2018-06-01 13:22:10 -04:00

614 lines
22 KiB

/* this file is in UTF-8 format! */
/* Tooltips */
"Create a new event" = "新しいイベントを作成";
"Create a new task" = "新しいタスクを作成";
"Edit this event or task" = "イベントまたはタスクを編集";
"Print the current calendar view" = "現在のカレンダーの表示を印刷";
"Delete this event or task" = "イベントまたはタスクを削除";
"Go to today" = "今日の日付に移動";
"Switch to day view" = "日表示に切り替え";
"Switch to week view" = "週表示に切り替え";
"Switch to month view" = "月表示に切り替";
"Switch to multi-columns day view" = "複数列日表示に切り替え";
"Reload all calendars" = "すべてのカレンダーを再読み込み";
/* Tabs */
"Date" = "日付";
"Calendars" = "カレンダー";
"No events for selected criteria" = "指定した条件のイベントはありません";
"No tasks for selected criteria" = "指定した条件のタスクはありません";
/* Day */
"DayOfTheMonth" = "日";
"dayLabelFormat" = "%Y年%m月%d日";
"today" = "今日";
"Previous Day" = "前日";
"Next Day" = "翌日";
/* Week */
"Week" = "週";
"this week" = "今週";
"Week %d" = "第%d週";
"Previous Week" = "前週";
"Next Week" = "翌週";
/* Month */
"this month" = "今月";
"Previous Month" = "前月";
"Next Month" = "翌月";
/* Year */
"this year" = "今年";
/* Menu */
"Calendar" = "カレンダー";
"Contacts" = "連絡先";
"New Calendar..." = "新しいカレンダー...";
"Delete Calendar" = "カレンダーを削除...";
"Unsubscribe Calendar" = "カレンダーを解除";
"Sharing..." = "共有...";
"Export Calendar..." = "カレンダーをエクスポート...";
"Import Events..." = "イベントをインポート...";
"Import Events" = "イベントをインポート";
"Select an iCalendar file (.ics)." = "iCalendarファイル(.ics)を選択";
"Upload" = "アップロード";
"Uploading" = "アップロード中";
"Publish Calendar..." = "カレンダーを公開...";
"Reload Remote Calendars" = "リモートカレンダーを再読み込み";
"Properties" = "特性";
"Done" = "完了";
"An error occurred while importing calendar." = "カレンダーのインポート中にエラーが発生しました。";
"No event was imported." = "インポートしたイベントはありません。";
"A total of %{0} events were imported in the calendar." = "合計で%{0}件のイベントをカレンダーにインポートしました。";
"Compose E-Mail to All Attendees" = "すべての出席者にメールを作成";
"Compose E-Mail to Undecided Attendees" = "出席が未定の参加者にメールを作成";
/* Relative dates */
"Yesterday" = "昨日";
"Today" = "今日";
"Tomorrow" = "明日";
"Last %@" = "最後 %@";
/* Folders */
"Personal calendar" = "個人用カレンダー";
/* Misc */
"" = "";
"Forbidden" = "禁止";
/* acls */
"Access rights to" = "アクセス権の割り当て:";
"For user" = "ユーザ向け";
"Any Authenticated User" = "すべての認証済みユーザー";
"Public Access" = "公開アクセス";
"label_Public" = "公開";
"label_Private" = "非公開";
"label_Confidential" = "秘密";
"label_Viewer" = "すべて表示";
"label_DAndTViewer" = "日付と時刻を表示";
"label_Modifier" = "修正";
"label_Responder" = "次に対応";
"label_None" = "なし";
"View All" = "すべて表示";
"View the Date & Time" = "日付と時刻を表示";
"Modify" = "修正";
"Respond To" = "次に対応";
"None" = "なし";
"This person can create objects in my calendar."
= "この人は私のカレンダーにオブジェクトを作成できます。";
"This person can erase objects from my calendar."
= "この人は私のカレンダーからオブジェクトを削除できます。";
/* Button Titles */
"Subscribe to a Calendar..." = "カレンダーを登録...";
"Remove the selected Calendar" = "選択したカレンダーを削除";
"New calendar" = "新しいカレンダー";
"Name of the Calendar" = "カレンダーの名前";
"new" = "新規";
"Print view" = "印刷表示";
"edit" = "編集";
"delete" = "削除";
"proposal" = "提案";
"Save and Close" = "保存して閉じる";
"Close" = "閉じる";
"Invite Attendees" = "出席者を招待";
"Attach" = "添付";
"Update" = "更新";
"Cancel" = "キャンセル";
"Reset" = "リセット";
"Save" = "保存";
"show_rejected_apts" = "拒否された予定を表示";
"hide_rejected_apts" = "拒否された予定を隠す";
/* Schedule */
"Schedule" = "予定表";
"No appointments found" = "予定はありません";
"Meetings proposed by you" = "あなたが提案している会合";
"Meetings proposed to you" = "あなたに提案されている会合";
"sched_startDateFormat" = "%m/%d %H:%M";
"action" = "行動";
"accept" = "受諾";
"decline" = "辞退";
"more attendees" = "さらなる出席者";
"Hide already accepted and rejected appointments" = "既に受諾または拒否した予定を隠す";
"Show already accepted and rejected appointments" = "既に受諾または拒否した予定を表示";
/* Print view */
"LIST" = "リスト";
"Print Settings" = "印刷の設定";
"Title" = "題名";
"Layout" = "レイアウト";
"What to Print" = "印刷の対象";
"Options" = "オプション";
"Tasks with no due date" = "期日のないタスク";
"Display working hours only" = "就業時間だけ表示";
"Completed tasks" = "完了したタスク";
"Display events and tasks colors" = "イベントとタスクにを色を付けて表示";
"Borders" = "枠";
"Backgrounds" = "背景";
/* Appointments */
"Appointment viewer" = "予定の表示";
"Appointment editor" = "予定の編集";
"Appointment proposal" = "予定の提案";
"Appointment on" = "予定";
"Start" = "開始";
"End" = "終了";
"Due Date" = "期日";
"Name" = "名前";
"Email" = "電子メール";
"Status" = "状態";
"% complete" = "% 完了";
"Location" = "場所";
"Add a category" = "カテゴリを追加";
"Priority" = "優先度";
"Privacy" = "プライバシー";
"Cycle" = "繰り返し";
"Cycle End" = "繰り返しの終了";
"Categories" = "カテゴリ";
"Classification" = "分類";
"Duration" = "期間";
"Attendees" = "出席者";
"Resources" = "リソース";
"Organizer" = "主催者";
"Description" = "説明";
"Document" = "ドキュメント";
"Category" = "カテゴリ";
"Repeat" = "繰り返し";
"Reminder" = "リマインダー";
"General" = "一般";
"Reply" = "返信";
"Created by" = "作成者";
"You are invited to participate" = "あなたは参加者として招待されました";
"Target" = "ターゲット";
"attributes" = "属性";
"attendees" = "出席者";
"delegated from" = "委任元";
/* checkbox title */
"is private" = "は非公開";
/* classification */
"Public" = "公開";
"Private" = "非公開";
/* text used in overviews and tooltips */
"empty title" = "無題";
"private appointment" = "非公開の予定";
"Change..." = "変更...";
/* Appointments (participation state) */
"partStat_NEEDS-ACTION" = "後で確認";
"partStat_ACCEPTED" = "出席";
"partStat_DECLINED" = "欠席";
"partStat_TENTATIVE" = "おそらく出席";
"partStat_DELEGATED" = "委任";
"partStat_OTHER" = "その他";
/* Appointments (error messages) */
"Conflicts found!" = "競合が見つかりました。";
"Invalid iCal data!" = "不正なiCalのデータです";
"Could not create iCal data!" = "iCalのデータを作成できません。";
/* Searching */
"view_all" = "すべて";
"view_today" = "今日";
"view_next7" = "次の7日間";
"view_next14" = "次の14日間";
"view_next31" = "次の31日間";
"view_thismonth" = "今月";
"view_thisyear" = "今年";
"view_future" = "すべての今後のイベント";
"view_selectedday" = "選択した日";
"view_not_started" = "開始していないタスク";
"view_overdue" = "期限を過ぎたタスク";
"view_incomplete" = "未完了のタスク";
"View" = "表示";
"Title, category or location" = "タイトル、カテゴリ、場所";
"Entire content" = "内容全体";
"Search" = "検索";
"Search attendees" = "出席者を検索";
"Search resources" = "リソースを検索";
"Search appointments" = "予定を検索";
"All day Event" = "終日のイベント";
"check for conflicts" = "競合を検査";
"URL" = "URL";
"newAttendee" = "出席者を追加";
/* calendar modes */
"Overview" = "概要";
"Chart" = "図表";
"List" = "一覧";
"Columns" = "列";
/* Priorities */
"prio_0" = "指定なし";
"prio_1" = "高";
"prio_2" = "高";
"prio_3" = "高";
"prio_4" = "高";
"prio_5" = "通常";
"prio_6" = "低";
"prio_7" = "低";
"prio_8" = "低";
"prio_9" = "低";
/* access classes (privacy) */
"PUBLIC_vevent" = "公開のイベント";
"CONFIDENTIAL_vevent" = "秘密のイベント";
"PRIVATE_vevent" = "非公開のイベント";
"PUBLIC_vtodo" = "公開のタスク";
"CONFIDENTIAL_vtodo" = "秘密のタスク";
"PRIVATE_vtodo" = "非公開のタスク";
/* status type */
"status_" = "無指定";
"status_NOT-SPECIFIED" = "無指定";
"status_TENTATIVE" = "暫定";
"status_CONFIRMED" = "確認済み";
"status_CANCELLED" = "取り止め済み";
"status_NEEDS-ACTION" = "行動が必要";
"status_IN-PROCESS" = "進行中";
"status_COMPLETED" = "完了日";
/* Priority level */
"low" = "低";
/* Priority level */
"normal" = "通常";
/* Priority level */
"high" = "高";
/* Cycles */
"cycle_once" = "1回";
"cycle_daily" = "毎日";
"cycle_weekly" = "毎週";
"cycle_2weeks" = "隔週";
"cycle_4weeks" = "毎4週";
"cycle_monthly" = "毎月";
"cycle_weekday" = "平日";
"cycle_yearly" = "毎年";
"cycle_end_never" = "ずっと繰り返し";
"cycle_end_until" = "繰り返しの終了";
"Recurrence pattern" = "繰り返しのパターン";
"Range of recurrence" = "繰り返しの範囲";
"Daily" = "毎日";
"Multi-Columns" = "複数列";
"Weekly" = "毎週";
"Monthly" = "毎月";
"Yearly" = "毎年";
"Every" = "毎";
"Days" = "日";
"Week(s)" = "週";
"On" = "On";
"Month(s)" = "月";
/* [Event recurrence editor] Ex: _The_ first Sunday */
"The" = "The";
"Recur on day(s)" = "日で繰り返す";
"Year(s)" = "年";
/* [Event recurrence editor] Ex: Every first Sunday _of_ April */
"cycle_of" = "of";
"No end date" = "終了日なし";
"Create" = "作成";
"appointment(s)" = "予定";
"Repeat until" = "繰り返しの期限";
"End Repeat" = "繰り返しの終了";
"Never" = "決してしない";
"After" = "後";
"On Date" = "指定日";
"times" = "回数";
"First" = "第一";
"Second" = "第二";
"Third" = "第三";
"Fourth" = "第四";
"Fift" = "第五";
"Last" = "最後";
/* Appointment categories */
"category_none" = "なし";
"category_labels" = "記念日,誕生日,ビジネス,業務,呼び出し,顧客,競合,取引先,お気に入り,フォローアップ,贈り物,休日,アイデア,打ち合わせ,問題,その他,個人,プロジェクト,祝日,状態,供給者,旅行,休暇";
"repeat_NEVER" = "繰り返さない";
"repeat_DAILY" = "毎日";
"repeat_WEEKLY" = "毎週";
"repeat_BI-WEEKLY" = "隔週";
"repeat_EVERY WEEKDAY" = "平日";
"repeat_MONTHLY" = "毎月";
"repeat_YEARLY" = "毎年";
"repeat_CUSTOM" = "カスタム設定...";
"reminder_NONE" = "リマインダーなし";
"reminder_0" = "イベント時";
"reminder_5_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "5分前";
"reminder_10_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "10分前";
"reminder_15_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "15分前";
"reminder_30_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "30分前";
"reminder_45_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "45分前";
"reminder_1_HOUR_BEFORE" = "1時間前";
"reminder_2_HOURS_BEFORE" = "2時間前";
"reminder_5_HOURS_BEFORE" = "5時間前";
"reminder_15_HOURS_BEFORE" = "15時間前";
"reminder_1_DAY_BEFORE" = "1日前";
"reminder_2_DAYS_BEFORE" = "2日前";
"reminder_1_WEEK_BEFORE" = "1週間前";
"reminder_CUSTOM" = "カスタム設定...";
"reminder_MINUTES" = "分";
"reminder_HOURS" = "時間";
"reminder_DAYS" = "日";
"reminder_WEEKS" = "週";
"reminder_BEFORE" = "前";
"reminder_AFTER" = "後";
"reminder_START" = "イベントの開始";
"reminder_END" = "イベントの終了";
"Reminder Details" = "リマインダーの詳細";
"Choose a Reminder Action" = "リマインダーの動作を選択";
"Show an Alert" = "アラートを表示";
"Send an E-mail" = "メールを送信";
"Email Organizer" = "オーガナイザーにメール送信";
"Email Attendees" = "出席者にメール送信";
"zoom_400" = "400%";
"zoom_200" = "200%";
"zoom_100" = "100%";
"zoom_50" = "50%";
"zoom_25" = "25%";
/* Arial label for reminder units */
"Reminder units" = "リマインダー";
/* Aria label for reminder time position (after or before) */
"Reminder position" = "リマインダー";
/* Aria label for reminder relation with event (start or end) */
"Reminder relation" = "リマインダー";
/* transparency */
"Show Time as Free" = "空き時間として表示";
/* email notifications */
"Send Appointment Notifications" = "予定の通知を送信";
"From" = "From";
"To" = "To";
/* validation errors */
validate_notitle = "タイトルがありません、続けますか?";
validate_invalid_startdate = "誤った開始日のフィールドです。";
validate_invalid_enddate = "誤った終了日のフィールドです。";
validate_endbeforestart = "入力した終了日は開始日より前の日付です。";
validate_untilbeforeend = "繰り返し日は最初に設定した予定の後である必要があります。";
"Events" = "イベント";
"Tasks" = "タスク";
"Show completed tasks" = "完了したタスクを表示";
/* tabs */
"Task" = "タスク";
"Event" = "イベント";
"Recurrence" = "繰り返し";
/* toolbar */
"New Event" = "新しいイベント";
"New Task" = "新しいタスク";
"Edit" = "編集";
"Delete" = "削除";
"Go to Today" = "今日に移動";
"Day View" = "日表示";
"Week View" = "週表示";
"Month View" = "月表示";
"Reload" = "再読み込み";
/* Number of selected components in events or tasks list */
"selected" = "選択済み";
"eventPartStatModificationError" = "参加の状態を変更できませんでした。";
/* menu */
"New Event..." = "新しいイベント...";
"New Task..." = "新しいタスク...";
"Edit Selected Event..." = "選択したイベントを編集...";
"Delete Selected Event" = "選択したイベントを削除";
"Select All" = "すべて選択";
"Workweek days only" = "就業日だけ";
"Tasks in View" = "表示中タスク";
"eventDeleteConfirmation" = "以下のイベントを削除します:";
"taskDeleteConfirmation" = "以下のタスクを削除します:";
"Would you like to continue?" = "続けますか?";
"You cannot remove nor unsubscribe from your personal calendar."
= "個人用カレンダーの削除や解除はできません。";
"Are you sure you want to delete the calendar \"%{0}\"?"
= "カレンダー\"%{0}\"を本当に削除しますか?";
/* Legend */
"Participant" = "参加者";
"Optional Participant" = "自由参加者";
"Non Participant" = "非参加者";
"Chair" = "司会者";
"Needs action" = "行動が必要";
"Accepted" = "受諾済み";
"Declined" = "辞退済み";
"Tentative" = "暫定";
"Free" = "空き";
"Busy" = "予定あり";
"Maybe busy" = "おそらく予定あり";
"No free-busy information" = "予定の有無の情報はありません";
/* FreeBusy panel buttons and labels */
"Suggest time slot" = "時間帯を提案";
"Zoom" = "拡大";
"Previous slot" = "前の時間帯";
"Next slot" = "次の時間帯";
"Previous hour" = "前の時間";
"Next hour" = "次の時間";
"Work days only" = "就業日だけ";
"The whole day" = "終日";
"Between" = "間";
"and" = "と";
"A time conflict exists with one or more attendees.\nWould you like to keep the current settings anyway?"
= "時間が競合している参加者が1人以上います。\n現在の設定のままでよろしいですか?";
/* events list */
"Due" = "期日";
"(Private Event)" = "(非公開のイベント)";
vevent_class0 = "(公開のイベント)";
vevent_class1 = "(非公開のイベント)";
vevent_class2 = "(機密のイベント)";
/* tasks list */
"Descending Order" = "降順";
vtodo_class0 = "(公開のタスク)";
vtodo_class1 = "(非公開のタスク)";
vtodo_class2 = "(機密のタスク)";
"closeThisWindowMessage" = "ありがとうございます! このウィンドウまたは表示を閉じても構いません。";
"Multicolumn Day View" = "複数日表示";
"Please select an event or a task." = "イベントまたはタスクを選択してください。";
"editRepeatingItem" = "編集している項目は繰り返しています。すべてを編集対象としますか、または1つだけを編集しますか?";
"button_thisOccurrenceOnly" = "この予定だけ";
"button_allOccurrences" = "すべての予定";
"Edit This Occurrence" = "この予定を編集";
"Edit All Occurrences" = "定期的な予定設定を編集";
"Update This Occurrence" = "この予定を更新";
"Update All Occurrences" = "定期的な予定設定を更新";
/* Properties dialog */
"Color" = "色";
"Include in free-busy" = "予定の有無に含める";
"Synchronization" = "同期";
"Synchronize" = "同期";
"Tag" = "タグ";
"Display" = "表示";
"Show alarms" = "アラームを表示";
"Show tasks" = "タスクを表示";
"Notifications" = "通知";
"Receive a mail when I modify my calendar" = "自分で自分のカレンダーを修正したときにメールを受信";
"Receive a mail when someone else modifies my calendar" = "誰かが自分のカレンダーを修正したときにメールを受信";
"When I modify my calendar, send a mail to" = "カレンダーが更新された時に、次にメールを送信:";
"Email Address" = "メールアドレス";
"Export" = "エクスポート";
/* Show only the calendar for which the menu is displayed */
"Show Only This Calendar" = "このカレンダーのみを表示";
/* Show all calendar (personal, subscriptions and web) */
"Show All Calendars" = "すべてのカレンダーを表示";
"Links to this Calendar" = "このカレンダーへのリンク";
"Authenticated User Access" = "認証済みユーザーのアクセス";
"CalDAV URL" = "CalDAV URL ";
/* Error messages */
"dayFieldInvalid" = "日付のフィールドには1以上の数値を指定してください。";
"weekFieldInvalid" = "週のフィールドには1以上の数値を指定してください。";
"monthFieldInvalid" = "月のフィールドには1以上の数値を指定してください。";
"monthDayFieldInvalid" = "日付の欄には1以上の数値を指定してください。";
"yearFieldInvalid" = "年のフィールドには1以上の数値を指定してください。";
"appointmentFieldInvalid" = "予定のフィールドには1以上の数値を指定してください。";
"recurrenceUnsupported" = "この種類の繰り返しは現在サポートしていません。";
"Please specify a calendar name." = "カレンダーの名前を指定してください。";
"tagNotDefined" = "このカレンダーを同期したい場合はタグを指定しなければなりません。";
"tagAlreadyExists" = "指定したタグは既に別のカレンダーに関連付けられています。";
"tagHasChanged" = "カレンダーのタグを変更すると、移動端末にデータを再読み込みしなければならなくなります。\n続けますか?";
"tagWasAdded" = "このカレンダーを同期すると、移動端末にデータを再読み込みしなければならなくなります。\n続けますか?";
"tagWasRemoved" = "カレンダーの同期を止めると、移動端末にデータを再読み込みしなければならなくなります。\n続けますか?";
"DestinationCalendarError" = "コピーの元と先が同じカレンダーです。別のカレンダーへコピーしてみてください。";
"EventCopyError" = "コピーできませんでした。別のカレンダーへのコピーをお試しください。";
"Please select at least one calendar" = "カレンダーを少なくとも1つ選んでください。";
"Open Task..." = "タスクを開く...";
"Mark Completed" = "完了済みにする";
"Delete Task" = "タスクを削除";
"Delete Event" = "イベントを削除";
"Copy event to my calendar" = "イベントを自分のカレンダーにコピー";
"View Raw Source" = "生のソースを表示";
"Move To" = "移動先";
"Copy To" = "コピー先";
"Subscriptions" = "サブスクリプション";
"Subscribe to a shared folder" = "共有フォルダに登録";
"Subscribe to a web calendar..." = "ウェブカレンダーを登録...";
"URL of the Calendar" = "カレンダーのURL";
"Web Calendar" = "ウェブカレンダー";
"Web Calendars" = "ウェブカレンダー";
"Reload on login" = "ログイン時に再読み込み";
"Invalid number." = "正しくない数値です。";
"Please identify yourself to %{0}" = "%{0}に自分の情報を共有してください";
"quantity" = "量";
"Current view" = "現在表示されているページ";
"Selected events and tasks" = "選択されたイベントとタスク";
"Custom date range" = "選択した日付範囲";
"Select starting date" = "開始日を選択";
"Select ending date" = "終了日を選択";
"Delegated to" = "委任先";
"Keep sending me updates" = "更新時にメッセージを送信";
"OK" = "OK";
"Confidential" = "秘密";
"Enable" = "有効化";
"Filter" = "フィルター";
"Sort" = "並べ替え";
"Back" = "戻る";
"Day" = "日";
"Month" = "月";
"New Appointment" = "新しい予定";
"filters" = "フィルター";
"Today" = "今日";
"More options" = "他のオプション";
"Delete This Occurrence" = "この予定を削除";
"Delete All Occurrences" = "定期的な予定設定を削除";
"Add Recurrence Date" = "繰り返し日を追加";
"Add From" = "開始日を追加";
"Add Due" = "期日を追加";
"Import" = "インポート";
"Rename" = "名称変更";
"Import Calendar" = "カレンダーをインポート";
"Select an ICS file." = "ICSファイルを選択";
/* Notification when user subscribes to a calendar */
"Successfully subscribed to calendar" = "カレンダーに登録されました";
/* Aria label for color chip button to select and unselect an event or task */
"Toggle item" = "項目を切替";
/* Aria label for scope of search on events or tasks */
"Search scope" = "検索範囲";
/* Hotkey to create an event */
"hotkey_create_event" = "e";
/* Hotkey to create a task */
"hotkey_create_task" = "t";
/* Hotkey to go to today */
"hotkey_today" = "n";
/* Hotkey to switch to day view */
"hotkey_dayview" = "d";
/* Hotkey to switch to week view */
"hotkey_weekview" = "w";
/* Hotkey to switch to month view */
"hotkey_monthview" = "m";
/* Hotkey to switch to multicolumn day view */
"hotkey_multicolumndayview" = "c";