2017-07-17 08:44:52 -04:00

65 lines
4.6 KiB

"Inviting the following persons is prohibited:" = "Ni chaniateir gwahodd y personau canlynol:";
"Personal Calendar" = "Calendr Personol";
vevent_class0 = "(Digwyddiad cyhoeddus)";
vevent_class1 = "(Digwyddiad preifat)";
vevent_class2 = "(Digwyddiad cyfrinachol)";
vtodo_class0 = "(Tasg gyhoeddus)";
vtodo_class1 = "(Tasg breifat)";
vtodo_class2 = "(Tasg gyfrinachol)";
/* Receipts */
"The event \"%{Summary}\" was created" = "Crëwyd y digwyddiad \"%{Summary}\"";
"The event \"%{Summary}\" was deleted" = "Dilëwyd y digwyddiad \"%{Summary}\"";
"The event \"%{Summary}\" was updated" = "Diweddarwyd y digwyddiad \"%{Summary}\"";
"The following attendees(s) were notified" = "Hysbyswyd y mynychwr/mynychwyr canlynol";
"The following attendees(s) were added" = "Ychwanegwyd y mynychwr/mynychwyr canlynol";
"The following attendees(s) were removed" = "Dilëwyd y mynychwr/mynychwyr canlynol";
/* IMIP messages */
"calendar_label" = "Calendr";
"startDate_label" = "Dechrau";
"endDate_label" = "Diwedd";
"time_label" = "Amser";
"to_label" = "at";
"due_label" = "Dyddiad Disgwyliedig";
"location_label" = "Lleoliad";
"summary_label" = "Crynodeb";
"comment_label" = "Sylw";
"organizer_label" = "Trefnydd";
"attendee_label" = "Mynychwr";
/* Invitation */
"Event Invitation: \"%{Summary}\"" = "Gwahoddiad i Ddigwyddiad: \"%{Summary}\"";
"(sent by %{SentBy}) " = "(anfonwyd gan %{SentBy})";
"%{Organizer} %{SentByText}has invited you to %{Summary}.\n\nStart: %{StartDate}\nEnd: %{EndDate}\nDescription: %{Description}" = "Mae %{Organizer} %{SentByText}wedi eich gwahodd i %{Summary}.\n\nDechrau: %{StartDate}\nDiwedd: %{EndDate}\nDisgrifiad: %{Description}";
"%{Organizer} %{SentByText}has invited you to %{Summary}.\n\nStart: %{StartDate} at %{StartTime}\nEnd: %{EndDate} at %{EndTime}\nDescription: %{Description}" = "Mae %{Organizer} %{SentByText}wedi eich gwahodd i %{Summary}.\n\nDechrau: %{StartDate} am %{StartTime}\nDiwedd: %{EndDate} am %{EndTime}\nDisgrifiad: %{Description}";
/* Deletion */
"Event Cancelled: \"%{Summary}\"" = "Digwyddiad wedi'i Ganslo: \"%{Summary}\"";
"%{Organizer} %{SentByText}has cancelled this event: %{Summary}.\n\nStart: %{StartDate}\nEnd: %{EndDate}\nDescription: %{Description}"
= "Mae %{Organizer} %{SentByText}wedi canslo'r digwyddiad hwn: %{Summary}.\n\nDechrau: %{StartDate}\nDiwedd: %{EndDate}\nDisgrifiad: %{Description}";
"%{Organizer} %{SentByText}has cancelled this event: %{Summary}.\n\nStart: %{StartDate} at %{StartTime}\nEnd: %{EndDate} at %{EndTime}\nDescription: %{Description}"
= "Mae %{Organizer} %{SentByText}wedi canslo'r digwyddiad hwn: %{Summary}.\n\nDechrau: %{StartDate} am %{StartTime}\nDiwedd: %{EndDate} am %{EndTime}\nDisgrifiad: %{Description}";
/* Update */
"The appointment \"%{Summary}\" for the %{OldStartDate} has changed"
= "Mae'r apwyntiad \"%{Summary}\" ar gyfer %{OldStartDate} wedi newid";
"The appointment \"%{Summary}\" for the %{OldStartDate} at %{OldStartTime} has changed"
= "Mae'r apwyntiad \"%{Summary}\" ar gyfer %{OldStartDate} am %{OldStartTime} wedi newid";
"The following parameters have changed in the \"%{Summary}\" meeting:"
= "Mae'r paramedrau canlynol wedi newid yng nghyfarfod \"%{Summary}\":";
"Please accept or decline those changes."
= "Derbyniwch neu gwrthodwch y newidiadau hynny.";
/* Reply */
"Accepted invitation: \"%{Summary}\"" = "Wedi derbyn y gwahoddiad: \"%{Summary}\"";
"Declined invitation: \"%{Summary}\"" = "Wedi gwrthod y gwahoddiad: \"%{Summary}\"";
"Delegated invitation: \"%{Summary}\"" = "Wedi dirprwyo'r gwahoddiad: \"%{Summary}\"";
"Not yet decided on invitation: \"%{Summary}\"" = "Heb benderfynu ar y gwahoddiad eto: \"%{Summary}\"";
"%{Attendee} %{SentByText}has accepted your event invitation."
= "Mae %{Attendee} %{SentByText}wedi derbyn eich gwahoddiad.";
"%{Attendee} %{SentByText}has declined your event invitation."
= "Mae %{Attendee} %{SentByText}wedi gwrthod eich gwahoddiad.";
"%{Attendee} %{SentByText}has delegated the invitation to %{Delegate}."
= "Mae %{Attendee} %{SentByText}wedi dirprwyo eich gwahoddiad i %{Delegate}";
"%{Attendee} %{SentByText}has not yet decided upon your event invitation."
= "Dydy %{Attendee} %{SentByText}ddim wedi penderfynu ar eich gwahoddiad eto.";
/* Resources */
"Cannot access resource: \"%{Cn} %{SystemEmail}\"" = "Methu cael mynediad at adnodd: \"%{Cn} %{SystemEmail}\"";
"Maximum number of simultaneous bookings (%{NumberOfSimultaneousBookings}) reached for resource \"%{Cn} %{SystemEmail}\". The conflicting event is \"%{EventTitle}\", and starts on %{StartDate}." = "Wedi cyrraedd uchafswm nifer yr achebion sy'n bosib ar yr un pryd (%{NumberOfSimultaneousBookings}) ar gyfer adnodd \"%{Cn} %{SystemEmail}\". Y digwyddiad sy'n cyd-daro yw \"%{EventTitle}\", sy'n dechrau ar %{StartDate}.";