Francis Lachapelle eb90760b39 Use address books search fields in Contacts module
Searches can now be scoped to one or multiple fields. Those fields are
now dynamic and can be defined using SearchFieldNames in external
contacts sources (SQL and LDAP).
2017-11-21 15:56:16 -05:00

864 lines
27 KiB

/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
(function() {
'use strict';
* @name AddressBook
* @constructor
* @param {object} futureAddressBookData - either an object literal or a promise
function AddressBook(futureAddressBookData) {
// Data is immediately available
if (typeof futureAddressBookData.then !== 'function') {
if ( && ! {
// Create a new addressbook on the server
var newAddressBookData = AddressBook.$$resource.create('createFolder',;
this.acls = {'objectEditor': 1, 'objectCreator': 1, 'objectEraser': 1};
else if ( {
this.$acl = new AddressBook.$$Acl('Contacts/' +;
else {
// The promise will be unwrapped first
* @memberof AddressBook
* @desc The factory we'll use to register with Angular
* @returns the AddressBook constructor
AddressBook.$factory = ['$q', '$timeout', '$log', 'sgSettings', 'sgAddressBook_PRELOAD', 'Resource', 'Card', 'Acl', 'Preferences', function($q, $timeout, $log, Settings, AddressBook_PRELOAD, Resource, Card, Acl, Preferences) {
angular.extend(AddressBook, {
$q: $q,
$timeout: $timeout,
$log: $log,
$$resource: new Resource(Settings.activeUser('folderURL') + 'Contacts', Settings.activeUser()),
$Card: Card,
$$Acl: Acl,
$Preferences: Preferences,
$query: {value: '', sort: 'c_cn', asc: 1},
activeUser: Settings.activeUser(),
selectedFolder: null,
$refreshTimeout: null
// Initialize sort parameters from user's settings
if (Preferences.settings.Contact.SortingState) {
AddressBook.$query.sort = Preferences.settings.Contact.SortingState[0];
AddressBook.$query.asc = parseInt(Preferences.settings.Contact.SortingState[1]);
return AddressBook; // return constructor
* @module SOGo.ContactsUI
* @desc Factory registration of AddressBook in Angular module.
try {
catch(e) {
angular.module('SOGo.ContactsUI', ['SOGo.Common', 'SOGo.PreferencesUI']);
.constant('sgAddressBook_PRELOAD', {
SIZE: 100
.factory('AddressBook', AddressBook.$factory);
* @memberof AddressBook
* @desc Search for cards among all addressbooks matching some criterias.
* @param {string} search - the search string to match
* @param {object} [options] - additional options to the query (excludeGroups and excludeLists)
* @param {object[]} excludedCards - a list of Card objects that must be excluded from the results
* @returns a collection of Cards instances
AddressBook.$filterAll = function(search, options, excludedCards) {
var params = { search: search };
if (!search) {
// No query specified
AddressBook.$cards = [];
return AddressBook.$q.when(AddressBook.$cards);
if (angular.isUndefined(AddressBook.$cards)) {
// First session query
AddressBook.$cards = [];
angular.extend(params, options);
return AddressBook.$$resource.fetch(null, 'allContactSearch', params).then(function(response) {
var results, card, index,
compareIds = function(data) {
return ==;
if (excludedCards) {
// Remove excluded cards from results
results = _.filter(response.contacts, function(data) {
return _.isUndefined(_.find(excludedCards, _.bind(compareIds, data)));
else {
results = response.contacts;
// Remove cards that no longer match the search query
for (index = AddressBook.$cards.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
card = AddressBook.$cards[index];
if (_.isUndefined(_.find(results, _.bind(compareIds, card)))) {
AddressBook.$cards.splice(index, 1);
// Add new cards matching the search query
_.forEach(results, function(data, index) {
if (_.isUndefined(_.find(AddressBook.$cards, _.bind(compareIds, data)))) {
var card = new AddressBook.$Card(_.mapKeys(data, function(value, key) {
return key.toLowerCase();
}), search);
AddressBook.$cards.splice(index, 0, card);
return AddressBook.$cards;
* @memberof AddressBook
* @desc Add a new addressbook to the static list of addressbooks
* @param {AddressBook} addressbook - an Addressbook object instance
AddressBook.$add = function(addressbook) {
// Insert new addressbook at proper index
var list, sibling, i;
list = addressbook.isSubscription? this.$subscriptions : this.$addressbooks;
sibling = _.find(list, function(o) {
return ( == 'personal' ||
( != 'personal' && === 1));
i = sibling ? _.indexOf(, 'id'), : 1;
list.splice(i, 0, addressbook);
* @memberof AddressBook
* @desc Set or get the list of addressbooks. Will instantiate a new AddressBook object for each item.
* @param {array} [data] - the metadata of the addressbooks
* @returns the list of addressbooks
AddressBook.$findAll = function(data) {
var _this = this;
if (data) {
this.$addressbooks = [];
this.$subscriptions = [];
this.$remotes = [];
// Instanciate AddressBook objects
angular.forEach(data, function(o, i) {
var addressbook = new AddressBook(o);
if (addressbook.isRemote)
else if (addressbook.isSubscription)
return _.union(this.$addressbooks, this.$subscriptions, this.$remotes);
* @memberOf AddressBook
* @desc Subscribe to another user's addressbook and add it to the list of addressbooks.
* @param {string} uid - user id
* @param {string} path - path of folder for specified user
* @returns a promise of the HTTP query result
AddressBook.$subscribe = function(uid, path) {
var _this = this;
return AddressBook.$$resource.userResource(uid).fetch(path, 'subscribe').then(function(addressbookData) {
var addressbook = new AddressBook(addressbookData);
if (_.isUndefined(_.find(_this.$subscriptions, function(o) {
return ==;
}))) {
// Not already subscribed
return addressbook;
* @memberof AddressBook
* @desc Reload the list of known addressbooks.
AddressBook.$reloadAll = function() {
var _this = this;
return AddressBook.$$resource.fetch('addressbooksList').then(function(data) {
_.forEach(data.addressbooks, function(addressbookData) {
var group, addressbook;
if (addressbookData.isRemote)
group = _this.$remotes;
else if (addressbookData.owner != AddressBook.activeUser.login)
group = _this.$subscriptions;
group = _this.$addressbooks;
addressbook = _.find(group, function(o) { return ==; });
if (addressbook)
* @function init
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Extend instance with new data and compute additional attributes.
* @param {object} data - attributes of addressbook
AddressBook.prototype.init = function(data, options) {
var _this = this;
if (!this.$$cards) {
// Array of cards for "dry" searches (see $filter)
this.$$cards = [];
this.idsMap = {};
this.$cards = [];
// Extend instance with all attributes of data except headers
angular.forEach(data, function(value, key) {
if (key != 'headers' && key != 'cards') {
_this[key] = value;
// Add 'isOwned' and 'isSubscription' attributes based on active user (TODO: add it server-side?)
this.isOwned = AddressBook.activeUser.isSuperUser || this.owner == AddressBook.activeUser.login;
this.isSubscription = !this.isRemote && this.owner != AddressBook.activeUser.login;
* @function $id
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Resolve the addressbook id.
* @returns a promise of the addressbook id
AddressBook.prototype.$id = function() {
if ( {
// Object already unwrapped
return AddressBook.$q.when(;
else {
// Wait until object is unwrapped
return this.$futureAddressBookData.then(function(addressbook) {
* @function getLength
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Used by md-virtual-repeat / md-on-demand
* @returns the number of cards in the addressbook
AddressBook.prototype.getLength = function() {
return this.$cards.length;
* @function getItemAtIndex
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Used by md-virtual-repeat / md-on-demand
* @returns the card at the specified index
AddressBook.prototype.getItemAtIndex = function(index) {
var card;
if (!this.$isLoading && index >= 0 && index < this.$cards.length) {
card = this.$cards[index];
this.$lastVisibleIndex = Math.max(0, index - 3); // Magic number is NUM_EXTRA from virtual-repeater.js
if (this.$loadCard(card))
return card;
return null;
* @function $loadCard
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Check if the card is loaded and in any case, fetch more cards headers from the server.
* @returns true if the card metadata are already fetched
AddressBook.prototype.$loadCard = function(card) {
var cardId =,
startIndex = this.idsMap[cardId],
max = this.$cards.length,
loaded = false,
if (angular.isUndefined(this.ids) && {
loaded = true;
else if (angular.isDefined(startIndex) && startIndex < this.$cards.length) {
// Index is valid
if (card.$loaded != AddressBook.$Card.STATUS.NOT_LOADED) {
// Card headers are loaded or data is coming
loaded = true;
// Preload more headers if possible
endIndex = Math.min(startIndex + AddressBook.PRELOAD.LOOKAHEAD, max - 1);
if (this.$cards[endIndex].$loaded != AddressBook.$Card.STATUS.NOT_LOADED) {
index = Math.max(startIndex - AddressBook.PRELOAD.LOOKAHEAD, 0);
if (this.$cards[index].$loaded != AddressBook.$Card.STATUS.LOADED) {
// Previous cards not loaded; preload more headers further up
endIndex = startIndex;
startIndex = Math.max(startIndex - AddressBook.PRELOAD.SIZE, 0);
// Next cards not load; preload more headers further down
endIndex = Math.min(startIndex + AddressBook.PRELOAD.SIZE, max - 1);
if (this.$cards[startIndex].$loaded == AddressBook.$Card.STATUS.NOT_LOADED ||
this.$cards[endIndex].$loaded == AddressBook.$Card.STATUS.NOT_LOADED) {
for (ids = []; startIndex < endIndex && startIndex < max; startIndex++) {
if (this.$cards[startIndex].$loaded != AddressBook.$Card.STATUS.NOT_LOADED) {
// Card at this index is already loaded; increase the end index
else {
// Card at this index will be loaded
this.$cards[startIndex].$loaded = AddressBook.$Card.STATUS.LOADING;
AddressBook.$log.debug('Loading Ids ' + ids.join(' ') + ' (' + ids.length + ' cards)');
if (ids.length > 0) {
futureHeadersData = AddressBook.$$, 'headers', {ids: ids});
return loaded;
* @function hasSelectedMessage
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Check if a card is selected.
* @returns true if the a card is selected
AddressBook.prototype.hasSelectedCard = function() {
return angular.isDefined(this.selectedCard);
* @function isSelectedCard
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Check if the specified card is selected.
* @param {string} CardId
* @returns true if the specified card is selected
AddressBook.prototype.isSelectedCard = function(cardId) {
return this.hasSelectedCard() && this.selectedCard == cardId;
* @function $selectedCard
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Return the currently visible card.
* @returns a Card instance or undefined if no card is displayed
AddressBook.prototype.$selectedCard = function() {
var _this = this;
return _.find(this.$cards, function(card) { return == _this.selectedCard; });
* @function $selectedCardIndex
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Return the index of the currently visible card.
* @returns a number or undefined if no card is selected
AddressBook.prototype.$selectedCardIndex = function() {
return _.indexOf($cards, 'id'), this.selectedCard);
* @function $selectedCards
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Return the cards selected by the user.
* @returns Card instances
AddressBook.prototype.$selectedCards = function() {
return _.filter(this.$cards, function(card) { return card.selected; });
* @function $selectedCount
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Return the number of cards selected by the user.
* @returns the number of selected cards
AddressBook.prototype.$selectedCount = function() {
var count;
count = 0;
if (this.$cards) {
count = (_.filter(this.$cards, function(card) { return card.selected; })).length;
return count;
* @function $startRefreshTimeout
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Starts the refresh timeout for the current selected address book
AddressBook.prototype.$startRefreshTimeout = function() {
if (AddressBook.$refreshTimeout)
// Restart the refresh timer, if needed
var refreshViewCheck = AddressBook.$Preferences.defaults.SOGoRefreshViewCheck;
if (refreshViewCheck && refreshViewCheck != 'manually') {
var f = angular.bind(this, AddressBook.prototype.$reload);
AddressBook.$refreshTimeout = AddressBook.$timeout(f, refreshViewCheck.timeInterval()*1000);
* @function $reload
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Reload list of cards
* @returns a promise of the Cards instances
AddressBook.prototype.$reload = function() {
var _this = this;
return this.$filter();
* @function $filter
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Search for cards matching some criterias
* @param {string} search - the search string to match
* @param {object} [options] - additional options to the query (dry, excludeList)
* @returns a collection of Cards instances
AddressBook.prototype.$filter = function(search, options, excludedCards) {
var _this = this, query,
dry = options && options.dry;
if (dry) {
// Don't keep a copy of the query in dry mode
query = angular.copy(AddressBook.$query);
else {
this.$isLoading = true;
query = AddressBook.$query;
if (!this.isRemote) query.partial = 1;
if (options) {
angular.extend(query, options);
if (dry) {
if (!search) {
// No query specified
_this.$$cards = [];
return AddressBook.$q.when(_this.$$cards);
if (angular.isDefined(search))
query.value = search;
return _this.$id().then(function(addressbookId) {
var futureData = AddressBook.$$, 'view', query);
if (dry) {
return futureData.then(function(response) {
var results, headers, card, index, fields, idFieldIndex,
cards = _this.$$cards,
compareIds = function(card) {
return this ==;
if (response.headers) {
// First entry of 'headers' are keys
fields = _.invokeMap(response.headers[0], 'toLowerCase');
idFieldIndex = fields.indexOf('id');
response.headers.splice(0, 1);
if (excludedCards)
// Remove excluded cards from results
results = _.filter(response.ids, function(id) {
return _.isUndefined(_.find(excludedCards, _.bind(compareIds, id)));
results = response.ids;
// Remove cards that no longer match the search query
for (index = cards.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
card = cards[index];
if (_.isUndefined(_.find(results, _.bind(compareIds, {
cards.splice(index, 1);
// Add new cards matching the search query
_.forEach(results, function(cardId, index) {
if (_.isUndefined(_.find(cards, _.bind(compareIds, cardId)))) {
var data = { pid: addressbookId, id: cardId };
var card = new AddressBook.$Card(data, search);
cards.splice(index, 0, card);
// Respect the order of the results
_.forEach(results, function(cardId, index) {
var oldIndex, removedCards;
if (cards[index].id != cardId) {
oldIndex = _.findIndex(cards, _.bind(compareIds, cardId));
removedCards = cards.splice(oldIndex, 1);
cards.splice(index, 0, removedCards[0]);
// Extend Card objects with received headers
_.forEach(response.headers, function(data) {
var card, index = _.findIndex(cards, _.bind(compareIds, data[idFieldIndex]));
if (index > -1) {
card = _.zipObject(fields, data);
cards[index].init(card, search);
return cards;
else {
// Unwrap promise and instantiate or extend Cards objets
return _this.$unwrap(futureData);
* @function $rename
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Rename the addressbook and keep the list sorted
* @param {string} name - the new name
* @returns a promise of the HTTP operation
AddressBook.prototype.$rename = function(name) {
var i, list;
list = this.isSubscription? AddressBook.$subscriptions : AddressBook.$addressbooks;
i = _.indexOf(, 'id'),; = name;
list.splice(i, 1);
return this.$save();
* @function $delete
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Delete the addressbook from the server and the static list of addressbooks.
* @returns a promise of the HTTP operation
AddressBook.prototype.$delete = function() {
var _this = this,
d = AddressBook.$q.defer(),
if (this.isSubscription) {
promise = AddressBook.$$resource.fetch(, 'unsubscribe');
list = AddressBook.$subscriptions;
else {
promise = AddressBook.$$resource.remove(;
list = AddressBook.$addressbooks;
promise.then(function() {
var i = _.indexOf(, 'id'),;
list.splice(i, 1);
}, d.reject);
return d.promise;
* @function $_deleteCards
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Delete multiple cards from AddressBook object.
* @param {string[]} ids - the cards ids
AddressBook.prototype.$_deleteCards = function(ids) {
var _this = this;
// Remove cards from $cards and idsMap
_.forEachRight(this.$cards, function(card, index) {
var selectedIndex = _.findIndex(ids, function(id) {
return == id;
if (selectedIndex > -1) {
ids.splice(selectedIndex, 1);
delete _this.idsMap[];
if (_this.isSelectedCard(
delete _this.selectedCard;
_this.$cards.splice(index, 1);
else {
_this.idsMap[] -= ids.length;
* @function $deleteCards
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Delete multiple cards from addressbook.
* @return a promise of the HTTP operation
AddressBook.prototype.$deleteCards = function(cards) {
var _this = this,
ids =, 'id');
return AddressBook.$$, 'batchDelete', {uids: ids}).then(function() {
* @function $copyCards
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Copy multiple cards from addressbook to an other one.
* @return a promise of the HTTP operation
AddressBook.prototype.$copyCards = function(cards, folder) {
var uids =, 'id');
return AddressBook.$$, 'copy', {uids: uids, folder: folder});
* @function $moveCards
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Move multiple cards from the current addressbook to a target one
* @param {object[]} cards - instances of Card object
* @param {string} folder - the destination folder id
* @return a promise of the HTTP operation
AddressBook.prototype.$moveCards = function(cards, folder) {
var _this = this, uids;
uids =, 'id');
return AddressBook.$$, 'move', {uids: uids, folder: folder})
.then(function() {
return _this.$_deleteCards(uids);
* @function $save
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Save the addressbook to the server. This currently can only affect the name of the addressbook.
* @returns a promise of the HTTP operation
AddressBook.prototype.$save = function() {
return AddressBook.$$, this.$omit()).then(function(data) {
return data;
* @function $exportCards
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Export the selected/all cards
* @returns a promise of the HTTP operation
AddressBook.prototype.exportCards = function(selectedOnly) {
var data = null, options, selectedCards;
options = {
type: 'application/octet-stream',
filename: + '.ldif'
if (selectedOnly) {
selectedCards = _.filter(this.$cards, function(card) { return card.selected; });
data = { uids:, 'id') };
return AddressBook.$$, 'export', data, options);
* @function $unwrap
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Unwrap a promise and instanciate new Card objects using received data.
* @param {promise} futureAddressBookData - a promise of the AddressBook's data
AddressBook.prototype.$unwrap = function(futureAddressBookData) {
var _this = this;
this.$isLoading = true;
// Expose and resolve the promise
this.$futureAddressBookData = futureAddressBookData.then(function(response) {
return AddressBook.$timeout(function() {
var headers;
if (!response.ids || _this.$topIndex > response.ids.length - 1)
_this.$topIndex = 0;
// Extend AddressBook instance from data of addressbooks list.
// Will inherit attributes such as isEditable and isRemote.
angular.forEach(AddressBook.$findAll(), function(o, i) {
if ( == {
angular.extend(_this, o);
// Extend AddressBook instance with received data
if (_this.ids) {
AddressBook.$log.debug('unwrapping ' + _this.ids.length + ' cards');
// Instanciate Card objects
_.reduce(_this.ids, function(cards, card, i) {
var data = { pid:, id: card };
// Build map of ID <=> index
_this.idsMap[] = i;
cards.push(new AddressBook.$Card(data));
return cards;
}, _this.$cards);
if (response.headers) {
// First entry of 'headers' are keys
headers = _.invokeMap(response.headers[0], 'toLowerCase');
response.headers.splice(0, 1);
if (_this.ids) {
// Extend Card objects with received headers
_.forEach(response.headers, function(data) {
var o = _.zipObject(headers, data),
i = _this.idsMap[];
else {
// Instanciate Card objects
_this.$cards = [];
angular.forEach(response.headers, function(data) {
var o = _.zipObject(headers, data);
angular.extend(o, { pid: });
_this.$cards.push(new AddressBook.$Card(o));
// Instanciate Acl object
_this.$acl = new AddressBook.$$Acl('Contacts/' +;
_this.$isLoading = false;
AddressBook.$log.debug('addressbook ' + + ' ready');
return _this;
}, function(data) {
_this.isError = true;
if (angular.isObject(data)) {
AddressBook.$timeout(function() {
angular.extend(_this, data);
* @function $unwrapHeaders
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Unwrap a promise and extend matching Card objects with received data.
* @param {promise} futureHeadersData - a promise of the metadata of some cards
AddressBook.prototype.$unwrapHeaders = function(futureHeadersData) {
var _this = this;
futureHeadersData.then(function(data) {
AddressBook.$timeout(function() {
var headers, j;
if (data.length > 0) {
// First entry of 'headers' are keys
headers = _.invokeMap(data[0], 'toLowerCase');
data.splice(0, 1);
_.forEach(data, function(cardHeaders) {
cardHeaders = _.zipObject(headers, cardHeaders);
j = _this.idsMap[];
if (angular.isDefined(j)) {
* @function $omit
* @memberof AddressBook.prototype
* @desc Return a sanitized object used to send to the server.
* @return an object literal copy of the Addressbook instance
AddressBook.prototype.$omit = function() {
var addressbook = {};
angular.forEach(this, function(value, key) {
if (key != 'constructor' &&
key != 'acls' &&
key != 'ids' &&
key != 'idsMap' &&
key != 'urls' &&
key[0] != '$') {
addressbook[key] = value;
return addressbook;