2021-08-13 11:12:37 -04:00

958 lines
36 KiB

Copyright (C) 2021 Inverse inc.
This file is part of SOGo.
SOGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
later version.
OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.
The following code is a derivative work of the code from the Yerase's TNEF
Stream Reader which is licensed GPLv2.
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#import <Foundation/NSValue.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NGHashMap.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSObject+Logs.h>
#import <NGMime/NGMimeBodyPart.h>
#import <NGMime/NGMimeFileData.h>
#import <NGMime/NGMimeHeaderFields.h>
#import <NGMime/NGMimeMultipartBody.h>
#import <SOGo/RTFHandler.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoBuild.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoSystemDefaults.h>
#import <SoObjects/Mailer/NSData+SMIME.h>
#import <ytnef.h>
#import "SOGoTNEFMailBodyPart.h"
A specialized SOGoMailBodyPart subclass for application/ms-tnef attachments. Can
be used to attach special SoMethods.
See the superclass for more information on part objects.
unsigned char GetRruleCount(unsigned char a, unsigned char b) {
return ((a << 8) | b);
char *GetRruleDayname(unsigned char a) {
static char daystring[25];
*daystring = 0;
if (a & 0x01) {
strcat(daystring, "SU,");
if (a & 0x02) {
strcat(daystring, "MO,");
if (a & 0x04) {
strcat(daystring, "TU,");
if (a & 0x08) {
strcat(daystring, "WE,");
if (a & 0x10) {
strcat(daystring, "TH,");
if (a & 0x20) {
strcat(daystring, "FR,");
if (a & 0x40) {
strcat(daystring, "SA,");
if (strlen(daystring)) {
daystring[strlen(daystring) - 1] = 0;
return (daystring);
unsigned char GetRruleMonthNum(unsigned char a, unsigned char b) {
switch (a) {
case 0x00:
switch (b) {
case 0x00:
// Jan
return (1);
case 0xA3:
// May
return (5);
case 0xAE:
// Nov
return (11);
case 0x60:
switch (b) {
case 0xAE:
// Feb
return (2);
case 0x51:
// Jun
return (6);
case 0xE0:
switch (b) {
case 0x4B:
// Mar
return (3);
case 0x56:
// Sep
return (9);
case 0x40:
switch (b) {
case 0xFA:
// Apr
return (4);
case 0x20:
if (b == 0xFA) {
// Jul
return (7);
case 0x80:
if (b == 0xA8) {
// Aug
return (8);
case 0xA0:
if (b == 0xFF) {
// Oct
return (10);
case 0xC0:
if (b == 0x56) {
return (12);
// Error
return (0);
@implementation SOGoTNEFMailBodyPart
/* Overwritten methods */
- (id) init
if ((self = [super init]))
debugOn = [[SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults] tnefDecoderDebugEnabled];
part = nil;
filename = nil;
bodyParts = [[NGMimeMultipartBody alloc] init];
return self;
- (id) initWithName: (NSString *) _name
inContainer: (id) _container
self = [super initWithName: _name inContainer: _container];
[self decodeBLOB];
return self;
- (void) dealloc
[part release];
[filename release];
[bodyParts release];
[super dealloc];
- (id) lookupName: (NSString *) _key
inContext: (id) _ctx
acquire: (BOOL) _flag
NSArray *parts;
int i;
if ([self isBodyPartKey: _key])
// _key is an integer
parts = [bodyParts parts];
i = [_key intValue] - 1;
if (i > -1 && i < [parts count])
[self setPart: [parts objectAtIndex: i]];
return self;
else if ([_key isEqualToString: [self filename]])
return self;
else if ([_key isEqualToString: @"asAttachment"])
[self setAsAttachment];
return self;
/* Fallback to super class */
return [super lookupName: _key inContext: _ctx acquire: _flag];
- (NSData *) fetchBLOB
if (part)
return [part body];
return [super fetchBLOB];
- (NSString *) filename
if (filename)
return filename;
else if (part)
return nil; // don't try to fetch the filename from the IMAP body structure
return [super filename];
- (id) partInfo
if (partInfo)
return partInfo;
else if (part)
return nil; // don't try to fetch the info from the IMAP body structure
return [super partInfo];
/* New methods */
- (NGMimeMultipartBody *) bodyParts
return bodyParts;
- (void) decodeBLOB
NSData *data;
NSEnumerator *list;
NSString *messageClass;
NSString *partName, *type, *subtype;
NSString *value, *attendee;
RTFHandler *handler;
DWORD signature;
DDWORD *classification;
dtr datetime;
TNEFStruct tnef;
variableLength *attachmentName;
variableLength *filedata;
variableLength buf;
[self setPart: nil];
partName = nil;
data = [self fetchBLOB];
memcpy(&signature, [data bytes], sizeof(DWORD));
if (TNEFCheckForSignature(signature) == 0)
tnef.Debug = 0;
if (TNEFParseMemory((unsigned char *)[data bytes], [data length], &tnef) != -1)
messageClass = [NSString stringWithCString: tnef.messageClass];
if (debugOn)
NSLog(@"TNEF message class: %@", messageClass);
if ([messageClass isEqualToString: @"IPM.Microsoft Mail.Note"])
if (tnef.subject.size > 0)
filedata = MAPIFindProperty(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_BINARY, PR_BODY_HTML));
if (filedata != MAPI_UNDEFINED)
partName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%s.html",];
data = [NSData dataWithBytes: filedata->data length: filedata->size];
filedata = MAPIFindProperty(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_BINARY, PR_RTF_COMPRESSED));
if (filedata != MAPI_UNDEFINED)
{ = DecompressRTF(filedata, &(buf.size));
if ( != NULL)
partName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%s.html",];
data = [NSData dataWithBytes: length: buf.size];
handler = [[RTFHandler alloc] initWithData: data];
data = [handler parse]; // RTF to HTML
if ([data length])
[self bodyPartForData: data
withType: @"text"
andSubtype: @"html"];
else if ([messageClass isEqualToString: @"IPM.Microsoft Schedule.MtgRespA"] || // tentative response
[messageClass isEqualToString: @"IPM.Microsoft Schedule.MtgRespP"] || // positive (accepted) response
[messageClass isEqualToString: @"IPM.Microsoft Schedule.MtgRespN"] || // negative (declined) response
[messageClass isEqualToString: @"IPM.Microsoft Schedule.MtgReq"]) // request (invitation)
// Meeting object -- construct text/calendar part
// Parse HTML body, if any
filedata = MAPIFindProperty(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_BINARY, PR_BODY_HTML));
if (filedata != MAPI_UNDEFINED && filedata->size > 0)
partName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%s.html",];
data = [NSData dataWithBytes: filedata->data length: filedata->size];
[self bodyPartForData: data
withType: @"text"
andSubtype: @"html"];
// Create ics attachment
NSMutableString *vcalendar = [NSMutableString stringWithString: @"BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n"];
BOOL isRequest = [messageClass isEqualToString: @"IPM.Microsoft Schedule.MtgReq"];
if (isRequest)
[vcalendar appendString: @"METHOD:REQUEST\n"];
[vcalendar appendString: @"METHOD:REPLY\n"];
[vcalendar appendFormat: @"PRODID:-//Inverse inc./SOGo %@//EN\n", SOGoVersion];
[vcalendar appendString: @"VERSION:2.0\n"];
[vcalendar appendString: @"BEGIN:VEVENT\n"];
// UID
// TODO: Probably wrong, probably irrelevant
filedata = MAPIFindUserProp(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_BINARY, 0x3));
if (filedata == MAPI_UNDEFINED)
filedata = MAPIFindUserProp(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_BINARY, 0x23));
if (filedata != MAPI_UNDEFINED && filedata->size > 1)
int i;
[vcalendar appendString: @"UID:"];
for (i = 0; i < filedata->size; i++)
[vcalendar appendFormat: @"%02X", (unsigned char)filedata->data[i]];
[vcalendar appendString: @"\n"];
// Sequence
filedata = MAPIFindUserProp(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_LONG, 0x8201));
if (filedata != MAPI_UNDEFINED)
[vcalendar appendFormat: @"SEQUENCE:%i\n", (int)*filedata->data];
// Attendee email
if (isRequest)
// Organizer
filedata = MAPIFindProperty(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_BINARY, PR_SENDER_SEARCH_KEY));
if (filedata == MAPI_UNDEFINED)
filedata = MAPIFindProperty(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_UNICODE, PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS));
if (filedata != MAPI_UNDEFINED && filedata->size > 1)
NSArray *components;
NSString *email, *cn;
email = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *)filedata->data];
components = [email componentsSeparatedByString: @":"];
email = [components objectAtIndex: 0];
if ([components count] > 1)
cn = [components objectAtIndex: 1];
filedata = MAPIFindProperty(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_UNICODE, PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME));
if (filedata != MAPI_UNDEFINED && filedata->size > 1)
cn = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *)filedata->data];
cn = email;
[vcalendar appendFormat: @"ORGANIZER;cn=\"%@\":mailto:%@\n", cn, email];
// Attendees
filedata = MAPIFindUserProp(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_STRING8, UPR_TO_ATTENDEES_STRING));
if (filedata == MAPI_UNDEFINED)
filedata = MAPIFindUserProp(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_UNICODE, UPR_TO_ATTENDEES_STRING));
if (filedata == MAPI_UNDEFINED)
filedata = MAPIFindUserProp(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_STRING8, UPR_ALL_ATTENDEES_STRING));
if (filedata == MAPI_UNDEFINED)
filedata = MAPIFindUserProp(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_UNICODE, UPR_ALL_ATTENDEES_STRING));
if (filedata != MAPI_UNDEFINED && filedata->size > 1)
// Required attendees
value = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *)filedata->data];
list = [[value componentsSeparatedByString: @";"] objectEnumerator];
while ((attendee = [list nextObject]))
attendee = [attendee stringByTrimmingSpaces];
attendee, attendee];
// Optional attendees
filedata = MAPIFindUserProp(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_STRING8, UPR_CC_ATTENDEES_STRING));
if (filedata == MAPI_UNDEFINED)
filedata = MAPIFindUserProp(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_UNICODE, UPR_CC_ATTENDEES_STRING));
if (filedata != MAPI_UNDEFINED && filedata->size > 1)
value = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *)filedata->data];
if ([value length])
list = [[value componentsSeparatedByString: @";"] objectEnumerator];
while ((attendee = [list nextObject]))
attendee = [attendee stringByTrimmingSpaces];
attendee, attendee];
// Meeting response
filedata = MAPIFindProperty(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_UNICODE, PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS));
if (filedata == MAPI_UNDEFINED)
filedata = MAPIFindProperty(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_UNICODE, PR_SENDER_SMTP_ADDRESS));
if (filedata != MAPI_UNDEFINED && filedata->size > 1)
NSString *email, *cn, *partstat;
email = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *)filedata->data];
filedata = MAPIFindProperty(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_UNICODE, PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME));
if (filedata == MAPI_UNDEFINED)
filedata = MAPIFindProperty(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_UNICODE, PR_SENDER_NAME));
if (filedata != MAPI_UNDEFINED && filedata->size > 1)
cn = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *)filedata->data];
cn = email;
switch ([messageClass characterAtIndex: [messageClass length] - 1])
case 'N':
partstat = @"DECLINED";
case 'A':
partstat = @"TENTATIVE";
partstat = @"ACCEPTED";
[vcalendar appendFormat: @"ATTENDEE;PARTSTAT=%@;CN=\"%@\":MAILTO:%@\n", partstat, cn, email];
// Summary
filedata = MAPIFindProperty(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_STRING8, PR_CONVERSATION_TOPIC));
if (filedata == MAPI_UNDEFINED)
filedata = MAPIFindProperty(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_UNICODE, PR_CONVERSATION_TOPIC));
if (filedata != MAPI_UNDEFINED && filedata->size > 1)
[vcalendar appendFormat: @"SUMMARY:%@\n", [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *)filedata->data]];
// Description
filedata = MAPIFindProperty(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_STRING8, 0x3fd9));
if (filedata == MAPI_UNDEFINED)
filedata = MAPIFindProperty(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_UNICODE, 0x3fd9));
if (filedata != MAPI_UNDEFINED && filedata->size > 1)
[vcalendar appendFormat: @"DESCRIPTION:%@\n", [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *)filedata->data]];
// Location
filedata = MAPIFindUserProp(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_STRING8, 0x0002));
if (filedata == MAPI_UNDEFINED)
filedata = MAPIFindUserProp(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_STRING8, 0x8208));
if (filedata == MAPI_UNDEFINED)
filedata = MAPIFindUserProp(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_UNICODE, 0x0002));
if (filedata == MAPI_UNDEFINED)
filedata = MAPIFindUserProp(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_UNICODE, 0x8208));
if (filedata != MAPI_UNDEFINED && filedata->size > 1)
[vcalendar appendFormat: @"LOCATION: %@\n", [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *)filedata->data]];
// Date start
filedata = MAPIFindUserProp(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_SYSTIME, 0x820d));
if (filedata == MAPI_UNDEFINED)
filedata = MAPIFindUserProp(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_SYSTIME, 0x8516));
if (filedata != MAPI_UNDEFINED && filedata->size > 1)
MAPISysTimetoDTR(filedata->data, &datetime);
[vcalendar appendFormat: @"DTSTART:%04i%02i%02iT%02i%02i%02iZ\n",
datetime.wYear, datetime.wMonth, datetime.wDay, datetime.wHour, datetime.wMinute, datetime.wSecond];
// Date end
filedata = MAPIFindUserProp(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_SYSTIME, 0x820e));
if (filedata == MAPI_UNDEFINED)
filedata = MAPIFindUserProp(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_SYSTIME, 0x8517));
if (filedata != MAPI_UNDEFINED && filedata->size > 1)
MAPISysTimetoDTR(filedata->data, &datetime);
[vcalendar appendFormat: @"DTEND:%04i%02i%02iT%02i%02i%02iZ\n",
datetime.wYear, datetime.wMonth, datetime.wDay, datetime.wHour, datetime.wMinute, datetime.wSecond];
// Date stamp
filedata = MAPIFindUserProp(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_SYSTIME, 0x8202));
if (filedata == MAPI_UNDEFINED)
filedata = MAPIFindUserProp(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_SYSTIME, 0x001a));
if (filedata != MAPI_UNDEFINED && filedata->size > 1)
MAPISysTimetoDTR(filedata->data, &datetime);
[vcalendar appendFormat: @"DTSTAMP:%04i%02i%02iT%02i%02i%02iZ\n",
datetime.wYear, datetime.wMonth, datetime.wDay, datetime.wHour, datetime.wMinute, datetime.wSecond];
// Classification
filedata = MAPIFindUserProp(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_BOOLEAN, 0x8506));
if (filedata != MAPI_UNDEFINED)
classification = (DDWORD *)filedata->data;
if (*classification == 1)
[vcalendar appendString: @"CLASS:PRIVATE\n"];
[vcalendar appendString: @"CLASS:PUBLIC\n"];
// Repeating rule
filedata = MAPIFindUserProp(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_BINARY, 0x8216));
if (filedata != MAPI_UNDEFINED && filedata->size >= 0x1F)
NSMutableString *rrule = [NSMutableString string];
unsigned char *recurData = filedata->data;
// [vcalendar appendString: @"RRULE:FREQ="];
if (recurData[0x04] == 0x0A)
[rrule appendString: @"DAILY"];
if (recurData[0x16] == 0x23 || recurData[0x16] == 0x22 || recurData[0x16] == 0x21)
filedata = MAPIFindUserProp(&(tnef.MapiProperties), PROP_TAG(PT_I2, 0x0011));
if (filedata != MAPI_UNDEFINED)
[rrule appendFormat: @";INTERVAL=%d", *(filedata->data)];
if (recurData[0x16] == 0x22 || recurData[0x16] == 0x21)
[rrule appendFormat: @";COUNT=%d", GetRruleCount(recurData[0x1B], recurData[0x1A])];
else if (recurData[0x16] == 0x3E)
[rrule appendString: @";BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR"];
if (recurData[0x1A] == 0x22 || recurData[0x1A] == 0x21)
[rrule appendFormat: @";COUNT=%d", GetRruleCount(recurData[0x1F], recurData[0x1E])];
else if (recurData[0x04] == 0x0B)
[rrule appendFormat: @"WEEKLY;INTERVAL=%d;BYDAY=%s", recurData[0x0E], GetRruleDayname(recurData[0x16])];
if (recurData[0x1A] == 0x22 || recurData[0x1A] == 0x21)
[rrule appendFormat: @";COUNT=%d", GetRruleCount(recurData[0x1F], recurData[0x1E])];
else if (recurData[0x04] == 0x0C)
[rrule appendString: @"MONTHLY"];
if (recurData[0x06] == 0x02)
[rrule appendFormat: @";INTERVAL=%d;BYMONTHDAY=%d", recurData[0x0E], recurData[0x16]];
if (recurData[0x1A] == 0x22 || recurData[0x1A] == 0x21)
[rrule appendFormat: @";COUNT=%d", GetRruleCount(recurData[0x1F], recurData[0x1E])];
else if (recurData[0x06] == 0x03)
[rrule appendFormat: @";BYDAY=%s;BYSETPOS=%d;INTERVAL=%d",
recurData[0x1A] == 0x05 ? -1 : recurData[0x1A],
if (recurData[0x1E] == 0x22 || recurData[0x1E] == 0x21)
[rrule appendFormat: @";COUNT=%d", GetRruleCount(recurData[0x23], recurData[0x22])];
else if (recurData[0x04] == 0x0D)
[rrule appendFormat: @"YEARLY;BYMONTH=%d", GetRruleMonthNum(recurData[0x0A], recurData[0x0B])];
if (recurData[0x06] == 0x02)
[rrule appendFormat: @";BYMONTHDAY=%d", recurData[0x16]];
else if (recurData[0x06] == 0x03)
[rrule appendFormat: @";BYDAY=%s;BYSETPOS=%d",
recurData[0x1A] == 0x05 ? -1 : recurData[0x1A]];
if (recurData[0x1E] == 0x22 || recurData[0x1E] == 0x21)
[rrule appendFormat: @";COUNT=%d", GetRruleCount(recurData[0x23], recurData[0x22])];
if ([rrule length])
[vcalendar appendFormat: @"RRULE:FREQ=%@\n", rrule];
[vcalendar appendString: @"END:VEVENT\n"];
[vcalendar appendString: @"END:VCALENDAR"];
if (debugOn)
NSLog(@"TNEF reconstructed vCalendar:\n%@", vcalendar);
[self bodyPartForData: [vcalendar dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]
withType: @"text"
andSubtype: @"calendar"];
// Other classes to handle:
// IPM.Contact
// IPM.Task
// IPM.Microsoft Schedule.MtgCncl
// IPM.Appointment
Attachment *p;
BOOL isObject, isRealAttachment;
p =;
while (p != NULL)
if (p->FileData.size > 0)
isObject = YES;
// See if the contents are stored as "attached data" inside the MAPI blocks.
filedata = MAPIFindProperty(&(p->MAPI), PROP_TAG(PT_OBJECT, PR_ATTACH_DATA_OBJ));
if (filedata == MAPI_UNDEFINED)
// Nope, standard TNEF stuff.
filedata = &(p->FileData);
isObject = NO;
// See if this is an embedded TNEF stream.
isRealAttachment = YES;
TNEFStruct emb_tnef;
DWORD object_signature;
if (isObject)
// This is an "embedded object", so skip the 16-byte identifier first.
memcpy(&object_signature, filedata->data + 16, sizeof(DWORD));
if (TNEFCheckForSignature(object_signature) == 0) {
emb_tnef.Debug = tnef.Debug;
if (TNEFParseMemory(filedata->data + 16, filedata->size - 16, &emb_tnef) != -1)
isRealAttachment = NO;
memcpy(&object_signature, filedata->data, sizeof(DWORD));
if (TNEFCheckForSignature(object_signature) == 0) {
emb_tnef.Debug = tnef.Debug;
if (TNEFParseMemory(filedata->data, filedata->size, &emb_tnef) != -1)
isRealAttachment = NO;
if (isRealAttachment)
// Ok, it's not an embedded stream, so now we process it.
attachmentName = MAPIFindProperty(&(p->MAPI), PROP_TAG(PT_STRING8, PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME));
if (attachmentName == MAPI_UNDEFINED)
attachmentName = MAPIFindProperty(&(p->MAPI), PROP_TAG(PT_STRING8, PR_DISPLAY_NAME));
if (attachmentName == MAPI_UNDEFINED)
attachmentName = MAPIFindProperty(&(p->MAPI), PROP_TAG(PT_STRING8, PR_ATTACH_TRANSPORT_NAME));
if (attachmentName == MAPI_UNDEFINED)
attachmentName = &(p->Title);
// MAPIPrint(&p->MAPI);
variableLength *prop;
if (attachmentName->size > 1)
partName = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *)attachmentName->data];
type = @"application";
subtype = @"octet-stream";
if (prop != MAPI_UNDEFINED)
NSString *mime = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *)prop->data];
NSArray *pair = [mime componentsSeparatedByString: @"/"];
if ([pair count] == 2)
type = [pair objectAtIndex: 0];
subtype = [pair objectAtIndex: 1];
[self warnWithFormat: @"Unexpected MIME type %@", mime];
if (prop != MAPI_UNDEFINED)
NSString *ext = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *)prop->data];
if ([ext caseInsensitiveCompare: @".txt"] == NSOrderedSame)
type = @"text";
subtype = @"plain";
[self warnWithFormat: @"Unidentified extension %@", ext];
NSString *cid = partName;
prop = MAPIFindProperty(&(p->MAPI), PROP_TAG(PT_UNICODE, 0x3712)); // PR_CONTENT_IDENTIFIER?
if (prop != MAPI_UNDEFINED)
cid = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (const char *)prop->data];
NSData *attachment;
if (isObject)
attachment = [NSData dataWithBytes: filedata->data + 16 length: filedata->size - 16];
attachment = [NSData dataWithBytes: filedata->data length: filedata->size];
[self bodyPartForAttachment: attachment
withName: partName
andType: type
andSubtype: subtype
andContentId: cid];
// count++;
} // if isRealAttachment
} // if size>0
p = p->next;
- (void) setPart: (NGMimeBodyPart *) newPart
ASSIGN (part, newPart);
if (newPart)
[self setFilename: [[newPart bodyInfo] filename]];
[self setPartInfo: [newPart bodyInfo]];
[self setFilename: nil];
[self setPartInfo: nil];
- (void) setFilename: (NSString *) newFilename
ASSIGN (filename, newFilename);
- (void) setPartInfo: (id) newPartInfo
ASSIGN (partInfo, newPartInfo);
- (NSString *) contentDispositionForAttachmentWithName: (NSString *) _name
andSize: (NSNumber *) _size
andContentType: (NSString *) _type
NSString *cdtype, *cd;
if (([_type caseInsensitiveCompare: @"image"] == NSOrderedSame) ||
([_type caseInsensitiveCompare: @"message"] == NSOrderedSame))
cdtype = @"inline";
cdtype = @"attachment";
cd = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@; filename=\"%@\"; size=%i;",
cdtype, [_name stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\"" withString:@"\\\""], [_size intValue]];
return cd;
- (NGMimeBodyPart *) bodyPartForData: (NSData *) _data
withType: (NSString *) _type
andSubtype: (NSString *) _subtype
NGMutableHashMap *map;
NGMimeBodyPart *bodyPart;
NSData *content;
id body;
if (_data == nil) return nil;
/* check attachment */
/* prepare header of body part */
map = [[[NGMutableHashMap alloc] initWithCapacity: 4] autorelease];
// Content-Type
[map setObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/%@", _type, _subtype]
forKey: @"content-type"];
/* prepare body content */
content = [NSData dataWithBytes: [_data bytes] length: [_data length]];
[map setObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt: [content length]]
forKey: @"content-length"];
/* Note: the -init method will create a temporary file! */
body = [[[NGMimeFileData alloc] initWithBytes: [content bytes]
length: [content length]] autorelease];
bodyPart = [[[NGMimeBodyPart alloc] initWithHeader: map] autorelease];
[bodyPart setBody: body];
[bodyParts addBodyPart: bodyPart];
return bodyPart;
- (NGMimeBodyPart *) bodyPartForAttachment: (NSData *) _data
withName: (NSString *) _name
andType: (NSString *) _type
andSubtype: (NSString *) _subtype
andContentId: (NSString *) _cid
NGMutableHashMap *map;
NGMimeBodyPart *bodyPart;
NSData *content;
NSString *s;
id body;
if (_name == nil) return nil;
/* prepare header of body part */
map = [[[NGMutableHashMap alloc] initWithCapacity: 4] autorelease];
// Content-Type
[map setObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/%@", _type, _subtype]
forKey: @"content-type"];
// Content-Id
[map setObject: _cid
forKey: @"content-id"];
// Content-Disposition
s = [self contentDispositionForAttachmentWithName: _name
andSize: [NSNumber numberWithLong: [_data length]]
andContentType: _type];
NGMimeContentDispositionHeaderField *o;
o = [[NGMimeContentDispositionHeaderField alloc] initWithString: s];
[map setObject: o forKey: @"content-disposition"];
[o release];
/* prepare body content */
content = [NSData dataWithBytes: [_data bytes] length: [_data length]];
[map setObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt: [content length]]
forKey: @"content-length"];
/* Note: the -init method will create a temporary file! */
body = [[NGMimeFileData alloc] initWithBytes: [content bytes]
length: [content length]];
bodyPart = [[[NGMimeBodyPart alloc] initWithHeader: map] autorelease];
[bodyPart setBody: body];
[body release];
[bodyParts addBodyPart: bodyPart];
return bodyPart;
@end /* SOGoTNEFMailBodyPart */