2019-02-08 08:17:23 -05:00

648 lines
21 KiB

/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
(function() {
'use strict';
* @name Attendees
* @constructor
* @param {object} component - a Component object instance
function Attendees(component) {
this.component = component;
if (this.component.attendees) {
_.forEach(this.component.attendees, function(attendee) {
attendee.image = Attendees.$gravatar(, 32);
this.workDaysOnly = true;
this.slotStartTimeLimit = new Date();
this.slotEndTimeLimit = new Date();
this.$days = [];
* @memberof Attendees
* @desc The factory we'll use to register with Angular
* @returns the Attendees constructor
Attendees.$factory = ['$q', '$timeout', '$log', 'sgSettings', 'Preferences', 'User', 'Card', 'Gravatar', 'Resource', function($q, $timeout, $log, Settings, Preferences, User, Card, Gravatar, Resource) {
angular.extend(Attendees, {
$q: $q,
$timeout: $timeout,
$log: $log,
$settings: Settings,
$User: User,
$Preferences: Preferences,
$Card: Card,
$gravatar: Gravatar,
$$resource: new Resource(Settings.activeUser('folderURL') + 'Calendar', Settings.activeUser())
Attendees.dayStartHour = parseInt(Preferences.defaults.SOGoDayStartTime.split(':')[0]);
Attendees.dayEndHour = parseInt(Preferences.defaults.SOGoDayEndTime.split(':')[0]);
return Attendees; // return constructor
* @module SOGo.SchedulerUI
* @desc Factory registration of Attendees in Angular module.
try {
catch(e) {
angular.module('SOGo.SchedulerUI', ['SOGo.Common']);
.factory('Attendees', Attendees.$factory);
* @function timeToQuarters
* @memberof Attendees
* @param {date} dateTime - a Date object instance
* @desc Return the number of quarters matching the time
* @returns the number of quarters
Attendees.timeToQuarters = function(dateTime) {
return dateTime.getHours() * 4 + Math.ceil(dateTime.getMinutes()/15);
* @function getLength
* @memberof Attendees.prototype
* @returns the number of attendees
Attendees.prototype.getLength = function() {
return this.component.attendees ? this.component.attendees.length : 0;
* @function initOrganizer
* @memberof Attendees.prototype
* @desc Extend instance with organizer including her freebusy information.
* @param {object} calendar - Calendar instance associated to current component
Attendees.prototype.initOrganizer = function(calendar) {
var _this = this, promise;
if (calendar && calendar.isSubscription) {
promise = Attendees.$User.$filter(calendar.owner).then(function(results) {
var owner = results[0];
_this.component.organizer = {
uid: owner.uid,
email: owner.c_email
else {
this.component.organizer = {
uid: Attendees.$settings.activeUser('login'),
name: Attendees.$settings.activeUser('identification'),
email: Attendees.$settings.activeUser('email')
promise = Attendees.$q.when();
// Fetch organizer's freebusy
promise.then(function() {
* @function add
* @memberof Attendees.prototype
* @desc Add an attendee and fetch his freebusy info.
* @param {Object} card - an Card object instance to be added to the attendees list
Attendees.prototype.add = function(card, options) {
var _this = this, attendee, list, url, params;
if (card) {
if (!this.component.attendees || (options && options.organizerCalendar)) {
// No attendee yet; initialize the organizer
this.initOrganizer(options? options.organizerCalendar : undefined);
if (card.$isList({expandable: true})) {
// Decompose list members
list = Attendees.$Card.$find(card.container, card.c_name);
list.$id().then(function(listId) {
_.forEach(list.refs, function(ref) {
attendee = {
name: ref.c_cn,
email: ref.$preferredEmail(options? options.partial : undefined),
role: 'req-participant',
partstat: 'needs-action',
uid: ref.c_uid,
$avatarIcon: 'person',
if (!_.find(_this.component.attendees, function(o) {
return ==;
})) {
// Contact is not already an attendee, add it
attendee.image = Attendees.$gravatar(, 32);
if (_this.component.attendees)
_this.component.attendees = [attendee];
else {
// Single contact
attendee = {
uid: card.c_uid,
domain: card.c_domain,
isMSExchange: card.ismsexchange,
name: card.c_cn,
email: card.$preferredEmail(),
role: 'req-participant',
partstat: 'needs-action',
$avatarIcon: card.$avatarIcon
if (!_.find(this.attendees, function(o) {
return ==;
})) {
attendee.image = Attendees.$gravatar(, 32);
if (this.component.attendees)
this.component.attendees = [attendee];
* @function hasAttendee
* @memberof Attendees.prototype
* @desc Verify if one of the email addresses of a Card instance matches an attendee.
* @param {Object} card - an Card object instance
* @returns true if the Card matches an attendee
Attendees.prototype.hasAttendee = function(card) {
var attendee = _.find(this.component.attendees, function(attendee) {
return _.find(card.emails, function(email) {
return email.value ==;
return angular.isDefined(attendee);
* @function remove
* @memberof Attendees.prototype
* @desc Remove an attendee from the component.
* @param {Object} attendee - an object literal defining an attendee
Attendees.prototype.remove = function(attendee) {
var index = _.findIndex(this.component.attendees, function(currentAttendee) {
return ==;
this.component.attendees.splice(index, 1);
* @function updateFreeBusyCoverage
* @memberof Attendees.prototype
* @desc Build a 15-minute-based representation of the component's period.
* @returns an object literal hashed by days and hours and arrays of four 1's and 0's
Attendees.prototype.updateFreeBusyCoverage = function() {
var _this = this, freebusy = {};
var roundedStart, roundedEnd, startQuarter, endQuarter;
if (this.component.start && this.component.end) {
roundedStart = new Date(this.component.start.getTime());
roundedEnd = new Date(this.component.end.getTime());
if (this.component.isAllDay) {
startQuarter = endQuarter = 0;
else {
startQuarter = parseInt(roundedStart.getMinutes()/15 + 0.5);
endQuarter = parseInt(roundedEnd.getMinutes()/15 + 0.5);
_.forEach(roundedStart.daysUpTo(roundedEnd), function(date, index) {
var currentDay = date.getDate(),
dayKey = date.getDayString(),
if (dayKey === roundedStart.getDayString()) {
hourKey = date.getHours().toString();
freebusy[dayKey] = {};
freebusy[dayKey][hourKey] = [];
while (startQuarter > 0) {
else {
date = date.beginOfDay();
freebusy[dayKey] = {};
while (date.getTime() < roundedEnd.getTime() &&
date.getDate() == currentDay) {
hourKey = date.getHours().toString();
if (angular.isUndefined(freebusy[dayKey][hourKey]))
freebusy[dayKey][hourKey] = [];
this.freebusy = freebusy;
* @function coversFreeBusy
* @memberof Attendees.prototype
* @desc Check if a specific quarter matches the component's period.
* @returns true if the quarter covers the component's period
Attendees.prototype.coversFreeBusy = function(day, hour, quarter) {
var b = (this.freebusy &&
angular.isDefined(this.freebusy[day]) &&
angular.isDefined(this.freebusy[day][hour]) &&
this.freebusy[day][hour][quarter] == 1);
return b;
* @function getDays
* @memberof Attendees.prototype
* @desc Define a period of one week before and one week after the component's period or a reference date.
* @param refDate - a Date object
* @returns an array of objects representing the days
Attendees.prototype.getDays = function(refDate) {
var _this = this, sd, ed, formatFcn;
if (refDate) {
sd = refDate;
ed = new Date(refDate.getTime());
else {
sd = this.component.start;
ed = this.component.end;
if (this.$days.length === 0 ||
_.findIndex(this.$days, ['getDayString', sd.getDayString()]) < 0 ||
_.findIndex(this.$days, ['getDayString', ed.getDayString()]) < 0) {
sd = sd.beginOfDay().addDays(-7);
ed = ed.beginOfDay().addDays(7);
formatFcn = Attendees.$Preferences.$mdDateLocaleProvider.formatDate;
this.$days.splice(0, this.$days.length);
_.forEach(sd.daysUpTo(ed), function(date) {
date.$dateFormat = Attendees.$Preferences.defaults.SOGoLongDateFormat;
stringWithSeparator: formatFcn(date),
getDayString: date.getDayString()
return this.$days;
* @function updateFreeBusy
* @memberof Attendees.prototype
* @desc Fetch the freebusy information of the organizer and all attendees.
* @returns a promise of the all HTTP operations
Attendees.prototype.updateFreeBusy = function(refDate) {
var _this = this, promises = [];
if (this.getLength() > 0) {
if (this.component.organizer) {
promises.push(this.updateFreeBusyAttendee(this.component.organizer, refDate));
_.forEach(_.filter(this.component.attendees, 'uid'), function(attendee) {
promises.push(_this.updateFreeBusyAttendee(attendee, refDate));
return Attendees.$q.all(promises);
* @function updateFreeBusyAttendee
* @memberof Attendees.prototype
* @desc Update the freebusy information for the component's period for a specific attendee.
* @param {Object} card - an Card object instance of the attendee
* @returns a promise of the HTTP operation if the information was not cached
Attendees.prototype.updateFreeBusyAttendee = function(attendee, refDate) {
var promise, resource, uid, sd, ed, params, days;
if (attendee.uid) {
uid = attendee.uid;
if (attendee.domain)
uid += '@' + attendee.domain;
days =, 'getDayString');
params =
sday: days[0],
eday: days[days.length - 1]
if (attendee.isMSExchange) {
// Attendee is not a local user, but her freebusy data is available from an external MS Exchange server;
// we query /SOGo/so/<login_user>/freebusy.ifb/ajaxRead?uid=<uid>
resource = Attendees.$$resource.userResource();
params.uid = uid;
else {
// Attendee is a user;
// web query /SOGo/so/<uid>/freebusy.ifb/ajaxRead
resource = Attendees.$$resource.userResource(uid);
if (angular.isUndefined(attendee.freebusy))
attendee.freebusy = {};
if (_.intersection(_.keys(attendee.freebusy), days).length !== days.length) {
// Fetch FreeBusy information
promise = resource.fetch('freebusy.ifb', 'ajaxRead', params).then(function(data) {
_.forEach(days, function(day) {
var hour;
if (angular.isUndefined(attendee.freebusy[day]))
attendee.freebusy[day] = {};
if (angular.isUndefined(data[day]))
data[day] = {};
for (var i = 0; i <= 23; i++) {
hour = i.toString();
if (data[day][hour])
attendee.freebusy[day][hour] = [
attendee.freebusy[day][hour] = [0, 0, 0, 0];
else {
promise = Attendees.$q.when();
return promise;
* @function forwardFindDate
* @memberof Attendees.prototype
* @desc Find the next slot for which all attendees are available whitin the reference day
* @param {date} currentStart - the reference day
* @returns a date object or null if no slot were found
Attendees.prototype.forwardFindDate = function(currentStart) {
var foundDate = null;
var maxOffset = this.endLimit - this.duration;
var offset = 0;
if (this.firstStep) {
offset = Math.floor(this.start.getHours() * 4 + this.start.getMinutes() / 15) + 1;
this.firstStep = false;
else {
offset = this.currentEntries.indexOf(0);
if (offset > -1 && offset < this.startLimit) {
offset = this.startLimit;
while (!foundDate && offset > -1 && offset <= maxOffset) {
var testDuration = 0;
while (this.currentEntries[offset] === 0 && testDuration < this.duration) {
if (testDuration == this.duration) {
foundDate = new Date();
var foundTime = (currentStart.getTime() + (offset - testDuration) * 900000);
else {
offset = this.currentEntries.indexOf(0, offset + 1);
return foundDate;
* @function forwardAdjustCurrentStart
* @memberof Attendees.prototype
* @desc Adjust a date to the next non-weekend day
* @param {date} currentStart - the reference day
Attendees.prototype.forwardAdjustCurrentStart = function (currentStart) {
var day = currentStart.getDay();
if (day === 0) {
else if (day === 6) {
* @function backwardFindDate
* @memberof Attendees.prototype
* @desc Find the previous slot for which all attendees are available whitin the reference day
* @param {date} currentStart - the reference day
* @returns a date object or null if no slot were found
Attendees.prototype.backwardFindDate = function (currentStart) {
var foundDate = null;
var maxOffset = this.endLimit - this.duration;
var offset;
if (this.firstStep) {
offset = Math.floor(this.start.getHours() * 4 + this.start.getMinutes() / 15) - 1;
this.firstStep = false;
else {
offset = this.currentEntries.lastIndexOf(0);
if (offset > maxOffset) {
offset = maxOffset;
while (!foundDate && offset >= this.startLimit) {
var testDuration = 0;
var testOffset = offset;
while (this.currentEntries[testOffset] === 0 && testDuration < this.duration) {
if (testDuration == this.duration) {
foundDate = new Date();
var foundTime = (currentStart.getTime() + offset * 900000);
else {
offset = this.currentEntries.lastIndexOf(0, offset - 1);
Attendees.$log.debug(['found = ' + foundDate, offset]);
return foundDate;
* @function backwardAdjustCurrentStart
* @memberof Attendees.prototype
* @desc Adjust a date to the previous non-weekend day
* @param {date} currentStart - the reference day
Attendees.prototype.backwardAdjustCurrentStart = function (currentStart) {
var day = currentStart.getDay();
if (day == 0) {
else if (day == 6) {
* @function findSlot
* @memberof Attendees.prototype
* @desc Find the next or previous slot when all attendees are available.
* @param {number} direction - the search direction (1 or -1)
Attendees.prototype.findSlot = function(direction) {
var _this = this, currentStart;
this.direction = direction;
this.firstStep = true;
if (direction > 0) {
this.findDate = this.forwardFindDate;
this.adjustCurrentStart = this.forwardAdjustCurrentStart;
else {
this.findDate = this.backwardFindDate;
this.adjustCurrentStart = this.backwardAdjustCurrentStart;
if (this.component.isAllDay) {
// Event lasts all day within limits
this.start = this.component.start.clone();
this.end = this.component.end.clone();
this.startLimit = Attendees.dayStartHour * 4; // from user's defaults
this.endLimit = Attendees.dayEndHour * 4; // from user's defaults
this.duration = (Attendees.dayEndHour - Attendees.dayStartHour) * 4;
else {
// Event can be outside limits
this.start = this.component.start;
this.end = this.component.end;
this.startLimit = Attendees.timeToQuarters(this.slotStartTimeLimit); // from time picker
this.endLimit = Attendees.timeToQuarters(this.slotEndTimeLimit); // from time picker
this.duration = Math.ceil((this.end.getTime() - this.start.getTime()) / 900000);
currentStart = this.component.start.clone();
currentStart.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (this.workDaysOnly) {
// Start a recursive search
return this.step(currentStart).then(function (foundDate) {
_this.component.start = new Date(foundDate.getTime());
_this.component.end = new Date(_this.component.start.getTime());
return foundDate;
* @function mergeFreebusy
* @memberof Attendees.prototype
* @desc Merge freebusy information of organizer and all attendees for a referene date.
* @param {date) start - the reference date
Attendees.prototype.mergeFreebusy = function(start) {
var _this = this;
var startDay = start.getDayString();
return this.updateFreeBusy(start).then(function () {
var i, j, attendee, attendeeEntries;
_this.currentEntries = _.flatMap(_this.component.organizer.freebusy[startDay]);
for (i = 0; i < _this.component.attendees.length; i++) {
attendee = _this.component.attendees[i];
attendeeEntries = _.flatMap(attendee.freebusy[startDay]);
for (j = 0; j < _this.currentEntries.length; j++) {
_this.currentEntries[j] += attendeeEntries[j];
* @function step
* @memberof Attendees.prototype
* @desc Recursively search for the next available slot, one day a the time.
* @param {date) currentStart - the starting day
Attendees.prototype.step = function(currentStart) {
var _this = this;
// var currentStartDay = currentStart.getDayString();
return this.mergeFreebusy(currentStart).then(function () {
var foundDate = _this.findDate(currentStart);
if (foundDate) {
return foundDate;
else {
currentStart.addDays(_this.direction > 0 ? 1 : -1);
currentStart.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (_this.workDaysOnly) {
return _this.step(currentStart);