Wolfgang Sourdeau a88f5d7ad6 Monotone-Parent: e0d6a2d51589348dbe6602973f8a6ae6718f0991
Monotone-Revision: e57c559e7f4acc6c125cef6398101fdf444f5d7b

Monotone-Date: 2009-07-16T13:52:53
Monotone-Branch: ca.inverse.sogo
2009-07-16 13:52:53 +00:00

51 lines
1.6 KiB

( /* the toolbar groups -*-cperl-*- */
( { link = "#";
isSafe = NO;
label = "New Event";
onclick = "return newEvent(this, 'event');";
image = "new-event.png";
tooltip = "Create a new event"; },
{ link = "new_task";
label="New Task";
image = "new-task.png";
onclick = "return newEvent(this, 'task');";
image = "new-task.png";
tooltip = "Create a new task"; } ),
( { link = "today";
label="Go to Today";
onclick = "return gotoToday();";
image = "goto-today.png";
tooltip = "Go to today"; } ),
( { link = "dayoverview";
label="Day View";
onclick = "return onDayOverview();";
image = "day-view.png";
tooltip = "Switch to day view"; },
/* disabled until we fix the view */
/* { link = "dayoverview";
label="Multicolumn Day View";
onclick = "return onMulticolumnDayOverview();";
image = "day-view-multicolumn.png";
tooltip = ""; }, */
{ link = "weekoverview";
label="Week View";
onclick = "return onWeekOverview();";
image = "week-view.png";
tooltip = "Switch to week view"; },
{ link = "monthoverview";
label="Month View";
onclick = "return onMonthOverview();";
image = "month-view.png";
tooltip = "Switch to month view"; } ),
( { link = "delete";
onclick = "return deleteEvent(this);";
image = "tb-mail-delete-flat-24x24.png";
tooltip = "Delete this event or task"; } ),
( { link = "#";
label = "Reload";
onclick = "return onCalendarReload();";
image = "calendar-reload.png";
tooltip = "Reload all calendars"; } )