
211 lines
6.3 KiB

/* NGVCard+SOGo.m - this file is part of SOGo
* Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Inverse inc.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
#import <NGCards/NGVCardReference.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSNull+misc.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSObject+Logs.h>
#import "SOGoContactFolder.h"
#import "NSDictionary+LDIF.h"
#import "NGVList+SOGo.h"
@implementation NGVList (SOGoExtensions)
/* LDIF -> VCARD */
- (CardElement *) elementWithTag: (NSString *) elementTag
ofType: (NSString *) type
NSArray *elements;
CardElement *element;
elements = [self childrenWithTag: elementTag
andAttribute: @"type" havingValue: type];
if ([elements count] > 0)
element = [elements objectAtIndex: 0];
element = [CardElement elementWithTag: elementTag];
[element addType: type];
[self addChild: element];
return element;
- (NSString *) ldifString
NSMutableString *rc;
NSArray *array;
NSMutableArray *members;
NGVCardReference *tmp;
NSMutableDictionary *entry;
int i, count;
entry = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[entry setObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"cn=%@", [self fn]]
forKey: @"dn"];
[entry setObject: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"top", @"groupOfNames", nil]
forKey: @"objectclass"];
[entry setObject: [self fn] forKey: @"cn"];
if ([self nickname])
[entry setObject: [self nickname] forKey: @"mozillaNickname"];
if ([self description])
[entry setObject: [self description] forKey: @"description"];
array = [self cardReferences];
count = [array count];
members = [NSMutableArray array];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
tmp = [array objectAtIndex: i];
[members addObject: [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"cn=%@,mail=%@", [tmp fn], [tmp email]]];
[entry setObject: members forKey: @"member"];
rc = [NSMutableString stringWithString: [entry ldifRecordAsString]];
[rc appendFormat: @"\n"];
return rc;
- (NSMutableDictionary *) quickRecordFromContent: (NSString *) theContent
container: (id) theContainer
nameInContainer: (NSString *) nameInContainer
NSMutableDictionary *fields;
NSString *value;
fields = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: 1];
value = [self fn];
if (value)
[fields setObject: value forKey: @"c_cn"];
[fields setObject: @"vlist" forKey: @"c_component"];
return fields;
- (void) updateFromLDIFRecord: (NSDictionary *) ldifRecord
inContainer: (id) container
NSString *fn;
id o;
fn = [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"displayname"];
if (!fn)
fn = [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"cn"];
[self setFn: fn];
o = [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"description"];
if ([o isNotNull])
[self setDescription: o];
o = [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"member"];
if ([o isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]])
[self setCardReferences: o
inContainer: container];
else if ([o isNotNull])
[self setCardReference: o
inContainer: container];
[self cleanupEmptyChildren];
- (void) setCardReference: (NSString *) newCardReference
inContainer: (id) container
NGVCardReference *cardReference;
NSDictionary *record;
NSEnumerator *attrsList;
NSMutableDictionary *attrs;
NSArray *pair, *records;
NSString *value;
attrs = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
attrsList = [[newCardReference componentsSeparatedByString: @","] objectEnumerator];
while ((value = [attrsList nextObject]))
pair = [value componentsSeparatedByString: @"="];
if ([pair count] == 2 && [[pair objectAtIndex: 1] length])
[attrs setObject: [pair objectAtIndex: 1]
forKey: [[pair objectAtIndex: 0] lowercaseString]];
[self warnWithFormat: @"Unexpected LDAP member: %@", value];
records = nil;
if ((value = [attrs objectForKey: @"mail"]))
records = [container lookupContactsWithFilter: value
onCriteria: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"c_mail"]
sortBy: nil
ordering: NSOrderedAscending
inDomain: nil];
else if ((value = [attrs objectForKey: @"cn"]))
records = [container lookupContactsWithFilter: value
onCriteria: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"c_cn"]
sortBy: nil
ordering: NSOrderedAscending
inDomain: nil];
if (records && [records count] > 0)
record = [records objectAtIndex: 0];
cardReference = [NGVCardReference elementWithTag: @"card"];
[cardReference setReference: [record objectForKey: @"c_name"]];
if ((value = [attrs objectForKey: @"mail"]) && [value length])
[cardReference setEmail: value];
if ((value = [attrs objectForKey: @"cn"]) && [value length])
[cardReference setFn: value];
[self addCardReference: cardReference];
- (void) setCardReferences: (NSArray *) newCardReferences
inContainer: (id) container
NSEnumerator *referencesList;
NSString *cardReference;
referencesList = [newCardReferences objectEnumerator];
while ((cardReference = [referencesList nextObject]))
[self setCardReference: cardReference
inContainer: container];
@end /* NGVList */