Wolfgang Sourdeau cd510f7473 Monotone-Parent: 61d11066e0e001f91446e76044b712194a177089
Monotone-Revision: 4e643e3e8f08c6cdd2abe4483bdb2cdb7dc15066

Monotone-Date: 2007-06-07T16:17:51
Monotone-Branch: ca.inverse.sogo
2007-06-07 16:17:51 +00:00

192 lines
6.1 KiB

Copyright (C) 2004-2005 SKYRIX Software AG
This file is part of SOPE.
SOPE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
later version.
SOPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with SOPE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.
#import <NGExtensions/NSCalendarDate+misc.h>
#import "iCalRecurrenceCalculator.h"
@interface iCalWeeklyRecurrenceCalculator : iCalRecurrenceCalculator
#import <NGExtensions/NGCalendarDateRange.h>
#import "iCalRecurrenceRule.h"
#import "NSCalendarDate+ICal.h"
@interface iCalRecurrenceCalculator (PrivateAPI)
- (NSCalendarDate *)lastInstanceStartDate;
- (unsigned)offsetFromSundayForJulianNumber:(long)_jn;
- (unsigned)offsetFromSundayForWeekDay:(iCalWeekDay)_weekDay;
- (unsigned)offsetFromSundayForCurrentWeekStart;
- (iCalWeekDay)weekDayForJulianNumber:(long)_jn;
TODO: If BYDAY is specified, lastInstanceStartDate and recurrences will
differ significantly!
@implementation iCalWeeklyRecurrenceCalculator
- (NSArray *)recurrenceRangesWithinCalendarDateRange:(NGCalendarDateRange *)_r {
NSMutableArray *ranges;
NSCalendarDate *firStart;
long i, jnFirst, jnStart, jnEnd, startEndCount;
unsigned interval, byDayMask;
firStart = [self->firstRange startDate];
jnFirst = [firStart julianNumber];
jnEnd = [[_r endDate] julianNumber];
if (jnFirst > jnEnd)
return nil;
jnStart = [[_r startDate] julianNumber];
interval = [self->rrule repeatInterval];
/* if rule is bound, check the bounds */
if (![self->rrule isInfinite]) {
NSCalendarDate *until;
long jnRuleLast;
until = [self->rrule untilDate];
if (until) {
if ([until compare:[_r startDate]] == NSOrderedAscending)
return nil;
jnRuleLast = [until julianNumber];
else {
jnRuleLast = (interval * [self->rrule repeatCount] * 7)
+ jnFirst;
if (jnRuleLast < jnStart)
return nil;
/* jnStart < jnRuleLast < jnEnd ? */
if (jnEnd > jnRuleLast)
jnEnd = jnRuleLast;
startEndCount = (jnEnd - jnStart) + 1;
ranges = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:startEndCount];
byDayMask = [self->rrule byDayMask];
if (!byDayMask) {
for (i = 0 ; i < startEndCount; i++) {
long jnCurrent;
jnCurrent = jnStart + i;
if (jnCurrent >= jnFirst) {
long jnDiff;
jnDiff = jnCurrent - jnFirst; /* difference in days */
if ((jnDiff % (interval * 7)) == 0) {
NSCalendarDate *start, *end;
NGCalendarDateRange *r;
start = [NSCalendarDate dateForJulianNumber:jnCurrent];
[start setTimeZone:[firStart timeZone]];
start = [start hour: [firStart hourOfDay]
minute:[firStart minuteOfHour]
second:[firStart secondOfMinute]];
end = [start addTimeInterval:[self->firstRange duration]];
r = [NGCalendarDateRange calendarDateRangeWithStartDate:start
if ([_r containsDateRange:r])
[ranges addObject:r];
else {
long jnFirstWeekStart, weekStartOffset;
/* calculate jnFirst's week start - this depends on our setting of week
start */
weekStartOffset = [self offsetFromSundayForJulianNumber:jnFirst] -
[self offsetFromSundayForCurrentWeekStart];
jnFirstWeekStart = jnFirst - weekStartOffset;
for (i = 0 ; i < startEndCount; i++) {
long jnCurrent;
jnCurrent = jnStart + i;
if (jnCurrent >= jnFirst) {
long jnDiff;
/* we need to calculate a difference in weeks */
jnDiff = (jnCurrent - jnFirstWeekStart) % 7;
if ((jnDiff % interval) == 0) {
BOOL isRecurrence = NO;
if (jnCurrent == jnFirst) {
isRecurrence = YES;
else {
iCalWeekDay weekDay;
weekDay = [self weekDayForJulianNumber:jnCurrent];
isRecurrence = (weekDay & [self->rrule byDayMask]) ? YES : NO;
if (isRecurrence) {
NSCalendarDate *start, *end;
NGCalendarDateRange *r;
start = [NSCalendarDate dateForJulianNumber:jnCurrent];
[start setTimeZone:[firStart timeZone]];
start = [start hour: [firStart hourOfDay]
minute:[firStart minuteOfHour]
second:[firStart secondOfMinute]];
end = [start addTimeInterval:[self->firstRange duration]];
r = [NGCalendarDateRange calendarDateRangeWithStartDate:start
if ([_r containsDateRange:r])
[ranges addObject:r];
return ranges;
- (NSCalendarDate *)lastInstanceStartDate {
if ([self->rrule repeatCount] > 0) {
long jnFirst, jnRuleLast;
NSCalendarDate *firStart, *until;
firStart = [self->firstRange startDate];
jnFirst = [firStart julianNumber];
jnRuleLast = ([self->rrule repeatInterval] *
[self->rrule repeatCount] * 7) +
until = [NSCalendarDate dateForJulianNumber:jnRuleLast];
until = [until hour: [firStart hourOfDay]
minute:[firStart minuteOfHour]
second:[firStart secondOfMinute]];
return until;
return [super lastInstanceStartDate];
@end /* iCalWeeklyRecurrenceCalculator */