password cache hit for user %@", _login);
else if ([self _sourceCheckLogin: _login
andPassword: _pwd
domain: _domain
perr: _perr
expire: _expire
grace: _grace])
checkOK = YES;
if (!currentUser)
currentUser = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
// It's important to cache the password here as we might have cached the
// user's entry in -contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: and if we don't
// set the password and recache the entry, the password would never be
// cached for the user unless its entry expires from memcached's
// internal cache.
[currentUser setObject: [_pwd asSHA1String] forKey: @"password"];
[[SOGoCache sharedCache]
setUserAttributes: [currentUser jsonRepresentation]
forLogin: username];
// If failed login "rate-limiting" is enabled, we adjust the stats
if ([dd maximumFailedLoginCount])
[[SOGoCache sharedCache] setFailedCount: ([[failedCount objectForKey: @"FailedCount"] intValue] + 1)
forLogin: username];
checkOK = NO;
// We MUST, for all LDAP sources, update the bindDN and bindPassword
// to the user's value if bindAsCurrentUser is set to true in the
// LDAP source configuration
if (checkOK)
NSObject <SOGoDNSource> *currentSource;
NSEnumerator *sources;
sources = [[_sources allValues] objectEnumerator];
while ((currentSource = [sources nextObject]))
if ([currentSource conformsToProtocol: @protocol(SOGoDNSource)] &&
[currentSource bindAsCurrentUser] &&
[currentSource lookupDNByLogin: _login])
[currentSource setBindDN: [currentSource lookupDNByLogin: _login]];
[currentSource setBindPassword: _pwd];
return checkOK;
- (BOOL) changePasswordForLogin: (NSString *) login
inDomain: (NSString *) domain
oldPassword: (NSString *) oldPassword
newPassword: (NSString *) newPassword
perr: (SOGoPasswordPolicyError *) perr
NSString *jsonUser, *userLogin;
NSMutableDictionary *currentUser;
BOOL didChange;
SOGoSystemDefaults *sd;
jsonUser = [[SOGoCache sharedCache] userAttributesForLogin: login];
currentUser = [jsonUser objectFromJSONString];
if ([self _sourceChangePasswordForLogin: login
inDomain: domain
oldPassword: oldPassword
newPassword: newPassword
perr: perr])
didChange = YES;
if (!currentUser)
currentUser = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
// It's important to cache the password here as we might have cached the
// user's entry in -contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: and if we don't
// set the password and recache the entry, the password would never be
// cached for the user unless its entry expires from memcached's
// internal cache.
[currentUser setObject: [newPassword asSHA1String] forKey: @"password"];
sd = [SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults];
if ([sd enableDomainBasedUID])
userLogin = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@@%@", login, domain];
userLogin = login;
[[SOGoCache sharedCache] setUserAttributes: [currentUser jsonRepresentation]
forLogin: userLogin];
didChange = NO;
return didChange;
- (void) _fillContactMailRecords: (NSMutableDictionary *) contact
NSString *uid, *domain, *systemEmail;
NSMutableArray *emails;
SOGoDomainDefaults *dd;
domain = [contact objectForKey: @"c_domain"];
if ([domain length])
dd = [SOGoDomainDefaults defaultsForDomain: domain];
dd = [SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults];
emails = [contact objectForKey: @"emails"];
uid = [contact objectForKey: @"c_uid"];
if ([uid rangeOfString: @"@"].location == NSNotFound)
= [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@@%@", uid, [dd mailDomain]];
systemEmail = uid;
// We always add the system email, which will always be returned
// by SOGoUser -systemEmail.
[emails addObject: systemEmail];
[contact setObject: [emails objectAtIndex: 0] forKey: @"c_email"];
- (void) _fillContactInfosForUser: (NSMutableDictionary *) currentUser
withUIDorEmail: (NSString *) uid
inDomain: (NSString *) domain
NSString *sourceID, *cn, *c_domain, *c_uid, *c_imaphostname, *c_imaplogin, *c_sievehostname;
NSObject <SOGoSource> *currentSource;
NSEnumerator *sogoSources;
NSDictionary *userEntry;
NSMutableArray *emails;
NSNumber *isGroup;
NSArray *c_emails;
BOOL access;
emails = [NSMutableArray array];
cn = nil;
c_uid = nil;
c_domain = nil;
c_imaphostname = nil;
c_imaplogin = nil;
c_sievehostname = nil;
[currentUser setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: YES]
forKey: @"CalendarAccess"];
[currentUser setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: YES]
forKey: @"MailAccess"];
sogoSources = [[self authenticationSourceIDsInDomain: domain] objectEnumerator];
userEntry = nil;
while (!userEntry && (sourceID = [sogoSources nextObject]))
currentSource = [_sources objectForKey: sourceID];
userEntry = [currentSource lookupContactEntryWithUIDorEmail: uid
inDomain: domain];
if (userEntry)
[currentUser setObject: sourceID forKey: @"SOGoSource"];
if (!cn)
cn = [userEntry objectForKey: @"c_cn"];
if (!c_uid)
c_uid = [userEntry objectForKey: @"c_uid"];
if (!c_domain)
c_domain = [userEntry objectForKey: @"c_domain"];
c_emails = [userEntry objectForKey: @"c_emails"];
if ([c_emails count])
[emails addObjectsFromArray: c_emails];
if (!c_imaphostname)
c_imaphostname = [userEntry objectForKey: @"c_imaphostname"];
if (!c_imaplogin)
c_imaplogin = [userEntry objectForKey: @"c_imaplogin"];
if (!c_sievehostname)
c_sievehostname = [userEntry objectForKey: @"c_sievehostname"];
access = [[userEntry objectForKey: @"CalendarAccess"] boolValue];
if (!access)
[currentUser setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: NO]
forKey: @"CalendarAccess"];
access = [[userEntry objectForKey: @"MailAccess"] boolValue];
if (!access)
[currentUser setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: NO]
forKey: @"MailAccess"];
// We check if it's a group
isGroup = [userEntry objectForKey: @"isGroup"];
if (isGroup)
[currentUser setObject: isGroup forKey: @"isGroup"];
// We also fill the resource attributes, if any
if ([userEntry objectForKey: @"isResource"])
[currentUser setObject: [userEntry objectForKey: @"isResource"]
forKey: @"isResource"];
if ([userEntry objectForKey: @"numberOfSimultaneousBookings"])
[currentUser setObject: [userEntry objectForKey: @"numberOfSimultaneousBookings"]
forKey: @"numberOfSimultaneousBookings"];
// This is Active Directory specific attribute (needed on OpenChange/* layer)
if ([userEntry objectForKey: @"samaccountname"])
[currentUser setObject: [userEntry objectForKey: @"samaccountname"]
forKey: @"sAMAccountName"];
if (!cn)
cn = @"";
if (!c_uid)
c_uid = @"";
if (!c_domain)
c_domain = @"";
if (c_imaphostname)
[currentUser setObject: c_imaphostname forKey: @"c_imaphostname"];
if (c_imaplogin)
[currentUser setObject: c_imaplogin forKey: @"c_imaplogin"];
if (c_sievehostname)
[currentUser setObject: c_sievehostname forKey: @"c_sievehostname"];
[currentUser setObject: emails forKey: @"emails"];
[currentUser setObject: cn forKey: @"cn"];
[currentUser setObject: c_uid forKey: @"c_uid"];
[currentUser setObject: c_domain forKey: @"c_domain"];
// If our LDAP queries gave us nothing, we add at least one default
// email address based on the default domain.
[self _fillContactMailRecords: currentUser];
// We cache here all identities, including those
// associated with email addresses.
- (void) _retainUser: (NSDictionary *) newUser
withLogin: (NSString *) login
NSEnumerator *emails;
NSString *key;
[[SOGoCache sharedCache]
setUserAttributes: [newUser jsonRepresentation]
forLogin: login];
if (![newUser isKindOfClass: NSNullK])
key = [newUser objectForKey: @"c_uid"];
if (key && ![key isEqualToString: login])
[[SOGoCache sharedCache]
setUserAttributes: [newUser jsonRepresentation]
forLogin: key];
emails = [[newUser objectForKey: @"emails"] objectEnumerator];
while ((key = [emails nextObject]))
[[SOGoCache sharedCache]
setUserAttributes: [newUser jsonRepresentation]
forLogin: key];
- (NSMutableDictionary *) _contactInfosForAnonymous
static NSMutableDictionary *user = nil;
if (!user)
user = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity: 7];
[user setObject: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"anonymous"]
forKey: @"emails"];
[user setObject: @"Public User" forKey: @"cn"];
[user setObject: @"anonymous" forKey: @"c_uid"];
[user setObject: @"" forKey: @"c_domain"];
[user setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: YES]
forKey: @"CalendarAccess"];
[user setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: NO]
forKey: @"MailAccess"];
return user;
* @see [SOGoUser initWithLogin:roles:trust:]
- (NSDictionary *) contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: (NSString *) uid
NSRange r;
NSString *username, *domain;
NSDictionary *infos;
SOGoSystemDefaults *sd;
domain = nil;
infos = nil;
sd = [SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults];
if ([sd enableDomainBasedUID])
r = [uid rangeOfString: @"@" options: NSBackwardsSearch];
if (r.location != NSNotFound)
// The domain is probably appended to the username;
// make sure it is a defined domain in the configuration.
domain = [uid substringFromIndex: (r.location + r.length)];
if ([[sd domainIds] containsObject: domain])
username = [uid substringToIndex: r.location];
domain = nil;
if (domain != nil)
infos = [self contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: username
inDomain: domain];
if (infos == nil)
// If the user was not found using the domain or if no domain was detected,
// search using the original uid.
infos = [self contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: uid
inDomain: nil];
return infos;
- (NSDictionary *) contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: (NSString *) uid
inDomain: (NSString *) domain
NSMutableDictionary *currentUser;
NSString *aUID, *cacheUid, *jsonUser;
BOOL newUser;
if ([uid isEqualToString: @"anonymous"])
currentUser = [self _contactInfosForAnonymous];
else if ([uid length] > 0)
// Remove the "@" prefix used to identified groups in the ACL tables.
aUID = [uid hasPrefix: @"@"] ? [uid substringFromIndex: 1] : uid;
if (domain)
cacheUid = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@@%@", aUID, domain];
cacheUid = aUID;
jsonUser = [[SOGoCache sharedCache] userAttributesForLogin: cacheUid];
currentUser = [jsonUser objectFromJSONString];
if ([currentUser isKindOfClass: NSNullK])
currentUser = nil;
else if (!([currentUser objectForKey: @"emails"]
&& [currentUser objectForKey: @"cn"]))
// We make sure that we either have no occurence of a cache entry or
// that we have an occurence with only a cached password. In the
// latter case, we update the entry with the remaining information
// and recache the value.
if (!currentUser || ([currentUser count] == 1 && [currentUser objectForKey: @"password"]))
newUser = YES;
if (!currentUser)
currentUser = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
newUser = NO;
[self _fillContactInfosForUser: currentUser
withUIDorEmail: aUID
inDomain: domain];
if (newUser)
if ([[currentUser objectForKey: @"c_uid"] length] == 0)
[self _retainUser: (NSDictionary *) [NSNull null]
withLogin: cacheUid];
currentUser = nil;
[self _retainUser: currentUser
withLogin: cacheUid];
currentUser = nil;
return currentUser;
* Fetch the contact information identified by the specified UID in the global addressbooks.
- (NSDictionary *) fetchContactWithUID: (NSString *) uid
inDomain: (NSString *) domain
NSDictionary *contact;
NSMutableArray *contacts;
NSEnumerator *sources;
NSString *sourceID;
id currentSource;
contacts = [NSMutableArray array];
contact = nil;
sources = [[self addressBookSourceIDsInDomain: domain] objectEnumerator];
while ((sourceID = [sources nextObject]))
currentSource = [_sources objectForKey: sourceID];
contact = [currentSource lookupContactEntry: uid];
if (contact)
[contacts addObject: contact];
if ([contacts count])
contact = [[self _compactAndCompleteContacts: [contacts objectEnumerator]] lastObject];
contact = nil;
return contact;
- (NSArray *) _compactAndCompleteContacts: (NSEnumerator *) contacts
NSMutableDictionary *compactContacts, *returnContact;
NSDictionary *userEntry;
NSArray *newContacts, *allEmails;
NSMutableArray *emails;
NSString *uid, *email, *info;
NSNumber *isGroup;
id <SOGoSource> source;
NSUInteger count, max;
compactContacts = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
while ((userEntry = [contacts nextObject]))
uid = [userEntry objectForKey: @"c_uid"];
if ([uid length])
returnContact = [compactContacts objectForKey: uid];
if (!returnContact)
returnContact = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[returnContact setObject: uid forKey: @"c_uid"];
source = [userEntry objectForKey: @"source"];
if (source)
[returnContact setObject: source forKey: @"source"];
[compactContacts setObject: returnContact forKey: uid];
if (![[returnContact objectForKey: @"c_name"] length])
[returnContact setObject: [userEntry objectForKey: @"c_name"]
forKey: @"c_name"];
if (![[returnContact objectForKey: @"cn"] length])
[returnContact setObject: [userEntry objectForKey: @"c_cn"]
forKey: @"cn"];
emails = [returnContact objectForKey: @"emails"];
if (!emails)
emails = [NSMutableArray array];
[returnContact setObject: emails forKey: @"emails"];
email = [userEntry objectForKey: @"mail"];
if ([email isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]])
allEmails = (NSArray *) email;
max = [allEmails count];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
email = [allEmails objectAtIndex: count];
[emails addObjectUniquely: email];
else if (email && ![emails containsObject: email])
[emails addObject: email];
email = [userEntry objectForKey: @"mozillasecondemail"];
if (email && ![emails containsObject: email])
[emails addObject: email];
email = [userEntry objectForKey: @"xmozillasecondemail"];
if (email && ![emails containsObject: email])
[emails addObject: email];
info = [userEntry objectForKey: @"c_info"];
if ([info length] > 0
&& ![[returnContact objectForKey: @"c_info"] length])
[returnContact setObject: info forKey: @"c_info"];
[self _fillContactMailRecords: returnContact];
isGroup = [userEntry objectForKey: @"isGroup"];
if (isGroup)
[returnContact setObject: isGroup forKey: @"isGroup"];
newContacts = [compactContacts allValues];
return newContacts;
- (NSArray *) _fetchEntriesInSources: (NSArray *) sourcesList
matching: (NSString *) filter
inDomain: (NSString *) domain
NSMutableArray *contacts;
NSEnumerator *sources;
NSString *sourceID;
id currentSource;
contacts = [NSMutableArray array];
sources = [sourcesList objectEnumerator];
while ((sourceID = [sources nextObject]))
currentSource = [_sources objectForKey: sourceID];
[contacts addObjectsFromArray:
[currentSource fetchContactsMatching: filter
inDomain: domain]];
return [self _compactAndCompleteContacts: [contacts objectEnumerator]];
- (NSArray *) fetchContactsMatching: (NSString *) filter
inDomain: (NSString *) domain
return [self
_fetchEntriesInSources: [self addressBookSourceIDsInDomain: domain]
matching: filter
inDomain: domain];
- (NSArray *) fetchUsersMatching: (NSString *) filter
inDomain: (NSString *) domain
return [self
_fetchEntriesInSources: [self authenticationSourceIDsInDomain: domain]
matching: filter
inDomain: domain];
- (NSString *) getLoginForDN: (NSString *) theDN
NSEnumerator *sources;
NSString *login;
NSObject <SOGoDNSource> *currentSource;
login = nil;
sources = [[_sources allValues] objectEnumerator];
while (!login && (currentSource = [sources nextObject]))
if ([currentSource conformsToProtocol: @protocol (SOGoDNSource)]
&& [theDN hasSuffix: [currentSource baseDN]])
login = [currentSource lookupLoginByDN: theDN];
return login;