Juan Vallés 376e717f45 oc-calendar: Use the calendar's time zone if it is present
If the event was created by the MAPI client, the client's time zone (if
present) is assigned to the event's calendar in iCalEvent+MAPIStore.
This way, we can use it to deliver the event's properties correctly.
2015-12-23 17:27:10 +01:00

378 lines
12 KiB

/* iCalTimeZone+MAPIStore.m - this file is part of SOGo
* Copyright (C) 2012 Inverse inc
* Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSCalendarDate.h>
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
#import <Foundation/NSTimeZone.h>
#import <NGCards/iCalByDayMask.h>
#import <NGCards/iCalDateTime.h>
#import <NGCards/iCalTimeZonePeriod.h>
#import <NGCards/iCalRecurrenceRule.h>
#import "NSString+MAPIStore.h"
#import "NSData+MAPIStore.h"
#import "NSDate+MAPIStore.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <talloc.h>
#undef DEBUG
#include <libmapi/libmapi.h>
#import "iCalTimeZone+MAPIStore.h"
#import "MAPIStoreTypes.h"
@interface iCalTimeZonePeriod (MAPIStorePropertiesPrivate)
- (void) _fillTZDate: (struct SYSTEMTIME *) tzData;
@implementation iCalTimeZonePeriod (MAPIStorePropertiesPrivate)
- (void) _fillTZDate: (struct SYSTEMTIME *) tzData
iCalRecurrenceRule *rrule;
NSArray *byMonth;
iCalByDayMask *mask;
NSCalendarDate *dateValue;
int16_t wDay;
rrule = [self recurrenceRule];
byMonth = [rrule byMonth];
if ([byMonth count] > 0)
tzData->wMonth = [[byMonth objectAtIndex: 0] intValue];
mask = [rrule byDayMask];
tzData->wDayOfWeek = [mask firstDay];
wDay = [mask firstOccurrence];
if (wDay < 0)
/* [MS-OXOCAL] the wDay field is set to indicate the
occurrence of the day of the week within the month (1 to
5, where 5 indicates the final occurrence during the
month if that day of the week does not occur 5 times). */
wDay += 6;
tzData->wDay = (uint16_t) wDay;
dateValue = [self startDate];
tzData->wHour = [dateValue hourOfDay];
tzData->wMinute = [dateValue minuteOfHour];
tzData->wSecond = [dateValue secondOfMinute];
@implementation iCalTimeZone (MAPIStoreProperties)
- (iCalTimeZonePeriod *) _mostRecentPeriodWithName: (NSString *) periodName
NSArray *periods;
iCalTimeZonePeriod *period;
NSUInteger max;
periods = [self childrenWithTag: periodName];
max = [periods count];
if (max > 0)
periods = [periods sortedArrayUsingSelector: @selector (compare:)];
period = (iCalTimeZonePeriod *) [periods objectAtIndex: (max - 1)];
period = nil;
return period;
- (struct Binary_r *) asTimeZoneStructInMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx
iCalTimeZonePeriod *period;
struct TimeZoneStruct tz;
int32_t lBias, dlBias;
memset (&tz, 0, sizeof (struct TimeZoneStruct));
period = [self _mostRecentPeriodWithName: @"STANDARD"];
lBias = -[period secondsOffsetFromGMT] / 60;
tz.lBias = lBias;
[period _fillTZDate: &tz.stStandardDate];
period = [self _mostRecentPeriodWithName: @"DAYLIGHT"];
if (!period)
tz.stStandardDate.wMonth = 0;
dlBias = -([period secondsOffsetFromGMT] / 60) - lBias;
tz.lDaylightBias = dlBias;
[period _fillTZDate: &tz.stDaylightDate];
tz.wStandardYear = tz.stStandardDate.wYear;
tz.wDaylightYear = tz.stDaylightDate.wYear;
return set_TimeZoneStruct (memCtx, &tz);
- (struct Binary_r *) asZoneTimeDefinitionWithFlags: (enum TZRuleFlag) flags
inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx
iCalTimeZonePeriod *period;
struct TimeZoneDefinition definition;
struct TZRule rule;
NSString *tzId;
int lBias, dlBias;
memset (&definition, 0, sizeof (struct TimeZoneDefinition));
definition.major = 0x02;
definition.minor = 0x01;
definition.reserved = 0x0002;
tzId = [self tzId];
definition.keyName = [tzId asUnicodeInMemCtx: memCtx];
definition.cbHeader = 6 + [tzId length] * 2;
definition.cRules = 1;
definition.TZRules = &rule;
memset (&rule, 0, sizeof (struct TZRule));
rule.major = 0x02;
rule.minor = 0x01;
rule.reserved = 0x003e;
rule.flags = flags;
period = [self _mostRecentPeriodWithName: @"STANDARD"];
rule.wYear = [[period startDate] yearOfCommonEra];
lBias = -[period secondsOffsetFromGMT] / 60;
rule.lBias = lBias;
[period _fillTZDate: &rule.stStandardDate];
period = [self _mostRecentPeriodWithName: @"DAYLIGHT"];
if (!period)
rule.stStandardDate.wMonth = 0;
dlBias = -([period secondsOffsetFromGMT] / 60) - lBias;
rule.lDaylightBias = dlBias;
[period _fillTZDate: &rule.stDaylightDate];
return set_TimeZoneDefinition (memCtx, &definition);
- (NSString *) _offsetStringFromOffset: (NSInteger) offset
NSInteger offsetHours, offsetMins;
NSString *offsetSign;
/* The offset format is, eg, "+0200" for 2 hours 0 minutes ahead */
if (offset < 0)
offsetSign = @"-";
offsetSign = @"+";
offsetHours = abs (offset) / 60;
offsetMins = abs (offset) % 60;
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%d%d%d%d",
offsetSign, offsetHours / 10, offsetHours % 10,
offsetMins / 10, offsetMins % 10];
- (NSString *) _rRuleStringFromSystemTime: (struct SYSTEMTIME) date
NSString *result, *byDay;
/* The conversion tables between the SYSTEMTIME fields and the RRULE ones
can be found at [MS-OXCICAL] */
if (date.wDay == 5)
byDay = @"-1";
byDay = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", date.wDay];
switch (date.wDayOfWeek)
case iCalWeekDaySunday:
byDay = [byDay stringByAppendingString: @"SU"];
case iCalWeekDayMonday:
byDay = [byDay stringByAppendingString: @"MO"];
case iCalWeekDayTuesday:
byDay = [byDay stringByAppendingString: @"TU"];
case iCalWeekDayWednesday:
byDay = [byDay stringByAppendingString: @"WE"];
case iCalWeekDayThursday:
byDay = [byDay stringByAppendingString: @"TH"];
case iCalWeekDayFriday:
byDay = [byDay stringByAppendingString: @"FR"];
case iCalWeekDaySaturday:
byDay = [byDay stringByAppendingString: @"SA"];
result = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=%@;BYMONTH=%d", byDay, date.wMonth];
return result;
- (iCalTimeZone *) iCalTimeZoneFromDefinition: (NSData *) value
withDescription: (NSString *) description
inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx
BOOL daylightDefined = NO, ruleFound = NO;
iCalDateTime *daylightStart, *standardStart;
iCalRecurrenceRule *daylightRRule, *standardRRule;
iCalTimeZone *tz = nil;
iCalTimeZonePeriod *daylight, *standard;
NSCalendarDate *dlStartValue, *stStartValue;
NSString *strOffsetFrom, *strOffsetTo, *tzID;
char *keyName;
struct Binary_r *binValue;
struct SYSTEMTIME initDate;
struct TimeZoneDefinition *definition;
struct TZRule rule;
uint16_t count;
binValue = [value asBinaryInMemCtx: memCtx];
definition = get_TimeZoneDefinition (memCtx, binValue);
if (!definition)
return nil;
if (!definition->cRules)
goto end;
for (count = 0; count < definition->cRules; count++)
/* ([MS-OXCICAL] The TZRule with the
TZRULE_FLAG_EFFECTIVE_TZREG bit set in the TZRule flags field
is the one that MUST be exported */
if (definition->TZRules[count].flags & TZRULE_FLAG_EFFECTIVE_TZREG)
rule = definition->TZRules[count];
ruleFound = YES;
if (!ruleFound)
goto end;
if (!description)
/* The cbHeader field contains the size, in bytes of the Reserved (2b),
cchKeyName (2b) keyName (variable Unicode string) and cRules (2b)
([MS-OXOCAL] The keyName field is a non-NULL-terminated
char array. */
keyName = talloc_strndup (memCtx, definition->keyName, (definition->cbHeader - 6) / 2);
tzID = [NSString stringWithCString: keyName
encoding: [NSString defaultCStringEncoding]];
talloc_free (keyName);
tzID = [NSString stringWithString: description];
tz = [iCalTimeZone groupWithTag: @"vtimezone"];
[tz addChild: [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"tzid"
value: tzID]];
if (rule.stStandardDate.wMonth != 0)
daylightDefined = YES;
standard = [iCalTimeZonePeriod groupWithTag: @"standard"];
/* TZOFFSETFROM = -1 * (PidLidTimeZoneStruct.lBias + PidLidTimeZoneStruct.lDaylightBias) */
strOffsetFrom = [self _offsetStringFromOffset: -1 * (rule.lBias + rule.lDaylightBias)];
[standard addChild: [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"tzoffsetfrom"
value: strOffsetFrom]];
/* TZOFFSETTO = -1 * (PidLidTimeZoneStruct.lBias + PidLidTimeZoneStruct.lStandardBias) */
strOffsetTo = [self _offsetStringFromOffset: -1 * (rule.lBias + rule.lStandardBias)];
[standard addChild: [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"tzoffsetto"
value: strOffsetTo]];
/* DTSTART & RRULE are derived from the stStandardDate and wYear properties */
standardStart = [iCalDateTime elementWithTag: @"dtstart"];
initDate = rule.stStandardDate;
stStartValue = [NSCalendarDate dateFromSystemTime: initDate
andRuleYear: rule.wYear];
[standardStart setDateTime: stStartValue];
[standard addChild: standardStart];
if (daylightDefined)
standardRRule = [[iCalRecurrenceRule alloc] initWithString: [self _rRuleStringFromSystemTime: initDate]];
[standard addChild: standardRRule];
daylight = [iCalTimeZonePeriod groupWithTag: @"daylight"];
/* TZOFFSETFROM = -1 * (PidLidTimeZoneStruct.lBias + PidLidTimeZoneStruct.lStandardBias) */
[daylight addChild: [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"tzoffsetfrom"
value: strOffsetTo]];
/* TZOFFSETTO = -1 * (PidLidTimeZoneStruct.lBias + PidLidTimeZoneStruct.lDaylightBias) */
[daylight addChild: [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"tzoffsetto"
value: strOffsetFrom]];
/* DTSTART & RRULE are derived from the stDaylightDate and wYear properties */
daylightStart = [iCalDateTime elementWithTag: @"dtstart"];
initDate = rule.stDaylightDate;
dlStartValue = [NSCalendarDate dateFromSystemTime: initDate
andRuleYear: rule.wYear];
[daylightStart setDateTime: dlStartValue];
[daylight addChild: daylightStart];
daylightRRule = [[iCalRecurrenceRule alloc] initWithString: [self _rRuleStringFromSystemTime: initDate]];
[daylight addChild: daylightRRule];
[tz addChild: daylight];
[tz addChild: standard];
talloc_free (definition);
return tz;
* Adjust a date in this vTimeZone to its representation in UTC
* Example: Timezone is +0001, the date is 2015-12-15 00:00:00 +0000
* it returns 2015-12-14 23:00:00 +0000
* @param date the date to adjust to the timezone.
* @return a new GMT date adjusted with the offset of the timezone.
- (NSCalendarDate *) shiftedCalendarDateForDate: (NSCalendarDate *) date
NSCalendarDate *tmpDate;
tmpDate = [date copy];
[tmpDate autorelease];
[tmpDate setTimeZone: utcTZ];
return [tmpDate addYear: 0 month: 0 day: 0
hour: 0 minute: 0
second: -[[self periodForDate: tmpDate] secondsOffsetFromGMT]];