Francis Lachapelle 5b3d84ee24 refactor(preferences): conditionally activate the Sieve script
All the user defaults are now editable through the Preferences module,
even if an external Sieve script is enabled. However, the user can
disable the external Sieve script and force the activation of the
"sogo" Sieve script.
2019-11-15 14:37:35 -05:00

1172 lines
36 KiB

/* SOGoSieveManager.m - this file is part of SOGo
* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Inverse inc.
* Author: Inverse <>
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Foundation/NSCalendarDate.h>
#import <Foundation/NSCharacterSet.h>
#import <Foundation/NSURL.h>
#import <Foundation/NSValue.h>
#import <SOGo/NSArray+Utilities.h>
#import <SOGo/NSDictionary+Utilities.h>
#import <SOGo/NSString+Utilities.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoDomainDefaults.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoUser.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoTextTemplateFile.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSObject+Logs.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSString+Ext.h>
#import <NGImap4/NGImap4Connection.h>
#import <NGImap4/NGImap4Client.h>
#import <NGImap4/NGSieveClient.h>
#import "../Mailer/SOGoMailAccount.h"
#import "SOGoSieveManager.h"
typedef enum {
} UIxFilterFieldType;
static NSArray *sieveOperators = nil;
static NSArray *sieveSizeOperators = nil;
static NSMutableDictionary *fieldTypes = nil;
static NSDictionary *sieveFields = nil;
static NSDictionary *sieveFlags = nil;
static NSDictionary *typeRequirements = nil;
static NSDictionary *operatorRequirements = nil;
static NSMutableDictionary *methodRequirements = nil;
static NSString *sieveScriptName = @"sogo";
@interface NSString (SOGoSieveExtension)
- (NSString *) asSieveQuotedString;
@implementation NSString (SOGoSieveExtension)
- (NSString *) _asSingleLineSieveQuotedString
NSString *escapedString;
escapedString = [[self stringByReplacingString: @"\\"
withString: @"\\\\"]
stringByReplacingString: @"\""
withString: @"\\\""];
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"\"%@\"", escapedString];
- (NSString *) _asMultiLineSieveQuotedString
NSArray *lines;
NSMutableArray *newLines;
NSString *line, *newText;
int count, max;
lines = [self componentsSeparatedByString: @"\n"];
max = [lines count];
newLines = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
line = [lines objectAtIndex: count];
if ([line length] > 0 && [line characterAtIndex: 0] == '.')
[newLines addObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @".%@", line]];
[newLines addObject: line];
newText = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"text:\r\n%@\r\n.\r\n",
[newLines componentsJoinedByString: @"\n"]];
return newText;
- (NSString *) asSieveQuotedString
NSRange nlRange;
nlRange = [self rangeOfString: @"\n"];
return ((nlRange.length > 0)
? [self _asMultiLineSieveQuotedString]
: [self _asSingleLineSieveQuotedString]);
@implementation SOGoSieveManager
+ (void) initialize
NSArray *fields;
if (!sieveOperators)
sieveOperators = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"is", @"contains",
@"matches", @"regex",
@"over", @"under", nil];
[sieveOperators retain];
if (!sieveSizeOperators)
sieveSizeOperators = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"over", @"under", nil];
[sieveSizeOperators retain];
if (!fieldTypes)
fieldTypes = [NSMutableDictionary new];
fields = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"to", @"cc", @"to_or_cc", @"from",
[fieldTypes setObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt: UIxFilterFieldTypeAddress]
forKeys: fields];
fields = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"header", @"subject", nil];
[fieldTypes setObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt: UIxFilterFieldTypeHeader]
forKeys: fields];
[fieldTypes setObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt: UIxFilterFieldTypeBody]
forKey: @"body"];
[fieldTypes setObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt: UIxFilterFieldTypeSize]
forKey: @"size"];
if (!sieveFields)
= [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
@"\"to\"", @"to",
@"\"cc\"", @"cc",
@"[\"to\", \"cc\"]", @"to_or_cc",
@"\"from\"", @"from",
@"\"subject\"", @"subject",
[sieveFields retain];
if (!sieveFlags)
= [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
@"\\Answered", @"answered",
@"\\Deleted", @"deleted",
@"\\Draft", @"draft",
@"\\Flagged", @"flagged",
@"Junk", @"junk",
@"NotJunk", @"not_junk",
@"\\Seen", @"seen",
[sieveFlags retain];
if (!typeRequirements)
= [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
@"body", [NSNumber numberWithInt: UIxFilterFieldTypeBody],
[typeRequirements retain];
if (!operatorRequirements)
= [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
@"regex", @"regex",
[operatorRequirements retain];
if (!methodRequirements)
= [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
@"imapflags", @"addflag",
@"imapflags", @"removeflag",
@"imapflags", @"flag",
@"vacation", @"vacation",
@"notify", @"notify",
@"fileinto", @"fileinto",
@"reject", @"reject",
@"regex", @"regex",
[methodRequirements retain];
+ (id) sieveManagerForUser: (SOGoUser *) newUser
SOGoSieveManager *newManager;
newManager = [[self alloc] initForUser: newUser];
[newManager autorelease];
return newManager;
- (id) init
if ((self = [super init]))
user = nil;
requirements = nil;
scriptError = nil;
return self;
- (id) initForUser: (SOGoUser *) newUser
if ((self = [self init]))
ASSIGN (user, newUser);
return self;
- (void) dealloc
[user release];
[requirements release];
[scriptError release];
[super dealloc];
- (BOOL) _saveFilters
return YES;
- (NSString *) _extractRequirementsFromContent: (NSString *) theContent
intoArray: (NSMutableArray *) theRequirements
NSString *line, *v;
NSArray *lines;
id o;
int i, count;
lines = [theContent componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet: [NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet]];
count = [lines count];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
line = [[lines objectAtIndex: i] stringByTrimmingSpaces];
if ([line hasPrefix: @"require "])
line = [line substringFromIndex: 8];
// Handle lines like: require "imapflags";
if ([line characterAtIndex: 0] == '"')
v = [line substringToIndex: [line length]-2];
[theRequirements addObject: v];
// Else handle lines like: require ["imapflags","vacation"];
else if ([line characterAtIndex: 0] == '[')
o = [[line substringToIndex: [line length]-1] objectFromJSONString];
[theRequirements addObjectsFromArray: o];
return [[lines subarrayWithRange: NSMakeRange(i, count-i)] componentsJoinedByString: @"\n"];
- (BOOL) _extractRuleField: (NSString **) field
fromRule: (NSDictionary *) rule
andType: (UIxFilterFieldType *) type
NSNumber *fieldType;
NSString *jsonField, *customHeader, *requirement;
jsonField = [rule objectForKey: @"field"];
if (jsonField)
fieldType = [fieldTypes objectForKey: jsonField];
if (fieldType)
*type = [fieldType intValue];
if ([jsonField isEqualToString: @"header"])
customHeader = [rule objectForKey: @"custom_header"];
if ([customHeader length])
*field = [customHeader asSieveQuotedString];
scriptError = (@"Pseudo-header field 'header' without"
@" 'custom_header' parameter.");
else if ([jsonField isEqualToString: @"body"] ||
[jsonField isEqualToString: @"size"])
*field = nil;
*field = [sieveFields objectForKey: jsonField];
requirement = [typeRequirements objectForKey: fieldType];
if (requirement)
[requirements addObjectUniquely: requirement];
= [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Rule based on unknown field '%@'",
scriptError = @"Rule without any specified field.";
return (scriptError == nil);
- (BOOL) _extractRuleOperator: (NSString **) operator
fromRule: (NSDictionary *) rule
isNot: (BOOL *) isNot
NSString *jsonOperator, *baseOperator, *requirement;
int baseLength;
jsonOperator = [rule objectForKey: @"operator"];
if (jsonOperator)
*isNot = [jsonOperator hasSuffix: @"_not"];
if (*isNot)
baseLength = [jsonOperator length] - 4;
= [jsonOperator substringWithRange: NSMakeRange (0, baseLength)];
baseOperator = jsonOperator;
if ([sieveOperators containsObject: baseOperator])
requirement = [operatorRequirements objectForKey: baseOperator];
if (requirement)
[requirements addObjectUniquely: requirement];
*operator = baseOperator;
scriptError = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"Rule has unknown operator '%@'",
scriptError = @"Rule without any specified operator";
return (scriptError == nil);
- (BOOL) _validateRuleOperator: (NSString *) operator
withFieldType: (UIxFilterFieldType) type
BOOL rc;
if (type == UIxFilterFieldTypeSize)
rc = [sieveSizeOperators containsObject: operator];
// Header and Body types
rc = (![sieveSizeOperators containsObject: operator]
&& [sieveOperators containsObject: operator]);
return rc;
- (BOOL) _extractRuleValue: (NSString **) value
fromRule: (NSDictionary *) rule
withFieldType: (UIxFilterFieldType) type
NSString *extractedValue;
extractedValue = [rule objectForKey: @"value"];
if (extractedValue)
if (type == UIxFilterFieldTypeSize)
*value = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d",
[extractedValue intValue]];
*value = [extractedValue asSieveQuotedString];
scriptError = @"Rule lacks a 'value' parameter";
return (scriptError == nil);
- (NSString *) _composeSieveRuleOnField: (NSString *) field
withType: (UIxFilterFieldType) type
operator: (NSString *) operator
revert: (BOOL) revert
andValue: (NSString *) value
NSMutableString *sieveRule;
sieveRule = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity: 100];
if (revert)
[sieveRule appendString: @"not "];
if (type == UIxFilterFieldTypeAddress)
[sieveRule appendString: @"address "];
else if (type == UIxFilterFieldTypeHeader)
[sieveRule appendString: @"header "];
else if (type == UIxFilterFieldTypeBody)
[sieveRule appendString: @"body :text "];
else if (type == UIxFilterFieldTypeSize)
[sieveRule appendString: @"size "];
[sieveRule appendFormat: @":%@ ", operator];
if (type == UIxFilterFieldTypeSize)
[sieveRule appendFormat: @"%@K", value];
else if (field)
[sieveRule appendFormat: @"%@ %@", field, value];
[sieveRule appendFormat: @"%@", value];
return sieveRule;
- (NSString *) _extractSieveRule: (NSDictionary *) rule
NSString *field, *operator, *value;
UIxFilterFieldType type;
BOOL isNot;
return (([self _extractRuleField: &field fromRule: rule andType: &type]
&& [self _extractRuleOperator: &operator fromRule: rule
isNot: &isNot]
&& [self _validateRuleOperator: operator
withFieldType: type]
&& [self _extractRuleValue: &value fromRule: rule
withFieldType: type])
? [self _composeSieveRuleOnField: field
withType: type
operator: operator
revert: isNot
andValue: value]
: nil);
- (NSArray *) _extractSieveRules: (NSArray *) rules
NSMutableArray *sieveRules;
NSString *sieveRule;
int count, max;
max = [rules count];
if (max)
sieveRules = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max];
for (count = 0; !scriptError && count < max; count++)
sieveRule = [self _extractSieveRule: [rules objectAtIndex: count]];
if (sieveRule)
[sieveRules addObject: sieveRule];
sieveRules = nil;
return sieveRules;
- (NSString *) _extractSieveAction: (NSDictionary *) action
delimiter: (NSString *) delimiter
NSString *sieveAction, *method, *requirement, *argument, *flag, *mailbox;
NSDictionary *mailLabels;
sieveAction = nil;
method = [action objectForKey: @"method"];
if (method)
argument = [action objectForKey: @"argument"];
if ([method isEqualToString: @"discard"]
|| [method isEqualToString: @"keep"]
|| [method isEqualToString: @"stop"])
sieveAction = method;
if (argument)
if ([method isEqualToString: @"addflag"])
flag = [sieveFlags objectForKey: argument];
if (!flag)
mailLabels = [[user userDefaults] mailLabelsColors];
if ([mailLabels objectForKey: argument])
flag = argument;
if (flag)
sieveAction = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ %@",
method, [flag asSieveQuotedString]];
= [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"Action with invalid flag argument '%@'",
else if ([method isEqualToString: @"fileinto"])
= [[argument componentsSeparatedByString: @"/"]
componentsJoinedByString: delimiter];
sieveAction = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ %@",
method, [mailbox asSieveQuotedString]];
else if ([method isEqualToString: @"redirect"])
sieveAction = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ %@",
method, [argument asSieveQuotedString]];
else if ([method isEqualToString: @"reject"])
sieveAction = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ %@",
method, [argument asSieveQuotedString]];
= [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Action has unknown method '%@'",
scriptError = @"Action missing 'argument' parameter";
if (method)
requirement = [methodRequirements objectForKey: method];
if (requirement)
[requirements addObjectUniquely: requirement];
scriptError = @"Action missing 'method' parameter";
return sieveAction;
- (NSArray *) _extractSieveActions: (NSArray *) actions
delimiter: (NSString *) delimiter
NSMutableArray *sieveActions;
NSString *sieveAction;
int count, max;
max = [actions count];
sieveActions = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max];
for (count = 0; !scriptError && count < max; count++)
sieveAction = [self _extractSieveAction: [actions objectAtIndex: count]
delimiter: delimiter];
if (!scriptError)
[sieveActions addObject: sieveAction];
return sieveActions;
- (NSString *) _convertScriptToSieve: (NSDictionary *) newScript
delimiter: (NSString *) delimiter
NSMutableString *sieveText;
NSString *match;
NSArray *sieveRules, *sieveActions;
sieveText = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity: 1024];
match = [newScript objectForKey: @"match"];
if ([match isEqualToString: @"allmessages"])
match = nil;
if (match)
if ([match isEqualToString: @"all"] || [match isEqualToString: @"any"])
sieveRules = [self _extractSieveRules: [newScript objectForKey: @"rules"]];
if (sieveRules)
[sieveText appendFormat: @"if %@of (%@) {\r\n",
[sieveRules componentsJoinedByString: @", "]];
scriptError = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"Test '%@' used without any"
@" specified rule",
scriptError = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Bad test: %@", match];
sieveActions = [self _extractSieveActions: [newScript objectForKey: @"actions"]
delimiter: delimiter];
if ([sieveActions count])
[sieveText appendFormat: @" %@;\r\n",
[sieveActions componentsJoinedByString: @";\r\n "]];
if (match)
[sieveText appendFormat: @"}\r\n"];
return sieveText;
- (NSString *) sieveScriptWithRequirements: (NSMutableArray *) newRequirements
delimiter: (NSString *) delimiter
NSMutableString *sieveScript;
NSString *sieveText;
NSArray *scripts;
int count, max;
NSDictionary *currentScript;
sieveScript = [NSMutableString string];
ASSIGN(requirements, newRequirements);
[scriptError release];
scriptError = nil;
scripts = [[user userDefaults] sieveFilters];
max = [scripts count];
if (max)
for (count = 0; !scriptError && count < max; count++)
currentScript = [scripts objectAtIndex: count];
if ([[currentScript objectForKey: @"active"] boolValue])
sieveText = [self _convertScriptToSieve: currentScript
delimiter: delimiter];
[sieveScript appendString: sieveText];
[scriptError retain];
if (scriptError)
sieveScript = nil;
return sieveScript;
- (NSString *) lastScriptError
return scriptError;
- (NGSieveClient *) clientForAccount: (SOGoMailAccount *) theAccount
return [self clientForAccount: theAccount withUsername: nil andPassword: nil];
- (NGSieveClient *) clientForAccount: (SOGoMailAccount *) theAccount
withUsername: (NSString *) theUsername
andPassword: (NSString *) thePassword
NSDictionary *result;
NSString *login, *authname, *password;
SOGoDomainDefaults *dd;
NGSieveClient *client;
NSString *sieveServer, *sieveScheme, *sieveQuery, *imapServer;
NSURL *url, *cUrl;
int sievePort;
BOOL connected;
dd = [user domainDefaults];
connected = YES;
// Extract credentials from mail account
login = [[theAccount imap4URL] user];
if (!theUsername && !thePassword)
authname = [[theAccount imap4URL] user];
password = [theAccount imap4PasswordRenewed: NO];
authname = theUsername;
password = thePassword;
// We connect to our Sieve server and check capabilities, in order
// to generate the right script, based on capabilities
// sieveServer might have the following format:
// sieve://localhost
// sieve://localhost:4190
// sieve://localhost:4190/?tls=YES
// Values such as "localhost" or "localhost:4190" are NOT supported.
// We first try to get the user's preferred Sieve server
sieveServer = [[[user mailAccounts] objectAtIndex: 0] objectForKey: @"sieveServerName"];
imapServer = [[[user mailAccounts] objectAtIndex: 0] objectForKey: @"serverName"];
cUrl = [NSURL URLWithString: (sieveServer ? sieveServer : @"")];
if ([dd sieveServer] && [[dd sieveServer] length] > 0)
url = [NSURL URLWithString: [dd sieveServer]];
url = [NSURL URLWithString: @"localhost"];
if ([cUrl host])
sieveServer = [cUrl host];
if (!sieveServer && [url host])
sieveServer = [url host];
if (!sieveServer && [dd sieveServer])
sieveServer = [dd sieveServer];
if (!sieveServer && imapServer)
sieveServer = [[NSURL URLWithString: imapServer] host];
if (!sieveServer)
sieveServer = @"localhost";
sieveScheme = [cUrl scheme] ? [cUrl scheme] : [url scheme];
if (!sieveScheme)
sieveScheme = @"sieve";
if ([cUrl port])
sievePort = [[cUrl port] intValue];
if ([url port])
sievePort = [[url port] intValue];
sievePort = 4190;
sieveQuery = [cUrl query] ? [cUrl query] : [url query];
if (sieveQuery)
sieveQuery = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"/?%@", sieveQuery];
sieveQuery = @"";
url = [NSURL URLWithString: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@://%@:%d%@",
sieveScheme, sieveServer, sievePort, sieveQuery]];
client = [[NGSieveClient alloc] initWithURL: url];
if (!client) {
[self errorWithFormat: @"Sieve connection failed on %@", [url description]];
return nil;
if (!password) {
[client closeConnection];
return nil;
result = [client login: login authname: authname password: password];
connected = NO;
if (!connected)
[self errorWithFormat: @"Sieve connection failed on %@", [url description]];
return nil;
if (![[result valueForKey:@"result"] boolValue] && !theUsername && !thePassword) {
[self logWithFormat: @"failure. Attempting with a renewed password (no authname supported)"];
password = [theAccount imap4PasswordRenewed: YES];
result = [client login: login password: password];
if (![[result valueForKey:@"result"] boolValue]) {
[self logWithFormat: @"Could not login '%@' on Sieve server: %@: %@",
login, client, result];
[client closeConnection];
return nil;
return [client autorelease];
- (BOOL) hasActiveExternalSieveScripts: (NGSieveClient *) client
NSDictionary *scripts;
NSEnumerator *keys;
NSString *key;
scripts = [client listScripts];
keys = [scripts keyEnumerator];
while ((key = [keys nextObject]))
if ([key caseInsensitiveCompare: @"sogo"] != NSOrderedSame &&
[[[scripts objectForKey: key] stringValue] length] > 0)
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL) updateFiltersForAccount: (SOGoMailAccount *) theAccount
return [self updateFiltersForAccount: theAccount
withUsername: nil
andPassword: nil
forceActivation: NO];
- (BOOL) updateFiltersForAccount: (SOGoMailAccount *) theAccount
withUsername: (NSString *) theUsername
andPassword: (NSString *) thePassword
forceActivation: (BOOL) forceActivation
NSString *filterScript, *v, *content;
NSMutableArray *req;
NSMutableString *script, *header;
NSDictionary *result, *values;
SOGoUserDefaults *ud;
SOGoDomainDefaults *dd;
NGSieveClient *client;
NGImap4Client *imapClient;
BOOL b, activate, dateCapability;
unsigned int now;
dd = [user domainDefaults];
if (!([dd sieveScriptsEnabled] || [dd vacationEnabled] || [dd forwardEnabled]))
return YES;
req = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 15];
ud = [user userDefaults];
client = [self clientForAccount: theAccount withUsername: theUsername andPassword: thePassword];
if (!client)
return NO;
// Activate script Sieve when forced or when no external script is enabled
activate = forceActivation || ![self hasActiveExternalSieveScripts: client];
// We adjust the "methodRequirements" based on the server's
// capabilities. Cyrus exposes "imapflags" while Dovecot (and
// potentially others) expose "imap4flags" as specified in RFC5332
if ([client hasCapability: @"imap4flags"])
[methodRequirements setObject: @"imap4flags" forKey: @"addflag"];
[methodRequirements setObject: @"imap4flags" forKey: @"removeflag"];
[methodRequirements setObject: @"imap4flags" forKey: @"flag"];
dateCapability = [client hasCapability: @"date"] && [client hasCapability: @"relational"];
// Now let's generate the script
script = [NSMutableString string];
// We grab the IMAP4 delimiter using the supplied username/password
if (thePassword)
imapClient = [NGImap4Client clientWithURL: [theAccount imap4URL]];
[imapClient login: theUsername password: thePassword];
imapClient = [[theAccount imap4Connection] client];
if (![imapClient delimiter])
[imapClient list: @"INBOX" pattern: @""];
// We first handle filters
filterScript = [self sieveScriptWithRequirements: req
delimiter: [imapClient delimiter]];
if (filterScript)
if ([filterScript length])
b = YES;
[script appendString: filterScript];
[self errorWithFormat: @"Sieve generation failure: %@", [self lastScriptError]];
[client closeConnection];
return NO;
// We handle vacation messages.
// See
values = [ud vacationOptions];
now = [[NSCalendarDate calendarDate] timeIntervalSince1970];
if (values && [[values objectForKey: @"enabled"] boolValue] &&
(![[values objectForKey: @"startDateEnabled"] boolValue] ||
dateCapability || [[values objectForKey: @"startDate"] intValue] < now) &&
(![[values objectForKey: @"endDateEnabled"] boolValue] ||
dateCapability || [[values objectForKey: @"endDate"] intValue] > now))
NSCalendarDate *startDate, *endDate;
NSMutableArray *allConditions;
NSMutableString *vacation_script;
NSArray *addresses;
NSString *text, *templateFilePath, *customSubject;
SOGoTextTemplateFile *templateFile;
BOOL ignore, alwaysSend, useCustomSubject, discardMails;
int days, i;
allConditions = [NSMutableArray array];
days = [[values objectForKey: @"daysBetweenResponse"] intValue];
addresses = [values objectForKey: @"autoReplyEmailAddresses"];
alwaysSend = [[values objectForKey: @"alwaysSend"] boolValue];
discardMails = [[values objectForKey: @"discardMails"] boolValue];
ignore = [[values objectForKey: @"ignoreLists"] boolValue];
useCustomSubject = [[values objectForKey: @"customSubjectEnabled"] boolValue];
customSubject = [values objectForKey: @"customSubject"];
text = [values objectForKey: @"autoReplyText"];
b = YES;
if (!useCustomSubject)
// If user has not specified a custom subject, fallback to the domain's defaults
customSubject = [dd vacationDefaultSubject];
useCustomSubject = [customSubject length] > 0;
/* Add autoresponder header if configured */
templateFilePath = [dd vacationHeaderTemplateFile];
if (templateFilePath)
templateFile = [SOGoTextTemplateFile textTemplateFromFile: templateFilePath];
if (templateFile)
text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@", [templateFile textForUser: user], text];
/* Add autoresponder footer if configured */
templateFilePath = [dd vacationFooterTemplateFile];
if (templateFilePath)
templateFile = [SOGoTextTemplateFile textTemplateFromFile: templateFilePath];
if (templateFile)
text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@", text, [templateFile textForUser: user]];
if (days == 0)
days = 7;
vacation_script = [NSMutableString string];
[req addObjectUniquely: @"vacation"];
// Skip mailing lists
if (ignore)
[allConditions addObject: @"not exists [\"list-help\", \"list-unsubscribe\", \"list-subscribe\", \"list-owner\", \"list-post\", \"list-archive\", \"list-id\", \"Mailing-List\"]"];
[allConditions addObject: @"not header :comparator \"i;ascii-casemap\" :is \"Precedence\" [\"list\", \"bulk\", \"junk\"]"];
[allConditions addObject: @"not header :comparator \"i;ascii-casemap\" :matches \"To\" \"Multiple recipients of*\""];
// Start date of auto-reply
if ([dd vacationPeriodEnabled] &&
[[values objectForKey: @"startDateEnabled"] boolValue] &&
[req addObjectUniquely: @"date"];
[req addObjectUniquely: @"relational"];
startDate = [NSCalendarDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:
[[values objectForKey: @"startDate"] intValue]];
[allConditions addObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"currentdate :value \"ge\" \"date\" \"%@\"",
[startDate descriptionWithCalendarFormat: @"%Y-%m-%d"]]];
// End date of auto-reply
if ([dd vacationPeriodEnabled] &&
[[values objectForKey: @"endDateEnabled"] boolValue] &&
[req addObjectUniquely: @"date"];
[req addObjectUniquely: @"relational"];
endDate = [NSCalendarDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:
[[values objectForKey: @"endDate"] intValue]];
[allConditions addObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"currentdate :value \"le\" \"date\" \"%@\"",
[endDate descriptionWithCalendarFormat: @"%Y-%m-%d"]]];
// Apply conditions
if ([allConditions count])
[vacation_script appendFormat: @"if allof ( %@ ) { ",
[allConditions componentsJoinedByString: @", "]];
// Custom subject
if (useCustomSubject)
if (([customSubject rangeOfString: @"${subject}"].location != NSNotFound) &&
[client hasCapability: @"variables"])
[req addObjectUniquely: @"variables"];
[vacation_script appendString: @"if header :matches \"Subject\" \"*\" { set \"subject\" \"${1}\"; } "];
[vacation_script appendFormat: @"vacation :days %d", days];
if (useCustomSubject)
[vacation_script appendFormat: @" :subject %@", [customSubject doubleQuotedString]];
[vacation_script appendString: @" :addresses ["];
for (i = 0; i < [addresses count]; i++)
[vacation_script appendFormat: @"\"%@\"", [addresses objectAtIndex: i]];
if (i == [addresses count]-1)
[vacation_script appendString: @"] "];
[vacation_script appendString: @", "];
[vacation_script appendFormat: @"text:\r\n%@\r\n.\r\n;\r\n", text];
// Should we discard incoming mails during vacation?
if (discardMails)
[vacation_script appendString: @"discard;\r\n"];
// Closing bracket of conditions
if ([allConditions count])
[vacation_script appendString: @"}\r\n"];
// See for details
if (alwaysSend)
[script insertString: vacation_script atIndex: 0];
[script appendString: vacation_script];
// We handle mail forward
values = [ud forwardOptions];
if (values && [[values objectForKey: @"enabled"] boolValue])
id addresses;
int i;
b = YES;
addresses = [values objectForKey: @"forwardAddress"];
if ([addresses isKindOfClass: [NSString class]])
addresses = [NSArray arrayWithObject: addresses];
for (i = 0; i < [addresses count]; i++)
v = [addresses objectAtIndex: i];
if (v && [v length] > 0)
[script appendFormat: @"redirect \"%@\";\r\n", v];
if ([[values objectForKey: @"keepCopy"] boolValue])
[script appendString: @"keep;\r\n"];
// We handle header/footer Sieve scripts
if ((v = [dd sieveScriptHeaderTemplateFile]))
content = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile: v
encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding
error: NULL];
if (content)
v = [self _extractRequirementsFromContent: content
intoArray: req];
[script insertString: v atIndex: 0];
b = YES;
if ((v = [dd sieveScriptFooterTemplateFile]))
content = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile: v
encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding
error: NULL];
if (content)
v = [self _extractRequirementsFromContent: content
intoArray: req];
[script appendString: @"\n"];
[script appendString: v];
b = YES;
if ([req count])
header = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"require [\"%@\"];\r\n",
[[req uniqueObjects] componentsJoinedByString: @"\",\""]];
[script insertString: header atIndex: 0];
/* We ensure to deactive the current active script since it could prevent
its deletion from the server. */
if (activate)
result = [client setActiveScript: @""];
// We delete the existing Sieve script
result = [client deleteScript: sieveScriptName];
if (![[result valueForKey:@"result"] boolValue])
[self logWithFormat: @"WARNING: Could not delete Sieve script - continuing...: %@", result];
/* We put and activate the script only if we actually have a script
that does something... */
if (b && [script length])
result = [client putScript: sieveScriptName script: script];
if (![[result valueForKey:@"result"] boolValue])
[self logWithFormat: @"Could not upload Sieve script: %@", result];
[client closeConnection];
return NO;
if (activate)
result = [client setActiveScript: sieveScriptName];
if (![[result valueForKey:@"result"] boolValue])
[self logWithFormat: @"Could not enable Sieve script: %@", result];
[client closeConnection];
return NO;
[client closeConnection];
return YES;