2021-08-09 11:30:36 -04:00

438 lines
19 KiB

/* toolbar */
"Save and Close" = "保存して閉じる";
"Close" = "閉じる";
"Preferences saved" = "設定が保存されました";
/* Unsaved changes confirmation dialog title */
"Unsaved Changes" = "保存されていない変更があります";
/* Unsaved changes confirmation dialog text */
"Do you want to save your changes made to the configuration?" = "設定の変更を保存しますか?";
/* Unsaved changes confirmation dialog button */
"Save" = "保存";
/* Unsaved changes confirmation dialog button */
"Don't Save" = "保存しない";
/* tabs */
"General" = "一般";
"Calendar Options" = "カレンダーのオプション";
"Contacts Options" = "連絡先のオプション";
"Mail Options" = "メールのオプション";
"IMAP Accounts" = "IMAPアカウント";
"Vacation" = "休暇";
"Forward" = "転送";
"Password" = "パスワード";
"Categories" = "カテゴリ";
"Appointments invitations" = "予定への招待";
"Name" = "名前";
"Color" = "色";
"Add" = "追加";
"Delete" = "削除";
/* contacts categories */
"contacts_category_labels" = "同僚, 競合企業, 顧客, 友達, 家族, ビジネスパートナー, プロバイダー, 報道機関, VIP";
/* vacation (auto-reply) */
"Enable vacation auto reply" = "休暇の自動応答を有効";
"Enable custom auto reply subject" = "カスタム自動応答の件名を有効化";
"Auto reply subject" = "自動応答の件名";
"You can write ${subject} to insert the original subject" = "もとの件名を使用するには ${subject} と入力してください";
"Auto reply message" = "自動応答メッセージ";
"Email addresses (separated by commas)" = "メールアドレス (コンマ区切り)";
"Add default email addresses" = "デフォルトのメールアドレスを追加";
"Days between responses" = "応答の間の日数";
"Do not send responses to mailing lists" = "メーリングリストに応答を送信しない。";
"Enable auto reply on" = "自動応答は有効化";
"Disable auto reply on" = "次の自動応答は無効:";
"Always send vacation message response" = "必ず休暇メッセージを送信する";
"Discard incoming mails during vacation" = "休暇中は受信したメールをゴミ箱に入れる";
"Please specify your message and your email addresses for which you want to enable auto reply."
= "自動応答のメッセージと有効にしたいメールアドレスを設定してください。";
"Your vacation message must not end with a single dot on a line." = "ドット( . )だけの休暇メッセージは作成できません。";
"End date of your auto reply must be in the future."
= "自動応答の終了日は未来の日付にしてください。";
/* forward messages */
"Forward incoming messages" = "受信したメッセージを転送";
"Keep a copy" = "コピーを残す";
"Please specify an address to which you want to forward your messages."
= "メッセージを転送したいアドレスを設定してください。";
"You are not allowed to forward your messages to an external email address." = "外部メールアドレスにメッセージを転送することは許可されていません。";
"You are not allowed to forward your messages to an internal email address." = "内部メールアドレスにメッセージを転送することは許可されていません。";
/* d & t */
"Current Time Zone" = "現在のタイムゾーン";
"Short Date Format" = "短い日付の表示形式";
"Long Date Format" = "長い日付の表示形式";
"Time Format" = "時間の表示形式";
"default" = "初期値";
"Default Module" = "デフォルトのモジュール";
"Save" = "保存";
"shortDateFmt_0" = "%d-%b-%y";
"shortDateFmt_1" = "%d-%m-%y";
"shortDateFmt_2" = "%d/%m/%y";
"shortDateFmt_3" = "%e/%m/%y";
"shortDateFmt_4" = "%d-%m-%Y";
"shortDateFmt_5" = "%d/%m/%Y";
"shortDateFmt_6" = "%m-%d-%y";
"shortDateFmt_7" = "%m/%d/%y";
"shortDateFmt_8" = "%m/%e/%y";
"shortDateFmt_9" = "%y-%m-%d";
"shortDateFmt_10" = "%y/%m/%d";
"shortDateFmt_11" = "%y.%m.%d";
"shortDateFmt_12" = "%Y-%m-%d";
"shortDateFmt_13" = "%Y/%m/%d";
"shortDateFmt_14" = "%Y.%m.%d";
"shortDateFmt_15" = "";
"longDateFmt_0" = "%A, %B %d, %Y";
"longDateFmt_1" = "%B %d, %Y";
"longDateFmt_2" = "%A, %d %B, %Y";
"longDateFmt_3" = "%d %B, %Y";
"longDateFmt_4" = "%Y年%B%e⽇ %A";
"longDateFmt_5" = "";
"longDateFmt_6" = "";
"longDateFmt_7" = "";
"longDateFmt_8" = "";
"longDateFmt_9" = "";
"longDateFmt_10" = "";
"timeFmt_0" = "%I:%M %p";
"timeFmt_1" = "%H:%M";
"timeFmt_2" = "";
"timeFmt_3" = "";
"timeFmt_4" = "";
/* Timezone autocompletion */
"No matches found." = "一致する結果が見つかりません。";
/* calendar */
"Week begins on" = "週の開始曜日";
"Day start time" = "日の開始時刻";
"Day end time" = "日の終了時刻";
"Day start time must be prior to day end time." = "開始時刻は終了時刻より前でなければなりません。";
"Week days to display" = "表示する平日";
"Show time as busy outside working hours" = "就業時間以外は予約済みとして時刻を表示";
"First week of year" = "年の最初の週";
"Enable reminders for Calendar items" = "カレンダーの項目にリマインダーを有効";
"Play a sound when a reminder comes due" = "リマインダーの時間に音を鳴らす";
"Default reminder" = "デフォルトのリマインダー";
"firstWeekOfYear_January1" = "1月1日に開始";
"firstWeekOfYear_First4DayWeek" = "週の最初の4日";
"firstWeekOfYear_FirstFullWeek" = "最初の週すべて";
"Prevent from being invited to appointments" = "予定へ招待されないように設定する";
"White list for appointment invitations" = "予定への招待をホワイトリスト設定";
"Contacts Names" = "連絡先の名前";
/* Default Calendar */
"Default calendar" = "デフォルトのカレンダー";
"selectedCalendar" = "選択したカレンダー";
"personalCalendar" = "個人用カレンダー";
"firstCalendar" = "最初に有効にしたカレンダー";
"reminder_NONE" = "通知なし";
"reminder_5_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "5分前";
"reminder_10_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "10分前";
"reminder_15_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "15分前";
"reminder_30_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "30分前";
"reminder_45_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "45分前";
"reminder_1_HOUR_BEFORE" = "1時間前";
"reminder_2_HOURS_BEFORE" = "2時間前";
"reminder_5_HOURS_BEFORE" = "5時間前";
"reminder_15_HOURS_BEFORE" = "15時間前";
"reminder_1_DAY_BEFORE" = "1日前";
"reminder_2_DAYS_BEFORE" = "2日前";
"reminder_1_WEEK_BEFORE" = "1週間前";
/* Mailer */
"Labels" = "ラベル";
"Label" = "ラベル";
"IMAP Label" = "IMAPラベル";
"Invalid label" = "スペースや ( ) { } % * \" \\ を使用しないでください。";
"Duplicate label" = "重複したラベル";
"IMAP labels must have unique names." = "IMAPラベルは他と重複しない名前である必要があります。";
"New label" = "新しいラベル";
"Show subscribed mailboxes only" = "登録したメールボックスだけ表示";
"Synchronize only default mail folders (EAS)" = "デフォルトのメールフォルダのみ同期する (EAS)";
"Sort messages by threads" = "スレッドでメッセージを並べ替え";
"Always open mail composer" = "メッセージ作成画面をいつも開く";
"Inside current window" = "現在のウィンドウの中で";
"In a popup window" = "ポップアップウィンドウで";
"When sending mail, add unknown recipients to my" = "メールを送るときに、不明な宛先を私に追加";
"Address Book" = "アドレス帳";
"Forward messages" = "メッセージを転送";
"messageforward_inline" = "インライン";
"messageforward_attached" = "添付ファイルとして";
"When replying to a message" = "メッセージに返信するとき";
"replyplacement_above" = "返信を引用の前から開始";
"replyplacement_below" = "返信を引用の後から開始";
"And place my signature" = "署名を置く";
"signatureplacement_above" = "返信の前";
"signatureplacement_below" = "引用の前";
"Compose messages in" = "メッセージを作成:";
"composemessagestype_html" = "HTML";
"composemessagestype_text" = "テキスト";
/* Base font size for messages composed in HTML */
"Default font size" = "デフォルトのフォントサイズ";
"Display remote inline images" = "リモートのインライン画像を表示";
"displayremoteinlineimages_never" = "決してしない";
"displayremoteinlineimages_always" = "常にする";
"Auto save every" = "自動保存";
"minutes" = "分";
/* Contact */
"Personal Address Book" = "個人のアドレス帳";
"Collected Address Book" = "収集したアドレス帳";
/* IMAP Accounts */
"Settings" = "設定";
"Security" = "セキュリティ";
"Mail Account" = "メールアカウント";
"New Mail Account" = "新しいメールアカウント";
"Server Name" = "サーバー名";
"Port" = "ポート";
"Encryption" = "暗号化";
"None" = "なし";
"User Name" = "ユーザー名";
"Full Name" = "氏名";
"Email" = "メール";
"Reply To Email" = "メールに返信";
"Signature" = "署名";
"(Click to create)" = "(クリックして作成)";
"Please enter your signature below" = "以下に署名を入力してください。";
"Please specify a valid sender address." = "正しい送信者のアドレスを指定してください。";
"Please specify a valid reply-to address." = "正しい返信先のアドレスを指定してください。";
"Specify a hostname other than the local host" = "ローカルホスト以外のホスト名を入力してください。";
"No certificate installed" = "証明書はインストールされていません。";
"The SSL certificate must use the PKCS#12 (PFX) format." = "SSL証明書にはPKCS#12 (PFX)形式を使用する必要があります。";
"Uninstall" = "アンインストール";
"Choose PKCS12 Certificate .." = "PKCS12証明書を選択";
"Certificate Import Password" = "証明書インポート用パスワード";
"Upload" = "アップロード";
"When composing a message" = "メッセージを作成するとき";
"Digitally sign the message by default" = "デフォルトでメッセージにデジタル署名";
"Always try to encrypt the message" = "いつもメッセージを暗号化";
/* Additional Parameters */
"Additional Parameters" = "追加のパラメーター";
/* password */
"New password" = "新しいパスワード";
"Confirmation" = "パスワードの再入力";
"Change" = "変更";
/* Event+task classifications */
"Default events classification" = "イベントのデフォルトの区分";
"Default tasks classification" = "タスクのデフォルトの区分";
"PUBLIC_item" = "公開";
"CONFIDENTIAL_item" = "機密";
"PRIVATE_item" = "非公開";
/* Event+task categories */
"Calendar Category" = "カレンダーのカテゴリ";
"Add Calendar Category" = "カレンダーのカテゴリを追加";
"New category" = "新しいカテゴリ";
"Remove Calendar Category" = "カレンダーのカテゴリを削除";
"Contact Category" = "連絡先のカテゴリ";
"Add Contact Category" = "連絡先のカテゴリを追加";
"Remove Contact Category" = "連絡先のカテゴリを削除";
"category_none" = "なし";
"calendar_category_labels" = "記念日,誕生日,事業,電話会議,顧客,競合,取引先,お気に入り,フォローアップ,贈り物,休日,アイデア,ミーティング,問題,その他,個人,プロジェクト,公休,状態,納入業者,旅行,休暇";
/* Default module */
"Calendar" = "カレンダー";
"Contacts" = "アドレス帳";
"Mail" = "メール";
"Last" = "最後に使用";
"Default Module " = "デフォルトのモジュール";
"SOGo Version" = "SOGoバージョン";
/* Confirmation asked when changing the language */
"Save preferences and reload page now?" = "ユーザー設定を保存してページを再読み込みしますか?";
"Language" = "言語";
"choose" = "選択...";
"Arabic" = "العربية";
"Basque" = "Euskara";
"Catalan" = "Català";
"ChineseChina" = "简体中文";
"ChineseTaiwan" = "正體中文";
"Croatian" = "Hrvatski";
"Czech" = "Česky";
"Danish" = "Dansk (Danmark)";
"Dutch" = "Nederlands";
"English" = "English";
"Finnish" = "Suomi";
"French" = "Français";
"German" = "Deutsch";
"Hebrew" = "עברית";
"Hungarian" = "Magyar";
"Icelandic" = "Íslenska";
"Indonesian" = "bahasa Indonesia";
"Italian" = "Italiano";
"Japanese" = "日本語";
"Latvian" = "Latviešu";
"Lithuanian" = "Lietuvių";
"Macedonian" = "Македонски";
"Montenegrin" = "Crnogorski";
"NorwegianBokmal" = "Norsk bokmål";
"NorwegianNynorsk" = "Norsk nynorsk";
"Polish" = "Polski";
"Portuguese" = "Português";
"BrazilianPortuguese" = "Português brasileiro";
"Romanian" = "Română";
"Russian" = "Русский";
"Serbian" = "Српски";
"SerbianLatin" = "Srpski";
"Slovak" = "Slovensky";
"Slovenian" = "Slovenščina";
"SpanishSpain" = "Español (España)";
"SpanishArgentina" = "Español (Argentina)";
"Swedish" = "Svenska";
"TurkishTurkey" = "Türkçe (Türkiye)";
"Ukrainian" = "Українська";
"Welsh" = "Cymraeg";
"Refresh View" = "ページ再読み込み";
"refreshview_manually" = "手動";
"refreshview_every_minute" = "毎分";
"refreshview_every_2_minutes" = "2分毎";
"refreshview_every_5_minutes" = "5分毎";
"refreshview_every_10_minutes" = "10分毎";
"refreshview_every_20_minutes" = "20分毎";
"refreshview_every_30_minutes" = "30分毎";
"refreshview_once_per_hour" = "1時間に1度";
/* Return receipts */
"When I receive a request for a return receipt" = "受領通知の要求を受信したとき";
"Never send a return receipt" = "受領通知を送信しない";
"Allow return receipts for some messages" = "メッセージにより受領通知を返す";
"If I'm not in the To or Cc of the message" = "自分のアドレスがメッセージの宛先(To)や写し(Cc)にない場合";
"If the sender is outside my domain" = "送信者が自分のドメイン外の場合";
"In all other cases" = "他のすべての場合:";
"Never send" = "送信しない";
"Always send" = "常に送信";
"Ask me" = "確認する";
/* Filters - UIxPreferences */
"Filters" = "フィルター";
"Active" = "有効";
"Move Up" = "上に移動";
"Move Down" = "下に移動";
"Connection error" = "接続エラー";
"Service temporarily unavailable" = "サービスを一時的に利用不可";
/* Aria label for filter enable checkbox */
"Enable filter" = "フィルターを有効化";
/* Filters - UIxFilterEditor */
"Filter name" = "フィルターの名前";
/* Button label */
"Add a condition" = "条件を追加";
/* Button label */
"Add an action" = "アクションを追加";
"For incoming messages that" = "適用する受信したメッセージ";
"match all of the following rules" = "以下のルールすべてに一致";
"match any of the following rules" = "以下のルールのいずれかに一致";
"match all messages" = "すべてのメッセージに一致";
"Perform these actions" = "これらのアクションを実行";
"Untitled Filter" = "題名のないフィルター";
"Subject" = "件名";
"From" = "発信者";
"To" = "宛先";
"Cc" = "写し";
"To or Cc" = "宛先または写し";
"Size (Kb)" = "大きさ(Kb)";
"Header" = "ヘッダー";
"Body" = "本文";
"Flag the message with" = "メッセージにフラグを追加";
/* Select field label of "flag message" mail filter action */
"Flag" = "フラグ";
"Discard the message" = "メッセージを破棄";
"File the message in" = "メッセージをファイルに格納";
/* Select field label of "file message" mail filter action */
"Mailbox" = "メールボックス";
"Keep the message" = "メッセージを保持";
"Forward the message to" = "メッセージを転送";
/* Input field label of "forward" mail filter action */
"Email" = "メール";
"Send a reject message" = "拒否のメッセージを送信";
/* Input field label of "reject" mail filter action */
"Message" = "メッセージ";
"Send a vacation message" = "休暇メッセージを送信";
"Stop processing filter rules" = "フィルターのルールの適用を終了";
"is under" = "未満";
"is over" = "超過";
"is" = "等しい";
"is not" = "等しくない";
"contains" = "含む";
"does not contain" = "含まない";
"matches" = "一致";
"does not match" = "不一致";
"matches regex" = "正規表現に一致";
"does not match regex" = "正規表現に不一致";
/* Placeholder for the value field of a condition */
"Value" = "値";
"Seen" = "既読";
"Deleted" = "削除済み";
"Answered" = "返信済み";
"Flagged" = "フラグ付き";
"Junk" = "迷惑メール";
"Not Junk" = "非迷惑メール";
/* Password policy */
"The password was changed successfully." = "パスワードを変更しました。";
"Password must not be empty." = "空のパスワードは使用できません。";
"The passwords do not match. Please try again." = "パスワードが一致しません。再度実行してください。";
"Password change failed" = "パスワードを変更できませんでした。";
"Password change failed - Permission denied" = "パスワードを変更できませんでした。権限がありません。";
"Password change failed - Insufficient password quality" = "パスワードを変更できません。長く複雑な文字列にしてください。";
"Password change failed - Password is too short" = "パスワードを変更できませんでした。パスワードが短すぎます。";
"Password change failed - Password is too young" = "パスワードを変更できませんでした。";
"Password change failed - Password is in history" = "パスワードの変更に失敗しました。既に使用したことのあるパスワードです。";
"Unhandled policy error: %{0}" = "処理できないポリシーのエラー: %{0}";
"Unhandled error response" = "処理できないエラーの応答です。";
"Password change is not supported." = "パスワードの変更をサポートしていません。";
"Unhandled HTTP error code: %{0}" = "処理できないHTTPのエラーコード: %{0}";
"Cancel" = "キャンセル";
"Invitations" = "招待";
"Edit Filter" = "フィルターを編集";
"Delete Filter" = "フィルターを削除";
"Create Filter" = "フィルターを作成";
"Delete Label" = "ラベルを削除";
"Create Label" = "ラベルを作成";
"Accounts" = "アカウント";
"Edit Account" = "アカウントを編集";
"Delete Account" = "アカウントを削除";
"Create Account" = "アカウントを作成";
"Account Name" = "アカウント名";
"SSL" = "SSL";
"TLS" = "TLS";
/* Avatars */
"Use Gravatar" = "Gravatarを使う";
"Alternate Avatar" = "アバターを変更";
"none" = "なし";
"identicon" = "Identicon (キルト柄)";
"monsterid" = "Monster (モンスター)";
"wavatar" = "Wavatar (マンガ顔)";
"retro" = "Retro (8ビット)";
/* Animation Level */
"Animation Level" = "アニメーションレベル";
/* Normal Animation Mode */
"animation_NORMAL" = "普通";
/* Limited Animation Mode */
"animation_LIMITED" = "制限付き";
"animation_NONE" = "なし";