Francis Lachapelle 6f90977196 fix(common(js)): improve parsing of year
There's no perfect solution when only two digits are used for the year.
It's always better to show four digits for the year to avoid unexpected

Fixes #5268
2021-03-02 14:59:59 -05:00

643 lines
22 KiB

/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
String.prototype.endsWith = function(suffix) {
return this.indexOf(suffix, this.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
String.prototype.startsWith = function(pattern, position) {
position = angular.isNumber(position) ? position : 0;
return this.lastIndexOf(pattern, position) === position;
// See ngSanitize
String.prototype.encodeEntities = function () {
// Regular Expressions for parsing tags and attributes
var SURROGATE_PAIR_REGEXP = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g,
// Match everything outside of normal chars and " (quote character)
return this.
replace(/&/g, '&').
replace(SURROGATE_PAIR_REGEXP, function(value) {
var hi = value.charCodeAt(0);
var low = value.charCodeAt(1);
return '&#' + (((hi - 0xD800) * 0x400) + (low - 0xDC00) + 0x10000) + ';';
replace(NON_ALPHANUMERIC_REGEXP, function(value) {
return '&#' + value.charCodeAt(0) + ';';
replace(/</g, '&lt;').
replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
String.prototype._base64_keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
String.prototype.base64encode = function () {
var output = "";
var chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
var i = 0;
var input = this.utf8encode();
while (i < input.length) {
chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);
enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);
enc4 = chr3 & 63;
if (isNaN(chr2)) {
enc3 = enc4 = 64;
} else if (isNaN(chr3)) {
enc4 = 64;
output = output +
this._base64_keyStr.charAt(enc1) + this._base64_keyStr.charAt(enc2) +
this._base64_keyStr.charAt(enc3) + this._base64_keyStr.charAt(enc4);
return output;
String.prototype.base64decode = function() {
var output = "";
var chr1, chr2, chr3;
var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
var i = 0;
var input = "" + this; // .replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "")
while (i < input.length) {
enc1 = this._base64_keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc2 = this._base64_keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc3 = this._base64_keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc4 = this._base64_keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4);
chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2);
chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4;
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1);
if (enc3 != 64) {
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2);
if (enc4 != 64) {
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3);
return output;
String.prototype.md5 = function() {
if (!this.length) { return; }
// MD5 (Message-Digest Algorithm) by WebToolkit
var md5 = function(s){function L(k,d){return(k<<d)|(k>>>(32-d));}function K(G,k){var I,d,F,H,x;F=(G&2147483648);H=(k&2147483648);I=(G&1073741824);d=(k&1073741824);x=(G&1073741823)+(k&1073741823);if(I&d){return(x^2147483648^F^H);}if(I|d){if(x&1073741824){return(x^3221225472^F^H);}else{return(x^1073741824^F^H);}}else{return(x^F^H);}}function r(d,F,k){return(d&F)|((~d)&k);}function q(d,F,k){return(d&k)|(F&(~k));}function p(d,F,k){return(d^F^k);}function n(d,F,k){return(F^(d|(~k)));}function u(G,F,aa,Z,k,H,I){G=K(G,K(K(r(F,aa,Z),k),I));return K(L(G,H),F);}function f(G,F,aa,Z,k,H,I){G=K(G,K(K(q(F,aa,Z),k),I));return K(L(G,H),F);}function D(G,F,aa,Z,k,H,I){G=K(G,K(K(p(F,aa,Z),k),I));return K(L(G,H),F);}function t(G,F,aa,Z,k,H,I){G=K(G,K(K(n(F,aa,Z),k),I));return K(L(G,H),F);}function e(G){var Z;var F=G.length;var x=F+8;var k=(x-(x%64))/64;var I=(k+1)*16;var aa=Array(I-1);var d=0;var H=0;while(H<F){Z=(H-(H%4))/4;d=(H%4)*8;aa[Z]=(aa[Z]|(G.charCodeAt(H)<<d));H++;}Z=(H-(H%4))/4;d=(H%4)*8;aa[Z]=aa[Z]|(128<<d);aa[I-2]=F<<3;aa[I-1]=F>>>29;return aa;}function B(x){var k="",F="",G,d;for(d=0;d<=3;d++){G=(x>>>(d*8))&255;F="0"+G.toString(16);k=k+F.substr(F.length-2,2);}return k;}function J(k){k=k.replace(/rn/g,"n");var d="";for(var F=0;F<k.length;F++){var x=k.charCodeAt(F);if(x<128){d+=String.fromCharCode(x);}else{if((x>127)&&(x<2048)){d+=String.fromCharCode((x>>6)|192);d+=String.fromCharCode((x&63)|128);}else{d+=String.fromCharCode((x>>12)|224);d+=String.fromCharCode(((x>>6)&63)|128);d+=String.fromCharCode((x&63)|128);}}}return d;}var C=Array();var P,h,E,v,g,Y,X,W,V;var S=7,Q=12,N=17,M=22;var A=5,z=9,y=14,w=20;var o=4,m=11,l=16,j=23;var U=6,T=10,R=15,O=21;s=J(s);C=e(s);Y=1732584193;X=4023233417;W=2562383102;V=271733878;for(P=0;P<C.length;P+=16){h=Y;E=X;v=W;g=V;Y=u(Y,X,W,V,C[P+0],S,3614090360);V=u(V,Y,X,W,C[P+1],Q,3905402710);W=u(W,V,Y,X,C[P+2],N,606105819);X=u(X,W,V,Y,C[P+3],M,3250441966);Y=u(Y,X,W,V,C[P+4],S,4118548399);V=u(V,Y,X,W,C[P+5],Q,1200080426);W=u(W,V,Y,X,C[P+6],N,2821735955);X=u(X,W,V,Y,C[P+7],M,4249261313);Y=u(Y,X,W,V,C[P+8],S,1770035416);V=u(V,Y,X,W,C[P+9],Q,2336552879);W=u(W,V,Y,X,C[P+10],N,4294925233);X=u(X,W,V,Y,C[P+11],M,2304563134);Y=u(Y,X,W,V,C[P+12],S,1804603682);V=u(V,Y,X,W,C[P+13],Q,4254626195);W=u(W,V,Y,X,C[P+14],N,2792965006);X=u(X,W,V,Y,C[P+15],M,1236535329);Y=f(Y,X,W,V,C[P+1],A,4129170786);V=f(V,Y,X,W,C[P+6],z,3225465664);W=f(W,V,Y,X,C[P+11],y,643717713);X=f(X,W,V,Y,C[P+0],w,3921069994);Y=f(Y,X,W,V,C[P+5],A,3593408605);V=f(V,Y,X,W,C[P+10],z,38016083);W=f(W,V,Y,X,C[P+15],y,3634488961);X=f(X,W,V,Y,C[P+4],w,3889429448);Y=f(Y,X,W,V,C[P+9],A,568446438);V=f(V,Y,X,W,C[P+14],z,3275163606);W=f(W,V,Y,X,C[P+3],y,4107603335);X=f(X,W,V,Y,C[P+8],w,1163531501);Y=f(Y,X,W,V,C[P+13],A,2850285829);V=f(V,Y,X,W,C[P+2],z,4243563512);W=f(W,V,Y,X,C[P+7],y,1735328473);X=f(X,W,V,Y,C[P+12],w,2368359562);Y=D(Y,X,W,V,C[P+5],o,4294588738);V=D(V,Y,X,W,C[P+8],m,2272392833);W=D(W,V,Y,X,C[P+11],l,1839030562);X=D(X,W,V,Y,C[P+14],j,4259657740);Y=D(Y,X,W,V,C[P+1],o,2763975236);V=D(V,Y,X,W,C[P+4],m,1272893353);W=D(W,V,Y,X,C[P+7],l,4139469664);X=D(X,W,V,Y,C[P+10],j,3200236656);Y=D(Y,X,W,V,C[P+13],o,681279174);V=D(V,Y,X,W,C[P+0],m,3936430074);W=D(W,V,Y,X,C[P+3],l,3572445317);X=D(X,W,V,Y,C[P+6],j,76029189);Y=D(Y,X,W,V,C[P+9],o,3654602809);V=D(V,Y,X,W,C[P+12],m,3873151461);W=D(W,V,Y,X,C[P+15],l,530742520);X=D(X,W,V,Y,C[P+2],j,3299628645);Y=t(Y,X,W,V,C[P+0],U,4096336452);V=t(V,Y,X,W,C[P+7],T,1126891415);W=t(W,V,Y,X,C[P+14],R,2878612391);X=t(X,W,V,Y,C[P+5],O,4237533241);Y=t(Y,X,W,V,C[P+12],U,1700485571);V=t(V,Y,X,W,C[P+3],T,2399980690);W=t(W,V,Y,X,C[P+10],R,4293915773);X=t(X,W,V,Y,C[P+1],O,2240044497);Y=t(Y,X,W,V,C[P+8],U,1873313359);V=t(V,Y,X,W,C[P+15],T,4264355552);W=t(W,V,Y,X,C[P+6],R,2734768916);X=t(X,W,V,Y,C[P+13],O,1309151649);Y=t(Y,X,W,V,C[P+4],U,4149444226);V=t(V,Y,X,W,C[P+11],T,3174756917);W=t(W,V,Y,X,C[P+2],R,718787259);X=t(X,W,V,Y,C[P+9],O,3951481745);Y=K(Y,h);X=K(X,E);W=K(W,v);V=K(V,g);}var i=B(Y)+B(X)+B(W)+B(V);return i.toLowerCase();};
return md5(this.toLowerCase());
String.prototype.capitalize = function() {
return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1);
String.prototype.asDate = function () {
var newDate;
var date = this.split("/");
if (date.length == 3)
newDate = new Date(date[2], date[1] - 1, date[0]); // dd/mm/yyyy
else {
date = this.split("-");
if (date.length == 3)
newDate = new Date(date[0], date[1] - 1, date[2]); // yyyy-mm-dd
else {
if (this.length == 8) {
newDate = new Date(this.substring(0, 4),
this.substring(4, 6) - 1,
this.substring(6, 8)); // yyyymmdd
return newDate;
String.prototype.formatted = function() {
var newString = this;
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
newString = newString.replace("%{" + i + "}", arguments[i], "g");
return newString;
String.prototype.isValidEmail = function() {
var emailRE = /^([\w\!\#$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`{\|\}\~]+\.)*[\w\!\#$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`{\|\}\~]+@((((([a-z0-9]{1}[a-z0-9\-]{0,62}[a-z0-9]{1})|[a-z])\.)+[a-z]{2,})|(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}(\:\d{1,5})?)$/i;
return emailRE.test(this);
String.prototype.asCSSIdentifier = function() {
var characters = [ '_' , '\\.', '#' , '@' , '\\*', ':' , ',' , ' ', "'", '&', '\\+' ];
var escapeds = [ '_U_', '_D_', '_H_', '_A_', '_S_', '_C_', '_CO_', '_SP_', '_SQ_', '_AM_', '_P_' ];
var newString = this;
for (var i = 0; i < characters.length; i++) {
var re = new RegExp(characters[i], 'g');
newString = newString.replace(re, escapeds[i]);
newString = newString.replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, '');
if (/^\d+/.test(newString)) {
newString = '_' + newString;
return newString;
String.prototype.timeInterval = function () {
var interval;
if (this == "once_per_hour")
interval = 3600;
else if (this == "every_minute")
interval = 60;
else {
interval = parseInt(this.substr(6)) * 60;
return interval;
String.prototype.parseDate = function(localeProvider, format) {
var string, formattingTokens, tokens, token, now, date, regexes, i, parsedInput, matchesCount;
string = '' + this;
formattingTokens = /%[dembByYHIMp]/g;
now = new Date();
date = {
year: now.getYear() + 1900,
month: now.getMonth(),
day: now.getDate(),
hour: 0,
minute: 0
regexes = {
'%d': [/\d\d/, function(input) { = parseInt(input);
return ( < 32);
'%e': [/ ?\d?\d/, function(input) { = parseInt(input);
return ( < 32);
'%m': [/\d\d/, function(input) {
date.month = parseInt(input) - 1;
return (date.month < 12);
'%b': [/[^\d\s\.\/\-]{2,}/, function(input) {
var i = _.indexOf(, _.toLower), _.toLower(input));
if (i >= 0)
date.month = i;
return (i >= 0);
'%B': [/[^\d\s\.\/\-]{2,}/, function(input) {
var i = _.indexOf(, _.toLower), _.toLower(input));
if (i >= 0)
date.month = i;
return (i >= 0);
'%y': [/\d\d/, function(input) {
var nearFuture = parseInt(now.getFullYear().toString().substring(2)) + 50;
date.year = parseInt(input);
if (date.year < nearFuture) date.year += 2000;
else date.year += 1900;
return true;
'%Y': [/[12]\d\d\d/, function(input) {
date.year = parseInt(input);
return true;
'%H': [/\d{1,2}/, function(input) {
date.hour = parseInt(input);
return (date.hour < 24);
'%I': [/\d{1,2}/, function(input) {
date.hour = parseInt(input);
return (date.hour <= 12);
'%M': [/[0-5]\d/, function(input) {
date.minute = parseInt(input);
return (date.minute < 60 );
'%p': [/[^\d\s\/\-]+/, function(input) {
var linput = _.toLower(input), am = _.toLower(l('AM')), pm = _.toLower(l('PM'));
if (linput == pm)
date.hour += 12;
return (linput == am || linput == pm);
tokens = format.match(formattingTokens) || [];
matchesCount = 0;
for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
token = tokens[i];
parsedInput = (string.match(regexes[token][0]) || [])[0];
if (parsedInput) {
string = string.slice(string.indexOf(parsedInput) + parsedInput.length);
if (regexes[token][1](parsedInput))
if (tokens.length === matchesCount) {
// console.debug(this + ' + ' + format + ' = ' + JSON.stringify(date));
return new Date(date.year, date.month,, date.hour, date.minute);
return new Date(NaN);
Date.prototype.clone = function() {
var newDate = new Date();
return newDate;
Date.prototype.daysUpTo = function(otherDate) {
var days = [];
var day1 = this.getTime();
var day2 = otherDate.getTime();
if (day1 > day2) {
var tmp = day1;
day1 = day2;
day2 = tmp;
var DAY_SECS = 25 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // compensate for DST
var nbrDays = Math.round((day2 - day1) / DAY_SECS) + 1;
for (var i = 0; i < nbrDays; i++) {
var newDate = new Date();
newDate.setTime(day1 + (i * DAY_SECS));
return days;
Date.prototype.minutesTo = function(otherDate) {
var delta, dstOffset;
delta = Math.floor(otherDate.valueOf() - this.valueOf())/1000/60;
dstOffset = otherDate.getTimezoneOffset() - this.getTimezoneOffset();
return delta - dstOffset;
Date.prototype.stringWithSeparator = function(separator) {
var month = '' + (this.getMonth() + 1);
var day = '' + this.getDate();
var year = this.getYear();
if (year < 1000)
year = '' + (year + 1900);
if (month.length == 1)
month = '0' + month;
if (day.length == 1)
day = '0' + day;
if (separator == '-')
str = year + '-' + month + '-' + day;
str = day + '/' + month + '/' + year;
return str;
Date.prototype.addDays = function(nbrDays) {
var initialDate, milliSeconds, dstOffset;
milliSeconds = this.getTime();
initialDate = new Date(milliSeconds);
milliSeconds += 86400000 * nbrDays;
dstOffset = this.getTimezoneOffset() - initialDate.getTimezoneOffset();
if (dstOffset !== 0) {
milliSeconds = this.getTime() + dstOffset*60*1000;
return this;
Date.prototype.addHours = function(nbrHours) {
var milliSeconds = this.getTime();
milliSeconds += 3600000 * nbrHours;
Date.prototype.addMinutes = function(nbrMinutes) {
var milliSeconds = this.getTime();
milliSeconds += 60000 * nbrMinutes;
Date.prototype.beginOfDay = function() {
var beginOfDay = new Date(this.getTime());
return beginOfDay;
* See [SOGoUser dayOfWeekForDate:]
Date.prototype.dayOfWeek = function(localeProvider) {
var offset, baseDayOfWeek, dayOfWeek;
offset = localeProvider.firstDayOfWeek;
baseDayOfWeek = this.getDay();
if (offset > baseDayOfWeek)
baseDayOfWeek += 7;
dayOfWeek = baseDayOfWeek - offset;
return dayOfWeek;
* See [SOGoUser firstWeekOfYearForDate:]
Date.prototype.firstWeekOfYearForDate = function(localeProvider) {
var firstWeekRule, dayOfWeek, januaryFirst, firstWeek;
firstWeekRule = localeProvider.firstWeekOfYear;
januaryFirst = new Date(this.getTime());
dayOfWeek = januaryFirst.dayOfWeek(localeProvider);
if (firstWeekRule == 'First4DayWeek') {
if (dayOfWeek < 4)
firstWeek = januaryFirst.beginOfWeek(localeProvider.firstDayOfWeek);
firstWeek = januaryFirst.addDays(7).beginOfWeek(localeProvider.firstDayOfWeek);
else if (firstWeekRule == 'FirstFullWeek') {
if (dayOfWeek === 0)
firstWeek = januaryFirst.beginOfWeek(localeProvider.firstDayOfWeek);
firstWeek = januaryFirst.addDays(7).beginOfWeek(localeProvider.firstDayOfWeek);
else {
firstWeek = januaryFirst.beginOfWeek(localeProvider.firstDayOfWeek);
return firstWeek;
* See [SOGoUser weekNumberForDate:]
Date.prototype.getWeek = function(localeProvider) {
var firstWeek, previousWeek, weekNumber, clone;
clone = new Date(this.getTime());
firstWeek = clone.firstWeekOfYearForDate(localeProvider);
if (firstWeek.getTime() < clone.getTime()) {
weekNumber = 1 + Math.floor((clone.getTime() - firstWeek.getTime()) / (86400000 * 7));
// Date is within the last week of the previous year;
// Compute the previous week number to find the week number of the requested date.
// The number will either be 52 or 53.
previousWeek = new Date(clone.getTime());
firstWeek = previousWeek.firstWeekOfYearForDate(localeProvider);
weekNumber = 2 + Math.floor((previousWeek.getTime() - firstWeek.getTime()) / (86400000 * 7));
return weekNumber;
Date.prototype.beginOfWeek = function(firstDayOfWeek) {
var offset = firstDayOfWeek - this.getDay();
if (offset > 0)
offset -= 7;
var beginOfWeek = this.beginOfDay();
return beginOfWeek;
Date.prototype.endOfWeek = function(firstDayOfWeek) {
var endOfWeek = this.beginOfWeek(firstDayOfWeek);
return endOfWeek;
Date.prototype.getDayString = function() {
var newString = this.getYear();
if (newString < 1000) newString += 1900;
var month = '' + (this.getMonth() + 1);
if (month.length == 1)
month = '0' + month;
newString += month;
var day = '' + this.getDate();
if (day.length == 1)
day = '0' + day;
newString += day;
return newString;
// HH00
Date.prototype.getHourString = function() {
var newString = this.getHours() + '00';
if (newString.length == 3)
newString = '0' + newString;
return newString;
Date.prototype.format = function(localeProvider, format) {
var separators, parts, i, max,
date = [],
validParts = /%[deaAmbByYUHIMp]/g,
val = {
'%d': this.getDate(), // day of month (e.g., 01)
'%e': this.getDate(), // day of month, space padded
'%a': localeProvider.shortDays[this.getDay()], // locale's abbreviated weekday name (e.g., Sun)
'%A': localeProvider.days[this.getDay()], // locale's full weekday name (e.g., Sunday)
'%m': this.getMonth() + 1, // month (01..12)
'%b': localeProvider.shortMonths[this.getMonth()], // locale's abbreviated month name (e.g., Jan)
'%B': localeProvider.months[this.getMonth()], // locale's full month name (e.g., January)
'%y': this.getFullYear().toString().substring(2), // last two digits of year (00..99)
'%Y': this.getFullYear(), // year
'%U': this.getWeek(localeProvider), // week of the year
'%H': this.getHours(), // hour (00..23)
'%M': this.getMinutes() }; // minute (00..59)
val['%I'] = val['%H'] > 12 ? val['%H'] % 12 : val['%H']; // hour (01..12)
val['%p'] = val['%H'] < 12 ? l('AM') : l('PM'); // locale's equivalent of either AM or PM
val['%d'] = (val['%d'] < 10 ? '0' : '') + val['%d'];
val['%e'] = (val['%e'] < 10 ? ' ' : '') + val['%e'];
val['%m'] = (val['%m'] < 10 ? '0' : '') + val['%m'];
val['%H'] = (val['%H'] < 10 ? '0' : '') + val['%H'];
val['%I'] = (val['%I'] < 10 ? '0' : '') + val['%I'];
val['%M'] = (val['%M'] < 10 ? '0' : '') + val['%M'];
separators = format.replace(validParts, '\0').split('\0');
parts = format.match(validParts);
for (i = 0, max = parts.length; i <= max; i++){
if (separators.length)
return date.join('');
Element.prototype.setCaretTo = function(pos) {
if (this.setSelectionRange) { // For Mozilla and Safari
this.setSelectionRange(pos, pos);
else if (this.createTextRange) { // For IE
var range = this.createTextRange();
range.move('character', pos);;
Element.prototype.selectText = function(start, end) {
if (this.setSelectionRange) { // For Mozilla and Safari
this.setSelectionRange(start, end);
else if (this.createTextRange) { // For IE
var textRange = this.createTextRange();
textRange.moveStart('character', start);
textRange.moveEnd('character', end-element.value.length);;
else {;
/* Functions */
function l() {
var key = arguments[0], value = key, args = arguments, i, j;
// Retrieve translation
if (labels[key]) {
value = labels[key];
else if (clabels[key]) {
value = clabels[key];
// Format placeholders %{0}, %{1], %{2}, ...
for (i = 1, j = 0; i < args.length; i++, j++) {
value = value.replace('%{' + j + '}', args[i]);
// Format placeholders %d and %s
i = 1;
if (args.length > 1) {
value = value.replace(/%((%)|s|d)/g, function(m) {
// m is the matched format, e.g. %s, %d
var val = null;
if (m[2]) {
val = m[2];
else {
val = args[i];
// A switch statement so that the formatter can be extended. Default is %s
switch (m) {
case '%d':
val = parseFloat(val);
if (isNaN(val))
val = 0;
return val;
return value;
function hexToRgb(hex) {
var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex);
return result ? {
r: parseInt(result[1], 16),
g: parseInt(result[2], 16),
b: parseInt(result[3], 16)
} : null;
// Respect contrast ratio recommendation from W3C:
function contrast(hex) {
var color, c, l = 1;
color = hexToRgb(hex);
if (color) {
c = [color.r / 255, color.g / 255, color.b / 255];
for (var i = 0; i < c.length; ++i) {
if (c[i] <= 0.03928) {
c[i] = c[i] / 12.92;
else {
c[i] = Math.pow((c[i] + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
l = 0.2126 * c[0] + 0.7152 * c[1] + 0.0722 * c[2];
if (l > 0.179) {
return 'black';
else {
return 'white';
function guid() {
function S4() {
return (((1+Math.random())*0x10000)|0).toString(16).substring(1);
return (S4() + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-4" + S4().substr(0,3) + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + S4() + S4()).toLowerCase();