
143 lines
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/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
(function() {
'use strict';
* @name Alarm
* @constructor
function Alarm() {
this.currentAlarm = null;
* @name getAlarms
* @desc Fetch the list of alarms from the server and use the last one
Alarm.getAlarms = function() {
var _this = this;
var now = new Date();
var browserTime = Math.floor(now.getTime()/1000);
this.$$resource.fetch('', 'alarmslist?browserTime=' + browserTime).then(function(data) {
var alarms = data.alarms.sort(function reverseSortByAlarmTime(a, b) {
var x = parseInt(a[2]);
var y = parseInt(b[2]);
return (y - x);
if (alarms.length > 0) {
var next = alarms.pop();
var now = new Date();
var utc = Math.floor(now.getTime()/1000);
var url = next[0] + '/' + next[1];
var alarmTime = parseInt(next[2]);
var delay = alarmTime;
if (alarmTime > 0) delay -= utc;
var d = new Date(alarmTime*1000);
//console.log ("now = " + now.toUTCString());
//console.log ("next event " + url + " in " + delay + " seconds (on " + d.toUTCString() + ")");
var f = angular.bind(_this, Alarm.showAlarm, url);
if (_this.currentAlarm)
_this.currentAlarm = _this.$timeout(f, delay*1000);
* @name showAlarm
* @desc Show the latest alarm using a toast
* @param url The URL of the calendar component for snoozing
Alarm.showAlarm = function(url) {
var _this = this;
position: 'top right',
hideDelay: 0,
template: [
' <md-input-container>',
' <md-select ng-model="reminder">',
' <md-option value=5>',
l('5 minutes'),
' </md-option>',
' <md-option value=10>',
l('10 minutes'),
' </md-option>',
' <md-option value=15>',
l('15 minutes'),
' </md-option>',
' <md-option value=30>',
l('30 minutes'),
' </md-option>',
' <md-option value=45>',
l('45 minutes'),
' </md-option>',
' <md-option value=60>',
l('1 hour'),
' </md-option>',
' <md-option value=1440>',
l('1 day'),
' </md-option>',
' </md-select>',
' </md-input-container>',
' <md-button ng-click="cancel()">',
' </md-button>',
' <md-button ng-click="ok()">',
' </md-button>',
locals: {
url: url
controller: AlarmController
* @ngInject
AlarmController.$inject = ['scope', '$mdToast', 'url'];
function AlarmController(scope, $mdToast, url) {
scope.reminder = '10';
scope.cancel = function() {
scope.ok = function() {
_this.$$resource.fetch(url, 'view?snoozeAlarm=' + scope.reminder);
* @memberof Alarm
* @desc The factory we'll register as Alarm in the Angular module SOGo.Common
* @ngInject
AlarmService.$inject = ['$timeout', 'sgSettings', 'Resource', '$mdToast'];
function AlarmService($timeout, Settings, Resource, $mdToast) {
angular.extend(Alarm, {
$timeout: $timeout,
$$resource: new Resource(Settings.activeUser.folderURL + 'Calendar', Settings.activeUser),
$toast: $mdToast
return Alarm; // return constructor
/* Factory registration in Angular module */
.factory('Alarm', AlarmService);