Robin McCorkell b0633ba1f4 Add check for remote_user variable for trusted proxy auth
If trusted proxy authentication is on, yet the proxy did not authenticate the
user, then the default authentication method is used instead of returning 'Unauthorized'.
2014-11-24 09:43:28 +00:00

597 lines
15 KiB

Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Inverse inc.
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 SKYRIX Software AG
This file is part of SOGo
SOGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
later version.
SOGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.
#import <Foundation/NSAutoreleasePool.h>
#import <Foundation/NSDebug.h>
#import <Foundation/NSData.h>
#import <Foundation/NSDate.h>
#import <Foundation/NSEnumerator.h>
#import <Foundation/NSProcessInfo.h>
#import <Foundation/NSRunLoop.h>
#import <Foundation/NSURL.h>
#import <GDLAccess/EOAdaptorChannel.h>
#import <GDLContentStore/GCSChannelManager.h>
#import <GDLContentStore/GCSFolderManager.h>
#import <GDLContentStore/GCSAlarmsFolder.h>
#import <GDLContentStore/GCSSessionsFolder.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/SoClassSecurityInfo.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/WOContext.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/WORequest+So.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/WOResponse.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NGBundleManager.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NGLogger.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NGLoggerManager.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSNull+misc.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSObject+Logs.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSProcessInfo+misc.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSString+Encoding.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSString+misc.h>
#import <WEExtensions/WEResourceManager.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoBuild.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoCache.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoDAVAuthenticator.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoPermissions.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoPublicBaseFolder.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoProductLoader.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoProxyAuthenticator.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoUserFolder.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoUser.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoSystemDefaults.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoWebAuthenticator.h>
#import <SOGo/WORequest+SOGo.h>
#import <SOGo/WOResourceManager+SOGo.h>
#import <SOGo/NSObject+DAV.h>
#import "NSException+Stacktrace.h"
#import "SOGo.h"
#warning might be useful to have a SOGoObject-derived proxy class for \
handling requests and avoid duplicating methods
@implementation SOGo
static unsigned int vMemSizeLimit;
static BOOL doCrashOnSessionCreate;
static BOOL hasCheckedTables;
static BOOL debugRequests;
static BOOL useRelativeURLs;
static BOOL trustProxyAuthentication;
static BOOL debugLeaks;
+ (void) logWithFormat: (NSString *) format, ...
static NGLogger *sogoLogger = nil;
NGLoggerManager *lmgr;
va_list ap;
if (!sogoLogger)
lmgr = [NGLoggerManager defaultLoggerManager];
sogoLogger = [lmgr loggerForClass: [self class]];
va_start (ap, format);
[sogoLogger logWithFormat: format arguments:ap];
va_end (ap);
+ (void) applicationWillStart
SOGoSystemDefaults *defaults;
SoClassSecurityInfo *sInfo;
NSArray *basicRoles;
[self logWithFormat: @"version %@ (build %@) -- starting",
SOGoVersion, SOGoBuildDate];
defaults = [SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults];
doCrashOnSessionCreate = [defaults crashOnSessionCreate];
debugRequests = [defaults debugRequests];
debugLeaks = [defaults debugLeaks];
if (debugLeaks)
[self logWithFormat: @"activating leak debugging"];
/* vMem size check - default is 384MB */
vMemSizeLimit = [defaults vmemLimit];
if (vMemSizeLimit > 0)
[self logWithFormat: @"vmem size check enabled: shutting down app when "
@"vmem > %d MB", vMemSizeLimit];
/* SoClass security declarations */
sInfo = [self soClassSecurityInfo];
/* to allow public access to all contained objects (subkeys) */
[sInfo setDefaultAccess: @"allow"];
/* require Authenticated role for View and WebDAV */
basicRoles = [NSArray arrayWithObject: SoRole_Authenticated];
[sInfo declareRoles: basicRoles asDefaultForPermission: SoPerm_View];
[sInfo declareRoles: basicRoles asDefaultForPermission: SoPerm_WebDAVAccess];
trustProxyAuthentication = [defaults trustProxyAuthentication];
useRelativeURLs = [defaults useRelativeURLs];
/* ensure core SoClass'es are setup */
[$(@"SOGoObject") soClass];
[$(@"SOGoContentObject") soClass];
[$(@"SOGoFolder") soClass];
/* load products */
[[SOGoProductLoader productLoader] loadAllProducts];
- (id) init
if ((self = [super init]))
WOResourceManager *rm;
/* setup resource manager */
rm = [[WEResourceManager alloc] init];
[self setResourceManager:rm];
[rm release];
return self;
#warning the following methods should be replaced with helpers in GCSSpecialQueries
- (NSString *) _sqlScriptForTable: (NSString *) tableName
withType: (NSString *) tableType
andFileSuffix: (NSString *) fileSuffix
NSString *tableFile, *descFile;
NGBundleManager *bm;
NSBundle *bundle;
unsigned int length;
bm = [NGBundleManager defaultBundleManager];
bundle = [bm bundleWithName: @"MainUI" type: @"SOGo"];
length = [tableType length] - 3;
tableFile = [tableType substringToIndex: length];
= [bundle pathForResource: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@-%@",
tableFile, fileSuffix]
ofType: @"sql"];
if (!descFile)
descFile = [bundle pathForResource: tableFile ofType: @"sql"];
return [[NSString stringWithContentsOfFile: descFile]
stringByReplacingString: @"@{tableName}"
withString: tableName];
- (void) _checkTableWithCM: (GCSChannelManager *) cm
tableURL: (NSString *) url
andType: (NSString *) tableType
NSString *tableName, *fileSuffix, *tableScript;
EOAdaptorChannel *tc;
NSURL *channelURL;
channelURL = [NSURL URLWithString: url];
fileSuffix = [channelURL scheme];
tc = [cm acquireOpenChannelForURL: channelURL];
/* FIXME: make use of [EOChannelAdaptor describeTableNames] instead */
tableName = [url lastPathComponent];
if ([tc evaluateExpressionX:
[NSString stringWithFormat: @"SELECT count(*) FROM %@",
tableScript = [self _sqlScriptForTable: tableName
withType: tableType
andFileSuffix: fileSuffix];
if (![tc evaluateExpressionX: tableScript])
[self logWithFormat: @"table '%@' successfully created!", tableName];
[tc cancelFetch];
[cm releaseChannel: tc];
- (BOOL) _checkMandatoryTables
GCSChannelManager *cm;
GCSFolderManager *fm;
NSString *urlStrings[] = {@"SOGoProfileURL", @"OCSFolderInfoURL", nil};
NSString **urlString;
NSString *value;
SOGoSystemDefaults *defaults;
BOOL ok;
defaults = [SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults];
ok = YES;
cm = [GCSChannelManager defaultChannelManager];
urlString = urlStrings;
while (ok && *urlString)
value = [defaults stringForKey: *urlString];
if (value)
[self _checkTableWithCM: cm tableURL: value andType: *urlString];
NSLog (@"No value specified for '%@'", *urlString);
ok = NO;
if (ok)
fm = [GCSFolderManager defaultFolderManager];
// Create the sessions table
[[fm sessionsFolder] createFolderIfNotExists];
// Create the email alarms table, if required
if ([defaults enableEMailAlarms])
[[fm alarmsFolder] createFolderIfNotExists];
return ok;
- (void) run
if (!hasCheckedTables)
hasCheckedTables = YES;
[self _checkMandatoryTables];
[super run];
/* authenticator */
- (id) authenticatorInContext: (WOContext *) context
id authenticator;
if (trustProxyAuthentication && [[context request] headerForKey: @"x-webobjects-remote-user"])
authenticator = [SOGoProxyAuthenticator sharedSOGoProxyAuthenticator];
if ([[context request] handledByDefaultHandler])
authenticator = [SOGoWebAuthenticator sharedSOGoWebAuthenticator];
authenticator = [SOGoDAVAuthenticator sharedSOGoDAVAuthenticator];
return authenticator;
/* name lookup */
- (id) lookupUser: (NSString *) _key
inContext: (id)_ctx
SOGoUser *user;
id userFolder;
user = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: _key roles: nil];
if (user)
userFolder = [$(@"SOGoUserFolder") objectWithName: _key
inContainer: self];
userFolder = nil;
return userFolder;
- (void) _setupLocaleInContext: (WOContext *) _ctx
NSArray *langs;
NSDictionary *locale;
if ([[_ctx valueForKey:@"locale"] isNotNull])
langs = [[_ctx request] browserLanguages];
locale = [self currentLocaleConsideringLanguages:langs];
[_ctx takeValue:locale forKey:@"locale"];
- (id) lookupName: (NSString *) _key
inContext: (id) _ctx
acquire: (BOOL) _flag
id obj;
WORequest *request;
BOOL isDAVRequest;
SOGoSystemDefaults *sd;
/* put locale info into the context in case it's not there */
[self _setupLocaleInContext:_ctx];
sd = [SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults];
request = [_ctx request];
isDAVRequest = [[request requestHandlerKey] isEqualToString:@"dav"];
if (isDAVRequest || [sd isWebAccessEnabled])
if (isDAVRequest)
if ([_key isEqualToString: @"public"] && [sd enablePublicAccess])
obj = [SOGoPublicBaseFolder objectWithName: @"public" inContainer: self];
else if ([[request method] isEqualToString: @"REPORT"])
obj = [self davReportInvocationForKey: _key];
obj = nil;
/* first check attributes directly bound to the application */
obj = [super lookupName:_key inContext:_ctx acquire:_flag];
if (!obj)
The problem is, that at this point we still get request for
resources, eg 'favicon.ico'.
Addition: we also get queries for various other methods, like
"GET" if no method was provided in the query path.
if ([_key length] > 0 && ![_key isEqualToString:@"favicon.ico"])
obj = [self lookupUser: _key inContext: _ctx];
obj = nil;
return obj;
- (BOOL) isInPublicZone
return NO;
/* WebDAV */
- (NSString *) davDisplayName
/* this is used in the UI, eg in the navigation */
return @"SOGo";
/* exception handling */
- (WOResponse *) handleException: (NSException *) _exc
inContext: (WOContext *) _ctx
printf("EXCEPTION: %s\n", [[_exc description] cString]);
/* runtime maintenance */
- (void) checkIfDaemonHasToBeShutdown
unsigned int vmem;
if (vMemSizeLimit > 0)
vmem = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] virtualMemorySize]/1048576;
if (vmem > vMemSizeLimit)
[self logWithFormat:
@"terminating app, vMem size limit (%d MB) has been reached"
@" (currently %d MB)",
vMemSizeLimit, vmem];
[self terminate];
- (WOResponse *) dispatchRequest: (WORequest *) _request
static NSArray *runLoopModes = nil;
static BOOL debugOn = NO;
WOResponse *resp;
NSDate *startDate;
NSTimeInterval timeDelta;
if (debugRequests)
[self logWithFormat: @"starting method '%@' on uri '%@'",
[_request method], [_request uri]];
startDate = [NSDate date];
cache = [SOGoCache sharedCache];
if (debugLeaks)
if (debugOn)
NSLog (@"allocated classes:\n%s", GSDebugAllocationList (YES));
debugOn = YES;
GSDebugAllocationActive (YES);
resp = [super dispatchRequest: _request];
[cache killCache];
if (debugRequests)
timeDelta = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate: startDate];
[self logWithFormat: @"request took %f seconds to execute",
[resp setHeader: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%f", timeDelta]
forKey: @"SOGo-Request-Duration"];
if (![self isTerminating])
if (!runLoopModes)
runLoopModes = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: NSDefaultRunLoopMode, nil];
// TODO: a bit complicated? (-perform:afterDelay: doesn't work?)
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] performSelector:
@selector (checkIfDaemonHasToBeShutdown)
target: self argument: nil
order:1 modes:runLoopModes];
return resp;
/* session management */
- (NSString *) sessionIDFromRequest: (WORequest *) _rq
return nil;
- (id) createSessionForRequest: (WORequest *) _request
[self warnWithFormat: @"session creation requested!"];
if (doCrashOnSessionCreate)
return [super createSessionForRequest:_request];
/* localization */
- (NSDictionary *) currentLocaleConsideringLanguages: (NSArray *) langs
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
NSString *lname;
NSDictionary *locale;
enumerator = [langs objectEnumerator];
lname = nil;
locale = nil;
lname = [enumerator nextObject];
while (lname && !locale)
locale = [[self resourceManager] localeForLanguageNamed: lname];
lname = [enumerator nextObject];
if (!locale)
// no appropriate language, fallback to default
locale = [[self resourceManager] localeForLanguageNamed: @"English"];
return locale;
- (NSURL *) _urlPreferringParticle: (NSString *) expected
overThisOne: (NSString *) possible
NSURL *serverURL, *url;
NSMutableArray *path;
NSString *baseURL, *urlMethod;
WOContext *context;
context = [self context];
serverURL = [context serverURL];
baseURL = [[self baseURLInContext: context] stringByUnescapingURL];
path = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: [baseURL componentsSeparatedByString:
if ([baseURL hasPrefix: @"http"])
[path removeObjectAtIndex: 1];
[path removeObjectAtIndex: 0];
[path replaceObjectAtIndex: 0 withObject: @""];
urlMethod = [path objectAtIndex: 2];
if (![urlMethod isEqualToString: expected])
if ([urlMethod isEqualToString: possible])
[path replaceObjectAtIndex: 2 withObject: expected];
[path insertObject: expected atIndex: 2];
url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithScheme: [serverURL scheme]
host: [serverURL host]
path: [path componentsJoinedByString: @"/"]];
[url autorelease];
return url;
- (NSURL *) davURL
return [self _urlPreferringParticle: @"dav" overThisOne: @"so"];
- (NSString *) davURLAsString
NSString *davURLAsString;
WORequest *request;
/* we know that GNUstep returns a "/" suffix for the absoluteString but not
for the path method. Therefore we add one. */
if (useRelativeURLs)
request = [[self context] request];
davURLAsString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"/%@/dav/",
[request applicationName]];
davURL = [self davURL];
davURLAsString = [davURL absoluteString];
return davURLAsString;
- (NSURL *) soURL
return [self _urlPreferringParticle: @"so" overThisOne: @"dav"];
/* name (used by the WEResourceManager) */
- (NSString *) name
return @"SOGo";
@end /* SOGo */