Francis Lachapelle 62a8414090 (css,js) Dynamic CSS for printing calendars
Initial commit. Fixes #3768
2018-12-17 22:15:26 -05:00

158 lines
5.6 KiB

/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
(function() {
/* jshint validthis: true */
'use strict';
* sgCalendarPrintStylesheet - Add CSS stylesheet to fix printing of calendars
* @memberof SOGo.SchedulerUI
* @restrict attribute
* @param {string} sgCalendarView - the name of the calendar view
* @param {string} sgPageSize - the desired page size (letter, legal, etc)
* @param {string} sgOrientation - the page orientation
* @param {boolean} sgWorkingHoursOnly - hide off-working hours
* @example:
sg-working-hours-only="workingHoursOnly" />
function sgCalendarPrintStylesheet() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
calendarView: '<sgCalendarView',
pageSize: '<sgPageSize',
orientation: '<sgOrientation',
workingHoursOnly: '<sgWorkingHoursOnly',
replace: true,
bindToController: true,
controller: sgPrintStylesheetController,
controllerAs: '$ctrl',
template: [
'<style type="text/css">',
' @page {',
' size: {{ $ctrl.pageSize }} {{ $ctrl.orientation }};',
' margin: 0;',
' }',
' @media print {',
' body {',
' padding: {{ $ctrl.pageMargin }};',
' }',
' [ui-view=calendars] .view-list {',
' height: {{ $ctrl.viewportHeight }};',
' overflow: hidden;',
' }',
' [ui-view=calendars] .calendarView {',
' transform: translateY(-{{ $ctrl.clipTop }});', // hide non-working hours at the top
' height: {{ $ctrl.viewHeight }};',
' position: relative;',
' overflow: hidden;', // hide non-working hours at the bottom
' }',
' [ui-view=calendars] .allDaysView {',
' max-height: {{ $ctrl.hourHeight }}{{ $ctrl.units }} !important;', // limit size of all-day cells
' }',
' [ui-view=calendars] .hours .hour,',
' [ui-view=calendars] .days .day .clickableHourCell {',
' min-height: {{ $ctrl.hourHeight }}{{ $ctrl.units }};',
' max-height: {{ $ctrl.hourHeight }}{{ $ctrl.units }};',
' }',
' {{ $ctrl.eventsPositions() }}',
' }',
* @ngInject
sgPrintStylesheetController.$inject = ['$scope', 'Preferences'];
function sgPrintStylesheetController($scope, Preferences) {
var vm = this;
var sizes = {
portrait: {
letter: [8.5, 11, 'in'],
legal: [8.5, 14, 'in'],
a4: [210, 297, 'mm']
landscape: {
letter: [11, 8.5, 'in'],
legal: [14, 8.5, 'in'],
a4: [297, 210, 'mm']
var margins = {
letter: [0.4, 2.1],
legal: [0.4, 2.1],
a4: [10, 30]
this.$onInit = function() {
$scope.$watchGroup([function() { return vm.pageSize; }, function() { return vm.workingHoursOnly; }], angular.bind(this, function() {
var time;
var size = sizes[this.orientation][this.pageSize];
this.units = size[2];
this.pageMargin = margins[this.pageSize][0] + this.units;
this.viewportHeight = (size[1] - 2 * margins[this.pageSize][0]).toString() + this.units;
this.hideHoursStart = 0;
this.hideHoursEnd = 24;
this.totalHours = 24;
this.clipTop = 0;
if (this.calendarView === 'month') {
this.viewHeight = (size[1] - (3 * margins[this.pageSize][0])).toString() + this.units;
else {
// Day-based views
if (this.workingHoursOnly) {
if (Preferences.defaults.SOGoDayEndTime) {
time = Preferences.defaults.SOGoDayEndTime.split(':');
this.hideHoursEnd = parseInt(time[0]);
this.totalHours = this.hideHoursEnd;
if (Preferences.defaults.SOGoDayStartTime) {
time = Preferences.defaults.SOGoDayStartTime.split(':');
this.hideHoursStart = parseInt(time[0]);
this.totalHours -= this.hideHoursStart;
this.hourHeight = (size[1] - 2 * margins[this.pageSize][0] - margins[this.pageSize][1]) / this.totalHours;
this.clipTop = (this.hourHeight * this.hideHoursStart).toString() + this.units;
this.viewHeight = (this.hideHoursEnd * this.hourHeight).toString() + this.units;
this.eventsPositions = function() {
var i = 0, j;
var css = [];
if (this.calendarView === 'month') {
css.push('[ui-view=calendars] .monthView md-grid-list { min-height: ' + this.viewHeight + '; }');
else {
while (i <= 96) { // number of 15-minutes blocks in a day
if (i <= (4 * this.hideHoursStart)) {
j = (4 * this.hideHoursStart) - i;
css.push('[ui-view=calendars] .sg-event.starts' + i +
' .text { margin-top: ' + (this.hourHeight/4*j) + this.units + '; }');
css.push('[ui-view=calendars] .sg-event.starts' + i + ' { top: ' + (this.hourHeight/4*i) + this.units + '; }');
css.push('[ui-view=calendars] .sg-event.lasts' + i + ' { height: ' + (this.hourHeight/4*i) + this.units + '; }');
return css.join('\n');
.directive('sgCalendarPrintStylesheet', sgCalendarPrintStylesheet);