2015-06-12 11:42:37 -04:00

238 lines
7.3 KiB

/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
(function() {
'use strict';
* @name Component
* @constructor
* @param {object} futureComponentData - either an object literal or a promise
function Component(futureComponentData) {
// Data is immediately available
if (typeof futureComponentData.then !== 'function') {
angular.extend(this, futureComponentData);
else {
// The promise will be unwrapped first
* @memberof Component
* @desc The factory we'll use to register with Angular
* @returns the Component constructor
Component.$factory = ['$q', '$timeout', '$log', 'sgSettings', 'sgResource', function($q, $timeout, $log, Settings, Resource) {
angular.extend(Component, {
$q: $q,
$timeout: $timeout,
$log: $log,
$$resource: new Resource(Settings.baseURL, Settings.activeUser)
return Component; // return constructor
* @module SOGo.SchedulerUI
* @desc Factory registration of Component in Angular module.
/* Factory registration in Angular module */
.factory('sgComponent', Component.$factory);
* @function $filter
* @memberof Component.prototype
* @desc Search for components matching some criterias
* @param {string} type - Either 'events' or 'tasks'
* @param {object} [options] - additional options to the query
* @returns a collection of Components instances
Component.$filter = function(type, options) {
var _this = this,
now = new Date(),
day = now.getDate(),
month = now.getMonth() + 1,
year = now.getFullYear(),
defaultParams = {
search: 'title_Category_Location',
day: '' + year + (month < 10?'0':'') + month + (day < 10?'0':'') + day,
filterpopup: 'view_thismonth'
if (angular.isUndefined(this.$filterOptions))
this.$filterOptions = defaultParams;
if (options)
angular.extend(this.$filterOptions, options);
var futureComponentData = this.$$resource.fetch(null, type + 'list', this.$filterOptions);
return this.$unwrapCollection(type, futureComponentData);
* @function $eventsBlocksForView
* @memberof Component.prototype
* @desc Events blocks for a specific week
* @param {string} view - Either 'day' or 'week'
* @param {Date} type - Date of any day of the desired period
* @returns a promise of a collection of objects describing the events blocks
Component.$eventsBlocksForView = function(view, date) {
var viewAction, startDate, endDate, params;
if (view == 'day') {
viewAction = 'dayView';
startDate = endDate = date;
else if (view == 'week') {
viewAction = 'weekView';
startDate = date.beginOfWeek();
endDate = new Date();
return this.$eventsBlocks(viewAction, startDate, endDate);
* @function $eventsBlocks
* @memberof Component.prototype
* @desc Events blocks for a specific view and period
* @param {string} view - Either 'day' or 'week'
* @param {Date} startDate - period's start date
* @param {Date} endDate - period's end date
* @returns a promise of a collection of objects describing the events blocks
Component.$eventsBlocks = function(view, startDate, endDate) {
var params, futureComponentData, i,
deferred = Component.$q.defer();
params = { view: view, sd: startDate.getDayString(), ed: endDate.getDayString() };
Component.$log.debug('eventsblocks ' + JSON.stringify(params, undefined, 2));
futureComponentData = this.$$resource.fetch(null, 'eventsblocks', params);
futureComponentData.then(function(data) {
Component.$timeout(function() {
var components = [], blocks = {};
// Instantiate Component objects
_.reduce(, function(objects, eventData, i) {
var componentData = _.object(data.eventsFields, eventData),
start = new Date(componentData.c_startdate * 1000);
componentData.hour = start.getHourString();
objects.push(new Component(componentData));
return objects;
}, components);
// Associate Component objects to blocks positions
_.each(_.flatten(data.blocks), function(block) {
block.component = components[block.nbr];
// Convert array of blocks to object with days as keys
for (i = 0; i < data.blocks.length; i++) {
blocks[startDate.getDayString()] = data.blocks[i];
Component.$log.debug('blocks ready (' + _.keys(blocks).length + ')');
// Save the blocks to the object model
Component.$blocks = blocks;
}, deferred.reject);
return deferred.promise;
* @function $unwrap
* @memberof Comonent.prototype
* @desc Unwrap a promise and instanciate new Component objects using received data.
* @param {promise} futureComponentData - a promise of the components' metadata
* @returns a promise of the HTTP operation
Component.$unwrapCollection = function(type, futureComponentData) {
var _this = this,
deferred = Component.$q.defer(),
components = [];
futureComponentData.then(function(data) {
Component.$timeout(function() {
var fields = _.invoke(data.fields, 'toLowerCase');
// Instanciate Component objects
_.reduce(data[type], function(components, componentData, i) {
var data = _.object(fields, componentData);
components.push(new Component(data));
return components;
}, components);
Component.$log.debug('list of ' + type + ' ready (' + components.length + ')');
// Save the list of components to the object model
Component['$' + type] = components;
}, function(data) {
return deferred.promise;
* @function $unwrap
* @memberof Component.prototype
* @desc Unwrap a promise.
* @param {promise} futureComponentData - a promise of some of the Component's data
Component.prototype.$unwrap = function(futureComponentData) {
var _this = this,
deferred = Component.$q.defer();
// Expose the promise
this.$futureComponentData = futureComponentData;
// Resolve the promise
this.$futureComponentData.then(function(data) {
// Calling $timeout will force Angular to refresh the view
Component.$timeout(function() {
angular.extend(_this, data);
}, function(data) {
angular.extend(_this, data);
_this.isError = true;
return deferred.promise;
* @function $omit
* @memberof Component.prototype
* @desc Return a sanitized object used to send to the server.
* @return an object literal copy of the Component instance
Component.prototype.$omit = function() {
var component = {};
angular.forEach(this, function(value, key) {
if (key != 'constructor' && key[0] != '$') {
component[key] = value;
return component;