2012-09-18 10:02:52 -04:00

5656 lines
168 KiB

2005-03-03 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxCalWeekOverview.wox: some pretty printing
2005-02-17 Marcus Mueller <>
* common.make: removed dependency to removed libSOGoLogic
2004-10-15 Marcus Mueller <>
* common.make: updates for inline compilation, removed compatibility
for gstep-make < 1.10
2004-09-07 Marcus Mueller <>
* README: Update with information regarding localization
2004-08-26 Marcus Mueller <>
* Added "Mailer" product.
2004-08-25 Marcus Mueller <>
* Added "Contacts" product.
2004-08-10 Marcus Mueller <>
* Added "Anais" product.
2004-07-07 Marcus Mueller <>
* Replaced all occurrences of zidestoreui.css with uix.css
2004-06-30 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoUI: moved over from Common to ease build dependencies.
2004-06-30 Marcus Mueller <>
* Scheduler/UIxAppointmentEditor.m: improved -saveAction. Does
everything in a complete manner now - except for saving which isn't
done at all.
2004-06-30 Helge Hess <>
* Scheduler/UIxAppointmentEditor.m: made the hack more hackish to work
on MacOSX
2004-06-28 Marcus Mueller <>
* Common/UIxComponent.[hm]: moved -ownMethodName here.
* Scheduler/UIxCalView.[hm]: removed -ownMethodName, moved to
UIxComponent (reuse).
* Scheduler/UIxAppointmentView.[hm]: first "draft" of view component.
The look of OGo is resembled closely, but most features are still
2004-06-28 Marcus Mueller <>
* Scheduler/GNUmakefile.preamble: links against libSOGoLogic now.
* Scheduler/UIxAppointmentView.m, Scheduler/UIxAppointmentView.wox:
test of iCal object.
2004-06-23 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxCalMonthOverview.[m,wox]: completed month view. Turned out to
be much more difficult to improve with style sheets than expected.
Requires version 4.2.45 of WEExtensions.
2004-06-22 Marcus Mueller <>
* Refactoring: Renamed everything from OGo to UIx in order to avoid
nameclashes (happens on OSX related to NGBundleManager)
* Refactoring 2: Moved methods from UIxWeekOverview to UIxCalView.
* Highlighting in UIxWeekOverview works now.
2004-06-22 Helge Hess <>
* Common/GNUmakefile.preamble: fixed linking for OGo gstep-make
2004-06-21 Helge Hess <>
* Scheduler/OGoCalWeekOverview.m: fixed syntax errors
2004-06-18 Marcus Mueller <>
* Implemented proper calendar in week overview. Highlighting isn't
enabled, yet.
2004-06-18 Marcus Mueller <>
* Common/OGoComponent.[hm]: new component which serves as a base
component for calendar components now. Knows how to deal with
queryParameters and offers url construction method(s).
* All existing components have been rewritten to use queryParameters
instead of hardcoded strings where this is feasible. This provides
future extensibility and flexibility.
* Handling of dates has been fixed to center around the use of a
'day' parameter. startDate/endDate are coupled to this, but
don't override it as it's the duty of the individual view to set
its (feasible) ranges accordingly. The new behaviour is noticable
in the calendar selection tabview instantly, as it now replicates
what OGo does.
2004-06-16 Marcus Mueller <>
* Common/OGoAppNavView.m: construct URL correctly.
* Common/OGoPageFrame.m: display login correctly.
* Common/calendar.css: cosmetic changes.
* Scheduler/OGoCalSelectTab.m: always display mondayOfWeek.
* Scheduler/OGoCalBackForthNavView.m: created.
2004-06-16 Marcus Mueller <>
* Common/zidestoreui.css: new style for button_auto.
* Scheduler/OGoCalView.[hm]: API for completing hrefs with necessary
query parts.
* Scheduler/OGoCalWeekView.m: bugfix for startDate.
* Scheduler/product.plist: added still missing views -> point to
weekoverview for the time being.
2004-06-15 Marcus Mueller <>
* Common/UIxTabView.m: removed class from <a> tag, removed rendering
of headerFooter (what's that good for anyways?)
* Several resources which resolved to wrong products added statically
in templates.
* Cosmetic changes in templates.
2004-06-14 Helge Hess <>
* Scheduler/OGoCalMonthOverview.wox: added missing rsrc namespace
2004-06-14 Helge Hess <>
* Common/common.h: fixed a gcc 3.4 warning
2004-06-14 Helge Hess <>
* added aggregate project for UI-X
2004-06-14 Marcus Mueller <>
* Common/calendar.css: new date_label (unused)
* Scheduler/OGoCalSelectTab.m: finished all labels
* Scheduler/OGoCalDateLabel.m, Scheduler/OGoCalDateLabel.wox: new
component for rendering the correct date label based on startDate,
endDate and selection
* Scheduler/OGoCalMonthView.m: prev/next month corrected
* Scheduler/OGoCalMonthOverview.wox: uses date label and tabs now
* Scheduler/OGoCalWeekOverview.wox: completed layout
* Scheduler/GNUmakefile: new component added
2004-06-14 Marcus Mueller <>
* Common/UIxTabView.[hm]: more stylesheet support via headerStyle
and bodyStyle bindings.
* Common/zidestoreui.css: styles for tabs, resembling OGo look.
* Scheduler/OGoCalSelectTab.m: implemented dateLabel (for testing).
* Scheduler/OGoCalSelectTab.wox: corrected selection binding namespace.
2004-06-08 Helge Hess <>
* Scheduler/NOTES: added class hierarchy
* */common.h, GNUmakefile.preamble.: fixed for OSX compile
2004-06-08 Marcus Mueller <>
* Common/images: added a bunch of images from OGo
2004-06-07 Marcus Mueller <>
* Custom/GNUmakefile: changed ZIDESTORE to include installed version
(ZideStore12). Removed post install hooks.
* Custom/GNUmakefile.postamble: new file, post install hooks and
xmllint for .wox.
2004-06-07 Marcus Mueller <>
* Scheduler/GNUmakefile: changed ZIDESTORE to include installed version
(ZideStore12). Removed post install hooks.
* Scheduler/GNUmakefile.postamble: post install hooks updated for
2004-06-03 Helge Hess <>
* Scheduler/OGoCalWeekOverview.m: moved navigation URL generation to
superclass (now generic because we use the 'ownMethodName'). Could
even be moved to OGoCalView?
* Scheduler/OGoCalMonthView.m: added next/prev month URL generation
methods, calculate startdate from form value
* Scheduler/OGoCalView.m: added -ownMethodName method to return the
last path component of the request URL (the SOPE method), eg
'weekoverview' for OGoCalWeekView, added
-dateNavigationURLWithNewStartDate: method to calculate 'startDate'
URLs (should be improved to include existing query parameters!)
* Scheduler/OGoCalWeekOverview.m: minor tweaks ;-)
2004-06-03 Marcus Mueller <>
* Scheduler/OGoCalWeekView.m: construct startDate from formValue,
otherwise use current week's monday as startDate.
* Scheduler/OGoCalWeekOverview.wox: switch back/forth
* Scheduler/OGoCalWeekOverview.m: provide URLs for switching back/forth
* Scheduler/OGoCalView.[hm]: methods for converting dates into strings
and vice versa.
* Scheduler/OGoAppointmentView.m, Scheduler/OGoCalView.m: fixed include
* ChangeLog: created
2005-07-30 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.22
* UIxKolabPartContactViewer.m: added accessors for multi-value fields
* UIxKolabPartViewer.m: added item
* UIxKolabPartViewer.m: cache parsed DOM document (v0.9.21)
* v0.9.20
* UIxMailPartViewer.m: added ability to use a fallback string encoding
in case the default one or the one specified in the content-type did
fail (this can happen with Outlook iCal mails ...).
* UIxMailPartICalViewer.m: hardened against missing content data, use
Latin-1 as a fallback encoding in case the part encoding didn't work
* prepared MIME part viewers for Kolab XML types
* UIxMailRenderingContext.m: prepared some support for Kolab types in
IMAP4 (v0.9.19)
2005-07-27 Helge Hess <>
* English.lproj/Localizable.strings: added a missing semicolon
2005-07-23 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailPartICalViewer.m: fixed include path for new hierarchy
2005-07-18 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailRenderingContext.m: show text/plain and text/html attachments
which have "filename" set in the content-disposition using the link
viewer (#1468) (v0.9.16)
2005-07-18 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailRenderingContext.m: map multipart/report mimetype to use the
multipart/mixed viewer, map message/delivery-status mimetype to use
the link viewer (v0.9.15)
* v0.9.14
* UIxMailPartICalViewer.m: replaced some methods with label bindings
* English.lproj/Localizable.strings: added more strings
* UIxMailPartICalViewer.m: added -attendeeStatusLabel to produce a
readable and localized part-stat (v0.9.13)
2005-07-18 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailPartICalViewer.m: added code to support iMIP REPLY messages
2005-07-15 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.11
* added UIxMailPartICalAction for calendar part related link actions
(no actions implemented yet)
* UIxMailPartViewer.m: added preferred extensions for iCalendar and
vCard mime types, moved in -pathToAttachment from
UIxMailPartLinkViewer (returns a nice download-link), added
-pathToAttachmentObject method (returns a plain link to the part
* UIxMailPartLinkViewer.m: moved -pathToAttachment method to baseclass
* UIxMailPartICalViewer.m: added method to retrieve the authorative
event (DB before mail), added a method to return an organizer display
name (with appropriate fallbacks) (v0.9.10)
* UIxMailPartICalViewer.m: rewrote not to use SOGoAppointment and to
use iCalCalendar instead (v0.9.9)
* UIxMailSizeFormatter.m, UIxMailPartMixedViewer.m,
UIxMailPartICalViewer.m, UIxMailPartAlternativeViewer.m,
UIxMailPartViewer.m: fixed gcc 4.0 warnings (v0.9.8)
2005-07-14 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailPartICalViewer.m: properly reset part caches when the
part-path changes, added methods to check whether the event is
already stored in the calendar of the login-user, added methods to
check whether the login-user is the organizer (v0.9.7)
2005-07-08 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailPartViewer.m: added '8bit' as a known MIME encoding (v0.9.6)
2005-07-06 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailRenderingContext.m: fixed a bug when rendering nested
multiparts (cannot be cached) (v0.9.5)
2005-06-24 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailPartLinkViewer.m: fixed an exception on Cocoa when a mail is
composed from just the HTML body (v0.9.4)
2005-02-21 Helge Hess <>
* prepared HTML and iCal mail part viewers (0.9.3)
2005-02-20 Helge Hess <>
* moved in UIxMailSizeFormatter (v0.9.2)
2005-02-18 Helge Hess <>
* created ChangeLog
2005-08-01 Helge Hess <>
* product.plist: moved security declarations of core classes to the
+initialize method of the classes,
add SOGo application object methods in a category (was a class)
* created UI/MainUI product bundle from sources in Main (v0.9.1)
2005-07-30 Helge Hess <>
* mailer.js: use standard 'view' instead of 'tb.view' method
2005-07-22 Helge Hess <>
* mailer-toolbar.css: fixed send and attach buttons to use 24x24 images
2005-07-22 Marcus Mueller <>
* mailer.js: added labels for error messages
* mailer.js: added validation of recipients
* layout2or3_xlib.js: added (currently used by UIxMailToEditor for
height calculation)
* layout2or3_xlib.txt: added, contains documentation/license for
* mailer-compose.css: fixed padding for table entries
* mailer.js: moved layout2or3_xlib JavaScript to own file
2005-07-21 Helge Hess <>
* mailer.css: moved compose styles to own file, mailer-compose.css
* mailer-toolbar.css: fixed positioning for 24x24 icons
* mailer.css: moved toolbar to own file, mailer-toolbar.css
2005-07-21 Marcus Mueller <>
* tbtb_anais.png: new icon for Anais
* mailer.css: added tbicon_anais for Anais icon
2005-07-21 Helge Hess <>
* mailer.js: fixed a Linux Firefox issue with using POST in
XMLHttpRequest (must pass an empty string for a send, not 'null')
* mailer.js: fixed a bug with calling the opener on errors
2005-07-20 Helge Hess <>
* mailer.js: use POST instead of GET for toggling the mail read flag,
aded uixDeleteSelectedMessages() function to bulk delete mails from
the selection
* UIxAppointmentEditor.js: properly use getDate() instead of getDay()
for date comparison (#1478)
* UIxAppointmentEditor.js: properly validate startdate/enddate so that
startdate is always before the enddate (#1478)
2005-07-18 Helge Hess <>
* generic.js: added regex for email field checks
* uix.css: added .homepagefont class (as it was used in the deprecated
uix.css inside Common
2005-07-12 Helge Hess <>
* mailer.js: increased size of compose panel by 40px to avoid scrolling
when recipients are added
2005-03-02 Helge Hess <>
* generic.js: fixed a JS bug
2005-02-24 Helge Hess <>
* generic.js: added query dict parsing and generation functions
* created ChangeLog
2005-07-30 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.173
* product.plist: removed tb.view methods (just use 'view' instead)
2005-07-26 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailTree.m: improved block debugging (v0.9.172)
2005-07-23 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.171
* UIxMailMainFrame.m: disabled Agenor app banner
* UIxMailToSelection.m, UIxMailFormatter.m: fixed gcc 4.0 warnings
2005-07-22 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.170
* UIxMailEditor.m: the mail editor now presets the proper 'from' based
on the 'account' query parameter
* UIxMailEditorAction.m: the compose action now adds the current
account as a query parameter when calling the compose panel
2005-07-22 Marcus Mueller <>
* English.lproj/Localizable.strings: added error labels for JavaScript
2005-07-22 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailEditor.m: implemented identity based Sent folders (tied to
'from' email address). The old url-attached Sent folder can be
enabled using 'SOGoUseLocationBasedSentFolder') (v0.9.168)
2005-07-21 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailMainFrame.m: fixed banner positioning for 24x24 (v0.9.167)
* UIxMailMainFrame.m: fixed positioning for 24x24 icons (v0.9.166)
2005-07-21 Marcus Mueller <>
* Toolbars/SOGoDraftObject.toolbar: new Anais css (v0.9.165)
* UIxMailEditor.m: fetch attachment names and provide initial style
information to left/right side of editor component (v0.9.164)
2005-07-21 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailListView.m: load JavaScript from a file (UIxMailListView.js)
instead of embedding it into the page (v0.9.163)
* UIxMailView.m: do not fetch full message info for 304 existance
checks but rather call -doesMailExist (v0.9.162)
2005-07-20 Helge Hess <>
* removed 'stop' buttons from toolbars (v0.9.161)
* v0.9.160
* Toolbars/SOGoMailFolder.toolbar: added bulk-delete button, removed
expunge button
* UIxMailView.m: added fragile base class check, send a constant etag
for the mail viewer, do not deliver content in the defaultAction in
case the etag didn't change, added jsonly support to trashAction
* UIxMailToolbar.m: use -resourceLookupLanguages, use
pageResourceManager instead of the toolbar component resourcemanager
for evaluating labels
* product.plist: map getMail on the accounts folder to a noop action
(#1491) (v0.9.159)
* UIxMailMainFrame.m: added UIxMailPanelFrame class for panels opened
by the main frame (v0.9.158)
* UIxMailView.m: show delete button if delete is allowed but trashing
isn't (#1444) (v0.9.157)
* v0.9.156
* product.plist: moved more complex toolbar configs to own resource
* UIxMailToolbar.m: added ability to place toolbars in separate plist
2005-07-19 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.155
* UIxMailToSelection.m: externalized JavaScript
* product.plist: added new JavaScript files as public resources
2005-07-19 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailEditor.m: do not complain on drafts not being found when the
delete action is triggered (#1489) (v0.9.154)
* UIxMailAccountView.m: directly check the ACL of the Inbox to check
permissions (the Inbox will return NO on isCreateAllowed when being
used by altnamespace ...) (#1472) (v0.9.153)
2005-07-19 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxMailAddressbook.m: don't restrict the Anais 'nature' flag anymore
2005-07-19 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.151
* UIxMailAccountView.m: fixed a warning
* UIxMailEditor.m: removed SOGoInternetDetectQualifier code (reuse
shared Internet-detect functionality)
2005-07-18 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailMainFrame.m: create a proper form action URL which preserves
query parameters (sort field) but removes search/filter values
* UIxMailSortableTableHeader.m: improved handling of multivalue form
keys (v0.9.149)
* UIxMailAccountView.m: added method to check whether folder-create
button should be visible on the account folder view (checks INBOX for
the ACL, does check the alt-namespace default),
added method for folder-creation in root (v0.9.148)
2005-07-18 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.147
* UIxMailToSelection.m: fixed ordering of parameters for the current
Anais version
* UIxMailAddressbook.m: fixed parameters being passed on to Anais for
the current Anais version
2005-07-18 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailListView.m: improved error handling (display a JavaScript
alert panel showing the issue instead of SOPE exception rendering)
2005-07-18 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxMailToSelection.m: changed behavior for adding/removing text
fields and changing focus (v0.9.145)
2005-07-18 Helge Hess <>
* product.plist: properly bind a 'getMail' method to the account
folder (fixes #1470) (v0.9.144)
* UIxSubjectFormatter.m: fixed a stupid bug in subject handling leading
to an infinite loop in the QP processing, hardened against QP loops
2005-07-18 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxMailEditor.m: removed -emailForUser usage and replaced with
'official' activeUser API (v0.9.142)
2005-07-15 Helge Hess <>
* product.plist: only enable folder add/remove buttons when the user
has the 'c' permission on the IMAP folder (#1456) (v0.9.141)
2005-07-14 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailAccountView.m: removed methods to detect whether the
clientObject is a shared account (done by the clientObject itself)
2005-07-12 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailEditor.m: perform some validation plus error handling prior
trying to send a mail (check whether we have recipients, check
whether the subject is set) (#1451) (v0.9.139)
* UIxMailEditor.m: properly determine from-email addresses (v0.9.138)
* UIxMailEditor.m: use new SoUser API instead of AgenorUserManager
2005-07-11 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailMainFrame.m: generate proper URLs for jumping to Calendar,
HomePage etc (#1448) (v0.9.136)
2005-07-08 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailEditor.m: added from-selection popup, list discovery via
AgenorUserManager (aka LDAP) (v0.9.135)
2005-07-08 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailEditor.m: use WOContext method from libSOGo to detect
Internet access (v0.9.134)
2005-07-08 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailMainFrame.m: added help button and extra space for that in the
toolbar (v0.9.133)
2005-07-08 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailMainFrame.m: added "link" banner to jump to the other SOGo
tools, disable the banner in case the tree is disabled (since that
hints that a new window without the frame is being used, eg the
compose panel), added some more CSS classes instead of inline style
declarations (v0.9.132)
2005-07-08 Helge Hess <>
* prepared ACL editors (v0.9.131)
2005-07-07 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.130
* UIxMailListView.m: implemented empty-trash action
* product.plist: added a reduced toolbar when being on the trash folder
(no reply/fwd etc, but added an empty trash button)
2005-07-07 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.129
* UIxMailAccountView.m: added code to better display shared accounts
* UIxMailTree.m: moved IMAP4 connection string => label code to a
NSString category
2005-07-07 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailTree.m: properly display share names in account list (show
name of share instead of the cut-off account login). Added some
improved heuristics to determine a viably short name (v0.9.128)
2005-07-07 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailView.m, product.plist: added -trash button and action
2005-07-06 Helge Hess <>
* product.plist: hide expunge button on mail folder when deleting is
disallowed (v0.9.126)
2005-07-06 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.125
* UIxMailToolbar.m: added ability to disable toolbar buttons in case an
operation is not allowed (eg an object got deleted)
* product.plist: added 'isSafe=NO' markers to unsafe HTTP methods in
toolbar, added 'enabled' binding for 'delete' button
* v0.9.124
* UIxMailView.m: improved error handling in case the delete flag could
not be set
* UIxMailMainFrame.m: added -hasErrorText / -errorText /
-errorAlertJavaScript methods to deal with errors encoded in the
'error' form parameter
2005-03-24 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.123
* UIxMailListView.m: added create/delete folder operations
* product.plist: added folder-add/delete buttons in toolbar
2005-03-23 Marcus Mueller <>
* renamed "default.strings" to "Localizable.strings" (v0.9.122)
2005-02-23 Helge Hess <>
* mailer.js: split into multiple files (v0.9.121)
2005-02-22 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailMainFrame.m: added ability not to generate the HTML frame
2005-02-20 Helge Hess <>
* moved UIxMailSizeFormatter to MailPartViewers (v0.9.119)
2005-02-18 Helge Hess <>
* mailer.js: added HTML escape/unescape functions (v0.9.118)
* moved mail part viewers to own product (MailPartViewers) (v0.9.117)
2005-02-17 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailSortableTableHeader.m: properly inherit from SoComponent, so
that resource lookup works (v0.9.116)
2005-02-16 Helge Hess <>
* added automatic search field posting (v0.9.115)
* mailer.js: fixed a row highlighting bug (v0.9.114)
* product.plist: fixed compose button in mail viewer (v0.9.113)
2005-02-15 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailListView.wox: added a pointer cursor for rows and enabled an
on-click message opener on some cells (v0.9.112)
* UIxMailListView.wox: added message row highlighting (v0.9.111)
* UIxMailAccountView.wox, UIxMailAccountsView.wox: added a title-div
to fix layout (v0.9.110)
2005-02-14 Helge Hess <>
* mailer.js: use 'tb.view' instead of 'view' to show a page (v0.9.109)
* UIxMailTree.m: always stop tree on user folder (v0.9.108)
* v0.9.107
* product.plist: mapped 'namespaced' "tb.view" SOPE method to the same
methods like "view". This allows us to use "tb.view" inside the
mailer without clashing with other UIs on top of the same SoObjects
* UIxMailTree.m: use Inbox icon for SOGoMailAccount and
SOGoMailAccounts folders, added ability to specify a
'treeFolderAction' (relative URL to be triggered by clicks)
* v0.9.106
* UIxMailFilterPanel.wox: improved CSS styling of the search field
* UIxMailTree.wox: fixed display of special mail icons if a folder
has subfolders and is open (in short: the 'cornerIcon' binding is
properly set)
* v0.9.105
* UIxMailTree.m: fixed handling of root nodes (properly display all
children of the root node)
* UIxMailTreeBlock.m: generate a description
* UIxMailMainFrame.m, UIxMailTree.m: made root class of tree
configurable using 'SOGoMailTreeRootClass' default
2005-02-13 Helge Hess <>
* mailer.css: added left-padding to treecell to make it look better
* UIxMailListView.wox: added mark read/unread without page refresh
using XMLHttpRequest (v0.9.103)
* product.plist, UIxMailListView.wox, mailer.js: added bulk
reply/replyall/forward (v0.9.102)
2005-02-12 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailMainFrame.m: fixed page form processing if the active URL
does not specify a method name (ends with /) (v0.9.101)
* v0.9.100
* added support for filter popup (OGo bug #1210)
* UIxMailListView: moved filter selection to an own component
* v0.9.99
* product.plist: also map index method of mail folder to
* UIxMailListView.m: added subject/sender searching (OGo bug #1209)
2005-02-10 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailPartLinkViewer.wox, UIxMailPartMessageViewer.wox: added
missing 'label' namespace declaration (v0.9.98)
2005-02-09 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailReplyAction.m: implemented a content-reply (v0.9.97)
2005-02-08 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.96
* UIxMailPartMessageViewer.m: fixed for multivalue from fields
* UIxMailEditorAction.m, product.plist: split editor action in multiple
* v0.9.95
* product.plist: do not use clickedEditorDelete() JS function for
draft delete but just call the link
* UIxMailEditor.m: a successful draft delete now returns the window
closer and refreshes the opener
* mailer.js now reloads the opener for editor-save and editor-delete
functions (does not properly work since the form load is async)
* UIxMailEditorAction.m, product.plist: implemented simple
reply/reply-all processing (subject and recipient handling is in
place, content quoting is pending)
* v0.9.94
* UIxMailListView.m: properly show "to" address in tableview for
Sent folder
* UIxMailView.m: fixed for new 'from' API
* v0.9.93
* mailer.js: work on the read-mail marking code, properly change the
icon div
* UIxMailListView.m: changed handling of unread mail flags
* UIxMailView.wox: use the new markMailReadInWindow function to mark
a mail read in the mail list
2005-02-07 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.92
* UIxMailView.m: properly refresh mail list after a mail got deleted
* UIxMailWindowCloser.m: added ability to refresh the opener window
prior closing the panel
* UIxMailView.wox: triggers opener callback to mark a mail as read
* mailer.js: added refreshOpener() function which refreshes the
panel that opened the current window, added triggerOpenerCallback()
function which triggers a URL given in the "openerurl" query
parameter on the opener window
* UIxMailEditor.m: disabled Internet warning in the mail editor per
default, can be enabled using the 'SOGoShowInternetMarker' default,
made Internet header detection qualifier configurable, see README
(SOGoInternetDetectQualifier string default), when the request is
from the Internet, add headers as specified in the
'SOGoInternetMailHeaders' dictionary default (v0.9.91)
* UIxMailTree.m: added support for special folder icons (v0.9.90)
* v0.9.89
* UIxMailTree.m: made special folder names localizable
* English.lproj/default.strings: added some folder translations
2005-02-06 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.88
* UIxMailTree.m: some code cleanups, does not use -fetchSubfolders of
SOGoObject anymore (to be useful for any object)
* UIxMailMainFrame.wox: made "Folders" title localizable
* UIxMailListView.wox: removed some superflous section
2005-01-31 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailView.m: implemented 'expunge' action (delete button in the
toolbar) (v0.9.87)
* UIxMailView.m, UIxMailRenderingContext.m: moved more bulk fetching
to SoObject (v0.9.86)
* UIxMailView.m: moved plain/text bulkfetch method to SoObjects/Mailer,
since its general purpose (v0.9.85)
* v0.9.84
* UIxMailView.m: properly recurse into message/rfc822 bodies for flat
content fetches
* UIxMailView.m, UIxMailPartMessageViewer.m: added links for email
addresses (currently mailto://)
2005-01-30 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.83
* UIxMailRenderingContext.m: activate UIxMailPartMessageViewer for
message/rfc822 contents
* added a UIxMailPartMessageViewer for displaying embedded (eg
forwarded) MIME messages
* v0.9.82
* UIxMailPartLinkViewer.m: prefix filenames which start with a digit,
properly escape attachment names
* UIxMailPartImageViewer.m (UIxMailPartViewer): append image extension
to attachments
* v0.9.81
* UIxSieveEditor.m: call proper save method in Sieve SoObject
* UIxMailEditor.m: added 'SOGoMailEditorKeepTmpFile' default to debug
MIME generation
* v0.9.80
* UIxMailEditorAction.m: work on forwarding and reply
* UIxFilterList.wox, UIxMailAccountView.wox, UIxMailAccountsView.wox,
UIxSieveEditor.wox: fixed title (needs localization)
* UIxMailMainFrame.m: always generate title as given by the parent
component (titles need to get fixed!), was fixed to
before unless in debug mode
* UIxMailEditor.m: use new storeInfo API, generate a proper panelTitle
(needs localization)
* UIxMailEditorAttach.m: use new attachment API
* UIxMailView.wox: remoted link to screenshot, use mail subject as
* UIxMailListView.m: disabled a log
2005-01-28 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.79
* UIxMailEditor.wox: localized 'Subject' label, shows 'non-intranet'
marker if 'MinequProvenance' HTTP header is not set to 'intranet'
* mailer.css: added marker for internet-mails (#1153)
* v0.9.78
* UIxMailListView.m: properly mark deleted mails using line-through
* UIxMailView.m: close mail viewer if mail delete was successful
* mailer.css: added style classes for deleted cells
* UIxMailEditor.m: moved some Sent folder lookup to SOGoMailAccount
* v0.9.77
* added UIxMailSizeFormatter to render big file size numbers with some
M or K suffix
* UIxMailPartViewer.m: added methods to retrieve filename, file
extension and file size formatter
* UIxMailSortableTableHeader.m: minor code cleanups
2005-01-27 Helge Hess <>
* started attachment (download) viewer (#1074) (v0.9.76)
2005-01-26 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.75
* UIxMailEditor.m: copy sent mails to INBOX/Sent folder, fixes issue
* product.plist: disabled unsupported delete button in mailviewer
* UIxMailListView.wox: removed unused mail checkboxes and folder-tree
popup (#1211) (v0.9.74)
* disabled some unsupported buttons and template elements (#1209,
#1210, #1207, #1208) (v0.9.73)
2005-01-26 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.72
* UIxMailWindowCloser.{m,wox}: new component which closes the window
in its "onLoad".
* UIxMailEditor.m: close window after successful send by opening
UIxMailWindowCloser. This fixes SOGo Bug #1053.
2005-01-07 Marcus Mueller <>
* {English/French}.lproj/default.strings: changed encoding from
ISO-Latin-1 to UTF-8, which is now the default (v0.9.71)
2004-12-08 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxMailTree.m, UIxMailEditor.m, UIxMailPartViewer.m,
UIxEnvelopeAddressFormatter.m, UIxMailToolbar.m,
UIxMailRenderingContext.m, UIxMailEditorAttach.m,
UIxSubjectFormatter.m, UIxMailPartAlternativeViewer.m:
changed to use NGLogging (v0.9.70)
2004-12-03 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.69
* UIxFilterList.m: added support for script creation
* v0.9.68
* UIxFilterList.m: added ability to trigger new editor
* started UIxSieveEditor
* UIxFilterList.wox: minor fix to table layout (v0.9.67)
2004-11-28 Helge Hess <>
* UIxFilterList.m: use toOneRelationshipKeys to retrieve the filters
being displayed (v0.9.66)
2004-11-27 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.65
* added first (empty) version of filter list page
* UIxMailEditorAttach.m: fixed a warning
* UIxMailAccountView.wox, product.plist: cleaned up account page (links
work now), added a compose button (v0.9.64)
2004-11-15 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxMailEditor.m: properly set "From" header (v0.9.63)
2004-11-11 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailListView.wox: added sample move popup (v0.9.62)
2004-11-09 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailListView.m: added support for toggling read/unread flags
* UIxMailTree.m: added tree navigation code from SoObjects (v0.9.60)
* UIxMailTree.m: removed unused code (v0.9.59)
* UIxMailListView.m: flush mail caches in the getMail action (v0.9.58)
2004-10-29 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailEditor.m: reenabled deletion of temporary mail files (v0.9.57)
2004-10-28 Helge Hess <>
* product.plist: fixed getMail for drafts folder (v0.9.56)
* UIxMailListView.wox: fixed viewer activation for unread mails
2004-10-28 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailMoveToPopUp.m: fixed header (v0.9.54)
2004-10-27 Helge Hess <>
* disabled popup until it uses the proper tree (v0.9.53)
2004-10-27 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxMailMoveToPopUp.[m|wox]: component which renders a popup
containing possible destinations for a mail move operation (v0.9.52)
2004-10-27 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailEditor.m: default method returns a redirect to 'edit', added
'delete' action and button (v0.9.51)
* v0.9.50
* UIxMailEditor.m: send mail using draft object
* UIxMailListView.wox: do not wrap title line
* UIxMailEditor.m: added send related code (v0.9.49)
2004-10-26 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailEditorAttach.m: added attachment delete (v0.9.48)
* UIxMailEditorAttach.wox, mailer.css: work on layout, added delete
action (v0.9.47)
* added new UIxMailEditorAttach component to manage draft attachments
2004-10-25 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.45
* uix.css: replaced invalid "text-color" with "color"
* UIxMailEditor.wox: bind subject/text, can load/save info object in
2004-10-22 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.44
* UIxMailSortableTableHeader.[wox|m]: new component for doing sorting
* UIxMailListView.wox: uses UIxMailSortableTableHeader for sorting
* UIxMailListView.wox: bugfixes (v0.9.43)
* v0.9.42
* UIxMailListView.wox: sorting, proper handling of sort keys.
NOTE: there's still an unidentified bug of sort keys failing to be
retained on successive paging.
* UIxMailListView.m: sorting
* Images/title_*: corrected alpha values
2004-10-20 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.41
* UIxMailListView.wox: localized labels and added some JavaScript
templates for doing nifty row selection
* UIxMailListView.m: added JavaScript method (stub only)
* English.lproj/default.strings: new localized strings
2004-10-13 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.40
* product.plist: exported some missing icons
* UIxMailToSelection.m: some code cleanup
* UIxMailEditor.m (UIxComponent): added ivars for values
2004-10-13 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxMailToSelection.m: sanitize CN's a bit before using them (v0.9.39)
* v0.9.38
* UIxMailToSelection.[wox|m]: removed superfluous debug messages
* UIxMailAdressbook.[wox|m]: redirect cover for Addressbook and Anais
* mailer.js: new JavaScript to open Addressbook and Anais windows
* product.plist: added Addressbook/Anais entries
2004-10-12 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.37
* UIxMailToSelection.[wox|m]: stable version with heavily improved
JavaScript code.
* English.lproj/default.strings: new localizable strings
2004-10-12 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailEditor.m: enabled -takeValuesFromRequest: (v0.9.36)
2004-10-12 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxMailToSelection.[m|wox]: parse given arguments and conditionally
split lists. Dynamically create tables and JavaScript. (v0.9.35)
* UIxMailToSelection.wox: minor update (v0.9.34)
* v0.9.33
* UIxMailToSelection.[wox|m]: updated
* English.lproj/default.strings: new localizable strings
* v0.9.32
* UIxMailEditor.wox: changed API for UIxMailToSelection
* UIxMailToSelection.[wox|m]: new component template
* English.lproj/default.strings: new localizable strings
* README: updated
2004-10-12 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.31
* mailer.js: prepared JavaScript functions for editor
* UIxMailMainFrame.wox: embed all content in a form called 'pageform'
2004-10-11 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.30
* UIxMailEditor.wox: moved recipient selection to an own component
* UIxMailMainFrame.wox: fixed script link
* v0.9.29
* product.plist: trigger UIxMailEditorAction for compose instead of
returning the mail editor page, mapped missing toolbar actions
* UIxMailEditorAction.m: implemented -compose as a redirect to a new
object in the account draft folder
* UIxMailListView.wox: reduced subject width to 50%
* mailer.css: added send icon class, icon itself still missing
* started UIxMailEditorAction object which will contain all the
redirects from the buttons to the mail editor (working on draft
objects in the drafts folder) (v0.9.28)
2004-10-10 Helge Hess <>
* product.plist: added some configuration for the drafts folder
2004-10-06 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailListView.m: added support for paper clip icon when messages
are bigger than a certain size (v0.9.26)
2004-10-05 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.25
* UIxMailListView.m: added sort icons
* UIxMailEditor.m: more work on editor
* mailer.css: added compose div classes
* UIxMailListView: removed href for JavaScript onclick links (v0.9.24)
* v0.9.23
* product.plist: fixed addressbook label
* UIxMailToolbar: added support for 'onclick' event handlers
* UIxMailEditor: started editor
* UIxMailListView.m: added sorting to table view
* v0.9.22
* UIxMailToolbar.wox: added support for 'target' links
* UIxMailEditor.wox: use standard mail frame
* v0.9.21
* UIxMailTree: made toolbar configurable using 'toolbar' slot on the
* product.plist: added toolbar configurations
* UIxMailMainFrame.wox: moved toolbar to own component
* UIxMailListView: added simple navigation (v0.9.20)
* v0.9.19
* UIxMailPartViewer.m: added content decoding for QP, base64 and 7bit,
added proper charset decoding
* UIxMailPartTextViewer.m: moved content => NSString conversion to
* v0.9.18
* UIxMailPartViewer.m: added support methods for caches, added -sleep
* added multipart/alternative viewer
* added Thunderbird message read/unread icons
2004-10-04 Helge Hess <>
* fixed fetching of mails with only text content (v0.9.17)
* added flat body fetches, used in text viewer (v0.9.16)
* added MIME content viewer infrastructure (v0.9.15)
* UIxMailView.m: added 'currentAddress' accessors (v0.9.14)
* UIxMailView.m: use core infos stored in message SoObject for display
2004-10-03 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.12
* UIxMailListView.m: fetch size for list
* UIxMailView.m: cache fetched message for transaction, fetch body
* work on viewer (v0.9.11)
* UIxMailMainFrame.wox: made toolbar floating (v0.9.10)
2004-10-02 Helge Hess <>
* more work on UI (v0.9.9)
* added formatters for mail list (v0.9.8)
* v0.9.7
* show messages in an IMAP4 folder
* mailer.css: remote calendar CSS not required in mailer
2004-09-29 Helge Hess <>
* added toolbar images (v0.9.6)
* UIxMailTree.m: use new tree navigation methods in SoObjects (v0.9.5)
2004-09-28 Helge Hess <>
* more work on mailer UI, added tree based on WETreeView (v0.9.4)
2004-09-25 Helge Hess <>
* added rsrc namespace declaration to templates (v0.9.3)
2004-09-20 Helge Hess <>
* work on mailer (v0.9.2)
2004-09-01 Marcus Mueller <>
* GNUmakefile.preamble: fixed for gsmake 1.9.2 build (v0.9.1)
2004-08-26 Marcus Mueller <>
* ChangeLog: created
2005-08-02 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.147
* UIxComponent+Agenor.m: use SOGoUser methods to get email/cn
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: moved status change operation to SoObject
2005-07-23 Helge Hess <>
* UIxAppointmentPrintview.m, UIxCalDayListview.m: fixed include pathes
for new src hierarchy (v0.9.146)
2005-07-21 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxAppointmentView.m: fixed -isMyApt and -canAccessApt to do the
proper things (v0.9.145)
* v0.9.144
* UIxCalInlineAptView.m: reworked the way styles are produced now.
UIxCalInlineAptView gets a lot more information from the appointment
now in order to produce a suitable style for it
* UIxCalMonthOverview.m: setup formatter properly for private
* UIxCalView.m: don't generate style information at all -
UIxCalInlineAptView does this now
2005-07-20 Helge Hess <>
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: added fragile base class check (v0.9.143)
* added a basic German translation (v0.9.142)
2005-07-19 Helge Hess <>
* UIxDatePicker.m: code cleanups (v0.9.141)
2005-07-19 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.140
* UIxCalView.m: reversed shouldAdd logic in filterAppointments to do
the right thing ...
* v0.9.139
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: fixed automatic participants addition
* v0.9.138
* UIxCalView.m: renamed 'anaisUIDString' to 'userUIDString' in order
to be independent from the Anais bundle but still provide the same
2005-07-19 Helge Hess <>
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: moved iCalRecurrenceRule to separate file
2005-07-18 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxCalView.m: provide label "empty title" as -titlePlaceholder for
appointment formatters to enable display of appointments whose
title has not been set (v0.9.136)
2005-07-15 Helge Hess <>
* UIxCalScheduleOverview.m, UIxAppointmentView.m,
UIxAppointmentProposal.m, UIxAppointmentEditor.m: fixed gcc 4.0
warnings (v0.9.135)
* UIxAppointmentView.h: fixed a Cocoa warning (v0.9.134)
2005-07-14 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.133
* UIxAppointmentView.m: supports accept/decline from participants
tab now
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: fixed redirect url after accept/decline
* UIxCalParticipationStatusView.m: added accessor for partStat, so
partStat isn't accidentaly lost
* UIxCalScheduleOverview.m: is able to suppress rendering of
rejected and accepted foreign appointments now based on formValue
* English.lproj/Localizable.strings: new labels for
2005-07-14 Helge Hess <>
* UIxAppointmentView.m: fixed a small memory leak when creating the
categories string (v0.9.132)
2005-07-14 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.131
* product.plist: removed 'schedule' method from SOGoAppointmentFolder
* v0.9.130
* UIxCalView.m: removed resourcePath stuff as this isn't used
anywhere anymore (and it shouldn't)
2005-07-13 Marcus Mueller <>
* English.lproj/Localizable.strings: "Schedule" maps to
"Appointment propositions" now (v0.9.129)
2005-07-11 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxCalView.h: added -setAppointments: to the public API
(for subclassers) (v0.9.128)
2005-07-08 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.127
* UIxCalView.[hm]: added -shouldDisplayRejectedAppointments API. Added
toggling of hide/show rejected appointments via form values. Added
new -filterAppointments: method to support filtering of appointments
(currently used for rejected appointments). Fixed -fetchCoreInfos
to use proper accessor method. Fixed aptFlags logic to allow access
to appointments that don't belong to user but which user is invited
to. Cleaned up +initialize a bit.
* UIxCalWeekListview.m: added comment and slightly changed
-fetchCoreInfos to do the proper thing
* English.lproj/Localizable.strings: added labels 'show_rejected_apts'
and 'hide_rejected_apts'
* v0.9.126
* UIxComponent+Agenor.[hm]: new method -isAccessRestricted, uses the
implementation from WOContext+Agenor in libSOGo.
* UIxAppointmentView.m: allow editing of appointments that have no
organizer set.
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: allow editing of appointments that have no
organizer set. Redirect to 'view' URI in case editor is not the
organizer. Fixed a bug where the organizer got accidentaly deleted.
2005-07-07 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.125
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: Properly preserve organizer of appointments.
This is now also used to validate if user is allowed to edit an
* UIxAppointmentView.m: changed -isMyApt to test on organizer's email
address and user's email address to decide whether he is allowed
to edit the appointment in question.
2005-07-06 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxAppointmentProposal.m: changed implementation of
-proposalSearchAction to use the new SOGoFreeBusyObject API
2005-07-05 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.123
* UIxCalWeekOverview.m, UIxCalWeekColumnsview.m,
UIxCalDayChartview.m, UIxCalDayListview.m,
UIxCalMonthOverview.m, UIxCalDayOverview.m: properly adjust formatter
* UIxCalDayOverview.m: fixed bugs in -aptsForCurrentDate and properly
override -allDayApts to also display appointments spanning ranges
* UIxCalWeekChartview.m: fixed bugs in -isRowActive logic
* UIxCalDayView.m: fixed bugs in filtering and range logic
* UIxCalView.m: added a deprecation warning, some code cleanup
* UIxCalInlineAptView.m: added new 'referenceDate' binding which will
be used with the revised appointment formatter to properly display
time ranges. Also adds 'priority' style information when this can
be found in the appointment.
* GNUmakefile: added new image resource
* images/apt_icon_private.gif: new resource for private appointments
2005-03-23 Marcus Mueller <>
* renamed "default.strings" to "Localizable.strings" (v0.9.122)
2005-03-20 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.121
* UIxCalView.m: removed -calCSSPath (ZideStore specific)
* UIxCalDayListview.m: minor code cleanups
2005-03-03 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxCalWeekListview.m: fixed compile warnings (v0.9.120)
* UIxCalWeekListview.m: view needs to fetch coreInfos instead of just
overviews because it needs information stored in "partmails". Fixes
SOGo Bug #1248. (v0.9.119)
2005-03-02 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxCalDateLabel.m: fixed compile warning (v0.9.118)
2005-03-01 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxCalDateLabel.m: fixed heuristics for month label (v0.9.117)
2005-02-21 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.116
* UIxTimeDateControl.wox: added code to disable time control on
demand. If given date is nil, substitute today for it - nil dates
are not legal/possible for this control.
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: correctly (de)serialize until date for
* English.lproj/default.strings: new strings for recurrence selection,
altered previous strings slightly to match the new UI's purpose
2005-02-17 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.115
* cycles.plist: added 'weekday' cycle
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: added representation for 'BYDAY'
2005-02-17 Helge Hess <>
* fixed for removal of SOGoLogic (v0.9.114)
2005-02-15 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxCalView.m: removed dead code (v0.9.113)
2005-02-12 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.112
* UIxAppointmentEditor.[wox,m]: added recurrence selection/display.
The current UI is similar to that found in OGo, but inappropriate in
the context of SOGo (SOGo in theory supports all recurrence rules
described in RFC2445, thus needs a more complex UI in order to render
all rules appropriately)
* cycles.plist: property list with predefined recurrence rules for
the UIxAppointmentEditor
* English.lproj/default.strings: new labels for cycles and accompanied
* UIxDatePicker.m: Bugfix for format edge case (when date is nil)
2005-01-26 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxDatePicker.m: corrected dateFormats for French locale. The
selection mechanism is pretty hackish and should be more generic.
This fixes SOGo Bug #1136. (v0.9.111)
2005-01-07 Marcus Mueller <>
* {English/French}.lproj/default.strings: changed encoding from
ISO-Latin-1 to UTF-8, which is now the default (v0.9.110)
2004-12-23 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.109
* UIxCalScheduleOverview.[wox,m]: changed the UI to the final proposal
agreed upon by Laurent.
* English.lproj/default.strings: renamed value for "action", suited to
new UI Layout
2004-12-22 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.108
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: added "check for conflict" checkbox and
appropriate logic. This closes SOGo bug #1069. Localized error
* UIxAppointmentProposal.m: changed fetchCoreInfos... to new
fetchFreebusy... method.
* English.lproj/default.strings: provided localized error messages
* UIxCalView.m: rewrite of _fetchCoreInfosForUIDs: to adapt to the
newer API of SoObjects (this was still some old OCS based code).
2004-12-21 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.107
* UIxCalScheduleOverview.wox: only display appropriate buttons for
actions to take
* UIxCalScheduleOverview.m: cache userParticipationStatus result
* English.lproj/default.strings: changed "action" label
* v0.9.106
* UIxCalScheduleOverview.wox: different visual representation for
actions (requested by Laurent)
* UIxCalScheduleOverview.m: bugfix for wrong sort orderings
2004-12-18 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxCalScheduleOverview.[wox,m]: removed workaround for NGObjWeb bug,
code cleanup (v0.9.105)
2004-12-17 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.104
* GNUmakefile: removed UIxAppointmentFormatter
* UIxAppointmentFormatter.[hm]: removed, never in use
* UIxCalParticipationStatusView.[wox,m]: new view to display localized
participation status
* UIxCalView.m: fetch OverviewInfos instead of CoreInfos (should be
* UIxCalScheduleOverview.[wox,m]: completed the schedule overview,
display participation state for all participants.
* product.plist: renamed "reject" to "decline" and moved from
UIxAppointmentView to UIxAppointmentEditor.
* UIxAppointmentView.m: removed "accept" and "reject" action stubs
* UIxAppointmentEditor.[wox,m]: implemented "accept" and "decline".
Changed iCal template a bit, particularly removed getOrganizer -
with every save the organizer was changed also which was horribly
2004-12-16 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.103
* UIxCalScheduleOverview.[wox,m]: the entry point for agenor,
presenting the upcoming schedule to users. This is still incomplete,
but nevertheless functional.
* English.lproj/default.strings: new localizations for the schedule
* product.plist: added new actions and schedule view
* UIxCalSelectTab.[wox,m]: added new "Schedule" tab
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: default participants are selected from
current calendarUIDs - that is, if you've selected multiple calendars
and then create a new appointment, all currently viewed calendar
owners are added to the new appointment as default participants.
* UIxAppointmentView.m: added "accept" and "reject" actions - no
function yet.
* UIxAppointmentProposal.m: compile fix (v0.9.102)
2004-12-13 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.101
* UIxAppointmentProposal.m: removed inclusion of iCalPerson+UIx.h
* iCalPerson+UIx.[hm]: removed -rfc822EMail (moved to NGiCal), changed
implementation of -cnForDisplay (just a cover for -cnWithoutQuotes)
* v0.9.100
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: fixed incorrect redirect location
* UIxCalWeekListview.m, UIxCalWeekChartview.m: use new formatter option
to correctly format private appointments
* v0.9.99
* {English,French}.lproj/default.strings: new label
"private appointment", requested by Laurent for agenor.
* UIxCalWeekPrintview.m, UIxCalMonthPrintview.m: add label
"private appointment" if apt is not accessible.
* UIxCalView.m: set label "private appointment" as privateTitle of
private formatters.
2004-12-10 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.98
* English.lproj/default.strings: provided additional localizable
strings for event "classification" (private/public).
* UIxAppointmentView.[wox,m], UIxAppointmentEditor.[wox,m]: added
workaround for SOGo bug #1052, private details are hidden now
from others. Also, apts are not editable by non-owners any longer.
* UIxCalView.[hm]: added formatters for private appointments. Also,
added flags for caching special information about apts (public,
owned) etc. This outphases the use of tooltip.../shortText...
for all calviews (with the exception of printviews). Subclasses
may need to override -configureFormatters to adjust them according
to their needs.
* UIxCalInlineAptView.[hm]: new view used by all calviews to render
appointments using formatters.
* UIxCalDayOverview.wox, UIxCalDayListview.[wox,m],
UIxCalDayChartview.[wox,m], UIxCalDayPrintview.wox,
UIxCalWeekOverview.wox, UIxCalWeekListview.[wox,m],
UIxCalWeekChartview.[wox,m], UIxCalWeekColumnsview.wox,
UIxCalWeekPrintview.[wox.m], UIxCalMonthOverview.wox:
changed to use UIxCalInlineAptView and provided -configureFormatters
which fixes SOGo bug #1052
2004-12-09 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.97
* UIxAppointmentEditor.[wox,m]: provided API and UI for marking an
event as being private or public, public being the default.
* English.lproj/default.strings: provided additional localizable
strings for event "classification" (private/public).
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: set 'transparency' of new items to
'TRANSPARENT' instead of 'OPAQUE'. In agenor FreeBusy information is
constrained by a folder flag instead of individual events, however
the intent is to permit retrieval of FreeBusy information in general.
Please note that the according information isn't properly parsed/set
in loadValues/saveValues as of now - the underlying iCalEvent doesn't
handle this as of now.
2004-12-08 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.96
* UIxCalView.h: made -isMyApt and -aptStyle public.
* UIxAppointmentPrintview.m: implemented -isMyApt and -aptStyle, used
by UIxAppointmentPrintview.wox
* UIxAppointmentPrintview.wox: print summary, location, start/endtime
in italics - fixes SOGo bug #1070
* UIxCalWeekPrintview.m, UIxCalMonthPrintview.m: extended
-shortTextForApt to use different css styles, when -isMyApt returns
NO - fixes SOGo bug #1070
* UIxCalDayPrintview.[m, wox]: use -aptStyle to print appointments not
belonging to user in italics - fixes SOGo bug #1070
* UIxCalDayOverview.wox, UIxCalDayChartview.wox, UIxCalDayListview.wox
UIxCalWeekOverview.wox, UIxCalWeekListview.wox,
UIxCalWeekChartview.wox, UIxCalWeekColumnsview.wox,
UIxCalMonthOverview.wox, UIxCalYearOverview.wox:
changed layout according to SOGo bug #1071 (v0.9.95)
* UIxAppointmentView.m, UIxDatePicker.m, UIxCalView.m: changed to use
NGLogging (v0.9.94)
2004-11-08 Helge Hess <>
* UIxAppointmentPrintview.m: fixed a compile warning (v0.9.93)
2004-10-26 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxAppointmentProposal.wox: uses dayLabelFormat instead of hardcoded
format - fixes SOGo bug #984 (v0.9.92)
2004-10-18 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxAppointmentPrintview.wox: insertBR for comment adedd (v0.9.91)
* UIxAppointmentEditor.wox: added possibility to add resources from
Addressbook (v0.9.90)
2004-10-16 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxAppointmentEditor.wox: added "withCN=YES" to resources because
doing otherwise would lead to stripping the CN from resources in
subsequent saves - why would anyone want this to be standard
behavior? (v0.9.89)
2004-10-14 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxAppointmentView.wox: insertBR for comments (v0.9.88)
2004-10-12 Helge Hess <>
* UIxAppointmentProposal.wox: use '1' instead of 'YES' in const
bindings, otherwise running into a MacOSX bug (v0.9.87)
2004-10-08 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.86
* UIxAppointmentView.[m|wox]: new method to return categories as a
* UIxAppointmentPrintview.wox: added missing priority and categories.
* UIxAppointmentProposal.wox: also allow selection from private address
book for resources/participants. This might lead to the fact that
contacts can be selected which do not have a calendar at all - there
should be some way of safeguarding this in the Contacts bundle.
2004-10-06 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: changed iCal template to use RFC2445
conforming line delimiters. Changed the testAction to aid in
debugging our iCal rendering. (v0.9.85)
2004-10-05 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.84
* SOGoAppointment+UIx.[hm]: new class providing UIx convenience methods
* UIxAppointmentView.[m|wox]: added priority and categories
* UIxAppointmentEditor.[m|wox]: added priority and categories
* English.lproj/default.strings: new labels
2004-09-25 Helge Hess <>
* UIxCalDateLabel.m: minor code cleanups, fixed compilation on MacOSX
2004-09-13 Marcus Mueller <>
* English.lproj/default.strings: fixed a missing ';' (v0.9.82)
2004-09-10 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.81
* GNUmakefile, product.plist: added new image
* images/invisible_space_2.gif: new transparent image used by
* UIxCalDayView.m: rewrote -isCurrentDateInApt: to use
* UIxCalWeekListview.[m|wox]: implemented
* UIxCalWeekColumnsview.[m|wox]: implemented
* UIxCalWeekOverview.m: removed impl. of -appointments, moved to
* UIxCalWeekView.m: added impl. of -appointments
2004-09-10 Helge Hess <>
* UIxAppointmentPrintview.wox, UIxAppointmentView.wox: added missing
label prefix (v0.9.80)
2004-09-09 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.79
* UIxAppointmentEditor.wox: removed debug output of clientObject,
UIxPageFrame.wox is doing this now.
* UIxCalDayListView.[wox|m]: fixed some wrong assumptions of uid
handling, corrected to use the (now bugfixed) calendarUIDs of
2004-09-07 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.78
* UIxCalDayOverview.m, UIxCalDayChartview.m: minor cleanups
* UIxCalDayOverview.wox, UIxCalDayChartview.wox: added style
information for appointments, used for colorization (doesn't work
due to style problems - needs to get investigated later on)
* UIxCalDayListview.[m|wox]: started implementation of list view,
not quite finished.
2004-09-06 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxAppointmentEditor.wox: fixed incorrect label (v0.9.77)
2004-09-01 Marcus Mueller <>
* GNUmakefile.preamble: fixed for gsmake 1.9.2 build (v0.9.76)
2004-08-31 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxCalView.m: fixed stupid bug (v0.9.75)
2004-08-27 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.74
* English.lproj/default.plist: more labels
* UIxAppointmentView.wox: replaced static strings with labels
* UIxAppointmentView.h, UIxCalView.h: exposed some methods
* product.plist: added "printview" method to SOGoAppointmentObject
* UIxAppointmentPrintview.[m|wox]: new printview for appointments
2004-08-27 Helge Hess <>
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: prepared to share code with contact editor
* UIxCalView.m: minor code cleanups (v0.9.72)
2004-08-25 Marcus Mueller <>
* GNUmakefile.preamble: removed NGScripting from dependencies - it's no
longer required (v0.9.71)
* UIxAppointmentProposal.m: changed -isSecondHalfGreen and
-isSlotRangeGreen due to a bugfix in NGExtensions (v0.9.70)
* v0.9.69
* UIxAppointmentProposal.m: completed edit functionality. Resources and
participants are now passed as query parameters.
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: Resources and Participants are now properly
constructed from existing query parameters.
2004-08-24 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.68
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: added knowledge about "dur" parameter
* UIxAppointmentProposal.[m|wox]: added edit functionality, still
* UIxCalView.[hm]: remove date related query parameter methods, moved
to UIxComponent
* GNUmakefile.preamble: changes for linking against SOPE 4.3 (v0.9.67)
2004-08-16 Marcus Mueller <>
* AnaisUidSelector.[wox,m]: Added colorizing of login's uid. (v0.9.66)
2004-08-16 Helge Hess <>
* UIxAppointmentProposal.m: small bugfix to range processing (v0.9.65)
2004-08-16 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxTimeDateControl.m: removed a debug log. (v0.9.64)
* v0.9.63
* UIxCalView.m: -isMyApt done properly.
* UIxCalWeekOverview.wox: use extra stylesheet info to colorize other's
appointments differently.
* UIxDatePicker.m: removed a debug log.
2004-08-16 Helge Hess <>
* UIxAppointmentProposal.m: first working version of proposal (v0.9.62)
* UIxAppointmentProposal: proper vertical/horizontal row generation
2004-08-16 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxAppointmentView.m: fixed redirect in deleteAction. (v0.9.60)
* v0.9.59
* UIxTimeDateControl.m: subclasses from UIxComponent now, hence
-viewTimeZone should work correctly now.
* UIxAppointmentProposal.wox, UIxAppointmentEditor.wox: fixed
cancel button urls.
* UIxAppointmentProposal.[wox,m]: fixed date/time fields. (v0.9.58)
2004-08-16 Helge Hess <>
* UIxAppointmentProposal: added duration popup (v0.9.57)
2004-08-16 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.56
* UIxTimeDateControl.m: HACK: added correct timeZone.
2004-08-16 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.55
* UIxAppointmentProposal.m: load default start/enddates
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: add default start/enddates
2004-08-16 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.54
* UIxTimeDateControl.*, UIxTimeSelector.*, UIxDatePicker.*:
fixed. DatePicker expects day, month, year bindings now,
TimeSelector expects hour, minute, second.
2004-08-16 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.53
* UIxAppointmentProposal: added attendee selectors, added ivars, added
searchProposal action
* added green_corner.gif
* iCalPerson+UIx.m: fixed -cnForDisplay to properly check for quotes
prior removing them (v0.9.52)
2004-08-15 Helge Hess <>
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: fixed for new time fields (v0.9.51)
* fixed time field controls (v0.9.50)
2004-08-15 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.49
* UIxTimeDateControl.[wox,m]: new component.
* UIxAppointmentProposal.wox: added labels and stuff, work in progress.
* English.lproj/default.strings: new labels
* UIxTimeSelector.m, UIxDatePicker.m: correct date bindings.
2004-08-15 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.48
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: minor cleanups
* UIxAppointmentView.m: added -delete action
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: more decoupling from iCal. Added some error
handling UI code (errorText), date selector is broken (v0.9.47)
* v0.9.46
* iCalPerson+UIx.m: changed -cnForDisplay method, znek needs to check
it for correctness
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: rewrote not to work directly on the parsed
iCalendar appointment but rather track changes in the appointment
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: removed now unused methods (due to attendee
selector) (v0.9.45)
* v0.9.44
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: use new AnaisAttendeeSelector
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: replaced formattedAptStartDate with a
titleDateFormatter (directly bound to the string element)
2004-08-15 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.43
* UIxTimeSelector.[wox,m]: new component for selecting the time part
of a given date.
* UIxAppointmentEditor.[wox,m]: uses new UIxTimeSelector
2004-08-15 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.42
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: minor cleanups
* UIxAppointmentProposal.wox: made mockup code dynamic
2004-08-15 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.41
* images/*: new images for UIxDatePicker and skycalendar.html.
* French.lproj/skycalendar.*, English.lproj/skycalendar.*: new js
based date picker taken from OGo.
NOTE: these files are currently NOT used/installed due to a bug
in SOPE. Instead, the non-localized versions are used. This will
go away as soon as the bug in SOPE is fixed.
* skycalendar.js, skycalendar.html: the non-localized versions as a
workaround to the problem described above.
* product.plist: added new images and the non-localized js date picker
as public resources.
* UIxDatePicker.[m,wox], UIxDatePickerScript.[m,wox]: new reusable
component for picking a date fancy style. ;-) Use UIxDatePickerScript
to load the necessary js code once in your component.
2004-08-15 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.40
* UIxAppointmentProposal.wox: fixes in mockup code
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: some cleanups
* v0.9.39
* UIxAppointmentProposal.wox: work on page layout
* UIxAppointmentView.wox, UIxCalWeekOverview.wox: minor cleanups
2004-08-15 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.38
* UIxComponent+Agenor.[hm]: -cnForUser and -emailForUser require the
AgenorUserManager from Logic.
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: refactored -cnForUser and -emailForUser,
moved to extra category.
* UIxCalWeekView.wox: added custom style if apt belongs to user.
* UIxCalView.m: added some extra logic in redirect, provided extra
style sheet selector for appointments.
* GNUmakefile: added new files
2004-08-14 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.37
* English.lproj/default.strings: new labels
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: after save, return to ".." instead of "view"
* UIxAppointmentEditor.wox: added "Cancel" button.
* UIxCalView.m: refined behaviour of redirects according to Helge's
2004-08-14 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: Changed "X-OGo-RESOURCE" into
2004-08-14 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxAppointmentView.[h,m,wox], UIxAppointmentEditor.[h,m,wox]:
general enhancements, use new API. (v0.9.35)
2004-08-13 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.34
* UIxCalView.[hm]: use new formatters.
* UIxCalDayOverview.m: fixed build warnings.
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: added warnings.
2004-08-13 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.33
* UIxCalView.m: adjusted shortTextForApt to meet the requirements
* UIxCalDayView.m: removed shortTextForApt (moved to superclass).
* UIxCal*view.wox: escapeHTML="NO" for shortTextForApt.
2004-08-13 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.32
* UIxCalView.m: shouldHideWeekend according to new default,
* UIxCalWeekOverview.wox, UIxCalWeekColumnsview.wox: use new dynamic
value for "hideWeekend" association.
* NOTES: new "Defaults" section.
2004-08-13 Helge Hess <>
* UIxCalWeekColumnsview.wox: hide weekend (requires libWEExtensions
v4.2.52) (v0.9.31)
2004-08-13 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxAppointmentEditor.[wox|m]: important fix for testing (v0.9.30)
2004-08-13 Helge Hess <>
* UIxCalWeekColumnsview.wox: hide weekend (requires libWEExtensions
v4.2.52) (v0.9.30)
* UIxCalWeekOverview.wox: hide weekend (requires libWEExtensions
v4.2.51) (v0.9.29)
2004-08-13 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.28
* iCalPerson+UIx.[hm]: more convenience
* UIxAppointmentView.[hm]: display CN's as Names
* UIxAppointmentEditor.[wox|m]: more functionality, but still
unfinished. You can use it to test appointments, though.
2004-08-13 Helge Hess <>
* UIxAppointmentEditor.wox: fixed base URL of form not to include
"save" (v0.9.27)
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: catch a common programming mistake (invoking
a method on a method) (v0.9.26)
2004-08-12 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxAppointmentEditor.[m|wox]: participants are added correctly
now, resources are still lacking from save. (v0.9.25)
2004-08-12 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.24
* Added AnaisUidSelector to all views. Removed worse named -owner
method from all affected views and instead added
-formattedCalendarUIDs to UIxCalView. This is now used by all
print views in their header.
* UIxCalWeekOverview.m: adjusted endDate properly, if -displayWeekends
returns NO (the default).
2004-08-12 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxCalView.m: fixed problems with redirect (v0.9.23)
2004-08-12 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.22
* UIxAppointmentView.m: properly catch invalid appointment references
and return a 404 (because SOGoAppointmentObject's are created even
for invalid IDs for performance reasons)
* UIxCalView.m: generate appointment URLs using clientObject (the
appointment folder)
* more cleanups
* added (still empty) proposal component (v0.9.21)
* some code reorganizations, fixed some compile warnings (v0.9.20)
2004-08-11 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.19
* UIxCalView.m: implements -redirectForUIDsAction to construct a
redirect to a special appointment folder.
* product.plist: "show" method is mapped to UIxCalView's
2004-08-11 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.18
* UIxCalWeekOverview.wox: added AnaisUidSelector
* English.lproj/default.strings: more labels
2004-08-11 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.17
* product.plist: removed "yearprintview" method - this doesn't exist.
* English.lproj/default.strings: more labels (these need to be added
to the French version!)
* UIxAppointmentEditor.[m|wox]: nice Anais integration showing up. ;-)
2004-08-10 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.16
* UIxAppointmentEditor.wox: pretty printing, use labels where appropriate.
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: uses SOGoDateFormatter now.
* English.lproj/default.strings: added new labels.
2004-08-09 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.15
* UIxCalWeek*view.wox: added missing queryParameters to mode hrefs.
2004-08-05 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.14
* UIxCalDayOverview.[hm]: refactored currentDate -> moved to
* UIxCalDayView.[hm]: added currentDate and accompanied functionality.
* UIxCalView.[hm]: added -tooltipForApt.
* UIxCalDayChartview.[wox|m]: implemented.
* UIxCalInlineMonthOverview.wox: cosmetic changes.
* UIxCalDayOverview.wox, UIxCalWeekOverview.wox, UIxCalMonthOverview.wox:
uses "tooltipForApt" for view hyperlinks.
2004-08-02 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.13
* UIxCalDayPrintview.[m|wox], UIxCalWeekPrintview.[m|wox],
UIxCalMonthPrintview.[m|wox]: finished print views.
* UIxCalWeekOverview.wox: added numberformat for days.
2004-08-02 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.12
* UIxCalMonthView.[hm]: fixed a nasty bug. Needed to add -startOfMonth to
overcome the problem associated with -startDate in the context of
month overview. -startDate is necessary for fetching the core infos and
almost always is member of the previous month. Also, -endDate isn't
necessarily in the same month we're talking about. I reworked this and
added some private category to NSCalendarDate which should be moved into
SxCore later on.
* UIxCalMonthOverview.m: Use -startOfMonth instead of -startDate for all
* UIxCalMonthOverview.wox: applied some pretty printing and added some
debugging info (commented out).
2004-07-30 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.11
* UIxCalDayOverview.h, UIxCalWeekOverview.h: new headers for subclassers.
* UIxCalDayPrintview.[wox|m], UIxCalWeekPrintview.[wox|m],
UIxCalMonthPrintview.[wox|m]: new views for printing.
* product.plist: mapped "*printview"'s to appropriate new classes
2004-07-29 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.10
* UIxCalDayView.m, UIxCalWeekView.m, UIxCalMonthView.m: reversed
previous changes to -startDate/-endDate as these were wrong.
Views have to deal on their own if appointments break the
"usual" time range. Nevertheless we should never drop any
* UIxCalDayOverview.[wox|m]: refactored dateRanges (moved to
UIxCalDayView) and completed display of all appropriate attributes
(all day appointments, holiday info).
* UIxCalDayView.[hm]: fixed dateRanges.
* UIxCalView.[hm]: implemented -allDayApts and refactored some code.
2004-07-28 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.9
* UIxCalWeekColumnsview.[m|wox]: implemented.
* UIxCalWeekCharview.*, UIxCalWeekListview.*, UIxCalDayChartView.*,
UIxCalDayListview.*: enhanced templates.
* UIxCalDayView.[hm]: removed -thisMonth and -nextMonth.
* UIxCalView.[hm]: added -thisMonth and -nextMonth
2004-07-28 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.8
* Renamed all images/icon_apt_* images into images/icon_view_*. for the
sake of simplicity and consistency.
* UIxCalInlineMonthOverview.m: fixed problems with a special set of edge
cases where inappropriate style sheets would have been selected.
* UIxCalDayChartview.*, UIxCalDayListview.*: new templates for respective
view modes. Used UIxCalDayOverview as the template for these.
* UIxCalWeekChartview.*, UIxCalWeekListview.*, UIxCalWeekColumnsview.*:
new templates for respective view modes. Used UIxCalWeekOverview as
the template for these.
* GNUmakefile: added new templates and classes, changed image names.
* product.plist: mapped methods to the correct classes.
2004-07-26 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.7
* UIxCalView.[hm]: new methods for defaults access, -dayStartHour,
-dayEndHour and -shouldDisplayWeekend.
* UIxCalDayOverview.[m|wox]: added content. CSS isn't 100% proper, yet.
* UIxCalWeekView.m, UIxCalMonthView.m: set startDate/endDate properly.
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: fixed a subtle bug in -uriAsFormat that
prevented date information from being set properly in newAction:.
2004-07-23 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.6
* GNUmakefile: added UIxCalDayView.[hm] and UIxCalDayOverview.[m|wox]
* UIxCalDayView.[hm]: abstract superclass for all day related views.
* UIxCalDayOverview.[m|wox]: new component rendering the day overview.
* UIxCalInlineMonthOverview.[m|wox]: uses new "selectedDayExtraStyle"
binding and implements accompanied logic for its usage.
* product.plist: added 3 dayview methods, all currently pointing to
2004-07-22 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.5
* UIxCalInlineMonthOverview.m: new "style" binding for setting the global
style all elements will inherit from. Makes styling much easier.
* UIxCalYearOverview.wox: uses all appropriate styles now. Slight fixes
to alignment.
* UIxCalInlineMonthOverview.wox: uses new "style" binding and fixes a bug
* UIxCalYearOverview.m: fixed warnings.
2004-07-21 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.4
* UIxCalMonthOverview.h: new header, required by new
UIxCalInlineMonthOverview component.
* UIxCalInlineMonthOverview.[m|wox]: new component rendering a month
overview suitable for inlining in other views. Several calendar
"modes" require this.
* UIxCalYearOverview.[m|wox]: new component rendering the year
* product.plist: yearoverview -> new method
* GNUmakefile: added UIxCalInlineMonthOverview.[m|wox] and
2004-07-21 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.3
* *.wox: Use label associations where appropriate
* UIxCalView.m: Use labels for localization
* UIxCalMonthOverview.m: removed date specific labels, moved
to SOGoUI/UIxComponent.m.
* UIxCalDateLabel.m: subclasses from UIxComponent now. Corrected
localization using labels now.
* *.lproj/default.strings: new entries
2004-07-20 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.2
* GNUmakefile: added new .lproj resources.
* {English,French}.lproj/default.plist: localizable strings for the
Scheduler bundle.
* UIxCalSelectTab.m, UIxCalWeekOverview.wox,
UIxCalMonthOverview.[m|wox]: changes for using new localization
2004-07-19 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: Use -backendTimeZone from UIxComponent.
2004-07-07 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxCalWeekOverview.wox: minor correction
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: fixed handling in -saveAction:. Also,
added code to correctly convert dates into GMT upon storing.
2004-07-15 Helge Hess <>
* GNUmakefile.preamble: added proper include pathes to allow "inline"
2004-07-02 Helge Hess <>
* UIxAppointmentView.m: fixup timezone of start/enddate
2004-06-30 Helge Hess <>
* UIxCalWeekOverview.wox, UIxCalMonthOverview.wox: some minor tweaks
* UIxAppointmentView.wox: made the attendee emails clickable
* UIxCalView.m: removed -fetchGIDs, moved -fetchCoreInfos to client
* all files: removed ZideStore references
* UIxCalView.h, UIxAppointmentView.h, UIxAppointmentEditor.m,
UIxCalSelectTab.m: include UIxComponent from SOGoUI
* removed backend stuff from some sources
* product.plist: bind things on SOGoAppointmentXXX instead of SX...
* GNUmakefile: changed from ZideStore to SOGo
* created ChangeLog
2005-07-30 Helge Hess <>
* MailerUI/UIxMailView.wox: do not show mail header when accessing a
Kolab mail object
* MailPartViewers/UIxMailPartImageViewer.wox: fixed 'title' attribute
of image tag (now displays filename)
* MailerUI/UIxMailMainFrame.wox: use 'view' instead of 'tb.view' to
activate links
2005-07-26 Helge Hess <>
* ContactsUI/UIxContactEditor.wox: removed copy-from-anais button
* UIxAppointmentProposal.wox, UIxAppointmentEditor.wox: do not try to
use Anais attendee selector (must be replaced)
* MailerUI: use proper _wosid instead of 'sidinurl' in <form> tags
2005-07-22 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxMailPanelFrame.wox: added MailerUI.SOGo strings table for error
* UIxMailEditor.wox: added inclusion of layout2or3_xlib.js and added
a new id to compose_table
2005-07-21 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxCalDayOverview.wox, UIxCalDayChartview.wox, UIxCalDayListview.wox,
UIxCalMonthOverview.wox: reworked the style bindings
* UIxMailToSelection.wox: commented debug output
* UIxMailEditor.wox: added inline attachment view which is only
visible if attachments have been added (similar to what is done
in Thunderbird)
* UIxMailEditorAttach.wox: added JavaScript reference for dynamically
updating UIxMailEditor
* UIxCalInlineAptView.wox: added indicator to flag recurrent events
2005-07-20 Helge Hess <>
* MailerUI/UIxMailToolbar.wox: properly localize button label
* MailerUI: use new UIxMailPanelFrame for panel templates (those which
do not show the folder tree)
* MailerUI/UIxMailView.wox: added support for list headers, for the
organization header, for some spam-assassin and virus scanning fields
* moved remaining mail templates to Templates/MailerUI/
2005-07-19 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxMailToSelection.wox: changed inclusion of JavaScript to resource
lookup (with a little global stub being the exception)
2005-07-19 Helge Hess <>
* UIxAppointmentEditor.wox: import scheduler labels to the client,
moved validation function to UIxAppointmentEditor.js
* UIxAppointmentEditor.wox: use dateformat specific parsing methods
during validation (#1490)
2005-07-19 Marcus Mueller <>
* AnaisUidSelector.wox: moved JavaScript into component, renamed quite
a lot of stuff to reflect the current implementation
2005-07-19 Helge Hess <>
* UIxAppointmentEditor.wox: use parsing function from skycalendar.js
to check validity of date fields
* UIxAppointmentEditor.wox: check whether title is set and raise a
confirm panel if not, check if startdate/enddate are 10 chars long
2005-07-18 Helge Hess <>
* ContactsUI/UIxContactEditor.wox: validate email field prior form
submit (#1483)
* MailerUI/UIxMailMainFrame.wox: removed searchfield.js from <head>
* UIxPageFrame.wox: added generic.js to <head>
* ContactsUI/UIxContactsListView.wox: fixed a static reference to
2005-07-18 Marcus Mueller <>
* AnaisUidSelector.wox: added extraAttributes to pass on from
Anais which we need now
2005-07-18 Helge Hess <>
* MailerUI/UIxMailFilterPanel.wox: disabled auto-search field
2005-07-18 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxContactsSelectionView.wox: fixed targets of sort actions and
form processing
* UIxMailAddressbook.wox: changed template text explaining why there's
nothing to be rendered
* UIxMailToSelection.wox: changed JavaScript functions to be more
2005-07-15 Helge Hess <>
* MailPartViewers/UIxMailPartICalViewer.wox: prepared support for iMIP
'method' requests
2005-07-14 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxCalScheduleOverview.wox: removed functionality for v0.8 on
client's request
* UIxAppointmentView.wox: added accept/decline functionality in
participants tab
2005-07-14 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailAccountView.wox: directly access the clientObject to get share
2005-07-14 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxContactsSelectionView.wox: removed hardcoded stylesheet paths,
provided rsrc: driven paths as this works now
* UIxCalSelectTab.wox: removed 'Schedule' tab.
* UIxCalScheduleOverview.wox: rewritten to be a subcomponent instead
of a proper page. This is used by SOGoHomePage now.
2005-07-13 Marcus Mueller <>
* *.wox: fixed all corner_right.gif image resources
* UIxAppNavView.wox: traversal path is only shown when debugging app,
instead inserted user's CN as requested
2005-07-13 Helge Hess <>
* ContactsUI/UIxContactEditor.wox: disable editing when being used on
a vCard contact
* ContactsUI/UIxContactView.wox: added support for displaying vCard
* ContactsUI/UIxContactsListView.wox, UIxMailContactList.wox: changed
to use c_name instead of cName (as required by new GDLContentStore)
2005-07-12 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxAppointmentEditor.wox: moved the 'checkForConflicts' button near
the 'save' button as requested
2005-07-08 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxCalDayOverview.wox, UIxCalWeekOverview.wox,
UIxCalWeekColumnsview.wox, UIxCalDayChartview.wox,
UIxCalDayListview.wox, UIxCalWeekChartview.wox,
UIxCalMonthOverview.wox, UIxCalWeekListview.wox:
added 'hide/show rejected apts' toggle to all views
* UIxPageFrame.wox: added 'headers' to the debug output
* UIxAppointmentEditor.wox: removed conditionals from UI as they were
wrongly placed in the template, component does now deal with it
2005-07-07 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxPageFrame.wox: added 'Home' and 'Administration' hyperlink
* UIxPageFrame.wox: added 'help' hyperlink
* UIxPageFrame.wox: added 'isAccessRestricted' debug output
* AnaisUidSelector.wox: changed layout, added new 'me alone' button
as requested
2005-07-06 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxCalInlineAptView.wox: add private appointment icon for non-public
appointments that belong to yourself.
2005-07-05 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxCalDayOverview.wox, UIxCalInlineAptView.wox,
UIxCalWeekOverview.wox, UIxCalWeekColumnsview.wox,
UIxCalDayChartview.wox, UIxCalDayListview.wox,
UIxCalWeekChartview.wox, UIxCalMonthOverview.wox: added referenceDate
bindings for all UIxAptInlineViews
* UIxAppointmentEditor.wox: added redirect in case user who is not
allowed to edit view tries to do so
2005-07-04 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxCalDayOverview.wox, UIxCalWeekOverview.wox,
UIxCalWeekColumnsview.wox, UIxCalDayChartview.wox,
UIxAppointmentProposal.wox, UIxCalDayListview.wox,
UIxCalWeekChartview.wox, UIxAppointmentView.wox,
UIxCalMonthOverview.wox, UIxCalWeekListview.wox,
UIxAppointmentEditor.wox: removed printview links (commented out),
removed resources where appropriate (cancelled for version 0.8)
2005-06-26 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailContactEditor.wox: added a hidden field containing the contact
2005-03-23 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxCalWeekOverview.wox: changed the right corner URL yet again
2005-02-22 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailMainFrame.wox: removed debug code, use new SOPE container tag
to allow for frameless pages
2005-02-21 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxTimeDateControl.wox: disable time control on demand
* UIxAppointmentEditor.m: correctly visualize until date for
2005-02-18 Helge Hess <>
* UIxMailContactList.wox: added prototypical inline edits in a table
* created ChangeLog
2005-08-01 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.28
* moved classes from shared library back to bundle
* UIxContactEditorBase.m, UIxContactView.m: fixed some gcc 4.0 warning
2005-07-26 Helge Hess <>
* English.lproj/Localizable.strings: added a missing semicolon
2005-07-19 Helge Hess <>
* UIxContactEditorBase.m: moved copyContact JS code to
UIxContactEditor.js file (v0.9.26)
2005-07-18 Helge Hess <>
* English.lproj/Localizable.strings: added text for invalid emails
2005-07-13 Helge Hess <>
* UIxContactEditorBase.m: added a safeguard for vCard contacts
2005-06-26 Helge Hess <>
* created a library containing shared base classes (for
MailerContactsUI) (v0.9.23)
2005-03-23 Marcus Mueller <>
* renamed "default.strings" to "Localizable.strings" (v0.9.22)
2005-02-14 Helge Hess <>
* UIxContactEditor.m: moved header file to own file (v0.9.21)
* UIxContactsListView.m: added ability in code to sort descending if
the desc=1 query parameter is set (v0.9.20)
* UIxContactsListView.h: properly protected header file (v0.9.19)
2004-12-08 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxContactEditor.m: changed to use NGLogging (v0.9.18)
2004-10-27 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.17
* UIxContactEditor.[wox|m]: new parameters "mobile", "departmentNumber"
and "l" passed to callback. Provide proper unescaping to the
callback's parameters. (#985, #987)
* UIxContactView.wox: properly display new properties, suppress
rendering of "Organization". (#985)
* {English.lproj|French.lproj}/default.strings: needed to change some
labels according to new requirements.
2004-10-20 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxContactsSelectionView.m: several properties provided to the
callback need to be unescaped properly before being passed back.
This is achieved by using the new SOGoJSStringFormatter in SOGoUI.
2004-10-14 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxContactSelector.m: fixed wrong method name (v0.9.15)
2004-10-12 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxContactSelector.m: moved helpers to UIxComponent (v0.9.14)
2004-10-08 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.13
* UIxContactsSelectionView.m: pass more (previous empty) parameters
to the JavaScript callback.
* UIxContactSelector.m: correctly compute the relative path to the
"Contacts" URL.
2004-09-14 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.12
* UIxContactEditor.[wox|m]: Copy from Anais functionality
* UIxContactsSelectionView.m: minor cleanup
* {English.lproj,French.lproj}/defaults.plist: new localizable string
* v0.9.11
* UIxContactSelector.m: changed width of satellite window to 800px
* UIxContactsSelectionView.m: hardcoded paths to stylesheets due to
resource lookup problems.
* French.lproj/defaults.plist: copied the English strings here
2004-09-13 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.10
* UIxContactsListView.h: new header for subclassers
* UIxContactsSelectionView.[m|wox]: new subclass of UIxContactsListView
which is basically the same only in its own window frame to mimic
the appearance of Anais.
* UIxContactSelector.[m|wox]: component for opening
UIxContactsSelectionView in a separate window
* product.plist: new method "select"
2004-09-03 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxContactView.wox: added some more properties for display (v0.9.9)
2004-09-01 Marcus Mueller <>
* GNUmakefile.preamble: fixed for gsmake 1.9.2 build (v0.9.8)
2004-08-27 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.7
* English.lproj/default.strings: provided labels
* UIxContactsListView.wox, UIxContactView.wox, UIxContactEditor.wox:
converted static strings into labels
2004-08-27 Helge Hess <>
* UIxContactsListView: added simple filtering (v0.9.6)
* UIxContactsListView: added simple sorting (v0.9.5)
* first working version of contacts UI (v0.9.4)
* removed GET from product.plist, the SoObject directly implements GET
now and redirects to the view method (v0.9.3)
2004-08-26 Helge Hess <>
* product.plist: more fixes to product.plist (v0.9.2)
* product.plist: fixed package dependency, fixed category name (v0.9.1)
2004-08-25 Marcus Mueller <>
* common.h: new file
* UIxContact*: added template views
* ChangeLog: created
2005-07-19 Helge Hess <>
* UIxPageFrame.m: workaround for an issue with [page name] (page name
gets reset, so we use the page class instead) (v0.9.46)
* UIxPageFrame.m: added ability to auto-load per-page JavaScript files
if appropriate resources are available (v0.9.45)
2005-07-18 Helge Hess <>
* moved all images and CSS to WebServerResources (v0.9.44)
* v0.9.43
* various minor code cleanups
* removed deprecated uix.css (lives in WebServerResources!)
2005-07-14 Marcus Mueller <>
* calendar.css: further refined new css (v0.9.42)
* calendar.css, uix.css: added homepagefont and added 'title' class
to use in the scheduler overview (v0.9.41)
2005-07-13 Marcus Mueller <>
* English.lproj/Localizable.strings: removed label "You are here" and
provided new label "User" (v0.9.40)
2005-07-07 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.39
* UIxPageFrame.m: added new -
* English.lproj/Localizable.strings: added new 'Home' and
'Administration' labels
* English.lproj/Localizable.strings: added new 'Help' label (v0.9.38)
2005-07-05 Marcus Mueller <>
* calendar.css: added appointment priority styles (v0.9.37)
2005-03-23 Marcus Mueller <>
* renamed "default.strings" to "Localizable.strings" (v0.9.36)
2005-02-10 Helge Hess <>
* GNUmakefile: include ../common.make (v0.9.35)
2005-01-24 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxPageFrame.wox: additional debug output (v0.9.34)
2005-01-21 Helge Hess <>
* UIxTabView.m: fixed an include of WEExtensions (v0.9.33)
2004-01-07 Marcus Mueller <>
* {English/French}.lproj/default.strings: changed encoding from
ISO-Latin-1 to UTF-8, which is now the default (v0.9.32)
2004-12-16 Marcus Mueller <>
* calendar.css: added CSS for "Schedule" (v0.9.31)
2004-12-09 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxPageFrame.[wox,m]: added -ownerInContext debug info (v0.9.30)
2004-12-08 Marcus Mueller <>
* calendar.css: added styles for others' appointments in
printviews, so they are easy to distinguish (v0.9.29)
* UIxTabItem.m: changed to use NGLogging (v0.9.28)
2004-10-18 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.27
* UIxPageFrame.wox: added Mail, fixed relative URL composition
* UIxPageFrame.m: removed URL processing, instead uses methods from
* *.lproj/default.strings: added label "Mail"
2004-09-20 Helge Hess <>
* UIxPageFrame.m: added item ivar (v0.9.26)
* UIxPageFrame.wox: improved debugging section (v0.9.25)
2004-09-10 Marcus Mueller <>
* uix.css: new button_submit style for the Anais selector, looks
similar to the mozilla submit button now (v0.9.24)
2004-09-09 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxPageFrame.wox: display clientObject and object traversal stack
if isUIxDebugEnabled is set (v0.9.23)
2004-09-01 Helge Hess <>
* GNUmakefile.preamble: removed dependency on libNGScripting (v0.9.22)
2004-08-27 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.21
* English.lproj/default.strings, French.lproj/default.strings:
dictionaries for labels
* UIxPageFrame.wox, UIxAppNavView.wox: replaced constant strings with
2004-08-27 Helge Hess <>
* started UIxSortButton (v0.9.20)
* v0.9.19
* UIxPageFrame.wox: navigation below the line, app selection above
* uix.css: make 'defaultfont' a generic class
* UIxPageFrame.wox: added top-level menu with links for Calendar and
Contacts (v0.9.18)
* removed old components (UIxAppFrame, Header and Navigation) (v0.9.17)
2004-08-24 Maxime Wacker <>
* GNUmakefile.preamble: fixes for the build process (v0.9.16)
2004-08-16 Marcus Mueller <>
* calendar.css: additional css for Anais uids (v0.9.15)
* calendar.css: additional css for other appointments (v0.9.14)
2004-08-14 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxPageFrame.m: -title returns label for "" when
-isUIxDebugEnabled is NO. (v0.9.13)
2004-08-12 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxPageFrame.wox: removed left side navigation completely as it
currently doesn't make too much sense and contrasts with the
user interface layout which already has been agreed about (v0.9.12)
2004-08-12 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxWinClose.wox: removed rendering of (X) on Laurent's request
2004-08-11 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxPageFrame subclasses from UIxComponent now, removed -SoUser
because it's now in UIxComponent. (v0.9.10)
2004-08-11 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxPageFrame.wox, UIxAppNavView.m: added labels (v0.9.9)
2004-08-11 <>
* UIxPageFrame: minor fixes to UI (v0.9.8)
2004-08-05 Marcus Mueller <>
* calendar.css: commented some styles out, because they don't really do
what I think they should do. Someone with better knowledge of CSS
should look into this. (v0.9.7)
2004-08-02 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.6
* UIxPageFrame.wox: added javascript for onload action, some cosmetics
* calendar.css: added remaining CSS for printviews
2004-08-02 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxPageFrame.wox: removed some navigation items to avoid confusion.
Also applied some pretty printing. (v0.9.5)
2004-07-30 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.4
* calendar.css: added CSS for printviews
* UIxPrintPageFrame.[wox|m]: new wrapper component for all views that
require printing.
2004-07-28 Marcus Mueller <>
* calendar.css: added CSS for weekcolumnsview (v0.9.3)
2004-07-27 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.2
* UIxPageFrame.m: added convenience methods to access specific parts
of the URL.
* UIxPageFrame.wox: fixed navigation URLs. Inserted references to
rootURL where no content is currently available.
* UIxAppNavView.m: enhanced construction of navigation url path.
2004-07-26 Marcus Mueller <>
* calendar.css: added styles for dayoverview's content.
2004-07-23 Marcus Mueller <>
* calendar.css: added styles for dayoverview's calendar.
2004-07-22 Marcus Mueller <>
* calendar.css: complete style for 'yearoverview' and fixed style in
2004-07-16 Helge Hess <>
* UIxAppNavView.m: some fixes to navigation URLs
* UIxAppNavView.wox: fixed indention
* product.plist: properly export uix.css as a public resource
2004-07-01 Helge Hess <>
* UIxTabView.m: removed JavaScript and the involved access of -session
2004-06-30 Helge Hess <>
* product.plist: make categories on SOGoObject instead of SxFolder
* GNUmakefile: patches for different build/runtime environment
* created ChangeLog
2005-08-01 Helge Hess <>
* added FHS installation (v0.9.36)
2005-07-30 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoDateFormatter.m: hardened against nil arguments (v0.9.35)
2005-07-21 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxComponent.m: changed -userFolderPath to generate the path to the
activeUser, _NOT_ the owner (v0.9.34)
2005-07-20 Helge Hess <>
* UIxComponent.m: added fragile base class check (v0.9.33)
2005-07-20 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxComponent.m: changed language lookup to meet the status quo
2005-07-18 Helge Hess <>
* UIxComponent.m: minor code reorgs (v0.9.31)
2005-07-18 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoAptFormatter.[hm]: added -titlePlaceholder API for properly
formatting appointments without titles (v0.9.30)
2005-07-13 Marcus Mueller <>
* WOContext+UIx.[hm]: new category to WOContext, currently provides
-isUIxDebugEnabled (v0.9.29)
2005-07-08 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxComponent.m: moved -isAccessRestricted method to
UIxComponent+Agenor (v0.9.28)
2005-07-07 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.27
* UIxComponent.m: implicitly set the context's queryPathSeperator
when generating URIs used in redirects
* v0.9.26
* UIxComponent.m: added method -isAccessRestricted to indicate whether
certain options might have to be disabled due to restrictions
set by the customer
2005-07-06 Helge Hess <>
* UIxComponent.m: added method -isInvokedBySafeMethod to check whether
the current HTTP method is a safe one (eg HEAD/GET) (v0.9.25)
2005-07-05 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoAptFormatter.[hm]: new API. -stringForObjectValue: is deprecated
now and should not be used anymore. Formatting needs a referenceDate
in order to properly display time ranges. Time ranges are currently
rendered in SOGoAptFormatter, but this should probably be delegated
to a natural language aware auxiliary (date-)formatter. Also, some
new formatting options have been introduced. (v0.9.24)
2005-01-26 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoDateFormatter.[hm]: new method -setFrenchDateFormat: to override
the default ISO format. This will be chosen depending on locale
automatically. The full description uses this setting when generating
the appropriate part of the description. (v0.9.23)
2004-12-17 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoAptFormatter.m: remove "appointment" prefix from tooltips
2004-12-13 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoAptFormatter.[hm]: new option for formatter (v0.9.21)
* SOGoAptFormatter.[hm]: added ability to set custom title for private
appointments. (v0.9.20)
2004-12-10 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoAptFormatter.[hm]: added formatting for private apts, additional
cleanup (v0.9.19)
2004-12-08 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxComponent.m: changed to use NGLogging (v0.9.18)
2004-10-22 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxComponent.m: rewrote handling of queryParameters, these get
constructed lazily now (v0.9.17)
2004-10-20 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoJSStringFormatter.[hm]: new formatter to properly escape certain
strings passed to JavaScript (v0.9.16)
2004-10-18 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxComponent.m: changed the implementation of -ownPath and fixed a
bug in -userFolderPath (v0.9.15)
2004-10-12 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxComponent.m: added some helper methods for computing relative
paths within the application (v0.9.14)
2004-09-26 Helge Hess <>
* UIxComponent.m: minor code cleanups (v0.9.13)
2004-09-25 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.12
* GNUmakefile.preamble: fixed library dependencies (used wrong project
* SOGoAptFormatter.m: minor code cleanups, fixed issue on MacOSX
2004-08-26 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.11
* SOGoDateFormatter.m: minor cleanups
* UIxComponent.m: fixed includes to fix warnings
* added common.h
2004-08-24 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxComponent.m: new date related methods moved here from UIxCalView
2004-08-14 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxComponent.m: new method -isUIxDebugEnabled, triggered by new
default "SOGoUIxDebugEnabled" (v0.9.9)
2004-08-13 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.8
* SOGoAptFormatter.[hm]: added new formatter for appointments.
* UIxComponent.m: added warning.
* GNUmakefile: added SOGoAptFormatter.[hm]
2004-08-11 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxComponent.[hm]: added -SoUser (v0.9.7)
2004-08-10 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.6
* SOGoDateFormatter.[hm]: added fast localizable date formatter.
* GNUmakefile: added SOGoDateFormatter.[hm]
2004-07-26 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxComponent.m: added "hm" queryParameter to add hour/minute part to
selectedDate which is necessary for appointment proposals. Removed
all additional stuff from -dateForDateString: and moved this to
-selectedDate. IMHO this is always high-level behaviour which needs to
be refined in the appropriate high-level method, not at conversion
level. (v0.9.5)
2004-07-21 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxComponent.[hm]: renamed some of the labels to better reflect the
intention (and to avoid name clashes) (v0.9.4)
2004-07-21 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxComponent.[hm]: date specific labels (weekday names, month names)
2004-07-20 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxComponent.[hm]: new method -labelForKey: implemented very similar to
new WOLabelAssociation in SOPE. Also implemented -locale. (v0.9.2)
2004-07-19 Marcus Mueller <>
* UIxComponent.m: new method -backendTimeZone.
2004-07-02 Helge Hess <>
* UIxComponent.m: introduced 'viewTimeZone' method and adds some
timezone correction to date methods
2004-06-30 Helge Hess <>
* product.plist: make categories on SOGoObject instead of SxFolder
* GNUmakefile: patches for different build/runtime environment
* created ChangeLog
2005-08-01 Helge Hess <>
* GNUmakefile: added FHS installation of sogod-0.9 (v0.9.41)
* SOGo.m: added class security declarations (previously in
product.plist of MainUI), ensure that core SOGo SoClasses are loaded
* v0.9.39
* moved MainUI product bundle to UI/MainUI
* SOGo.m: fixed some gcc 4.0 warnings
2005-07-21 Helge Hess <>
* product.plist: protect homepage using SOPE access control (v0.9.38)
* SOGoRootPage.m: redirect authenticated users to their login page
2005-07-21 Marcus Mueller <>
* homepage.js: fixed post to send an empty string instead of null -
this works in Firefox on MacOSX but fails on Windows (v0.9.36)
2005-07-20 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.35
* README: updated with new default description
* SOGoUserHomePage.wox: in case user is not authorized to change the
internet access flag, the rendered text is different now
* English.lproj/Localizable.strings: provide new label for case that
user is not allowed to change internet access
2005-07-15 Helge Hess <>
* GNUmakefile.preamble: fixed Cocoa compilation (v0.9.34)
2005-07-14 Helge Hess <>
* moved SOGoUser and SOGoAuthenticator to libSOGo (v0.9.33)
2005-07-14 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoUserHomePage.m: vacation message state is now properly being
retrieved from AgenorUserManager (v0.9.32)
* v0.9.31
* SOGoUserHomePage.[m, wox]: added internet access lock
display/modification and vacation state (currently only faked)
* homepage.js: JavaScript in use on the homepage
* English.lproj/Localizable.strings: removed old labels and added a
bunch of new labels
2005-07-12 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.30
* SOGoAuthenticator.m: create SOGoUser objects
* added 'SOGoUser' object/class as a subclass of SoUser, using this
object various Agenor properties like cn or email can be determined
(will use the AgenorUserManager to retrieve such)
2005-07-08 Marcus Mueller <>
* README: updated for new default 'SOGoAllowsUnrestrictedAccess'
2005-07-05 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.29
* README: updated defaults documentation
* SOGo.m: added new default 'SOGoEnableDoubleReleaseCheck' for
debugging of NSAutoreleasePool issues
2005-03-28 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoProductLoader.m: do not try to load directories without
extensions (v0.9.28)
2005-03-23 Marcus Mueller <>
* renamed "default.strings" to "Localizable.strings" (v0.9.27)
2005-02-21 Helge Hess <>
* GNUmakefile: properly install bundle in FHS (v0.9.26)
2005-02-20 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoProductLoader.m: fixed product loader for FHS and Cocoa (0.9.25)
2005-02-17 Helge Hess <>
* SOGo.m: added a proper application 'name' for the WEResourceManager,
use WEResourceManager per default (v0.9.24)
2005-02-12 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGo.m: corrected incorrect use of logging (v0.9.23)
2005-02-10 Helge Hess <>
* GNUmakefile.preamble: fixed linking on MacOSX (v0.9.22)
* v0.9.21
* SOGoProductLoader.m: perform properly versioned plugin lookups (load
bundles from Library/SOGo-0.9 instead of Library/SOGo)
* sogod is now a tool, not a .woa anymore
* SOGo.m: minor cleanup in locale code, removed some dead code
* GNUmakefile: some support for tool compilation (does not work yet)
* sogod.m: moved application class to own file, started to work on
daemon/product separation (v0.9.19)
2004-01-07 Marcus Mueller <>
* {English/French}.lproj/default.strings: changed encoding from
ISO-Latin-1 to UTF-8, which is now the default (v0.9.18)
2004-12-15 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoUserHomePage.m: added defaultAction to redirect to
"Calendar/" (v0.9.17)
2004-12-08 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoProductLoader.m, sogod.m: changed to use NGLogging (v0.9.16)
2004-10-19 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoUserHomePage.[wox|m]: changed hrefs to be computed dynamically
instead of being static (v0.9.15)
2004-10-18 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.14
* SOGoUserHomePage.wox: Changed label for "eMail" to "Mail" for
* *.lproj/default.strings: added label "Mail"
2004-09-26 Helge Hess <>
* sogod.m: return 404 for favicon.ico queries (v0.9.13)
* fixed title bindings to const: in .wox (should be label:?) (v0.9.12)
2004-09-25 Helge Hess <>
* sogod.m: fixed a compile warning on OSX (v0.9.11)
2004-09-20 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoUserHomePage.wox: added link to Mail (v0.9.10)
2004-08-27 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.9
* English.lproj/default.strings, French.lproj/default.strings:
dictionaries for labels
* SOGoUserHomePage.wox: replaced constant strings with labels
2004-08-26 Helge Hess <>
* GNUmakefile.preamble: fixed superflous libjs (v0.9.8)
2004-08-11 Helge Hess <>
* added SOGoGroupPage and SOGoGroupsPage (default views for the group
folders) (v0.9.7)
* sogod.m: do not set SoRootURL manually (v0.9.6)
2004-08-10 Marcus Mueller <>
* French.lproj/Locale: minor changes to capitalization (v0.9.5)
2004-07-27 Marcus Mueller <>
* sogod.m: added static SoRootURL to context (v0.9.4)
2004-07-19 Marcus Mueller <>
* sogod.m, */Locale: converted to UTF-8 for better editability (v0.9.3)
2004-07-19 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.2
* sogod.m: added localization methods. Current locale is put into
WOContext upon first request. All locales are cached in the
application object.
* [English,French].lproj: created. Put appropriate Locale
representations here.
* SOGoRootPage.wox: some debug code (for locales).
* created ChangeLog.
2005-12-19 Marcus Mueller <>
* GNUMakefile.preamble: provide all necessary library dependencies
for certain broken linkers - this won't harm platforms sporting
more capable linkers (v0.9.33)
2005-08-01 Helge Hess <>
* added FHS installation (v0.9.32)
2005-07-26 Helge Hess <>
* sql: added missing priority quickfield to SQLite tables (v0.9.31)
2005-07-13 Helge Hess <>
* OCSContactFieldExtractor.m: do not crash if the content is not a
proper property list, added ability to extract fields from a vCard
2005-07-12 Helge Hess <>
* added sql/profile-create.psql to create the user-profile database
table (not strictly related to OCSContentStore)
2005-07-05 Marcus Mueller <>
* iCalEntityObject+OCS.m: fixed stupid extraction bug (v0.9.29)
2005-07-05 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.28
* added test_quick_extract.m tool to test the quick-field extraction
* OCSiCalFieldExtractor.m: properly deal with the iCal parser returning
just the iCalEvent
2005-07-04 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.27
* iCalEntityObject+OCS.[hm]: new category used by OCSiCalFieldExtractor
* OCSiCalFieldExtractor.m: extract priority from iCal event
* appointment.ocs: added priority
* sql/ added priority quick field
2005-03-20 Helge Hess <>
* moved most of the code to SOPE 4.5 sope-gdl1/GDLContentStore
2005-03-07 Helge Hess <>
* appointment.ocs: added missing 'partstates' field (v0.9.25)
2005-03-04 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.24
* ocs_gensql.m: started tool to create SQL CREATE from ocs model file
* OCSFolderType.m: small change to the factory API, changed to use
2005-03-03 Helge Hess <>
* OCSFolderManager.m: fixed a bug in subfolder listing (v0.9.23)
2005-03-01 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.22
* appointment.ocs: added 'cycleenddate' and 'cycleinfo' to address
previous performance issues
* OCSiCalFieldExtractor.m: set 'cycleenddate' and 'cycleinfo' for
recurrent events. Reverted setting of 'enddate' to the previous
behaviour since 'cycleenddate' is dedicated to the task now
* iCalRepeatableEntityObject+OCS.[hm]: new category used by the
OCSiCalFieldExtractor to extract cycleInfo in an appropriate format
* sql/,
sql/ adjusted to new
2005-03-01 Helge Hess <>
* OCSFolder.m: added support for storing content and quick info in
the same table (untested) (v0.9.21)
2005-02-21 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.20
* OCSFolderManager.m: removed quoting of SQL table and column names
(breaks with SQLite and isn't necessary for PG), fixed URL pooling
for SQLite
* NSURL+OCS.m: use tablename for last path component
2005-02-12 Marcus Mueller <>
* OCSiCalFieldExtractor.m: uses new iCalEvent API to determine correct
'enddate' for recurrent events. This is an optimization which can
save quite some time for complex rules. (v0.9.19)
2004-12-17 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.18
* OCSiCalFieldExtractor.m: extract participants' state
* sql/, sql/appointment-create.psql,
sql/foldertablecreate-helge-privcal.psql: updated with new schema.
2004-12-15 Marcus Mueller <>
* OCSiCalFieldExtractor.m: partmails + cn's are concatenated by '\n'
now - this directly eliminates any ambiguities. Also, instead of
using 'email' for partmails and orgmail, the extractor uses the
'rfc822Email' value which strips away any preceeding 'mailto:'
prefix, compacting the representation and speeding up comparison.
Also, "iscycle", "isallday" and "isopaque" are now provided by
NGiCal and thus always extracted (v0.9.17)
2004-12-13 Marcus Mueller <>
* sql/ fixed critical error in
Contacts folder_info, type was 'Appointment' but MUST be 'Contact'
2004-12-10 Marcus Mueller <>
* sql: updated all generation scripts to the latest version (v0.9.15)
2004-12-09 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.14
* appointment.ocs: added "ispublic", "isopaque", "status" and
* OCSiCalFieldExtractor.m: updated to extract new fields (see above)
* sql: updated
2004-10-19 Helge Hess <>
* OCSFolder.m: added new method -fetchContentsOfAllFiles method which
fetches the contents of all files stored in the folder (required for
iCal generation, such bulk fetches should be avoided if possible!)
2004-10-15 Marcus Mueller <>
* OCSStringFormatter.[hm]: minor cleanup (v0.9.12)
* v0.9.11
* OCSStringFormatter.[hm]: new class to format strings according to
Database requirements (escaping etc.).
* OCSFolder.m: uses new OCSStringFormatter now.
2004-09-25 Helge Hess <>
* fixed compilation on MacOSX (v0.9.10)
2004-09-10 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.9
* fixed some gcc warnings
* GNUmakefile.preamble: added pathes to compile against an FHS SOPE
* OCSiCalFieldExtractor.m: fixed type of sequence iCalEvent field
2004-09-01 Marcus Mueller <>
* GNUmakefile: install type models into $(GNUSTEP_USER_ROOT) (v0.9.8)
2004-08-27 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.7
* OCSChannelManager.m: use PostgreSQL as adaptor, not PostgreSQL72
* OCSFolder.m: added support for doing folder sorting in SQL
2004-08-26 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.6
* added OCSContactFieldExtractor
* sql: added sample contact folder create scripts
* OCSFolderType.m: read extractor class name from type model
* OCSFolderManager.m: added contact type model per default (v0.9.5)
2004-08-25 Helge Hess <>
* GNUmakefile: automatically install OCSTypeModels (v0.9.4)
2004-08-15 Helge Hess <>
* OCSFolder.m: added content deletion (v0.9.3)
* OCSFolder.m: added sanity check to store method (v0.9.2)
2004-08-14 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.1
* OCSiCalFieldExtractor.m: extract new quick fields: location,
partmails, sequence (does not yet handle allday and cycle due to
NGiCal restrictions)
* appointment.ocs, sql/foldertablecreate-helge-privcal.psql,
sql/testapt-agenor-helge-privcal.psql, sql/appointment-create.psql:
added quick fields: isallday, iscycle, location, partmails, sequence
* started ocs_recreatequick tool intended for recreating a quick table
based on the content table of a folder
2004-07-20 Helge Hess <>
* OCSChannelManager.m: fixed a bug in the channel GC which resulted
in an exception during the GC NSTimer
2004-07-16 Helge Hess <>
* improved error handling in various files
2004-07-02 Helge Hess <>
* OCSChannelManager.m: added garbage collector for channel pools
2004-06-30 Helge Hess <>
* OCSChannelManager.m: implemented pooling
* OCSFolder.m: added quick fetches
* GNUmakefile.preamble: fix link path
* GNUmakefile (libOGoContentStore_HEADER_FILES_INSTALL_DIR): install
headers in OGoContentStore
* GNUmakefile.preamble (ocs_ls_TOOL_LIBS): added static dependencies
for OSX
2004-06-30 Marcus Mueller <>
* ocs_cat.m, ocs_ls.m, ocs_mkdir.m: fixed for gnustep compile.
2004-06-29 Helge Hess <>
* created ChangeLog
2005-07-15 Helge Hess <>
* common.make: fixed for OSX compilation
2005-07-12 Marcus Mueller <>
* common.make: provide default install dir and bundle extension to
WO bundles
2005-03-20 Helge Hess <>
* common.make: link against GDLContentStore instead of OGoContentStore
2005-02-24 Helge Hess <>
* common.make (ADDITIONAL_LIB_DIRS): removed SOGoLogic from the linking
2005-02-17 Marcus Mueller <>
* common.make: removed dependency to removed libSOGoLogic
2005-02-15 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.25
* GNUmakefile.preamble: added libNGiCal as a dependency
* Appointments/SOGoAppointmentObject.[hm]: added -event as a
convenience to retrieve a complete iCalEvent from the stored
representation. This is used by SOGoAppointmentFolder to perform
necessary range calculations on recurrent events.
* Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.[hm]: extended -fixupRecord: and
-fixupRecords: to accept a fetchRange: as second parameter. This
is used for cyclic (recurrent) events to determine the required
'amount' of fixup that needs to be done. During -fixupRecords: its
correctly determined now whether the record describes a recurrent
event - if that's the case, the whole event is retrieved and the
record gets duplicated (memory efficiently) as necessary to resemble
the appropriate fetch information in the desired range.
2004-12-22 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.24
* Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.[hm]: added -fetchFreebusy...
Removed all -fetchXXXInfosFromFolder: methods. There's a single
method to override now, making the job in SOGoGroupAppointmentFolder
much easier (to understand).
* Appointments/SOGoGroupAppointmentFolder.m: added necessary fetch
2004-12-17 Marcus Mueller <>
* Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.[hm]: added "partstates" to
coreInfos for fetching. Also added new API to fetch a stripped down
version of coreInfos, suitable for overviews. (v0.9.23)
2004-12-15 Marcus Mueller <>
* Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: default redirect is now
"schedule" instead of "weekoverview" (0.9.22)
* Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: cleanup (v0.9.21)
* Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: compile fix (v0.9.20)
2004-12-13 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.19
* Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.[hm]: new method to fetch generic
fields (better suited for freebusy), fixed some "mailto:" prefix
* Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: fixed bug in
-uidsFromICalPersons: (v0.9.18)
2004-12-10 Marcus Mueller <>
* Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: added new quickinfo attributes
for fetching (v0.9.17)
2004-12-08 Marcus Mueller <>
* GNUmakefile: added Sieve product
* Appointments/SOGoGroupAppointmentFolder.m,
Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m, SOGo/SOGoContentObject.m,
SOGo/SOGoUserFolder.m: changed to NGLogging.
2004-08-26 Marcus Mueller <>
* added "Mailer" product
2004-08-25 Marcus Mueller <>
* added "Contacts" product
* ChangeLog: created
2005-08-01 Helge Hess <>
* added FHS installation (v0.9.70)
* SOGoObject.m: added class security declarations (previously in
product.plist of MainUI) (v0.9.69)
2005-07-21 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoUser.m: added a method to fetch share/emitter address pairs from
the AgenorUserManager (v0.9.68)
* AgenorUserManager.m: rewrote to use NSMutableDictionary instead of
SOGoLRUCache. Flush caches every hour (configurable using
'AgenorCacheCheckInterval' default). Added method to retrieve the
shares and the emitter emails in one step. (v0.9.67)
2005-07-20 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.66
* SOGoContentObject.m: properly quote etag
* SOGoObject.m: changed to check etag when the content is accessed in
WebDAV mode and return a 304 if the tag stayed the same.
Do not strip quotes from etags in if-*match headers.
Properly implement if-none-match for GET requests.
* SOGoContentObject.m: moved generic etag checking to SOGoObject (to
share implementation with Mailer) (v0.9.65)
2005-07-19 Marcus Mueller <>
* AgenorUserManager.m: properly implemented internet/intranet vacation
message status detection (v0.9.64)
2005-07-14 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.63
* SOGoAppointment.[hm]: new API to cancel appointments, NSCopying
2005-07-15 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.62
* SOGoGroupFolder.m, SOGoUser.m: fixed a gcc 4.0 warning
* GNUmakefile.preamble: properly use SYSTEM_LIB_DIR
* v0.9.61
* SOGoContentObject.m: fixed a Cocoa warning
* GNUmakefile.preamble: added proper linking flags for OSX
2005-07-14 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.60
* SOGoAppointment.[hm]: added 'method' and 'userComment' accessors
* SOGoAppointmentICalRenderer.m: properly render 'method' of
appointment if it's set - otherwise assume 'REQUEST'
2005-07-14 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoUser.m: added -homeFolderInContext: and
-schedulingCalendarInContext: methods (v0.9.59)
* moved in SOGoUser and SOGoAuthenticator from Main (v0.9.58)
2005-07-14 Marcus Mueller <>
* AgenorUserManager.[hm]: added accessors and cache for the
'mineqMelReponse' flag. Please note that the implementation isn't
fully fleshed out because the technical specification isn't correct.
* AgenorUserManager.[hm]: added accessors and cache for the
'mineqOgoAccesInternet' flag (v0.9.56)
2005-07-14 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoContentObject.m: added empty davCopy/davMove methods (v0.9.55)
* v0.9.54
* SOGoContentObject.m: added support for special 'new' key (server will
assign a name and add the new location in a special response header)
* SOGoFolder.m: added +globallyUniqueObjectId (previously the method
was duplicated in each subclass)
* SOGoContentObject.m: added transactionally save etag-checks in PUT
(use the etag value as the baseVersion in the content store)
2005-07-13 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.52
* SOGoObject.m: properly add etag during a GET (if available)
* SOGoContentObject.m: generate etag from content object version, added
methods to check request preconditions, check preconditions prior
running a PUT, added new etag after running a PUT
* SOGoObject.m, SOGoFolder.m: added +version methods to detect fragile
base class issues (v0.9.51)
* SOGoFolder.m: changed to use plain column names (v0.9.50)
2005-07-12 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoUserFolder.m: forbid access (403) to SOGoGroupFolders if access
is not from the Intranet (v0.9.49)
2005-07-12 Helge Hess <>
* AgenorUserDefaults.m: added automagic profile row creation (v0.9.48)
* AgenorUserDefaults.m: implemented saving of changed profiles
2005-07-12 Marcus Mueller <>
* AgenorUserManager.[hm]: new API for extracting UIDs from iCalPersons
2005-07-12 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.45
* AgenorUserDefaults.m: properly fetch profile contents
* agenor_defaults.m: read operation can now return all defined keys
* v0.9.44
* AgenorUserDefaults.m: added typed value accessors and proper
* AgenorUserManager.m: added 'AgenorProfileURL' default to configure
the database location of the user profile table
* finished agenor_defaults tool
2005-07-12 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.43
* added agenor_defaults tool to test defaults functionality
* AgenorUserManager.[hm]: added -getUserDefaultsForUID: method to
retrieve the profile of a user (incomplete)
* added AgenorUserDefaults class (incomplete) as a wrapper for the
profile data of Agenor users
2005-07-08 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.42
* added agenor_emails4uid tool to check whether the
uid=>allowed-from-mails discovery in AgenorUserManager works
* AgenorUserManager.m: added -getSharedMailboxEMailsForUID: method to
discover the shared emails the user is allowed to post from,
added caching of shared emails and Cyrus-logins
* WOContext+Agenor.m: use SOGoInternetDetectQualifier for detecting
Internet access level (v0.9.41)
2005-07-08 Marcus Mueller <>
* WOContext+Agenor.[hm]: new category for discovering if the current
context is via access from the intranet. (v0.9.40)
2005-07-07 Helge Hess <>
* added agenor_shares4uid tool to check whether the uid=>shared mailbox
discovery in AgenorUserManager works
* AgenorUserManager.m: fixed a major string scanning bug in
_serverCandidatesForMineqMelRoutage: method,
added -getSharedMailboxAccountStringsForUID: method to discover
shared IMAP4 accounts (v0.9.39)
2005-07-07 Helge Hess <>
* AgenorUserManager.m: added a simple -description method (v0.9.38)
* added agenor_email2uid.m tool to check whether the email=>uid mapping
in AgenorUserManager works
2005-07-06 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.37
* SOGoUserFolder.m: added 'freebusy.ifb' as an object to the
collection for proper display via DAV.
* SOGoAppointmentICalRenderer.m: fixed header inclusion
* AgenorUserManager.[hm]: added proposed future API for discovering
URLs for free/busy information (implementation currently returns
2005-07-05 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoAppointment.m: fixed a wrong -release (v0.9.36)
2005-03-25 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoObject.m: fixed DELETEAction to return a boolean if the delete
was successful (required by SoObjectRequestHandler) (v0.9.35)
2005-03-20 Helge Hess <>
* changed to use GDLContentStore (v0.9.34)
2005-03-03 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoGroupFolder.m: switched logging to NGLogging (v0.9.33)
2005-03-02 Marcus Mueller <>
* NSObject+AptComparison.[hm]: new comparison method. This is used
in SOGoAppointmentFolder currently. (v0.9.32)
2005-02-20 Helge Hess <>
* AgenorUserManager.m: refactoring of the LDAP fetch code, added the
'SOGoFallbackIMAP4Server' default to configure the IMAP4 server when
LDAP is disabled (v0.9.31)
2005-02-17 Helge Hess <>
* moved in code from libSOGoLogic (unnecessarily a separate library)
2005-02-10 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoObject.m: fixed a warning on MacOSX (v0.9.29)
2005-02-07 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoObject.h: added prototype for GETAction (v0.9.28)
2005-02-06 Helge Hess <>
* added -outlookMessageClass / -outlookFolderClass (v0.9.27)
2004-10-19 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoFolder: added method -fetchContentStringsAndNamesOfAllObjects
which fetches the contents of all folders objects (avoid to use this
high overhead method!). Required for iCalendar file generation.
2004-10-08 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoUserFolder.m: enhanced object lookup so that when a Calendar
is opened with an extensions (eg "Calendar.ics") (v0.9.25)
* SOGoFolder.m: added facility to define default extensions (v0.9.24)
* SOGoObject.m: fixed not implemented return status (501, not 502)
* SOGoUserFolder.m: do not try to fetch file names in this folder
* v0.9.21
* SOGoContentObject.m: added PUTAction:
* SOGoObject.m: implemented special WebDAV support in GETAction:
* SOGoFolder.m: added -toOneRelationshipKeys method (enables listing of
contained objects in WebDAV), added container name to logging prefix,
explicitly mark as WebDAV collection
* SOGoContentObject.m: mark as WebDAV non-collection
2004-10-07 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoUserFolder.m: added toManyRelationshipKeys, marked as WebDAV
collection (v0.9.20)
2004-09-29 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoObject.m: added -fetchSubfolders method to resolve all
toManyRelationshipKeys to SOPE objects (v0.9.19)
2004-09-20 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoObject.m: added a default GET method which redirects to
url + "/view" (v0.9.18)
* SOGoObject.m(-description): added name of container (v0.9.17)
2004-09-08 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoGroupFolder.m: separate -resetFolderCaches method from -sleep
2004-09-08 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoUserFolder.m: map "Mail" key to SOGoMailAccounts object (v0.9.15)
2004-09-01 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.14
* GNUmakefile.preamble: fixed for gsmake 1.9.2 build
* GNUmakefile: include ../../Version also
2004-08-26 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoUserFolder.m: added ability to create Contacts folder (v0.9.13)
2004-08-24 Maxime Wacker <>
* GNUmakefile.preamble: fixes for the build process (v0.9.12)
2004-08-16 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoCustomGroupFolder.m: added -initWithUIDs:inContainer: for using
the groups folder for internal group fetches (v0.9.11)
* SOGoContentObject.m: updated multi-save things (which belong into the
SOGoAppointmentObject class), implement -sleep to release the content
2004-08-15 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoContentObject.m: implement first version of -delete (v0.9.9)
* SOGoObject.[hm], SOGoUserFolder.[hm]: implemented SOPE
-ownerInContext: (v0.9.8)
2004-08-14 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.7
* SOGoGroupFolder.m: renamed -reset method to -sleep (called by SOPE)
* SOGoObject.m: added SOPE -sleep method (resets container and can be
called by subclasses)
* SOGoGroupFolder.m: made the folder found note log a debug log
2004-08-11 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.6
* SOGoUserFolder.m: added "Groups" folder name and lookup
* added: SOGoGroupsFolder, SOGoGroupFolder, SOGoCustomGroupFolder
2004-07-02 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoObject.m: added -delete method (but not yet implemented)
2004-06-30 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoContentObject.m: added -contentAsString method
* created ChangeLog
2005-07-15 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoSieveScriptObject.m: fixed a gcc 4.0 warning (v0.9.11)
2005-07-11 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoSieveBaseObject.[hm]: removed unused -imap4Client method
* SOGoSieveBaseObject.m: updated to use new NGImap4 API (v0.9.9)
2005-02-10 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoSieveScriptObject.m: fixed a compile warning on MacOSX (v0.9.8)
2005-02-06 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoSieveScriptObject.m, SOGoSieveScriptsFolder.m: assigned
folder/message class (v0.9.7)
2005-01-30 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoSieveScriptObject.m: implemented Sieve script upload (v0.9.6)
* some work on script upload (v0.9.5)
2004-12-03 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoSieveScriptObject.m, SOGoSieveScriptsFolder.m: added script
activation action (v0.9.4)
* v0.9.3
* SOGoSieveScriptObject.m: added ability to fetch content
* SOGoSieveScriptsFolder.m: added ability to lookup/construct
2004-11-28 Helge Hess <>
* added list capability, does not work with 'dotted' logins? (v0.9.2)
2004-11-27 Helge Hess <>
* started Sieve product
2005-08-02 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoAppointmentObject.[hm]: added method to change participation
status of logged-in user (v0.9.50)
2005-07-21 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: place a hint ('isRecurrent') into flattened
rows created from recurrent events so these can be signaled in the
UI (v0.9.49)
2005-07-20 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.48
* SOGoAptMailInvitation.m, SOGoAptMailUpdate.m, SOGoAptMailDeletion.m,
SOGoAptMailRemoval.m: updated to contain new classes for additional
* SOGoAptMailInvitation.wo, SOGoAptMailUpdate.wo,
SOGoAptMailDeletion.wo, SOGoAptMailRemoval.wo: replaced with language
dependend counterparts
* SOGoAptMail{English,French}Invitation.wo,
SOGoAptMail{English,French}Removal.wo: new language dependend
templates. Please note that due to an unresolved bug we cannot use
the standard WO lookup mechanism here.
2005-07-15 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.47
* SOGoAptMailDeletion.[wo,m]: new template being used when appointment
is deleted
* SOGoAptMailRemoval.[wo,m]: new template being used when attendee is
removed from appointment
* SOGoAppointmentObject.m: now sends emails for removal of attendees
and deletion of appointment
2005-07-15 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: fixed Cocoa warnings (v0.9.46)
* SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: fixed gcc 4.0 warnings (v0.9.45)
2005-07-14 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.44
* SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: explicitly set encoding for text and
calendar attachment parts
* SOGoAptMailNotification.m: added -appointmentURL accessor
* SOGoAptMailInvitation.wo, SOGoAptMailUpdate.wo: display
-appointmentURL instead of -homePageURL
* v0.9.43
* SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: changed redirect from 'schedule' to
2005-07-14 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: moved +globallyUniqueObjectId method to
SOGoFolder.m baseclass (v0.9.42)
2005-07-13 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: added a method to determine the resource
name from a vevent UID (v0.9.41)
2005-07-12 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoAppointmentObject.m: tries ambitiously to detect the baseURL in
-homePageURLForPerson: now. This code doesn't really belong here
but currently there's no appropriate controller for dealing with it
around. Also removed mail notification testing code. (v0.9.40)
2005-07-12 Helge Hess <>
* fixed compilation (v0.9.39)
2005-07-12 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.38
* GNUmakefile: changed inclusion of bundle.make to wobundle.make
because of new components
* v0.9.37
* SOGoAptMailNotification.[hm]: new component forming the basis for
the mail notification templates
* SOGoAptMailInvitation.[wo, m]: invitation mail template, sent to all
new attendees of an appointment
* SOGoAptMailUpdate.[wo, m]: update mail template, sent to all
attendees when appointment time is changed
* SOGoAppointmentObject.m: rewritten to use the iCalEventChanges object
from NGiCal to discover changes to saved appointments. Additionaly
email notifications are emitted on certain occasions (this is not
full iMip, yet). In case the appointment time changes, state for
all attendees is reset to NEEDS-ACTION.
2005-07-08 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: added 'partmails' and 'partstates' to
infos returned by -fetchOverviewInfosFrom:to: (v0.9.36)
2005-07-06 Marcus Mueller <>
* v0.9.35
* GNUMakefile: added SOGoFreeBusyObject.m
* product.plist: added SOGoFreeBusyObject
* SOGoFreeBusyObject.[hm]: new class resembling free/busy information
for a particular user. Because free/busy information isn't solely
based upon appointments, this is now a part of the user folder.
However the information contained therein is still based on
information provided by appointments, only. This should be fixed in
a later release.
* SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: new API to lookup freeBusyObjects for an
array of uids.
2005-07-05 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: fetch new priority field in core infos
2005-07-04 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: fetch new priority field in overview infos
2005-03-20 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: changed to use GDLContentStore (v0.9.32)
2005-03-03 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoGroupAppointmentFolder.m: fixed incorrect creation of a mutable
dictionary (was still immutable) (v0.9.31)
2005-03-02 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: make sure fetchedInfos are sorted
ascending - this simplifies client code (v0.9.30)
* SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: changed debugLog to use NGLogging (v0.9.29)
2005-03-01 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: significantly changed handling of cyclic
events. Information for cyclic event calculation is now contained
in the quick info, making full fetches obsolete - performance
should improve significantly this way (v0.9.28)
2005-02-22 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: minor code cleanups (v0.9.27)
2005-02-17 Helge Hess <>
* fixed for removal of SOGoLogic (v0.9.26)
2005-02-06 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoAppointmentObject.m, SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: added proper
message/folder class (v0.9.25)
2004-11-09 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoAppointmentObject.m: improved error handling in save method
2004-10-20 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: fixed a warning on MacOSX (v0.9.15)
* SOGoAppointmentObject.m(saveContentString:): fixed a warning with new
objects (v0.9.14)
2004-10-19 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoAppointmentFolder.h: added -fetchAllSOGoAppointments method
which performs a bulk fetch on all files contained in the folder
and parses all contents into an array of SOGoAppointment objects
(used in the iCal file support, try to avoid this method, expensive!)
2004-09-25 Helge Hess <>
* fixed compilation on MacOSX (v0.9.12)
2004-09-08 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoGroupAppointmentFolder.m: do not call -sleep in fetch method
(disconnects the folder from the parent folder), instead added a
-resetFolderCaches methods which performs some cleanups before a
fetch (v0.9.11)
2004-08-16 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: added method to create a group folder and
a group calendar for a set of IDs (for internal queries) (v0.9.10)
* SOGoAppointmentObject.m, SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: moved calendar
folder lookup methods to folder class (the object uses its container
to lookup the folder) (v0.9.9)
* SOGoAppointmentObject.m: finished multi folder storage methods
* SOGoAppointmentObject.m: added multi folder storage methods (v0.9.7)
2004-08-14 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoGroupAppointmentFolder.m: implemented proper URL generation for
group calendars (will lookup the appointment in the proper "exact"
folder (v0.9.6)
* SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: fetch location, isallday, iscycle and
partmails fields in -fetchCoreInfo (v0.9.5)
2004-08-12 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.4
* SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: added -baseURLForAptWithUID:inContext: for
determining the resource URL of an appointment, used by calendar
views to locate the viewer page
2004-08-11 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoGroupAppointmentFolder: can merge input folders, tracks conflicts
in 'conflicts' key of the record (should be displayed somehow in the
UI) (v0.9.3)
* v0.9.2
* SOGoAppointmentFolder.m, SOGoGroupAppointmentFolder: added
-calendarUIDs method which returns the UIDs of the currently
displayed persons (eg the members of a group)
* started SOGoGroupAppointmentFolder
2004-07-02 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: added method to fetch core info from other
OCS folders, correct timezone to MET after fetch core info
2004-07-01 Helge Hess <>
* redirect to weekoverview if GET is run on the folder itself
* created ChangeLog
2005-07-21 Helge Hess <>
* product.plist: make addressbook only available to owner (v0.9.15)
2005-07-18 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoContactObject.m: print an error log if a vCard could not be
parsed, cached failed parsing attempts (v0.9.14)
2005-07-15 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoContactFolder.m: fixed a gcc 4.0 warning (v0.9.13)
2005-07-14 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoContactFolder.m: use +globallyUniqueObjectId method from
SOGoFolder.m baseclass (v0.9.12)
2005-07-13 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoContactObject.m: hardened against vCard content (v0.9.11)
* SOGoContactObject.m: removed special GET action, the redirect to
'view' seems to be handled by SOPE now. This also makes WebDAV GET
work (v0.9.10)
2005-03-20 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoContactFolder.m: changed to use GDLContentStore (v0.9.9)
2005-02-24 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoContactObject.m: fixed a MacOSX warning (v0.9.8)
2005-02-18 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoContactObject.m: added a REST method to patch a single field of
the contact (v0.9.7)
2005-02-06 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoContactObject.m, SOGoContactFolder.m: added proper
message/folder class (v0.9.6)
2004-12-08 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoContactFolder.m: changed to NGLogging (v0.9.5)
2004-09-25 Helge Hess <>
* fixed compilation on MacOSX (v0.9.4)
2004-08-27 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.3
* SOGoContactObject.m: use 'cn' as davDisplayName
* SOGoContactObject.[hm]: can now decode the property list stored in
the store (v0.9.2)
* started implementation of contact folders (v0.9.1)
2004-08-26 Marcus Mueller <>
* Product.m: typo in comment fixed
* SOGoContactFolder.h, SOGoContactObject.h: changed _Appointments_ to
2004-08-25 Marcus Mueller <>
* ChangeLog: created
2005-07-30 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoMailObject.m: fetch Kolab parts for inline display (v0.9.126)
* SOGoMailObject.m: added 'outlookMessageClass' property with some
mail tagging for Kolab entities (v0.9.125)
* SOGoMailBodyPart.m, SOGoMailObject.m: added default to disable etag
delivery/checks for mail objects (SOGoMailDisableETag) (v0.9.124)
2005-07-22 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.123
* SOGoMailAccount.m: added -preferredIdentity method
* SOGoUser+Mail.m: added a method to retrieve the primary identity of
an account
* SOGoSharedMailAccount.m: do not show the drafts folder in share
mailboxes (v0.9.122)
* SOGoUser+Mail.m: properly set email field of share account identities
* v0.9.120
* SOGoMailBaseObject.m: added a method to locate the mail accounts
folderby traversing the container hierarchy
* SOGoMailIdentity.m: include sent folder in -description
* SOGoMailAccounts.m: added method to fetch just the identities with
emitter permissions
* SOGoUser+Mail.m: properly create mail identity objects
2005-07-21 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.119
* SOGoMailAccounts.m: fetch identities from SoUser
* added SOGoUser+Mail category for mail specific SoUser fields
* SOGoMailIdentity.m: added ivars/accessors/description
* v0.9.118
* SOGoMailAccounts.m: reject access to the folder in case the name of
the home folder doesn't match the logged in account (a user tries to
access another users Mail application)
* started work on account based identities
* SOGoMailObject.m: added a -davEntityTag (v0.9.117)
2005-07-20 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoMailObject.m: improved -doesMailExist check (do not refetch if
the coreinfo is available anyways) (v0.9.116)
* v0.9.115
* SOGoMailObject.m: do not use clientObject when fetching the
coreinfos, added a -doesMailExist method to cheaply check for
mail existance
* SOGoMailBodyPart.m, SOGoMailObject.m: added a constant etag for
content (possible for IMAP4 content), check etag prior delivering
content (return a 304 in case the constant etag is supplied)
* SOGoMailObject.m: added handling for some specific headers (v0.9.114)
2005-07-19 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoMailObject.m: changed to fetch and parse the full mail header,
can be disabled using the 'SOGoDoNotFetchMailHeader' default. The
overhead is about 10ms on the dev-system (v0.9.113)
* SOGoMailFolder.m: report NO in -isCreateAllowed when the folder is
the INBOX and SOGoSpecialFoldersInRoot (altnamespace) is enabled
(#1472) (v0.9.112)
* SOGoDraftObject.m: made 'SOGoInternetMailSuffix' a pattern which can
access request values (v0.9.111)
* SOGoDraftObject.m: added support for adding a marker to the textpart
of the message in case the client is accessing the server from the
Internet. The text can be specified using the
'SOGoInternetMailSuffix' default (v0.9.110)
* v0.9.109
* added fragile base class version checks to most classes
* SOGoMailBaseObject.m: cache failed login attempts (+ connection) to
improve failed-login behaviour
2005-07-18 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoDraftObject.m: send text/* attachments with disposition 'attach'
instead of 'inline' (inline can still be enabled with the
'SOGoShowTextAttachmentsInline' default, but be aware of the charset
issues with text attachments!) (v0.9.108)
2005-07-15 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.107
* SOGoMailBodyPart.m: check lookup key path extension to determine the
part subclass to instantiate (note: the link generator in the UI
must generate proper links including the extension to make this work)
* added special part subclasses SOGoVCardMailBodyPart and
* SOGoMailObject.m: map vcf extension to vcard mime type, added some
debug logging
* SOGoMailFolder.m: fixed a stupid bug in permission parsing (v0.9.106)
* SOGoMailFolder.m: added support for more Cyrus permission flags
* SOGoMailObject.m, SOGoMailBodyPart.m, SOGoDraftObject.m: fixed gcc4.0
warnings (v0.9.104)
* SOGoMailManager.h: fixed a gcc 4.0 warning (v0.9.103)
2005-07-14 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.102
* SOGoSharedMailAccount.m: create an object of class
SOGoSharedInboxFolder in case the lookup key is INBOX
* added SOGoSharedInboxFolder.m for inboxes of shared mail accounts
(which have a different location than standard inboxes and never
contain subfolders)
* SOGoSharedMailAccount.m: prepared code to support a shared INBOX
folder (v0.9.101)
* v0.9.100
* SOGoMailAccounts.m: create an object of class SOGoSharedMailAccount
in case the lookup-key contains an ".-."
* SOGoMailAccount.[hm]: added some functionality to deal with shared
mail accounts
* added SOGoSharedMailAccount class for shared mailboxes
2005-07-12 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoMailAccounts.m: use new SoUser API instead of AgenorUserManager
2005-07-11 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.98
* use new -imap4Connection API everywhere
* SOGoMailBaseObject.m: deprecated -mailManager method, added
-imap4Connection method
* SOGoMailBaseObject.[hm]: removed unused -imap4Client method (v0.9.97)
* moved SOGoMailManager related API to NGImap4 (NGImap4Connection,
NGImap4ConnectionManager, etc) (v0.9.96)
2005-07-11 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.95
* SOGoMailBaseObject.m: removed -imapFolderName method
* SOGoMailManager.m, SOGoMailConnectionEntry.m: moved implementations
of operations to SOGoMailConnectionEntry
2005-07-08 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoMailAccounts.m: use WOContext method from libSOGo to detect
Internet access (v0.9.94)
* SOGoMailAccounts.m: only deliver share-names as subobjects if the
request is not coming from the Internet. Ensure that limitation in
-lookupName:. Can be enabled using SOGoInternetDetectQualifier just
like in UIxMailEditor (v0.9.93)
* v0.9.92
* SOGoMailManager.m, SOGoMailConnectionEntry.m: added caching of
per-folder permissions to avoid an IMAP4 query on each folder click
* SOGoMailFolder.m: fixed an inconsistency in the naming of flags
2005-07-07 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoMailManager.m, SOGoMailFolder.m: added methods to "bulk add"
flags to all messages contained in a folder
(-addFlags:toAllMessagesInURL:password: for the manager,
-addFlagsToAllMessages: for the SOGoFolder) (v0.9.91)
* added specific SOGoTrashFolder.m class (subclass of SOGoMailFolder)
to allow hooking up a different UI (v0.9.90)
* SOGoMailAccounts.m: expose shared mailboxes retrieved via
AgenorUserManager (aka LDAP) in -toManyRelationshipKeys (v0.9.89)
* SOGoMailObject.m: implemented -trashInContext: method (v0.9.88)
2005-07-06 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoMailObject.m: prefetch pgp-signature parts (v0.9.87)
* SOGoMailObject.m: started -trash action (v0.9.86)
* v0.9.85
* SOGoMailFolder.m: added ability to check certain ACL permissions (and
cache them for one invocation)
* SOGoMailObject.m: implemented -isDeletionAllowed by asking the folder
for deletion
* SOGoMailManager.m: added methods to retrieve the ACL and the myrights
from an IMAP4 mailbox
* SOGoMailManager.m: detect Cyrus 'permission denied' when changing
flags and deliver a http-code 403 exception (v0.9.84)
2005-03-25 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.83
* SOGoMailManager.m: properly select folder prior changing flags
* SOGoMailObject.m: added a special DELETEAction: for mails, it marks
a mail deleted and expunges the folder to ensure the mail is deleted
(this is different to the -delete method!)
* SOGoMailFolder.m: implemented content datasource for efficient WebDAV
listings (currently uses hardcoded parts and has inefficient DASL
support) (v0.9.82)
* v0.9.81
* SOGoMailFolder.m: implemented mailbox renaming using WebDAV MOVE
* SOGoMailManager.m: added support for renaming mailboxes
* v0.9.80
* SOGoMailFolder.m: now ensures during lookup that mailboxes actually
exist, this may slow down the lookup if the hierarchy was not fetched
* SOGoMailObject.m, SOGoMailFolder.m: prepared for WebDAV move and copy
* v0.9.79
* SOGoMailFolder.m: ensure that mailbox exists if a DAV depth:0 query
is run on the folder (by selecting the mailbox)
* SOGoMailManager.m: added method to retrieve mailbox select info
* SOGoMailAccount.m: added ability to create mailboxes at the root
(account) level (v0.9.78)
2005-03-03 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoMailManager.m: improved compatibility with Cocoa Foundation
(some weird difference in NGImap4 result processing) (v0.9.77)
2005-02-21 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoMailObject.m: generate proper .ics extension for text/calendar
message parts, fetch text/calendar parts as plain content (v0.9.76)
2005-02-15 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoMailAccount.m: added 'SOGoSpecialFoldersInRoot' default to
make SOGo lookup Sent/Trash in the IMAP4 root instead of under
INBOX (that is, set SOGoSpecialFoldersInRoot to YES if you have
'altnamespace' in Cyrus set to yes) (v0.9.75)
2005-02-14 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.74
* SOGoMailAccount.m: fetch all root folders from IMAP4, do not assume
* SOGoMailManager.m: properly support rootfolders in IMAP4
2005-02-13 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoMailAccount.m: changed short title creation to use login@host
* SOGoMailFolder.m: do not fetch message ids on folder traversal
2005-02-09 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.71
* SOGoMailObject.m: -lookupInfoForBodyPart: can now deal with string
parameters (eg 1.2.3) in addition to arrays and returns the full
body structure for empty strings ("")
added support for fetching parts as NSString's (by applying the
charset in the body structure)
2005-02-08 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoMailObject.m: added method to fetch individual plain/text parts
* v0.9.70
* SOGoMailManager.m: only perform IMAP4 select if the folder changes
(gives a major speed boost), can be disabled with the
'SOGoAlwaysSelectIMAP4Folder' default
* SOGoMailAccount.m: added code to take the IMAP4 login from the
HTTP request
* v0.9.69
* reworked for new NGImap4 v4.5.210 API
* SOGoMailObject.m: removed fromEnvelopeAddress in favor of
fromEnvelopeAddresses to match the new NGImap4 v4.5.210 API
2005-02-07 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.68
* SOGoDraftObject.m: added ability to specify additional headers
* v0.9.67
* SOGoMailFolder.m: detect special folder names and return proper
folder type
* SOGoMailAccount.m: made Sent/Trash folder name configurable using the
'SOGoSentFolderName'/'SOGoTrashFolderName' defaults
2005-02-06 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoMailFolder.m, SOGoDraftsFolder.m: added proper folder classes
2005-01-31 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.65
* SOGoMailManager.m, SOGoMailFolder.m: added expunge method
* SOGoMailObject.m: improve bulk key collector
* SOGoMailObject.m: moved more bulk fetching to SoObject (v0.9.64)
* SOGoMailObject.m: moved in plain/text bulk fetch method from mail
viewer (since it is general purpose) (v0.9.63)
* SOGoMailObject.m: properly handle part lookup in the context of
embedded message/rfc822 content (v0.9.62)
2005-01-30 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.61
* SOGoMailObject.m, SOGoMailBodyPart.m, product.plist: added type
specific SOGoMailBodyPart controller objects, reduced debug logs
* v0.9.60
* SOGoDraftObject.m: added -content and -contentAsString methods (Note:
those are expensive operations!), added GETAction: to retrieve the
MIME representation of a draft
* SOGoDraftsFolder.m: added -toOneRelationshipKeys to support SOPE
WebDAV access
* v0.9.59
* SOGoDraftObject.m: improved attachment/info API to return exceptions,
minor improvement to attachment name check, properly generate
message/rfc822 mime type for mail attachments, properly generate
"text/plain; utf8" header
* SOGoMailAccount.m: use a constant for INBOX folder name, disabled
'Filters' folder unless the 'SOGoEnableSieveFolder' is set (since
Sieve support is incomplete)
2005-01-28 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.58
* SOGoMailObject.m: implemented a simple delete by setting the IMAP4
delete flag
* SOGoMailManager.m: added method to mark a message deleted
* SOGoMailFolder.m: just override -delete instead of implementing
-DELETAction: directrly
* SOGoMailAccount.m: added ability to retrieve Sent/Trash and INBOX
special mail folders
* v0.9.57
* SOGoMailBodyPart.m: enhanced lookup to allow for arbitary filenames
being attached to a body-part name. Improves download behaviour.
* SOGoMailBaseObject.m, SOGoMailObject.m: moved
-isBodyPartKey:inContext: method to base object for reuse in
* SOGoMailBodyPart.m: minor code cleanup
2005-01-26 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.56
* SOGoMailManager.m, SOGoMailFolder.m: added method to save new
content in an SOGoMailFolder (to support #1054)
* SOGoMailAccount.m: minor code cleanup
2004-12-08 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoMailAccount.m, SOGoMailBaseObject.m, SOGoMailObject.m,
SOGoMailManager.m, SOGoDraftsFolder.m, SOGoMailAccounts.m,
SOGoMailBodyPart.m, SOGoDraftObject.m: changed to use NGLogging
2004-11-27 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoMailAccount.m: added 'Filters' key and lookup of Sieve filters
2004-11-11 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.53
* SOGoMailAccounts.m: added -allFolderPathes methods to retrieve the
names of all folders associated with the account
* SOGoMailManager.m: added -allFoldersForURL:password: method
2004-11-09 Helge Hess <>
* added support for toggling mail flags (v0.9.52)
* moved all tree navigation code to UIxMailTree (v0.9.51)
* SOGoMailBaseObject.m, SOGoMailAccounts.m: moved tree code to separate
file (v0.9.50)
* SOGoMailBaseObject.m, SOGoMailManager.m, SOGoMailConnectionEntry.m:
added cache flush operations for getmail (v0.9.49)
2004-11-08 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoMailManager.m: improved a log message (v0.9.48)
2004-10-30 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.47
* SOGoMailFolder.m: added ability to create and delete subfolders using
* SOGoMailConnectionEntry.m: added method to flush folder hierarchy
* product.plist: added default role for adding folders (owner)
* SOGoMailObject.m: added -content and -contentAsString method to
retrieve raw IMAP4 message content, added GETAction to query a
message (v0.9.46)
2004-10-29 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoDraftObject.m: add 'name' parameter to content-type, properly
encode binary attachments (v0.9.45)
2004-10-28 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoDraftObject.m: do not patch NGImap4Envelope ivars and use the new
constructor method (v0.9.44)
2004-10-27 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoMailManager.m: added 'SOGoIMAP4StringSeparator' default to
configure to folder separator. Default is '/' instead of '.'
* v0.9.42
* SOGoDraftObject.m: implements some SOGoMailObject methods
* SOGoDraftsFolder.m: implemented some draft folder listing
* SOGoDraftObject.m: added mail send functionality (v0.9.41)
* SOGoDraftObject.m: added ability to create NGMime objects from draft
2004-10-26 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoDraftObject.[hm]: added method to delete attachments (v0.9.39)
2004-10-26 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoDraftObject.h: lF compile fix (v0.9.38)
2004-10-25 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoDraftObject.m: added ability to manage a draft object folder
2004-10-21 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoMailBaseObject.m: extract IMAP4 password from HTTP basic
authentication (v0.9.36)
2004-10-20 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoMailAccounts.m: changed methods according to new API of
AgenorUserManager (v0.9.35)
2004-10-19 Marcus Mueller <>
* SOGoMailAccounts.m: values for toManyRelationshipKeys are constructed
from information retrieved by the AgenorUserManager now. (v0.9.34)
2004-10-11 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoDraftsFolder.m: added methods to deal with new draft objects
* started SOGoDraftObject (v0.9.32)
2004-10-10 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoDraftsFolder.m: added methods to be compatible with the mail
folder (v0.9.31)
2004-10-08 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.30
* SOGoMailObject.m: added support for davContentLength, added
RFC822.SIZE to coreinfo attributes
* SOGoMailFolder.m: added .mail path extensions to generated
* SOGoMailObject.m: fixed body part id (starts with 1, not with 0)
* v0.9.29
* SOGoMailObject.m: added toOneRelationshipKeys/toManyRelationshipKeys
(return the contained body parts)
* SOGoMailFolder.m: added toOneRelationshipKeys (returns the message
* marked collections as WebDAV collections (v0.9.28)
2004-10-06 Helge Hess <>
* started SOGoDraftsFolder (v0.9.27)
* v0.9.26
* SOGoMailConnectionEntry.m: added caching of sorted UIDs sets
* SOGoMailManager.m: moved SOGoMailConnectionEntry class to own file
2004-10-05 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoMailManager: removed range argument from -fetchUIDsInURL:..,
since IMAP4 doesn't support ranges anyway ... (v0.9.25)
2004-10-04 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoMailBodyPart.m: improved MIME type generation (v0.9.24)
* SOGoMailBodyPart.m, SOGoMailObject.m: finished first part fetching
support (v0.9.23)
* SOGoMailObject.m: added method to fetch core infos of a mail, added
various methods to retrieve core info data (like subject or date)
2004-10-03 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.21
* SOGoMailObject.m: lookup 'number' names as part child objects
* added SOGoMailBodyPart as a child object of SOGoMailObject
* SOGoMailAccounts.m: changed link generation for active folder
* v0.9.20
* SOGoMailObject.m: added method to fetch parts
* SOGoMailManager.m: properly select folder prior fetch, added method
to fetch parts of a single (message) URL
2004-10-02 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoMailFolder.[hm]: removed ability to restrict UID fetch range,
need to fetch all (qualifier matching!) UIDs anyway (v0.9.19)
2004-10-01 Helge Hess <>
* more work on fetching mails (v0.9.18)
* v0.9.17
* SOGoMailFolder.m: -fetchUIDsMatchingQualifier:sortOrdering:range: was
added to retrieve message UIDs
* SOGoMailManager.m: added method for fetching message ids with server
side sorting
2004-09-30 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.16
* SOGoMailBaseObject.m: improved debug logging
* SOGoMailManager.m: fixed an Apple/libFoundation incompatibility
2004-09-29 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoMailManager.m: minor improvement to error logging (v0.9.15)
2004-09-29 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.14
* SOGoMailAccounts.m: added tree navigation support
* SOGoMailBaseObject.m: moved fetchSubfolders method to SOGoObject
* SOGoMailBaseObject.m: fixed WebDAV include (v0.9.13)
* v0.9.12
* SOGoMailAccount.m: added -shortTitle and use that as the
* SOGoMailBaseObject.m, SOGoMailAccounts.m: added path tree navigation
2004-09-28 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoMailManager.m: added caching of folder hierarchy (v0.9.11)
* SOGoMailManager.m: added connection pooling (v0.9.10)
* v0.9.9
* SOGoMailBaseObject.m: added -mailManager method to retrieve the
mail manager object for a folder/mail/account
* added SOGoMailManager class, will probably be moved to SOGoLogic
in the long run
* SOGoMailBaseObject.m, SOGoMailAccount.m: added -mailAccountFolder
method to find the active root folder along the SOPE chain (v0.9.8)
* SOGoMailAccount.m: be graceful if the IMAP4 login failed (v0.9.7)
2004-09-27 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.6
* added basic folder listing
* SOGoMailAccount.m: list "INBOX" as the sole account subfolder
2004-09-26 Helge Hess <>
* v0.9.5
* added SOGoMailBaseObject as a base object for the other mailer
* added -imapURL method to the mail SoObjects (the imapURL is used to
locate the object in the IMAP4 server, just like in Thunderbird)
2004-09-25 Helge Hess <>
* fixed compilation on MacOSX (v0.9.4)
2004-09-20 Helge Hess <>
* SOGoMailAccounts.m: added hardcoded mail-account key (v0.9.3)
2004-09-08 Helge Hess <>
* added missing account objects (v0.9.2)
2004-08-26 Marcus Mueller <>
* ChangeLog: created