Francis Lachapelle 1f38df80e1 See ChangeLog.
Monotone-Parent: e4a697198e9d44e460b6a4c27b94149145803430
Monotone-Revision: 1f603d18ef908652156b3dbae521f53c6527c63c

Monotone-Date: 2011-12-23T16:10:38
2011-12-23 16:10:38 +00:00

278 lines
7.4 KiB

/* SOGoToolUserPreferences.m - this file is part of SOGo
* Copyright (C) 2011 Inverse inc.
* Author: Ludovic Marcotte <>
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSData.h>
#import <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
#import <SOGo/NSString+Utilities.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoUser.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoUserDefaults.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoUserSettings.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoSieveManager.h>
#import "SOGoTool.h"
typedef enum
UserPreferencesUnknown = -1,
UserPreferencesGet = 0,
UserPreferencesSet = 1,
UserPreferencesUnset = 2,
} SOGoUserPreferencesCommand;
@interface SOGoToolUserPreferences : SOGoTool
@implementation SOGoToolUserPreferences
+ (void) initialize
+ (NSString *) command
return @"user-preferences";
+ (NSString *) description
return @"set user defaults / settings in the database";
- (void) usage
fprintf (stderr, "user-preferences get|set|unset defaults|settings user [authname:authpassword] key [value|-f filename]\n\n"
" user the user of whom to set the defaults/settings key/value\n"
" value the JSON-formatted value of the key\n\n"
" Examples:\n"
" sogo-tool user-preferences get defaults janedoe SOGoLanguage\n"
" sogo-tool user-preferences unset settings janedoe Mail\n"
" sogo-tool user-preferences set defaults janedoe SOGoTimeFormat '{\"SOGoTimeFormat\":\"%%I:%%M %%p\"}'\n");
// possible values are: get | set | unset
- (SOGoUserPreferencesCommand) _cmdFromString: (NSString *) theString
if ([theString length] > 2)
if ([theString caseInsensitiveCompare: @"get"] == NSOrderedSame)
return UserPreferencesGet;
else if ([theString caseInsensitiveCompare: @"set"] == NSOrderedSame)
return UserPreferencesSet;
else if ([theString caseInsensitiveCompare: @"unset"] == NSOrderedSame)
return UserPreferencesUnset; }
return UserPreferencesUnknown;
// If we got any of those keys for "defaults", we regenerate the Sieve script
// Forward
// SOGoSieveFilters
// Vacation
- (BOOL) _updateSieveScripsForkey: (NSString *) theKey
manager: (SOGoSieveManager *) theManager
login: (NSString *) theLogin
authname: (NSString *) theAuthName
password: (NSString *) thePassword
if ([theKey caseInsensitiveCompare: @"Forward"] == NSOrderedSame ||
[theKey caseInsensitiveCompare: @"SOGoSieveFilters"] == NSOrderedSame ||
[theKey caseInsensitiveCompare: @"Vacation"] == NSOrderedSame)
if ([theAuthName length] == 0 || [thePassword length] == 0)
NSLog(@"To update Sieve scripts, you must provide the \"authname:password\" parameter");
return NO;
return [theManager updateFiltersForLogin: theLogin
authname: theAuthName
password: thePassword
account: nil];
return YES;
- (BOOL) run
NSString *userId, *type, *key;
SOGoUserPreferencesCommand cmd;
id o;
NSRange r;
BOOL rc;
int max;
max = [arguments count];
rc = NO;
if (max > 3)
SOGoDefaultsSource *source;
SOGoSieveManager *manager;
SOGoUser *user;
cmd = [self _cmdFromString: [arguments objectAtIndex: 0]];
if (cmd != UserPreferencesUnknown)
type = [arguments objectAtIndex: 1];
userId = [arguments objectAtIndex: 2];
key = [arguments objectAtIndex: 3];
user = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: userId];
manager = [SOGoSieveManager sieveManagerForUser: user];
if ([type caseInsensitiveCompare: @"defaults"] == NSOrderedSame)
source = [user userDefaults];
source = [user userSettings];
if (cmd == UserPreferencesGet)
o = [source objectForKey: key];
if (o)
NSLog(@"value for key \"%@\": %@", key, [o jsonRepresentation]);
NSLog(@"Value for key \"%@\" not found in %@", key, type);
rc = YES;
NSString *authname, *authpwd, *value;
NSData *data;
int i;
authname = @"";
authpwd = @"";
value = @"";
if (max > 4)
r = [[arguments objectAtIndex: 3] rangeOfString: @":"];
if (r.location == NSNotFound)
i = 3;
authname = [[arguments objectAtIndex: 3] substringToIndex: r.location];
authpwd = [[arguments objectAtIndex: 3] substringFromIndex: r.location+1];
i = 4;
key = [arguments objectAtIndex: i++];
if (max > i)
value = [arguments objectAtIndex: i++];
if ([value caseInsensitiveCompare: @"-f"] == NSOrderedSame)
if (max > i)
data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile: [arguments objectAtIndex: i]];
value = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: data encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[value autorelease];
value = [arguments objectAtIndex: i];
if (cmd == UserPreferencesUnset)
key = [arguments objectAtIndex: 3];
key = [arguments objectAtIndex: 3];
value = [arguments objectAtIndex: 4];
if (cmd == UserPreferencesUnset)
[source removeObjectForKey: key];
o = [value objectFromJSONString];
// We support setting only "values" - for example, setting :
// SOGoDayStartTime to 9:00
// Values in JSON must be a dictionary so we must support passing:
// key == SOGoDayStartTime
// value == '{"SOGoDayStartTime": "09:00"}'
// to achieve what we want.
if (o && [o count] == 1)
[source setObject: [[o allValues] lastObject] forKey: key];
// We also support passing values that are already dictionaries so in this
// case, we simply set it to the passed key.
else if (o)
[source setObject: o forKey: key];
NSLog(@"Invalid JSON input - no changes performed in the database. The supplied value was: %@", value);
[source synchronize];
rc = [self _updateSieveScripsForkey: key
manager: manager
login: userId
authname: authname
password: authpwd];
if (!rc)
[self usage];
return rc;